Favourites 1113 stories
  • Favourites 1113 stories - 46 unread chapters
    Created by mune72
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 18,467,258
Estimated Reading: 7 weeks



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Dragons. Beings with incredible power and fire, yet most of them are peaceful creatures. But some of them have not accepted the peace. Some of them are as savage as they come. And with a dark force that sits behind the shadows and pulls the strings of these ferocious beast, chaos and destruction will come for all ponies. Desperate and afraid, Twilight uses her magic to reach out across time and space to find the greatest dragon fighter known to history!

That is not who she gets.

I own nothing. Written after season four and HTTYD 2. And despite what the title says, there will be no ponified characters.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Diet

It's been six weeks since Twilight started her diet. She's been getting results, but she absolutely HATES being hungry all the time. Her thoughts keep drifting back to the episode with the Metabolism Potion, and she desperately wishes she could re-experience what happened, or even better, pick up where she left off.

If only there was an immortal being that was in charge of such things; one that happened to be indebted to her, or something. Perhaps she might then be able to enlist their help in making that desire a reality.

Too bad there's nopony like that.


Picture by Cosmonaut.

Chapters (1)

Ponies living around the Everfree forest have started to claim that they've been seeing something out in the Everfree forest, something more terryfying than usual. One day, Electro Trance, who lives in Ponyville, finds a beat up looking camera laying on the ground outside the forest. Taking it home, he watches it...and discovers something terrible

Chapters (1)

Spike's eleven year nap is interrupted by a little filly in his treehouse...

Third place winner in The Writeoff Association's June event, "A Matter of Perspective"

Now with a Spanish Translation, by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)



One look at the headline of the Canterlot Times and Twilight knew that she should have slept in today. But at least none of her friends would be silly enough to believe she was killing herself every time she teleported, right?

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

This story has been canceled!
reworked version here:http://www.fimfiction.net/story/294123/light-in-the-darkest-hour-revamped

Hello, my name is Ori, I have lived many years, many of them spent being imprisoned in stone.
But after a century of waiting and barely keeping my sanity in check I managed to free myself, and this is the story of what happened next.

NOTE: This is an Ori and the Blind Forest crossover and you do not have to be familiar with the game all you need to know is going to be explained in the story and please tell me if I overlooked something and I will try to fix that in later chapters

this is my first story and english is not my first language and if you see any grammar or wording issues then feel free to let me know or just yell at me for being stupid. actually don't do the ladder.

this is a displaced story and I will be avoiding any god tier crossovers do to it will most likely ruin some of my plot but if you're interested in a crossover let me know. Now of with you, I don't want to waste more of your time than needed

EDIT: about the crossovers, I will keep any crossovers to a minimum, as it would likely ruin the plot except if I sit there and think my way around it for hours, but feel free to ask me if you are interested, I am working on another story that I will have no problems with crossovers whatsoever

DOUBLE EDIT:A huge thank you to Stellar Spiral this guy has been a great help in edidin this story and supporting me as a writer and I can' thank him enough. So this shout out is for him

just a heads up there are two authors on this account me, Derpy Engineer HD the original name for this account. then there is Reddsiblings he is allowed to make stories of his own it will be marked on the bottom of the description.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro
Ori and the blind forest is created by moon studios and microsoft studios

Author:Derpy Engineer HD
Co Author and Editor:Reddsiblings
Main editor: Stellar Spirall

FEATURED! 8/30/2015: Thank you guys so much! never thought I would ever get featured, but you proved me wrong!!

Chapters (12)

what happens when a Pokémon with a brain the size of an acorn an the destructive power of a pseudo-legendary gets released by the 'funny one' discord? nothing good.

displaced story.

PLEASE COMMENT! I'm new writer so not knowing if people like it or not is driving me up the wall!

Chapters (5)

---Directly after Patapon 3---

After everything the Patapons have been through, from the Zigotons to the powerful Arch Pandara. They have finally made it to Earthend, though they still can't find IT. But just past Earthend they see something, another land of equal if not greater beauty. Surly IT must be there, looks likes it's time to strike the drums once more, because after all they will stop at nothing until they have a chance to gaze upon IT!

This story is born from boardom, lack of concentration and a love for Patapon!

This story will update, or should update frequently with chapters ranging from very short to quite long.

Also, I still own no names!

Chapters (13)

A woman named Marsara Semmeture goes to a store to get the final piece of her costume but gets sent to Equestria as a Zerg Broodmother.

I have been meaning to make this for a while now, and Bronyparasite got me to start making it as well as helping me by editing, so thanks a lot!

Unofficial tags: Displaced, StarCraft II spoilers.

Status: Undergoing massive editing.

Chapters (7)

The CMC find a ruined city at the end of a deep cave in the Everfree.

Twilight figures out it's actually a factory.

A factory for building starships.

With a vessel in hoof and a jump into Hyperspace later the mane six are off to meet their neighbors from this region of space, from the nice, the crazy, to the reasonably evil.

This is a crossover with Star Control 2, which you can download and play free here.

If you haven't played the game yet stop reading and go play it, I promise it will only take a few hours... If you write down every piece of dialogue you hear.

Chapters (1)