• Member Since 13th Jun, 2016

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I love reading stuff. That all you need to know ^U^

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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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One year since the abrupt end of her previous tour, Trixie returns to Canterlot to begin her show anew. Despite the initial success it remains clear that she cannot forget about the mare that haunts her memories. Something which is desired and deeply examined by Princess Celestia, however the discoveries of Trixie's true feelings towards her student seek to open a path she had previously only dreamed of leading. A path she swiftly urges the willing unicorn along as she sends the showmare to Ponyville for her next stop in the tour.

Chapters (6)

After being rejected by Rarity, Spike falls into a state of depression. There he becomes friends with an unlikely pony, Diamond Tiara. As they become better friends, Spike finds himself drawn to Diamond Tiara in more sinister ways.

Spike x Diamond Tiara ship. No foalcon.
Officially approved by the Diamond Cutters!

Chapters (9)

This is my first FlutterSpike fanfic, so I hope I can do it well.

Spike attempts to buy a perfect gift to Rarity, so he can tell his feelings for him one more time. Fluttershy may have a crush on Spike since the day they bump each other once. So she couldn't help it but to confess her feelings to Spike so she may have a chance of having a cute dragon like Spike. But the big problem is that, she's extremely nervous that she might predict that something is going to happen. Will she confess her feelings to Spike, before it's too late?

Well, we'll find out in the story.

Cover art by: http://spikeshipping.deviantart.com/art/Such-A-Sweet-Dragon-415172602

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash taught Scootaloo everything she needed to live her dreams. Scoot is a Wonderbolt now, while Rainbow Dash never even tried out. But when Dash passes away suddenly, Scoot is left with one lesson Rainbow Dash refused to teach her, the lesson that tore apart their friendship.

But maybe there's still time to learn something from her idol, and the way she lived her life.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle prides herself on following and sticking to her plans, but she isn't as organized as everypony thinks. Her master list, the plan for her life, has an item that she has never been able to check off; and the time has come to fix that. How hard can it be? All she needs to do is go on a date and get a kiss.

Now available in hard or soft cover!

Chapters (13)

The mares' usual picnic-and-pet outing has arrived, and amidst conversation, Rainbow Dash shares with the girls how she tried to change her nickname.

With special thanks to Ferret, Corejo and RedSquirrel456 for pre-reading and advice.

Featured on 13/5!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle always does things. Today, she's not going to do anything.

I don't know what made me come up with this.

Thanks to Timaeus and Majin Syeekoh for prereading!

Now with a reading by ChefSandy!

Chapters (1)

They just wanted to see her limits.

What started as a simple joke turns very..... Very..... Disturbing....

Now watch as a draconaques and 5 mares watch the third biggest lightweight in Ponyville in her drunk mode.

Chapters (1)

(Taking place after the season three finale, and equestria girls), Twilight Sparkle is working on a new spell, but something goes wrong with the test run, and it changes the lives of her friends. Will she be able to get her friends back to normal? Or will they be lost forever?

Chapters (7)

For the last month, Twilight and Trixie have been having regular skirmishes. But when Twilight decides that Trixie's presence has become so normal that she might as well be living in the library, what will Trixie do? Perhaps more importantly, what will everypony ELSE do?

Chapters (3)