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Third installment of the Leech series - you'll need to read the other two first to understand this. I apologize for this in advance.

After months of being worshipped as heroes, Trixie and Leech must finally face normal life as Canterlot citizens - it seems in the superficial culture of Canterlot, even heroism has a shelf-life. After the furor has died down, Trixie has begun working the cabaret circuit with her magic shows - but can she compete amid Equestria's most talented and powerful unicorns? Her discovery of a new power may help her...

Meanwhile, just how does a changeling with the IQ of an empty potato sack get by in a society with such incredibly high standards?

(Original Trixie pic from mlp.wikia.com, ham-fistedly modified by me.)

Chapters (17)

After some pressure from her sister, Princess Luna decides to join up for a dating website in order to meet a nice pony and settle down. Who she finds, however, has more in common with her than you would think.

Teen for sexual themes and a bit of adult humour.

Contains a large portion of ridiculousness and shenanigans. Caution is advised.

Artwork by the wonderfully talented dishwasher1910 on DeviantArt.


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Chapters (15)

Every night when Pinkie Pie goes to bed, Pinkamina rises. Using the cryptic powers of the Pinkie Sense, she deciphers the clues and goes out to prevent the deaths of others. Meanwhile, the Stallion Lickity Split is developing feelings for Pinkie's darker half, and the Royal Sisters do NOT like Pinkamina messing with fate.

Chapters (10)

Pinkamina battles Death incarnate, trying to prevent the deaths of others using the cryptic powers of the Pinkie Sense. Meanwhile the Royal Sisters frown upon her messing with the fabrics of fate, and her stallion Lickity Split has been eyeing the wedding bells lately. Who is under Death's hood?

Chapters (13)

After the changelings' failed invasion of Canterlot, Twilight tries to soothe some of Ponyville's rampant paranoia by casting a spell to prove there are no imposters hiding in the town. But her spell leaves her in an alien body, facing a mob of angry ponies who just don't believe her when she says she is Twilight Sparkle.

Or, at least, she was Twilight Sparkle, anyway...

Featured on Equestria Daily, 2/17/13
Cover art is by the awesome and amazing Conicer

Chapters (9)

[2nd Person] [Silent Protagonist] [Pinkie Pie] [Romance]

After retiring from your music career as a talented musician in Canterlot, you move to Ponyville to live out your days in peace and tranquility. However, when a certain pink party pony forcibly involves herself in your life, you wonder how you're going to survive this onslaught of randomness, her obsession with parties, and why she can't keep her hooves off your hat.

Rated T for Mild Language, Suggestive Situations, and Black Top Hats.

Chapters (18)

Concerned about the confidence of some of her students, Cheerilee enlists Rainbow Dash to take six children: Sweetie Belle, Silver Spoon, Snails, Dinky Doo, Pipsqueak and Archer on a week-long camping trip to Whitetail Woods. Rainbow enlists the aid of Big Macintosh as her co-chaperone as she tries to teach the young fillies and colts about camping, teamwork, confidence and how to get along and fend for themselves.

They are so doomed.

Future chapters will feature some action as well as appearances by other characters. Some shipping may be involved.

Please read and review!

Chapters (21)

After the disastrous invasion of Canterlot, an injured changeling wakes up near a small cottage and is quickly discovered by two of the last ponies she ever wanted to see. Now, with the help of her new "friends," she has to remain undetected in a town high on changeling hysteria that would not hesitate to throw her in the Canterlot dungeons should her true nature be revealed.

Simple, right?

Too bad she couldn't have picked a worse form to stay inconspicuous...

Many thanks to ZuTheSkunk for the cover image!

Chapters (12)

Spike has been rejected by Rarity after helping her for a very important client and a fashion show. He disappears shortly afterwards, leaving Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and the rest of the gang saddened by his absence.

It has been three years since that incident, and the girls have gotten past the sadness, but still get together to remember the purple dragon every year. On this day, a new pony comes to Ponyville, and although he knows nothing of what his life was like, helps the group have more fun and fills part of the hole left in their hearts from Spike.

Idea for the fashion show goes to LordPlagus777's story Heart of Scales.

Chapters (10)

Over the course of several years, Rarity has achieved a fabulous career, contributing to both Equestrian fashion and the Ponyville community. She is admired by her clients, envied by her peers, and cherished by her dear friends, proving that she's a dependable shoulder to lean on.

Then one day, a mysterious pony visits from out of town. She wishes to meet Rarity, but not to thank her.

Chapters (1)