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In an effort to keep her mind occupied, Twilight Sparkle decides to delve once again into the grand mysteries of Pinkie Pie. This time, Twilight's focus is on her claims of growing up on a rock farm: like so many things related to Pinkie Pie, the idea that somepony could grow rocks as an agricultural product makes absolutely no sense. However, the investigation eventually leads Twilight to a rather... surprising discovery.

This is the first story in The Petriculture Cycle.

Artwork by Page Turner. Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (1)

Sequel to Aperture in my Heart. Chell is lost, and it is up to the ponies to make sure she returns home. However, between Chell and home stands an angry, all-powerful AI, test chambers, and lemons. A ton of lemons.

But no one, not even Space and Wheatley, knows what is waiting for them deep in the bowels of Aperture....

Chapters (4)

*Collab with Twilightclopple, first fic, enjoy:)*

"It's been three weeks. Three weeks, but it may as well have been three years, a lifetime, an eternity."

When her oldest and dearest friend falls ill, Twilight is forced to cope and reckon with the guilt and heartache that comes with the dwindling life of her favorite little dragon.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Sweetest Gem

The second episode of The Gems Trilogy. Rated Teen for strong language and sexual implications.

Rarity becomes desperate to find her special somepony once and for all as an air of romance in Ponyville continually surrounds her. But little does she know that her own best friend has been secretly harboring a crush on her for a very long time.

This story is told from the perspectives of both Rarity and Fluttershy, and will alternate between their POV's by chapter, with occasional third-party narration and multi-POV chapters to extend the story further.

Chapters (24)

Twilight Sparkle never meant to do anything wrong. But then again, all magical mistakes are caused by ponies who have no idea what happened. That's why they're called mistakes. The only difference with Twilight's mistake is that it accidentally sort of turned her into Princess Celestia. And now she doesn't know how to change back.

Chapters (6)

When aliens and monsters attack their town, it's up to Wondercloud Lightningbolt and her friends to find the Elements of Awesomery and stop the invasion! Can they brave the dangers of the Everlame Forest and make it back before everypony's house explodes?

A parody of bad fanfiction, originally published on Equestria Daily July 21st, 2011. Series is incomplete, but each update is a complete story. Read the side stories here! (Chronologically between EoA and The Adventures Of.) Dramatic readings by MrKenyon (part 2), Voz de Suenos (not complete), and Pinkie Punch (part 2). Discussed by the Brony Book Club!

The Adventures of Wondercloud and Sugar Rush: After the events of The Elements of Awesomery, Wondercloud and her friends work to rebuild their homes. But when the Awesomebolts make a guest appearance in town, will Wondercloud slack off to show off for them? You're darn right the answer is yes.

The Further Adventures of Wondercloud and Sugar Rush: When a spaceship crash lands in the Everlame Forest, the Elements of Awesomery must go on a world-spanning quest to help a wayward people rebuild their homes. Will Wondercloud be eaten by a dragon? Will Fashionface and Johnniepear start and/or stop making out? What's bothering Sugar Rush? Will there be chocolate? Will the rating be kicked up to Teen? The answer to that last question, at least, is yes.

Midnight Twinkle Gets a Clue: Why is Midnight Twinkle such a butt? She's literally the smartest pony in Ponylandia, but she just doesn't get it. So can she and her bodyguard save Pony City from a rampaging Ursa when it shows up and she makes things worse? The answer is yes, but they won't be able to do it alone...

Whisperlite's Wonderful Day: All Whisperlite wants to do is have a lovely picnic with a dear friend. Will her less-than-dear (and deer) friends let her get away with that? The answer is probably 'no'.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash flies east.

Chapters (200)

Shining Armor and Cadence's spell reveals something completely unexpected as it expels Chrysalis and her changelings out of Canterlot: A secret kept from everypony for several years...

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

We know Twilight Sparkle as the silly little mare who didn't have any friends until she was sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia. However, the rest of Equestria knows Twilight Sparkle as poor number 107497, a number even foals are taught to be wary of. The filly was perfectly fine, until one last taunt pushed her over the edge, into her own imagination, where she made friends; each friend a part of her mind.

Five years later, as Princess Celestia sits with her comatose student, aforementioned student moves. Both in the physical world, and slowly from her dream world as well.

Rated Teen because... well... I'm not sure, it just needs a Teen tag.

Chapters (4)