• Member Since 28th Sep, 2016


I enjoy stories about changelings, crystal ponies, and the intersections of both.

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After another stunt gone wrong, Rainbow finds herself cooped up in a hospital room again. But when she ends up getting roomed with a nine-year-old colt, her stay at Ponyville General takes a turn that's worth just a little more than reading a book about an archaeologist.

Chapters (1)

For most of her time in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle has insisted that she is not, in fact, a Changeling.

Today, she has something important to tell her friends.

Written for the F*** This Prompt #8 contest.
Partial inspiration from The_One_Butcher.

Chapters (2)

Chrysalis and her swarm have suffered through much in the last few years. Starving to the point of desperation has pushed them to the brink. But now something far worse than hunger has begun to fester in their caves. A mysterious fungus that infests her subjects brains and drives them mad, is now destroying the already crippled race. With few options remaining, Chrysalis must decide if her pride is worth the lives of her children. She can only hope her enemies would be merciful to them.

((Inspired by the video game "The Last of Us." This is NOT a crossover however.))

Chapters (8)

Everything was supposed to be fine. Princess Celestia had given Twilight Sparkle her final test, and anticipated that by its completion, Twilight would join the ranks of the illustrious Alicorns. She was going to be a princess, and would learn the ways of royalty.

And yet, even the best laid plans can be ruined by even the slightest change.

A Collaboration with Knight of Cerebus.

Pre-Season 4.

Chapters (6)

In her latest bid to impress Princess Celestia, Twilight takes to mapping out the Everfree Forest. Along the way she discovers that some things are not to be disturbed. She also learns to get a second opinion whenever Spike offers her advice.

Artwork courtesy of Short Circuit: http://shortcircuitca.deviantart.com/
Editing by TypeandKey.

Chapters (6)

After an experiment gone wrong, Twilight finds herself stuck in a body that's not hers, in a place she never wanted to be. Now she's in a race against time as Queen Chrysalis sets another one of her terrible schemes in motion, and the stakes couldn't be higher.

Editor: PiquoPie

Coverart commissioned from Evangel-Rising

Chapters (7)

The time has come for Celestia and Luna to move on to the next state of being, and for the younger princesses to step into new roles. The time of succession is at hand. But change bring new challenges for Equestria.

It is time for a second Age of Miracles, or a second Age of Chaos. It depends on who the winners are, because the winners will write the histories.

All characters copyright Hasbro.

Chapters (2)

Twilight begins seeing an odd figure around town about the same time as other ponies die. Is there a monster among them? Or does it go deeper? After experiencing one horrific event, her quest for answers leads her to Celestia where she learns the secrets of the Alicorns, and her destiny. will she accept it, or crumble before it's near impossibility?

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna were once foals, and as all foals do, they had a natural aptitude for casual slaughter.

On a stuffy, hot summer day, two fillies go out from their home and find a brook to play in. When they leave the brook that afternoon, they do not leave empty-hoofed. Afterwards, Celestia achieves something incredible while Luna silently watches on.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Will You Want To Call Me Mom?

Morning Star, the son of Princess Celestia, and Princess Twilight Sparkle, is a very intelligent colt. But, he just can't understand why his Daddy turns into another pony sometimes. There has to be something he can do to stop it!

Maybe Daddy's regalia...

Edited by Stahl

Chapters (1)