• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013


I may not be a great writer,

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You know Vinyl Scratch. Everypony knows Vinyl Scratch: Cocky, sure of herself, parties all night and likes her music loud and the beats louder. And talking about herself in the third person.

What? It's fun.

Okayokayokay... so anyway, you're wondering how I first met my better half, right? (And don't tell her I called her that, 'cause she'll rib me about it me all day.)

Well, the whole thing kinda began somewhere you'd never expect to find me: The opera house.

I kid you not.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's imagination as a child was unbelievable, probably due to all those books. Which also make up the amazing Fort Book, Twilightopia's first stronghold against the country of Armor! With the help of Captain Smartypants and Private Cadence, General Twilight defends her fort against her brother's advancing army of one!
A tale of Twi's childhood told from her point of view.

Inspired by the cover picture.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash wants to be the best - the fastest, the strongest, the most adventurous. She decides to fly further and faster than any pegasus before her, in search of an old legend; the summer lands, the mythical place where it is always summer, always thought to be nothing but a dream.

Where she goes, she finds something she did not expect.


This story was written a while ago as a one-shot. I'm not entirely happy with the length - there was more I wanted to tell but I couldn't fit it in without it out-staying its welcome. Since I'm adding my fics here, I decided to add this one too. Hope you enjoy! As always please comment and rate if you liked it (or if you didn't).

Chapters (1)

Derpy the mail mare delivers a special present for Twilight from Rarity - with such a strange shape, surely it's a horn warmer? She decides to try it on, and go thank her friend for such a generous gift.

Hilarity, as they say, ensues.

NOTE: This is actually rather tame with no real explicit content, but since the theme is rather adult, I've labelled it as teen. it's not what I would call worthy of being mature, but... the little ones probably shouldn't read it. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Chapters (1)

After a long day of work, Rainbow Dash is tired. She just wants to relax, is that too much to ask? To attempt this, Dash uses Bethesda, Bob Marley and bountiful amounts of booze. Does it succeed? Well, she certainly gets drunk at least.

Chapters (1)

The life of a pet can always vary. For Tank, he was fated to outlive his master. Now with master gone, he tries to make sense of it, the way only a tortoise can.

Awesome reading of the fanfic. Go thank the voice actor with all your love!

Chapters (1)

When Twilight arranges a group camp-out, the ponies end up discussing their dream stallions around the campfire. Everyone is surprised by what they learn about each other, and the two ponies least interested in romance find they have a lot in common.

Originally written in February of 2011 and posted first to /co/ then EqD, this was my first story and one of the original pieces of TwiDash. This has been edited for inclusion on FIMFiction, with thorough proofreading & editing by Double Dash. Do keep in mind this was written halfway through season 1 and without much of the information we've received in later seasons. Much love to all the fans who supported this on EqD and the people who suggested I start an account here.

Teen rating is due to some rude words, sexual themes, sexuality.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy once got a knock on her door. It was you, Hitler. You and her had dinner before she realized who you are, so she shot and killed you. Twilight, unfortunately, was right behind you. Now both of you are in Hell. Have a nice trip!

Chapters (5)