• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013


I may not be a great writer,

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Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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This story is a sequel to The Sweetest Gem

The second episode of The Gems Trilogy. Rated Teen for strong language and sexual implications.

Rarity becomes desperate to find her special somepony once and for all as an air of romance in Ponyville continually surrounds her. But little does she know that her own best friend has been secretly harboring a crush on her for a very long time.

This story is told from the perspectives of both Rarity and Fluttershy, and will alternate between their POV's by chapter, with occasional third-party narration and multi-POV chapters to extend the story further.

Chapters (24)

When a freak reading accident causes Twilight to be admitted to the Ponyville hospital, Rainbow Dash is right by her side. Compelled by a sense of duty and repayment, she takes it upon herself to cheer up her friend.

Chapters (2)

Part of my 15 Slices series. A short one-shot in which Applejack gives Twilight Sparkle a lesson in how to properly buck apples. Slight TwiJack.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by Rorschach in Equestria. Applejack is the only pony in Equestria Rorschach will call his friend and that's just fine by the cowpony. Follows the episodic series as well as original interludes!

Chapters (2)

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are concerned when they see Scootaloo upset after hearing that some royal guards got injured during a war that's going on. Scootaloo soon admits that her father is one of the guards in that war and she talks about how much she misses him and how she wants him home. One day, her wish comes true.
This story is based on the image "Surprise, Scootaloo" by THAT1ANDONLY at Devaintart. I would like to thank him for letting me use his drawing as my inspiration.
Link: http://that1andonly.deviantart.com/art/Surprise-Scootaloo-347308063

Chapters (1)

Derpy finds a letter in her incoming box that is improperly addressed. Unsure of what to do, she decides to read it in order to find who the letter is for.

This was not my idea originally; the credit for the idea goes to Daniel Scott. Additional development for the idea was aided by Chris Sergeant and other military bronies.

The art is not mine either, I'll find the source. No, I didn't know Daddy Loves You existed before writing this, I was just told about it, it’s a really good story. THIS story is about Derpy, the letter is just a plot device. I’ve cleared it up with the author, so there should be no issue.

Chapters (1)

Page Turner left Canterlot to get some peace and quiet. Ponyville seemed like the perfect town to get away from... it all. After losing a good friend in her elementary years is hasn't been easy for Page to make new friends- or to forgive old ones for past mistakes. But, Page Turner is about to find out that nothing is what it seems and, that Ponyville isn't the quiet little town that she thought it would be. In fact, she's about to be in for a big surprise...

Cover Art & The OC Artemis Are Owned By My Friend- All Credit To Her For The Artemis' Character And Design.

Chapters (1)

Despite her appearance, behavior and unfriendly ways, Gilda isn't that bad. She proves this to Fluttershy when she attempts to redeem herself for the sins she made.

Credit for the cover image goes to Echowolf800. Original image is here.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle get up close and personal with a thunderstorm.

(Written before the 1000 word minimum was put in place. I've been here a long time. ^^;)

An audio reading can be found here. Thanks, Zeus! <3

Chapters (1)

In an alternate reality, Discord found his love of chaos came in handy for babysitting young foals. For two thousand years, since he and the princess' were kids, he's babysat nearly everyone in Equestria. Now he's babysitting the cutie mark crusaders, and while he does he recounts with them his many babysitting jobs of your favorite characters as fillies, one by one.

Chapters (6)