• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013


I may not be a great writer,

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Applejack has brushed her mane, put a ribbon on her hat, and there's a sway in her step. Most ponies just want to know who the special pony is.

Rainbow Dash doesn't buy it. Love is mushy, and AJ isn't mushy. Love means liking somepony more than her friends, and AJ would never like another pony more than Dash. Love means missing a game of horseshoes to go tell a pony that she's in love with them, and if there is one thing Dash is sure of, it's that AJ is not going to miss that game... no matter what Applejack thinks about it.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia seeks a method of getting back at her sister for a joke she pulled on her. While searching her room, she finds out that she has a crush on a certain farm stallion and spreads rumors around the Castle, that eventually get leaked out.

Apologies must be sent out for some of the details said, but a very mad farmer mare wants to have a talk over Dinner and get to the bottom of this.

Light-hearted comedy that I wrote while I did my dark story, and thought I would post it as a palette cleanser. ONE-SHOT

Chapters (2)

Josh Schwartz is a normal human with a normal life. He has his computer, his TV, his pet cat, his love of sports, the works. Naturally, he doesn't approve or enjoy girly things that are obviously made for girls. However, when a mysterious and unexplainable series of events takes place, he finds himself in Equestria, a world with no humans and only ponies...well, mostly ponies. How will this sarcastic human boy adapt to this new world? And how will its residents take to their new visitor?

Chapters (35)

Rainbow Dash's disability keeps her away from her dreams, and drives her away from her friends.


Chapters (1)

Everypony in Ponyville is happy, carefree, and content with their life on the whole... except one. Rarity harbors a dark, murderous secret. She is Equestria's only active serial killer. She has to balance her fashion life, her friends, and her murderous urges as best as she can. This is the story of her mind.

Edited wonderfully by Kaidan and Kagji5

Now with a Tumblr!

Now with a TVTropes Page!!!

Chapters (29)

In 'Derpy and Twilight Get it Together', Twilight is alone at night and needs somepony to keep her busy, so Derpy decides to help.
Then, in 'Rarity Teaches Sweetie Belle a New Skill', the fashionista helps Sweetie Belle to try and get her cutie mark with a rather dirty job.
And finally, in 'Snips, Snails and Spike Get Ready for Action", the story comes to a close as the unicorns prepare the dragon for a night filled with fun and excitement, then we see the night itself!
Co-written by Ecthelion_Yuda.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle is intent on just finishing this accursed piece if it takes her all day. She will stop at nothing to ensure that she gets this absolutely perfect.

This requires solitude, peace and dedicated focus!

Pinkie decides that's boring and wants to help save Twilight from herself. Hilarity and awkward misunderstandings ensue as an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

Chapters (1)

"Dear Princess Celestia... I hate you oh so much. Words cannot even begin to describe my contempt for your very being, but a letter will have to do."

Twilight writes an extra special letter to the princess after binge drinking for hours on end. The letter isn't about a lesson of the true meaning of friendship as the princess had come to expect. Nope, more along the lines of drunkard ranting and a copious amount of angst. Let's read it now, shall we?

Warning: Adult language.

Thanks to TheFIMguru and Mr101 for editing!

Chapters (1)

After Spike (begrudgingly) helps out Apple Bloom on the farm, she misinterprets his act of friendliness as an act of love. Apple Bloom quickly develops feelings for Spike, much to his chagrin, and begins going to great lengths to win his heart. How long will it be until Spike finally snaps?

Told in an episodic format. Meaning, it will be following an intro and three "acts."

Chapters (2)

Everypony knew about Dash's feelings for Twilight, everypony but Twilight that is. As the girls come together for a slumber party, Rainbow Dash finally sees her chance to tell Twi how she feels. With her friends behind her Rainbow Dash throws caution to the wind!

Chapters (1)