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This story is a sequel to Accidental Harmony

Several months after moving to Ponyville, Vinyl and Octavia are planning their upcoming wedding. With help from friends like Lyra and Bon-Bon, what could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (7)

To help further improve the diplomatic relations between Earth and Equestria, a human was sent to live in Canterlot Castle; to live together in harmony with it's many servants, guards, and two princesses. This move was sure to help stabilize and strengthen the alliance between the two worlds.

There was one teeny, tiny, condition though: the human, for the duration of his stay in Canterlot Castle, has to serve one of the two princesses.

Now, if you're wondering who that human is, well look no further! I'm the human you're looking for. And who am I serving? Her name is Luna. Princess Luna. I'm already getting the feeling that this is going to go swimmingly. Unless I drown first.

This is a HiE (Humano in Equestriano). It's also a first-person fic, non-clop, and human-falling-in-love-with-royalty type fic. So, if you're not into that stuff, there's my early warning for yah. Haters aside, I hope you all will have a great time reading this.

Chapters (9)

Soul Writer moves to a new town with his mom while his dad is still in service in the old town they were in and becomes part of the Canterlot High family. He'll be able to make new friends and have the fondest of memories. But right now he faces his biggest challenge: Does he have a crush on Sunset?
Yes, yes he does.

Follow Soul and Sunset as they begin to have feelings for one another while they face life together.

Inspired by three wonderful authors and their stories.

The Pie of my Eye by Azure_Shadow

Amor Fati by BRyeMC

And Come Out of Your Shell by CogWing

Their OC characters are part of the story and they respectively belong to their individual creators.

Cover made by kiriche

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to The Calming Christmas Flame

On a cold snowy Christmas night, the question finally came out and Twilight accepted. But that joyous moment of certainty was not the last moment of their lives. Many years lie ahead and marriage is not a free ticket to perfection. With their friends by their side, the new couple fights to steer clear of the typical bout of relationship problems. Like putting the toilet paper roll on backwards...

At least there's the honeymoon, right?

1. Please be sure to watch all the Equestria Girls movies, as this does contain spoilery material otherwise.
2. This is the sequel to The Calming Christmas Flame. I'll admit V-Day Fire was just a tease. ;)
3. The story's primary Twilight is the one from the human world, NOT from the pony world.
4. Dog Spike is a dog. He doesn't talk in this story.
5. Please understand that this is rated Teen, not Mature. There will be no explicit scenes.
6. I started this back in March. Love won. Does that make me a hipster? :trollestia: (I kid.)

First featured October 15, 2015. :heart:

Art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (19)

It has been weeks since the defeat of the Dazzlings, and Sunset Shimmer's friendships have only gotten stronger. Whilst finally relaxing in the times of peace, Sunset discovers an old enemy: Sonata Dusk. Strangely alone and apparently homeless, Sonata's luck seems to be at its all time low.
Seeing a little of herself in the former siren, Sunset embarks on a mission to help Sonata find friendship.

(For anyone who liked the old cover art, here's a side-by-side comparison of the old and new: http://daniel-gleebits.deviantart.com/art/Go-Compare-Twiddles-moustache-581352606 )

TV Tropes page: Feel free to add whatever tropes you find :raritywink:

Chapters (31)

Sonata Dusk has finally acclimated to life after being freed from the Siren Pendant. It seems like she has everything: a nice group of friends, a steady job, a simpler wardrobe, and even gotten away from Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze. However, there's one thing that's still missing from her life – someone to call her own.
Little does she know how soon her wish will come true.

Non-Mature featured on 1/26/15!

Thanks to these people for helping me out:
IrresponsibleCupid for the cover pic edit!
Don't Look At My Name Bro for story editing!
My friend Pea on Skype and Hivemind for looking over the story and making sure it's cool to pass on to the editor!
ThatOneWriter and Imagine for being idea bouncers!

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, it is better to speak without saying anything at all. But when not saying anything at all is the only option, it can make life much harder.

A man awakes in a new place, alone, yet not. Will he meet someone, or somepony, that will accept him for his differences?

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to First Meeting

Years have passed since Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl Scratch first met on the platforms of Canterlot Station. In the short time that they spent together, they became the best of friends. Then they separated, both of them returning to their homes, meeting one another with less and less frequency as time went on. Within a few years, they had only memories of each other, impressions of the fillies that they used to be.

And then they met again, in the hallways of the Canterlot Conservatory.

Chapters (5)

Twilight, seeing that her friend needed a little bit of companionship, decided to help him get a date.

But boy, did he aim a little too high for her taste.

Now, her and Spike need to help this putz of a human snatch a date from one of the most undateable beings on the planet, Princess Celestia.

Needless to say, they're doomed.

Cover art used with permission by Lydia-Rawr

Warning: Story will contain horrible romance clichés, cutsieness, and all around silliness.

You have been warned.

Chapters (25)

In which a filly Rainbow Dash is awoken by a night terror, and she decides the best way to overcome her fear is to spend some time cuddling with you.

A/N: This story is just cute for the sake of cute. No real plot or anything.

Chapters (1)