• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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Josh Golden, a teenage gamer, was playing Destiny when he bought something from a merchant in the game. Moments later, the game screen flashes and he finds himself in the body of his avatar, on Equis.

A Displaced Fic

Chapters (2)

Some said that I'm a Spirit...
Some called me Monster...
Some even Hero...
They were wrong. I'm just a girl that wants to get home to her family, to get her life back and if I have to carve my path with my Black Blade, then so be it!

{Character-tags will be updated with the story.}
{Currently being Edited by Tensemasterhalo.}

Chapters (5)

Hey everyone! The name's Chris....or at least it was on Earth.....Yeah.......

I was a normal guy living a normal teenage life, when I was summoned to Equestria as part of some kind of bet between Discord and Ares. (Yes, god of war), and apparently the deal included me becoming the embodiment of uncontrollable rage.

Now I'm stuck in Canterlot as a statue....

For 7000 f***ing years.....

Ironically, I'm a nice guy at heart.
Stories referenced and/or recommended:








Chapters (11)

I have walked these lands for many years. I have seen things I probably shouldn't have, and have met beings who were about as odd as they come.

When I was betrayed, I wanted revenge. Now, after Discord's second defeat, I can finally have that revenge.

A LoHAV fic!
Teen for swearing, with some bits and pieces of gore in later chapters.
It will vary between 1st POV and 3rd POV, but it will mostly be in 1st POV.

Chapters (4)

What's it been? 1000 years?
That's funny. It feels like much longer than that.

Let me tell you, being trapped in stone that long can do crazy things to a guy.
And when you were a little off your rocker in the first place...
But now I'm free. The leaders of this disgusting place trapped me here, and now they're going to pay.
I'm going to show them the real definition of insanity.

Chapters (8)

Not all humans who arrive in Equestria are friendly. Sometimes, they're total assholes.
Sometimes, they're trolls. Like these guys.

When you're two dudes who are cosplaying as Tobi and Yoshimitsu and are labelled Public enemies 1 and 2, sometimes, you just gotta go on a road trip.

Loosely inspired by F*ck it I'm having fun. Pic drawn by Genbu, who's kind of the coolest.

Edit: Huh, featured on 5 May 2014. Wasn't expecting this.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Golden Grace, Headless Headaches

Okay, SO, after stopping Omega and saving Equestria from whatever he had planned, along with Measured from certain death, I kinda, sorta, maybe used up a bit too much of my power.
There's no 'maybe' about it, you did.
And Measured, Twilight, and I are going to do some tests to see how bad it is.
Once you stop flinching at the very mention of Twilight's name.
First things first, though. Someone get me away from Cel, she's gone bananas!

Chapters (17)

Stop me if you ever heard this one; unlucky schmuck goes to con, finds weird cheap gem, next thing he knows he's causing a TOOONN of destruction in Equestria...

Huh, well then I'll cut to the chase, after escaping my prison in Tartarus I'm ready to put the Hell back in the wheel and make sure those ponies remember my name Beelzemon.

Wait, no my real name is- Ah forget it.

Crossover with Digimon Tamers, no familiarity of the series needed.
A story inspired from the LOHAV.
Special Thanks to M Specter for proofreading and editing.
Begins around It's About Time in the MLP universe.
Rated teen for mild swearing and comical violence.

Chapters (6)

Stop me if you've heard this one. A depressed/angry loner goes to a costume party dressed as a movie villain and gets sucked into Equestria. Once there, he/she finds that they now have the powers and abilities of the character they were cosplaying as, and proceed to go on a violent rampage and attempt to conquer the land. Well, this story has a slight twist. See, I'm not a bad guy, just a little lonely. And the character that I decided to portray? Why, Captain America of course.

I make no claims to the copywrited characters depicted herein. All characters are property of Hasbro, DHX, Marvel Comics, or DC Comics. The cover image is property of CSImadmax on Devianart and is currently being used without permission. If asked, I will remove the image.

Well, how about that. I just made the Featured Box! 4/23/2014

Chapters (2)

HIE, a Displaced story.
I dont get it. I didn't even wanna go to that stupid convention. I suck around big crowds. Didn't help, what with all the talk of people dressing up in cosplay going missing. I pick up an Escafil cube off some random table to take a look at it, and now I'm stuck in a world of vibrant pony-people?

Holy rusted metal, Batman! Featured on 4/24/15! And again on 8/5/15!...and... again? on 8/6/15?
Thank you guys so much!~

Chapters (26)