• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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I always wanted to feel like I was a powerful warrior that could use magic. But I never expected anything like this.

My Name is Nicko and for me, life sucks. I live at an orphanage with my egotistical twin brother, have a best friend who is a Reckless daredevil, and everyone who comes to adopt us always turns a blind eye on us. Maybe it's because I have autism? Maybe it's because anyone who refers to my height leads me to going off like a fireworks show on fourth of July? Honestly, I don't know.

Then came the day before our birthday. My brother suggested (since the party was going to be a costume party) that we go as something nobody else but us would recognize. He considered it as a "personal touch" since it was our 18th birthday. He heard of a new anime/comic store opening up at downtown that he wanted to go to. So, taking his suggestion, I decide to go there first.

That store was where I found a Rune Slayer costume from Elsword. My favorite character class from the game. Without even thinking twice, I bought the outfit and the sword prop. That though, was when things took a turn for the worse. After going to my room, putting it on, adjusting the pants and put the fake tattoo's on my shoulders, I end up falling asleep in my room. When I wake up, I find myself inside a warehouse filled with film props and was found by a Unicorn whose name sounds like a record label company.

Now, to sum things up, I'm in another world that has magic, mayhem, and talking ponies. A little girls dream come true for some people. But for me? I honestly don't really know what to make of it (Especially with all the corny names of the towns and cities). Not only that, but it seems like three other girls have already arrived here under similar circumstances. Something tells me that my journey through this place is going to get crazier the longer I'm here. Especially since now that a ticked off bug queen is wanting to kill me, a spirit of chaos is playing around with my head and everywhere I go, I somehow always attract something that might want to kill me, ask me questions or have the guts to call me short. I don't think all my time in Social Therapy is going to help me get through this.

Fortunately, I have the powers of a Rune Slayer now and have some idea of the powers I am capable of. That can't be too bad right?

A story I came up with based on an old fic called The Burning Crusader By ElementBrigade (Note, their will be some aged up characters and rule 63'd characters as well.)
Also a Displaced Story
Not my first time writing, but actually my first time putting up any of my written stories... Well, anywhere.

I do not own MLP or Elsword. MLP belongs to Hasbro while Elsword belongs to KOG and KOG games. Character tags will be updated over the course of the story.

Chapters (17)

Hello, my name is Robin. Well, it used to be Madison before getting ripped from my universe and thrown through the void.

So there I was getting ready for an awesome time at a convention before I had to return to my studies. I used to be a scholar of military history and tactics. I always enjoyed furthering my education and I saw knowledge as the greatest of powers. Turns out that's a great field to study if you're going to be thrown into a feudal environment!

So suddenly I find myself in Equestria, looking like Robin from Fire Emblem: Awakening, and the Royal Sisters are trying to hunt me down. I can't really blame them, I can get a little... enthusiastic when learning new magic.

This story is set in the Displaced multiverse.

This is the first story I've ever done of ponies and the first one I'm writing for FimFiction. I'm not the best author, but I like to think my writing is decent enough that the plot won't crumble. I'm always striving to be a better writer so don't be afraid to point out any mistakes you may find.

Special thanks to KiaraGate for helping me with the story. Thanks for letting me bounce ideas off of you, you've helped me a lot!

*As the story progresses I may add additional tags and or characters.

Chapters (33)

Greetings weary traveler/bored reader. Let me regale you with my tale. The tale of a mere mortal, with nothing particularly special to his name, brought to a magical land of dragons, minotaurs, griffins, and of course ponies. But he came as no mere human. He came as the epic warrior, the manliest of swordsmen, that most dashing of multiverse travelers, the mighty Gilgamesh! What adventures will this powerful and magnificent warrior find in his travels? HELL IF I KNOW! LET'S STRAP IN AND SEE WHERE THIS GOES!

Looking for cover art if anyone's interested.

Crossovers with:
The life and times of Xante, Baron of the Frozen Wastelands, First among Liches, Lord of the Dead, and Fabulous Rainbow Magic User

Golden Graces, Headless Headaches

I Will Hunt You Down

A Thousand Tortured Souls Scream My Name

Gravity of the Situation

Land of Friendship and Magic

And Then There Were 10… Er… 67

Son of Invention

Ten Against One

Time Ticks On

Let's Just Say That Umbra Really Needs to Put a Lock On His Diary



Chapters (23)

Late nights aren't good for your health. Neither is being turned into a ponified superhero by a bored god of chaos, and hurled into a town of curious, friendly ponies. Well, that last part may not be so bad. If the place I was sent wasn't Ponyville. This freaking town has a monster attack every other day, and everyone here is CRAZY!

HIE Displaced

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Fire Upon Strings

My name is Selene. I'm the detective working on the missing cosplayers case. Well, More like helping. My boyfriend and his brother were part of the people who went missing. I am now one of them too.

Stuck in Equestria as Konohana Sakuya, I strive to bring the two brothers back together and maybe even home. That's all I want... To be back home.

Continuation of Fire Upon Strings. Yes, it's a Displaced story. Yes, It's rated teen for language and violence. VERY VERY HIGHLY recommended to read the first before reading this. It'll make a lot more sense.

Chapters (3)

My name is Jake. Or Orpheus. Which ever you want to call me, I'm used to both. I could explain that I'm a mute brony gamer and I was sent Equestria.... but I'll explain like this...

I was sent to Equestria by a merchant... a very creepy one too. He sold me a steel cosplay Evoker, thanks to my brother giving me money. I didn't think much of it at the time, but what was my luck to find an fake Evoker? Buuuut now I'm stuck in a equestria with a limited supply of Soul Points to survive on. If only I could find a Soma in Equestria...

Oh yeah, I can talk now too.

Why is my life so... weird.

Displaced story about a mute brony who plays games, preferably persona games. like that cliche hasn't been used a million times.

Tag will be updated as I go.

Cover art is temporary, or until I can find someone to make me some.

Rated teen for strong language and for violence. I mean, this is a displaced story!!! Why the heck wouldn't a displaced fight something?!

It gets a bit darker as the story goes. You've been warned.

Check out my other displaced story: The non-Equestrian Equestrian hero!

Chapters (18)

After meeting a strange merchant in a convention, I thought my life couldn't get any weirder.

Now I have my favorite video game character's powers and abilities. I have a full powered Varia Suit with all the upgrades from Metroid games without the other appearances. I have combat knowledge I never had before. I even have a talking hunter-class gunship to live in.

Well, I guess I should protect others, not like Equestria needs bounty hunters right?

Chapters (26)

So, once again I escape my prison, falsely accused of being crazy. I have only one person to turn to. I hope she still loves me after what I did last time. Now, about that crazy bit, I'm not crazy. I'm mentally incomplete, learn the difference.

Now to actually get myself 'fixed' I need a knife, and a way into Princess Twilights living quarters. Any ideas?

This is a new Idea I had. A Displaced story that is not about the Displaced but another being from the Equestria the Displaced got sent to.

Chapters (7)

Celestia is a fool. She truly believes that peace and harmony could be obtain if we all settle our differences and became friends, she believes that if all of the nations in the world unite to create a 'alliance', that it will improve their people's ideas that we can all be friends. She's a hypocrite, she claims that her ponies are all about 'peace', 'love', and 'tolerance', little does she know that only extends to ponies, to us non ponies we get beaten, feared, hated, and shun.
True peace can only be achieved through power, true harmony can only be achieved if all are united under one single banner. The Illusion Kingdom, my kingdom, will grantee anyone true equality, true love and tolerance, no one will be ridicule simply for not being a pony! The Minotaur's were the only ones to accept and practice my philosophy, and as a result I had been their tactician during their war against the ponies. But soon all will be united under one rule...under one banner.... the fool will soon learn the true meaning of peace and harmony...
"Welcome all my honored guests
To the ultimate duel of the best of the best
At my invitation you come to compete
For the honor of suffering the final defeat~"

A Yugioh Displaced fic.
If you don't like Displaced fics then don't read.

Chapters (6)

Sent to Equestria by a creepy merchant guy from RE4. That sucked a lot. Now me and my friends are in the world of Equestria which is full of racist ponies and the Princesses are after us due to our appearance. Well I have something to say to them. BITE MY SHINY METAL ASS PONIES! Oh and we work for the Griffon Republic.

Note: This story will have griffons with advance tech.

Rated teen for language and violence.

Chapters (5)