• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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I wish I didn't bought that helmet. But who cares about that! Now I am in Equestria more importantly I'm the current ruler of the Crystal Empire ruler also have a couple Protoss Templars and others with me. But those who dare threaten our new home shall face our wrath!

Chapters (2)

If I could go back to having my boring old normal life in San Diego, I would take the opportunity in a heartbeat. But no, I'm stuck in this strange... yet somehow familiar world of ponies. You can laugh at that if you wish, I won't. It's not as funny as it sounds as soon as you get a good look at what I have become.

I am no longer the man I was, at least not physically. I have somehow ended up in the body of the video game character Raiden. Not the one from 'Metal Gear Solid Two', No. I have become the one from the franchises spin off, 'Metal Gear Rising Revengence', and because of that. I am no longer fully human; most of my body has been changed into a cybernetic frame.

I'm afraid too show my face to the public; ponies don't like the walking cybernetic man with a sword, go figure. I've just been hiding in the shadows for now until i'm able to find someone too help me. I will then ask for their assistance in returning myself back too normal. I just hope I can find someone capable of this soon, not sure how much more mental strain I can take.

How rude of me, I haven't even told you my name. I don't care what I look like now, I will always go by the name of Arin.

[Displaced story]

I know what you're thinking, not another one of these stories. For Christ sake do they ever stop?

Well personally these stories are a guilty pleasure of mine, and I wanted to give one a try. You can complain all day long, but It won't change my opinion on these stories, and the group of people who write them.

With that being said, feel free to converse about the story in the comments. Except for complaints about this being a Displaced, they have already been said ten-thousand times. Complain instead about grammar, story structure, pacing, characters, et cetera. Those are the real worthwhile complaints that can make me improve as an author.

P.S Comments that are beyond rude, and just slander for slander sake will be deleted from this point on. If you hate the story, there is no need to be a dick.

Chapters (3)

One's a boxer who puts too much effort into her hobby, another is a smartarse with a tendency of getting into heated arguements while the third is a depressed cynic. Regardless, each are forced to become heroes in the bodies of villains.

(Steven Universe displaced. Rated Teen for swear words.)

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Chaos is Displaced. The Tale of Loki!

Home is where my heart is, now I just have to find it. You know in a Void of Infinite realities. This should be "Fun".

After defeating the evil Twilight, Loki now lost in the void. Unable to find his Equestria he is forced to travel though the void itself.

Can he make a difference as the newly titled God of Balance, or would he fail to live up to the name?

All in all with two voices in his head a least he wouldn't go bored.

Co-written with thunderclap

Chapters (14)

Trickster Priest, heartless monster, that crazy idiot, there are many names that he goes by but Xellos is the one that he goes by most often. Taken from his world after making a purchase at a convention this once human being is now a literal Monster trapped in a world of ponies. Of course just because he is a Monster doesn't mean he has to be a monster, right?

My own attempt at a story in the Displaced universes with one of the best villains ever. Many things will be made up as I go along but as for what to expect? I'm thinking around an upper Alpha to low Uber being is where he fits there, reshaping the world by destroying chuncks of it counts as Uber right? I'm going to be watching the series while I write these to try and keep as much of his personality in as I can, but of course with the human mind involved it won't quite be the same.

Chapters (39)

I am... or rather was your average twenty year old male brony. But let me introduce myself first, my name is Mi-... gah! dangit! was Mitchell and my favorite My Little Pony background character is Vinyl Scratch (or DJ-P0N3 for some). One day comic-con showed up in my hometown and instead of going as some silly anime or game character like all the other plebs, I went as the Equestria Girls version of Vinyl Scratch. I know, I know she is a girl but... it IS funny seeing the faces I get.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I bought the last missing piece of my cosplay, which was really just a pair of headphones that looked just like the ones the EQG Vinyl wore during the "Music to my Ears" short. That got me sent to Equestria many years in the past and, after a series of events (It was an accident!), I got myself stuck in stone.

I got out thanks to Dissy. And now that I'm free, I'll be here to spread the wubs! If only those uncool Daft Punk looking ponies would just leave me alone...

Chapters (17)

Stop me if you heard this before. Guy goes to costume convention as a fictional character. Guy or girl meets a merchant. Get a piece for there costume then goes to Equestria. Here's the thing the guy I am is already in Equestria. Its set in good read the story.

A displaced fic of different direction instead of the usual goes as something else for a change my little pony. Eric Smith went as a MLP character his favorite character. Got some hand made Elements of Disharmony and the rest his history.

Now he is Loki. Let the chaos flow!

Co-written with Thunderclap and our second story together.

Come on you know you want to

All art belongs to its owners.

Looking for a Editor.

Chapters (27)

So, we've all heard of the displaced right? People who are usually cosplaying as characters while at a convention, who then are sent to Equstria by a creepy merchant who sells them something for free that matches with their cosplay? Turned into his/her cosplay powers and all? Yeah I'm one of them. This is my story. NOT THE STORY OF A HYDRA DANG IT!

Okami and MLP belongs to their respected owners.
A displaced story.

Chapters (4)

A teen goes to a convention with some friends. Dressed in casual wear and walking around, he notices a small pink gem that looks oddly familiar... After buying it from the Merchant he blacks out, waking up in a strange location with blonde hair, orange skin, and a seriously bad case of dragon breath.

I got this idea while watching an old favorite of mine from Cartoon Network called 'Firebreather'. It's about the son of Kaiju King Beloc, Duncan Rosenblatt. Look it up or wait for the story to progress if you're not sure what kinda stuff he can do.

Planning to tie this in with my other Displaced story Promising Shadows.

Tags and such will be added as the story progresses.

Chapters (4)

Well this is a really bad situation. Not only have I went to brony con dressed as flutterbat but I just had to buy that replica of crescent rose and a replica of a Gothic Victorian era dress. So here I am as a humaniod vampiric fluttershy being hunted by the princesses while hiding out with my 'twin'. I'm not shy but it's up to me to stop any of the more dark oriented monsters from attacking ponyville at night while trying to prevent getting killed by Celestia who confused me for a corrupted fluttershy. Sometimes a girl just can't go anywhere without something strange happening. (Cover art is the closest to what I had in mind)

Chapters (6)