Some of the ponies have to pee very badly, and due to either inability or unwillingness to use the bathroom for various reasons, have to hold it the entire day through. Will they make it?

Contains: Omorashi/desperation. Also will follow a different style than my usual stories, but I had to answer this request because I don't think anyone else would. This next part may be a spoiler to the ending due to the desperation suspense, but it also contains no wetting whatsoever.

These are the desperation stories requested by Redfish3000. Due to similarity to each other the individual stories have been revoked and re-posted as chapters of the same story. For certain reasons, these stories are very different from my other desperation stories, and may only warrant a T-rating (besides, Pinkie was shown in desperate need of a bathroom in the show).

Chapters (10)

When Twilight was asked to go to Ponyville, she didn't really care that much about her friends that she left behind. In fact she only remembered when Spike told her a few years later. An old friend of hers decides to write a letter, about all the things she wanted to say, but couldn't.

Before the events of "Amending Fences"

Disclaimer I want to say first of all that these ponies aren't my own creation. They fully belong to Hashbro and DHX Media. Also sorry if this sounds similar to any other stories. I came up with this idea on my own and I if it is then it's because I didn't read them at the time of submission.

Chapters (1)

And realize their mistake a little too late.

Gee thanks Pinkie.

*Ignore the dislikes on this story. They're the result of self-promotion in the comments of other short comedy stories, for the most part.
*PEOPLE HAVE FOUND THIS STORY FUNNY!!!!! Check the comments.
*It's a slow-burn comedy which means the main joke is at the end, so pay attention to the vague yet specific and/or odd things in it and you may get a laugh when the time comes.

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy stumbles upon a bizarre egg laying in a field. This colorful egg was abandon by a norkel a feathery fluffy rabbit with wings. The pegasus of kindness takes it upon herself to reunite the egg with its parent. But she soon finds out that the task is larger than she handle on her own. She ask's her friends for help and makes an delightful plan of action to solve the Norkel riddle

Chapters (2)

Ever since coming home to Equestria, Sunset's found herself unable to sleep. During yet another restless night, she stands on her balcony, searching the stars for something not even she can find. Yet tonight, the stars are looking back in the form of a concerned Princess Luna.

Maybe together, they can find the source of Sunset's troubles.

Synopsis written by the talented Novel Idea!

Cover art done commissioned from the amazing puff-pink on tumblr! Take a look at her awesome art!

Fic partially inspired by this comic by Little-Tweenframes

Story was featured on the front page of FiMFic on 160417, rising to 6th place.

Chapters (1)

After an accident one fateful night Twilight has gained the power of a Planeswalker. Her adventure to get back home will be a long and argus one, or will she want to go home?

Chapters (4)

When Rainbow Dash has to find a roommate quick to solve her rent issue, Derpy is the only one who answers Rainbow's prayers. Every since they moved in together things have been quite wild for the both of them, making everyday life situations much more challenging then they should be.

Chapters (2)

The musings of a dying man as he awaits the end and recalls the events which led to this point.
Thought of this one-shot while I was in the shower and decided to just go ahead and put my ideas to the metaphorical paper. I hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Spike. Three smart, resourceful, and kind children. But, these good qualities are not without tragedy. My name is Limeony Picket, and I am the pony tasked with investigating the sad and terrible tragedy that is the story of the Royal Children. Be warned, this story is filled with sadness, tragedy, murder, chaos, betrayal, lies, and arson. Read at your own risk.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Glint Stones: Meeting

So now the Spellbind Brothers are going to spend some time in Ponyville and with Twilight and friends all while trying to stay out of trouble, not destroy anything, or cause any public disturbances. That doesn't sound hard, right?

Chapters (10)