Todd left the fandom of MLP around season 3. He recently heard that the now-neverending series is entering its record-shattering 49th season, and decides to tune in for old time's sake... only to find he has a LOT of catching up to do.

Written for the Season 9 Bingo contest. My prompt was:

The donkey nation, two of the main 6 in a relatoonship, Lauren Faust, Chrysalis, and the Groffon Kingdom.

I intentionally wrote this as ridiculous as possible, please consider this to be nothing but the most blatant of satire.

Chapters (1)


Once a mighty and feared kingdom, the sphinxes' ancestral home fell twenty years ago to turmoil and infighting.

A new Pharaoh sits on the throne in Thebanus now, and he has a single goal in mind: recover his ancestors’ legacy and unify the kingdom once more.

The Republic of Akhri stands in his way. Weak and unstable, plagued by corruption and an exploding social question, it's armies will not survive the coming onslaught.

And the Federated Kingdom of Owlstria, architect of the Southern Campaign that once brought Sphigypt to its knees, shows an ever-growing distance from a puppet that it never managed to fully control.

In the mist of all this, foreign powers have set their sight on these lands, some openly, others not so, and this small, local conflict might very well spiral out of control, setting the entire continent ablaze in the process.

Captain Edward Blackwing doesn’t like being in Sphigypt. Still, that’s where he and his company are, assigned as garrison in the city of Kaska. There isn’t much to do, unless you’re interested in running behind petty river smugglers. And as day after day pass by, some might wonder if his career in the Owlstrian Royal Army has truly reached a dead end.

But as the threat from the West grows, Kaska itself turns into a powder keg ready to blow, and Blackwing will find himself in the middle of a literal maelstrom. Alone, and with only an handful of allies by his side, he will have to employ all his cunning and ruthlessness if he and his company are to survive, or they'll soon become the first casualties of a bigger and bloodier war.

A sandstorm is approaching, and heroes shall either be born or buried in its wake.

WARNING: This story contains violence and profanities, althought not so much of the latter. In any case, readers discretion is advised.

Chapters (8)

The Talon Companies are known throughout the Equestrian Wastes. Griffin mercenary companies tracing their lineage back to before the Great War, now fulfilling their contracts in a world full of opportunities.

But what happens when the time comes for such a company to select a new leader? This is the time of succession. This is the time... of Fire & Blood.

Chapters (1)

Nestled into the southern slopes of the hill of Túna in the Noldorin capital of Tirion is the campus of the House of Learning, (in)famous across the four kingdoms of Eldamar as the preeminent centre of scientific and historical research on the continent, if not in all of Arda. Daily, the scholars therein push the frontiers of Elven knowledge in any field one would care to imagine, and some you really wouldn't.

Few outside this sheltered enclave of the terminally curious dare to enter the oft-refurbished research and development buildings, but the archives are another matter entirely. One can learn of wonders undreamt of (or forgotten) by mortal minds within those hallowed halls, thanks to the tireless efforts of the archivists, but to set foot within the xenology department is to visit another world entirely...

A collection of miscellaneous short stories and lore drabbles from the world of the acclaimed Hearts of Iron 4 mod, Equestria at War, as presented in the Quenta Roccolië. Be warned that spoilers for the main story may be present, though offending chapters will be marked.

Cover art is Rúmil of Tirion by Steamey

Chapters (2)

When Sunny Starscout tells them about the story of Discord, Zipp Storm is curious to know if he's still alive today, so she, her sister, and their mother go 106 miles to what was left of Griffonstone to look for the draconequus.

Written for the Generation 5 Bingo Contest.
(Prompt #106: Queen Haven, Zipp Storm, Discord, Griffonstone, Griffons)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Before the Night

What if Ostri never got dragged into the future? What if he remained in the past?

A simple slice of life, an alternative to the current events of the Ostri Saga. Ostri loves, lives, and enjoys his life. This is what could've been. Read along as Ostri deals with Luna's impending fall to her emotions, as he and Blaze grow closer as soulbound companions.

This is Through the Night.

Chapters (1)

The next story is Victorian Equestria: The Education of Princess Celestia

Author's Note: The newest part in my series of stories based on Victoria 2: Pony Demand Mod and the fic I'll be using to "get back into the groove" of writing. I hope y'all enjoy it!

It is the human year of 1805. President Jefferson has sent Merryweather Lewis and William Clark to explore the "Louisiana Purchase." But things don't go as planned when a race of "warrior birds" show up while the expedition is resting by Six-bit Creek and the fate of, not only, the Corps of Discovery but also of the lands of the Griffons lay in the balance.

Chapters (5)

The Griffonian Empire falls, due to traitors within, and enemies without. Grover VI, the deposed emperor, is forced to flee from his home. As his situation continues to deteriorate, he will be forced to confront the sins of his house, and the graciousness of his sworn enemies.

Based on the Equestria at War mod for HOI4
This is my first FIM fic, I've only seen a bit of the show so please excuse any inaccuracies.

3/11/24, minor grammar alterations, prepping next chapter.

Chapters (4)

A dark and stormy blizzard over the everfree, a hellish snow storm in a distant city. Crashes of light raining out in both places, and the strange disappearance of one group of people, while another sudden appearance of another group in a distant land. Such a strange thing has happened over the ages of both places, but no one knows why. Well this group is about to find out that stranger things can happen, and not just to them, follow the journey of these stranded souls as they seek to understand the new land they are in, while learning many things, good and bad alike...

Chapters (12)

Written for Jade Ring Jinglemas 2021

I don't have character preferences, really, but I'd really like to see someone try their hand at a Hearth's Warming horror story in the style vein of my own 'Grogar' and 'Apple Valley.'

Gwen the griffon and her husband Gary the hippogriff are walking with their son to leave Griffonstone before an blizzard hits the city. But something else is in the city still….

(Set slightly in the future of Equestria and Griffonstone.)

Chapters (1)