
One day, after a long and complicated genealogy project, Sundance goes to visit his distant grandmother so he can say hello...

In return, she gives him a headache.

An experimental entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (226)

(Cover art provided by JazzyQ. Edit, now Jassie Q. Has a live reading which can be seen here.)

Life hasn't been easy for Prince Blueblood ever since a certain unicorn mare lashed out at him. In fact, he's barely a prince in everything but title.

Hoping to take his mind off his troubles, Blueblood pays a visit to a casino in Canterlot, where he soon discovers he's not the only one who's life has been ruined.

So, instead of simply playing cards, these ponies decide to see who's had it the worst. And each of them are convinced that their story cannot be beaten. And Blueblood will be darned if he sits out on this discussion.

(Based off of the Batman The Animated Series Episode "Almost Got 'Im".)

Chapters (1)

When Sir Spike the Fireheart is framed by a fellow knight and branded a traitor to the Kingdom of Equestria for crimes he did not commit, he escapes persecution and makes a new life in the Everfree forest with a thief by the name of Pipsqueak. All the while, the seeds of vengeance slowly begin to bloom, and with the help of a strange cast of allies, he seeks to right the wrongs done unto his name. Cover Art belongs to: John Joseco. If asked by the artist, I will remove it.

Chapters (5)

What is to be done with a criminal-to-be? Are they innocent until they actually commit their crime, or should their guilt be assumed and their crime preempted? Entry for the May Original Pairings Contest 2021.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Stallions of Harmony - Longest Night

"What happened back there?"

"Nothing, and if you ever ask me that again, consider yourself FIRED forever. Understand?"

That was what he said the day of the Summer Sun Celebration inspection, but a pony can't help wondering. Shining Armor has followed that particular order to the best of his ability since then, but some other ponies aren't so inclined to let the past lie.

Chapters (12)

This is a personal continuation of the excellent story " Dear Idiot" by The Descendant. It is not part of his story, but part of a personal reaction I had to it. I have expanded on the events after the end of Dear Idiot, exploring my personal feelings on the narrative.

Now Complete.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to From The Gates

Taking place three months after the events of From the Gates, the Elements of Harmony and the former homunculi were enjoying their new lives and what has been laid in front of them. But after a large accident at the Grand Galloping Gala, all sorts of chaos will unfold. Will the Elements succeed a third time with the help of the homunculi, and will Greed finally know the meaning of Generosity? Stay tuned for more!

Future chapters edited/proofread by Pixel brony and Dawn Flower.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Hasbro
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is copyright of Hiromu Arakawa/ Hiroshi Onogi/ Square Enix

Chapters (27)

Fluttershy's father is captured by the villianous Discord, Phantom of the Opera! Can she save him while being pursued by the handsome and charming Prince Blueblood? What if she were to take her fathers place? Ponies meet Phantom of the Opera with a splash of Beauty and the Beast!

Plese check out a BRAND NEW 37 minute animated episode of The Phantom Opera Discord by SisterStories, it is AMAZING! - DEC 2020

Please check out this fully illustrated video of the first chapter! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjDAbUQhqPc

Edited chapters have notes in the authors comment section with a date.
FOR ALL READERS: Celestia is now Fleur De Lis in early chapters but I haven't gotten to later chapters to change it.

Everything you need to know about this Universe:

Beautiful Fanart: http://ameliacostanza.deviantart.com/art/Opera-Phantom-Discord-494273039

More Amazing Fanart: http://scribblescrabblesdabble.tumblr.com/image/87770244131
Fanart!: http://pre03.deviantart.net/17f4/th/pre/f/2015/123/0/7/mlp_fluttercord_ofd_by_nightmarederpy-d8s2ysd.png

More Fanart!: http://pre01.deviantart.net/f184/th/pre/i/2015/146/8/2/opera_phantom_discord__lovers_quarrel_by_ameliacostanza-d8uuvre.jpg

Fanart! 4/11/2021

Follow its Tumblr at operaphantomdiscord.tumblr.com

Chapters (50)

It was just supposed to be a simple set up for this year's Summer Sun Celebration.
But then everything goes downhill as:
His beloved aunt and teacher has disappeared without a trace.
A nursery tale is apparently real
And five insane mares won't leave him alone long enough to undo this mess.

In hindsight he really should have just let the butler go to Ponyville instead.

Chapters (1)

Sargent Michael Black has found himself, and his trusty Zaku II Mobile suit in a land far removed from the Hellish war that has claimed half the human population. In this Land, that he would come to find that is called "Equestria", are sentient Ponies with abilities that fit quite nicely in a Fantasy Novel. Yet, in this peaceful land, the dark clouds of Malice are forming on the horizon. Can the presence of one Zaku, and a determined Pilot be enough to stave off the coming Fires of Hatred?

Rated Teen for: Strong Language, and violence.

I want to give very big Thank you to a friend from "E" who has been very kind in proofreading, and Editing this story. I couldn't make this story as good as it is without their help. X3

A Mobile Suit Gundam (UC Era), MLP Crossover
My LIttle Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro
Mobile Suit Gundam is owned by Bandai Visual

Chapters (20)