• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 4,627 Views, 253 Comments


Sgt Michael Black has found himself in a land far removed from the hellish fighting of the "One Year War". Yet, even here in the land of Equestria, dark clouds of battle loom over the horizon.

  • ...

The Battle of the Crystal Empire Pt. 1: Encounter in the Wastes

The howling winds of the frozen wastes that separated the Crystal Empire from the rest of Equestria screamed like windingos as the snowflakes whipped around stinging at the exposed coats of the squad of Guards sent to greet the Elements, and their "escorts" that Princess Celestia has sent to aid Princess Cadence. The squad of ten ponies trudged through the deep snow rifts towards the prearranged rendezvous point. They were being led by none other than the Prince-Consort, and Captain of the Royal Guards, Prince Shining Armor.

"Captain, why are we in this Celestia forsaken place?" A young Crystal Guard private called out over the howling of the wind.

"Private Star Shine, can it. You know why we're out here. We're to meet the Elements, and the others that Princess Celestia sent to help us." Flash Sentry called back.

"That is quite alright, Lieutenant Sentry. The young private is simply curious." Shining Armor stated calmly. before erecting a shield to protect the group from the howling wind. "Private Shine, we're out here cause there was complications in how the Elements were trying to get here. According to Princess Twilight Sparkle's letter. She wished for us to meet outside the dome so that there would not be any "misunderstandings", nor panic." Shining Armor explained. "I trust my sister's judgement, even if she could be a bit...obsessive. " Shining stated.

"Yes Sir, understood Sir." Private Shine replied back with a salute.

Shining nodded in approval as he took a seat on a blanket that one of the Guards brought with them to wait for the arrival of the Elements. With Shining's Shield up, the bitter cold was a bit more tolerable as it didn't feel like it was cutting right through their armor.

"We'll wait here for the Elements." He instructs as the other ponies take up positions to either stand guard or rest.

An hour would pass before the ponies were able to detect a new sound that was starting to cut through the howling winds. It was an odd metallic sound that prickled at their ears. Sound of clacking metal rang out as a steadily increasing tremor vibrated against their hooves. The tremor only slightly interrupted by deep wumps that almost bounced the Ponies off their hooves. The group strained their ears, and their eyes as they started to gather into a defensive circle with Shining Armor pushed to the center. The Captain would have protested, but he understood that as the Prince-Consort to the Princess of the Crystal Empire, he could not jeopardize his safety recklessly.

The Ponies tensed as they readied their weapons. Earth, and Crystal ponies held long tapered lances while Unicorns brought up, and charged their crossbows. The Pegasi unsheathed their wing blades, and took a stance to thrust themselves into the air, ready to strike. They all slowly turned towards the source of the sound when it gotten close enough to determine its direction. They braced themselves as two gigantic forms could be discerned through the swirling mass of flakes. Jaws clenched as the taller of the two forms stopped, and turned towards them. Its glowing red eye flickered as a strange thum was heard.

"GET THE MONSTER!" Private Star Shine shouted as he reared up on his hind Legs, and charged out of the protective shield. His long lance gleaming in the waning light.

"Private Shine, get back here!" Flash Sentry commanded

However, his command fell upon deaf ears as the battle cry of the Crystal pony was heard, and quickly swallowed up by the howling winds. Yet, the Private was not deterred. He'll take action to protect his beloved home, and his family, chain of command be damned! He charged right at the foot of the tallest creature. His eyes tunneling upon his target, becoming blind to any, and all other threats. His hooves pounded through the deep snow determinedly. His lips curled into a vicious snarl as the olive drab splotch started to become visible.

"Rrrraggh!" Private Shine roared as he plunged his Lance into the Foot of the beast.

And it instantly shattered like a matchstick against the hard armor of the Zaku's foot.

Star Shine skidded to a stop as he looked at the shattered remains of his lance. He stood there in disbelief at how his weapon was almost laughably ineffective. A part of his mind starting to imaging the horrible fate that he blindly charged into. Quickly the other guards came to his aid, and readied their weapons should the creature attack. Shining Armor, and Flash Sentry were bringing up the rear with a couple of Pegasi on bodyguard detail.

"What the hay was all that racket!?" A familiar female voice called out.

"Ah can't rightly tell. The snows too thick ta see." Another spoke.

"Come on girls, lets investigate!" The last voice was the most familiar to The Captain.

"TWILIY!?" He called out into the wind.

"SHINING!?" Twilight Sparkle's voice replied as she, and her friends came trotting out from behind the large foot of the green Zaku.


"I so want to thank you for coming Aunt Luna. I can't tell you how relieved I am." Princess Cadence said as she, and Princess Luna were walking down one of the main corridors of the Crystal palace. "I just hope we can get this situation resolved quickly. I don't wish to upset the citizens any more than they already are."

"Thou art welcome, my niece. Worry not, my sister, and I have sent for the Elements, and they're bringing some aid as well." Luna stated as she held her head high as her ethereal mane, and tail billowed behind her as the two walked.

They would come out to a large balcony that afforded a wonderful view of the capitol city of the Crystal Empire. The two princesses looked down upon the city, and smiled warmly. The crystal ponies were going about their daily lives in peace, and happiness. Having faith that their Princess, and the Shield could protect them from whatever creature that was prowling around outside the dome. It made Cadence so happy to see this, and made her hope she could live up to the expectations of her ponies. She truly hoped that the creature can be dealt with. She, and Shining already lost four whole squads of guards to the creature, and she was concerned that it may be more powerful than originally estimated.

The two looked up when a flutter of wings, and a dark yellow pegasus came to a landing before them. It was Lt. Flash Sentry. Cadence remembered him from how Shining talked about how much potential the young Pegasus had. The Pegasus guard bowed before Luna, and Cadence as both monarchs smiled warmly to him.

"Please rise, Lt. Sentry and give your report." Cadence spoke with a softly motherly tone.

Luna smiled as she observed Cadence. It was evident that she had taken her lessons from Celestia seriously, and was using her sister as an example to be a good ruler. Luna approved.

"Yes, your Majesty. Captain Shining Armor has made contact with the Elements, and their um...."escort"?" Flash Sentry stated though sounded uncertain.

"Explain." Cadence requested softly, curiosity, and concern starting to edge into her soft voice.

"Well...it's um...." Flash started, trying to find the words best to describe. "My apologies, your Majesty. It is best something to see with your own eyes."

Cadence furrowed her brow at Flash Sentry before nodding. "Very well. Please return to Shining Armor, and let him know that Princess Luna, and I will be there to greet them." She stated.

Flash Sentry bowed before the two princesses before flying off to return to the Captain to inform him of the news. When the Pegasus was far enough away, Cadence crooked an eyebrow before slowly turning her attention back to her Aunt. Luna was standing there, her gaze completely entranced by some random spot in Celestia's clear blue sky. Cadence stared hard at her mischievous aunt, noticing the corners of her lips quivering slightly as she was stifling a giggle.

"Dearest Auntie, you would not happen to know anything about theses "Escorts", do you?" Cadence asked with a knowing tone.

Luna looked at her, and blinked as if Cadence had just asked the silliest question in all the world. "Mayhaps dear Niece. Just that one of them has experience dealing with a creature that is similar in description." She informed before trotting to the edge of the Balcony. "Come, we have guests to greet." Luna stated as she spread her wings, and leaped from the Balcony with Cadence following right behind.

The two would fly towards the border of the Protective Dome that kept the frigid wintery wastes out. Flash Sentry was there waiting as the Princesses landed. He gave the two a respectful bow as as they approached. Though It would not be his bowing that got their attention. The two were transfixed upon an enormous shadow darkening the shield directly in front of them. Cadence gulped as her horn started to glow a protective spell. However, a midnight blue hoof stopped her. Cadence looked at Luna in shock, and was about to speak when a small group of Ponies entered the dome.

"Yeah, apparently the Friendship express was not strong enough to pull the two mobile suits so we had to go "Cross-Country", as the humans put it." Twilight was explaining to her brother as the two entered, and shook off the snow. "We also had three little stowaways we had to make sure didn't sneak along in search of their cutie marks." Twilight added with a giggle as she remembered the particularly adorably distraught look upon their faces. Though how Michael got Sweetie Belle to promise to stay behind, and keep the other two out of trouble while they were away was curious. Whatever it was, made Sweetie Belle have the biggest smile upon her face.

"That's amazing Twiliy." Shining stated as he walked along his sister, hanging on her every word about how they got there.

Just behind the two, the other Elements strode in shaking off the snow that had accumulated upon their coats. Around them were the Guards of Shining Armor's detail. Though it would be what came in next that nearly stopped Cadence's heart, regardless of how relaxed Luna appeared. An enormous green clad giant cyclops with a glowing eye. She started to back step away from the creature, and her pace quickened when another rolled in on a very strange looking carriage. Luna was not immune to the shock of it either, she was able to hide it much better. Her experience in Sweetie's dream, she chalked up to Sweetie Belle making her champion larger than life. However, Luna would find out that Sweetie Belle was quite accurate in her scale.

"Oh Cadence! You came to greet us!" Twilight stated excitedly as she saw her old foal-sitter. She broke away from her brother, and ran towards Cadence before she started their "Secret Handshake" that was not quite so secret. "Sunshine, Sunshine, Lady Bugs....awake?" Twilight trailed off as she noticed that Cadence didn't seem to register her presence. "Hello~, Cadence?" Twilight asked as she looked at her Sister in Law.

Cadence had to shake her head to get over her shock before turning her attention back to her favorite sister in law. "Sorry Twilight, I was just taken aback by your escorts." She explained, the nervousness hanging in her words.

Twilight looked behind her at the towering Zaku, and Guntank, and quickly understood before she turned her attention back to Cadence, and chuckled sheepishly. "Yeah, it would appear that you kinda get desensitized after a while if you're around them enough. But I can tell you they're good people, if a bit...unusual." Twilight assured them.

"If you, and Auntie Luna say so." Cadence replied as she took another nervous glance up to two mobile suits. "Well, let's return to the palace to discuss the situation." Cadence suggested as she turned, and started to lead them back down the main thoroughfare towards the Crystal palace.

The denizens of the Crystal empire all stopped what they were doing, and stepped out of their shops, and homes, to see this rather odd parade that was making its way down the center of the street. Tiny Foals looked up at the Guards in their shining armor, and gasped at the enormous giants that followed carefully behind them. Many of the parents held on to their foals to ensure that none did anything dangerous as the procession made their way passed, and towards the crystal palace.

At the foot of the magnificent Tower, the Zaku knelt down as its hand came up to its chest. Shining Armor, Cadence, Luna and the guards all watched as Michael stepped out onto the hand, and it lowered him to the ground. The Guntank was coming to a parked position right next to the Zaku as its own pilots started to dismount. The three Humans soon came before Cadence, Luna, and Shining Armor. Each in their uniform. The three offering a crisp salute.

"Sir, Ma'am. Sargent Michael Black. Principality of Zeon Terrestrial Forces." Michael announced with military precision that was at odds with his normal lackadaisical attitude.

"Sir, Ma'am. Staff Sargent Lilith Hardeen, Earth Federation Forces." Lilith called out with as much Military bearing as her Zeon Counterpart.

"Sir, Ma'am. Sargent Aleki Vaalu, Earth Federation Forces." Aleki called out, his deep voice rumbling like thunder

Shining Armor couldn't help but be impressed. He knew some Guards that could take pointers from these three.

"T-Thank you for coming, and ensuring the safety of the Elements. I would not have requested aid if I not felt the situation warranted it." Cadence explained.

"We know thou art a reliable Ruler, and would not foolishly summon aid if thou didst not need it." Luna stated.

"That's right! From what Princess Celestia told me. It sounds like this creature is similar to the one that attack Ponyville a couple of weeks ago." Twilight stated. "If it is, then there might be a pony trapped inside it." Twilight added.

"Either way, out here is not the place to be discussing such matters." Shining stated as he motioned for the stairs that led into the palace. He then turned to his guards. "Guard those...machines. And don't mess with them!" he ordered his guards.

Though hearing that made the Humans wish that the two squads of Guards from Celestia were still there. They knew what they were doing, and wouldn't be tempted to poke around where their pony noses could get broke.

The small group entered into the palace, and made their way to a small conference room, with all the humans taking in the crystal architecture and scenery. It was amazing, and beautiful at the same time. All the lights, and colors reflecting upon the many faceted surfaces. One would have thought that it would be quite blinding, or too much to take in. However, overall it was quite subdued, humble even. There was nothing like this back in their world. Who, or what ever built this Tower was a master beyond Master.

As they reached the end of a long hallway, several guards opened the doors to the conference room as the group entered. A couple of servants were setting down pitchers of water while several more guards had a very large map of the area laid out for the group before excusing themselves. For the Humans, they recognized the map as crude topographical map of the land around the Crystal Empire. Along the map was several spots marked with red "X"'s. Causing the humans to suspect that those were attack sites.

"Please take your seats, everypony." Shining requested as he levitated the map from the table into the air for the others to see. "the first encounter took place here just over a week ago..." He stated as he indicated to a spot on the map a fair distance outside the protective dome. "This first encounter was very brief. Only a report of a sighting with no contact, or any real details of appearance except that it was "Big". However, that would quickly change two days later here." He continued as another spot on the map glowed. "A squad of ten guards came across the creature, and it attacked them mercilessly. All but one were wiped out. That is how we knew of the second encounter. As well as a description of the creature." Shining explained.

"What became of the survivor?" Luna asked, concern for a Pony showing in her tone.

"She passed away shortly after she returned. She was literally frightened to death. Yet she did manage to give us the report, and a description." Cadence stated sadly. She hated that she lost one of her subjects, let alone ten. That pain was only compounded by the further loss of life she, and her husband had to endure in the subsequent attacks that followed.

"I see." Luna stated with a barely perceptible twinge of sadness. She hoped that they can stop this rash of attacks before anymore lose their life.

"Continuing. The creature was described as taller than any tree. A culmination of large rocks, and a sickly yellow looking crystal. It stumbled about on two squat legs, and steadied itself upon much larger fore appendages. Much like a gorilla, or ape." Shining stated so that they could get the meeting back on track.

Michael narrowed his eyes at the description. It sounded exactly like what he faced to save Sweetie Belle just outside the Everfree.

Shining Armor continued to outline the encounters, and showed them on the map. Explaining about their significance. There was a couple that the squad was completely wiped out, and follow up investigations suggested an attack by the creature. It was starting to appear that this creature was an indiscriminate killer.

"Is there a pattern to the attacks, any commonality?" Lilith asked.

"None that we can see so far. It all appears random around the dome. We have not detected anything trying to breach the dome either." Shining replied as he took another look at the map.

The room grew quiet a moment as everyone seemed deep into their own thoughts. Michael rubbing his chin as Shining Armor, and Aleki were looking at the map. The Attack points were arrayed erratically around the dome, and with no attempts at an incursion made it very difficult to determine where the creature could be.

"Only one has been reported?" Aleki asked.

"Yes. the few survivors say they've only ever encountered one creature. Why?" Shining asked.

"It is just a possibly, but Black encountered one back near Ponyville, and now this one here. I was just curious about the possibility that the attacks are not all done by the same creature." Aleki explained.

"It is a possibility. Certainly a very troubling one if it is true." Shining stated as his brow furrowed in contemplation.

"What about your shield? I know its suppose to keep things out, but what about things from the inside?" Lilith asked.

"What does thou mean, Staff Sargent Hardeen?" Luna asked.

"Our Guntank is a support type Mobile Suit. Meaning we can shoot our guns for a very far distance. So we're most likely going to be providing artillery support for this zeo.....for Sargent Black while he engages with the creature." Lilith explained, having to hold her tongue back before lobbing an insult to Michael. "I just wondering if I could shoot outside the dome without it having to come down." She explained.

"WE CAN TEST THAT!" Twilight suddenly declared with a audible squee. She was quite eager to see the Guntank fire its weapons. Even if the pilots were less than enthusiastic about it cause of the questionable availability of fresh ordinance.

"Yes, we can. That should not pose a problem." Cadence stated while chuckling at how excited Twilight was getting over the prospect of a "Test".

"Yeah, just be careful not to shoot me in the back when I'm out there." Michael stated, giving Lilith a conspiratorial look.

Lilith looked at Michael with a mixture of shock, and offense. "Really!? You have so little trust in my gunnery?" Lilith asked.

"I have complete trust in your gunnery. Its you I don't trust." Michael stated smugly.

"Eww, aren't you a smart one." Lilith quipped instantly as she give Michael a predatory smirk. "Just don't turn your back on me, and you won't have to worry about a dagger." She added.

Cadence, and Shining watched this exchange nervously. The two glanced at each other, and then to Luna whom seemed quite nonplussed by it all.

"Like Twilight hath said, "unusual"." Luna simply stated as she took a sip from her glass of water.

"I want to look at those attack sites some." Michael stated once his little back, and forth with Lilith was completed.

"Why? The grounds would have been covered, and shifted by all the snow." Shining asked.

"More for curiosity sake than anything. Perhaps my Zaku can see something your guards didn't see. Look at it with a fresh set of eyes." Michael replied respectfully as he didn't want to appear to be demeaning the Crystal Empire's guards.

"Very well, I'll send a squad of guards with you to help." Shining stated.

"Don't. they'll slow me down. I can move much faster without them tagging along." Michael stated.

What he said was true, his Zaku could move much faster if he didn't have to constantly wait on the guards to catch up. However, he was also worried considering if the creature was out there, It could run into them. So he wanted to minimize the potential and the risk of stepping on some ponies by accident.

"Then I ask that you at least take my Lieutenant, Flash Sentry, along with you. To reduce any confusion among the guards to your intentions. He is also one of my strongest flyers so he shouldn't slow you down." Shining Armor replied.

"Okay, that doesn't sound like an issue." Michael replied.

"Excuse me Cadence. What should the girls, and I be doing?" Twilight asked.

"We have brought you to help keep the Empire's populace calm in these dark times. As well to show that the Humans, and their War Machines are not a threat to them. That, and should our Human friends fail, we can use the Elements of Harmony, which We hath brought with us, upon the creature, and subdue it that way. Clearly it is a creature of evil intent." Luna stated simply, though imagining the kind of panic that would happen if the elements were not present should a creature attack. It caused her shiver somewhat. Ponies trampling over one another, fires, utter panic.

"O-okay." Twilight stated, she shuddered to think of how powerful the creature could be if it did defeat the Humans, and their machines.

"For right now though, Rest is in order. You all have had a long journey. I'll have Rooms prepared at once, as well as a delicious meal." Cadence declared with a smile.

With that the Meeting was concluded as the group separated to clean up for late lunch. For the Humans, the luxurious baths in each room were a God send. The tubs were enormous, easily able to fit Celestia and Luna at the same time. The Bath water was just the right temperature for the three humans. Causing each one to seemingly melt into their own watery stupor. The rigors, and stresses of the travel, and carrying the six ponies worked a number upon their muscles. So now it was simply time to relax before lunch.

The meal was a glorious, if not slightly disappointing affair for the three Humans. There was a magnificent spread of vegetables, fruits, Flowers and hay. The ripest, and freshest from all over the Crystal Empire. However, the three Humans were starting to get tired of the vegetarian diet that they had to take. How each one of them would have loved a nice juicy steak, or some succulent ham to go with the vegetables. So while they ate, they were more quiet than normal. Not really engaging in the myriad of Conversations that cris-crossed the table.

It seemed that Twilight was still quite enamored with the pen that Michael had given her. Demonstrating its abilities on napkins, and writing random things upside down, vertical, and every which way she could think of. Luna, Cadence, and Shining looked on with keen interest at the simple device. It would make sense because of all their paper work, and not having to worry about constantly dipping a quill, or knocking over an inkpot.

"Mayhaps we can have a closer look at the device?" Luna asked.

The excitement, and happiness in Twilight instantly evaporated as she clutched at the small pen in her hooves noticeably tighter. It was like Luna had asked for her greatest treasure. It was a surprising reaction to such a simple request. One that had the others worried about what Twilight would say.

"Okay, but please, be careful." Twilight replied as she reluctantly released the pen, and levitated it over to Luna for her inspection.

The Blue Alicorn gingerly took the pen with her own magic, and started to inspect it. All the while Twilight was watching her intently to ensure she didn't break, drop, or lose the pen. Twilight actually lost it the day before they left for the Crystal empire, and literally tore the Library Treehouse apart trying to find it. Only to finally locate it on her desk. it had rolled underneath her quill, and the feather concealed it from her. She was quite frantic, and distraught when she thought she lost her pen.

While this was going on, Michael was struck with an idea. He leaned over and nudged Aleki with his elbow. Causing the large Samoan to grunt and look at him in displeasure with a bit of lettuce hanging out of his mouth.

"Are you getting as sick, and tired of all this rabbit food as I am?" Michael whispered to the large man.

Aleki didn't answer. He simply narrowed his eyes as he sucked in the last bit of lettuce.

"I'll take that as a "yes". How about when the ponies go to sleep we sneak on over to the nearest Griffon settlement, and "liberate" a butcher. Fuck it, liberate a butcher, and his shop. The Zaku should be easily capable of picking up the building if it is small enough." Michael whispered in a conspiratorial fashion.

The almost chiseled scowl on the Tanker's thin lips slowly curled into a sinister smirk. He was liking this plan. Yet before he could respond, both men experienced a stinging sensation against the backs of their neck. causing both men to hiss in pain, and look to the source of the pain. It was Lilith, and she was glaring heated daggers at the both of them.

"I'm Not going let you two idiots invade another country just so you can get your grubby little dick skinners on some fresh, succulent meat!" Lilith hissed menacingly at the two, trying not to be overheard by the ponies. Yet the wanting tone in her voice for a thick steak was still evident.

Both Aleki, and Michael winced as they heard the venom in Lilith's voice. She was angry. Probably not enough protein in her diet. Though the three would quickly become aware of a pregnant silence pervading over the group. Slowly the three turned to the ponies situated at the table with them. Each one of them had a deadpan expression as they looked directly at the three. Well, all except Pinkie. She had this huge grin on her face as she started to wave at the three excitedly. Luna narrowed her eyes at the three humans. She could tell that mischief was a-hoof, and she wanted in.

"Pray Tell, what hath you three been conversing about over yonder?" Luna asked as she gazed upon the three humans.

Michael was in the process of opening his mouth to try, and talk his way out of it, but he would be interrupted by Pinkie Pie. Whom had her hoof raised, and bouncing in her seat.

"Oo, Oo! I know! Alicky, and Mikey were gonna wait until we were all asleep, and then sneak over the nearest griffon Settlement, that's Griffonville by the way, to "Liberate" the town's butcher, and butcher shop with Zaky." Pinkie explained as she made hoof quotes in the air. "So by "Liberate", you mean to steal the Butcher, and his supply of meats cause you three gotten tired of eating fruits, and vegetables all the time, right?" Pinkie stated as she looked at the two with a beaming grin.

If it had been anypony other than Pinkie Pie, then everyone would have rightly assumed that it was all choreographed. Right down to the synchronized face palm of two Federation, and one Zeon pilot. They were reminded, once more, that nothing gets by that pink mare.

"Well, tha kinda makes sum sense conside'in that they did give tha poor griffon carver a mighty big fright at tha Gala. I'mma guessin if yer used ta eat'in meat. You kinda miss it afta awhile." Applejack said at last.

Twilight shrunk from view a bit. "I think I forgot to mention to Cadence, and Shining that the Humans are Omnivorous." Twilight admitted.

"Yes, I think you did." Cadence said, but the tone was not angry, but more teasing. "Though, now that we know. I believe we can spare the good town of Griffonville, a late night visit. We wouldn't want to give the Griffons a heart attack." Cadence chuckled before turning to the Humans. "I promise you that at our next meal. There would be more adequate food for you three." She said with a soft smile, and a chuckle as she could only imagine how the griffons would take a late night visit by that green titan.

The three humans all let out a sigh of relief that they were not going to get into trouble. Though Luna held a slightly disappointed grimace on her face for a moment before turning to her more neutral mask. The venture sounded like fun. The rest of the meal would continue amiably as small conversations continued to cris-cross the table as everyone finished their meals, and decided to head outside for the testing of the guntank.


The treads of the Guntank clacked against the crystal road surface as it moved into position for the test firing. A safe distance away, Cadence, Shining Armor, Luna, and the Mane Six all sat, and watched intently. Twilight held some parchment, and her pen. Ready to take down any, and all observations. As the Guntank rolled to a stop, the ponies watched as large plates unfolded from the carriage unit from the front, and the rear. The plates being laid against the ground at an angle. Twilight noted this, and some questions as to what they were used for. Immediately afterwards, the "Backpack" of the Guntank folded down, and became what looked like a platform. A mechanical arm unfolded, and retrieved a long cylinder with a tapered tip. It looked a lot like a bullet from the Zaku's machine gun. In Fact, the projectiles were the same size of 120mm. However, the casing on the Guntank's was much longer. Again, making Twilight take note, and mark down questions to ask later. The cylinder was inserted into the back of the Tank's left shoulder cannon before the arm folded itself back up, and the backpack raised up, and closed.

Though while this was going on, Michael was preparing for his excursion into the wastes. He had a detailed copy of the map of the Land surrounding the Crystal City laid out in his lap. It was as detailed, and accurate as the Unicorns could make it with their magic. He studied the last mapped terrain features, and where the attacks have been reported. He was trying to figure out which site to investigate first.

"Are you not going to watch the firing?" a young voice asked, shaking Michael from this thoughts.

Looking up, Michael would see Flash Sentry on the Zaku's hand, his head poked into the cockpit.

"Believe me. I've been on the receiving end of those barrages. It was not fun, and it isn't anything new to me. Though you may want to cover your ears though." Michael stated as he went back to looking at his map.

"Why?" Flash Sentry asked.

"It's gonna be loud." Michael stated simply without taking his eyes off the map.

"CLEAR!" Lilith's voice rang out on the PA of the tank.

By this time, more ponies started to show up out of curiosity, and gather around the Princesses, and the Elements of Harmony. Shining Armor erected a magical shield as an extra precaution as the ponies watched the left barrel start to elevate to the optimum firing angle.

"FIRING!" Lilith's voice called out once more.

A moment later a titanic boom shattered that air as fire belched forth from the tip of the elevated muzzle. The force of the recoil pushed the tank back a couple of feet, causing the plates to dig into the road surface, and preventing the tank from being pushed back any further. The pressure wave could be felt even through Shining's shield, though it did deaden it considerably. The Round screamed through the air as it streaked towards the shield that covered the City. Slamming hard into the barrier, and passing right through, causing a small ripple to spread outward from the point of impact much like a stone in a calm pond.

"Whoa nelly! That was sure some fireworks!" Applejack declared.

"What!? Darling you're gonna had to speak up!" Rarity stated in a raised voice. Her hoof trying to rub the ringing from her ears.

"WHOO-HOO! That was just like my Party Cannon, but like a thousand times bigger!" Pinkie shouted as she hopped up, and down excitedly.

Fluttershy was not available for comment as she fainted from the loud boom. Though Rainbow Dash would swear she heard the sound of a goat baying right at the same time.

Though the one most affected by it would be, surprisingly, Luna. She stood there stock still as she looked at the massive back of the Guntank. Various gases being expelled from the back through one of the two vents. She felt a quiver run up from the base of her spine, and hooves all the way up to the back of her neck. Causing her skin to prickle as she felt an excitement welling up in her that she has not felt since she was but a young foal. It took everything she had not to emulate Pinkie Pie in her growing excitement. Yet, one thought rang out in her mind. That was AWESOME!

Michael looked out of the off set hatch of the Zaku's cockpit, and looked at Flash Sentry. The Pegasus was furiously rubbing his ears trying to get the ringing to stop.

"I told ya to cover your ears." Michael stated before he leaned back into his chair. He reached up, and tapped a crystal that was dangling from a string from one of the Conduits that ran along the top of his cockpit. "Looks like the Test is successful. I'm going to be heading out." He called out.

"Understood. Do me a favor, and get lost out there." Lilith's voice came back, emanating from the crystal itself.

"Nah, that would actually make you happy. I can't have that.." Michael quipped back with a slight smirk to his lips.

The crystals were created by Twilight as a means for the two Mobile Suits to communicate, as well as She, and the others to communicate with them. The encryption on the MSs radios were such that it was nigh impossible for them to talk to one another over any distance. It made sense if thought from a military stand point in that you didn't want any chance of the Enemy from listening in on your communications. Since neither The Federation Pilots, nor Michael knew how to by pass the radios encryption, Twilight came up with the solution in the enchanted jewels that were now suspended in the three cockpits. This was their first real test. This would also give Twilight, and the others away to communicate with either Mobile Suit. So long as they were in range.

"Okay, closing up now." Michael called out as he closed the cockpit, and raised the towering titan to its feet.

The crystal ponies watched with curiosity as the green giant rose up. the ponies curiosity was piqued further as the giant reached for a long flat black tube from its perch on the back of its hips. It was almost as long as the Giant was tail, and held a flared tip at one end, and four openings at the other. The giant grasped the handle, and set it on its shoulder before turning to walk down the street with the mustard yellow pegasus following closely behind.


Once more the snows whipped at the light olive armor of the Zaku as its trudged out through the deep snow rifts. It's large feet sinking down well past its ankle. It would appear that Michael's ascertain that a squad of ponies would be hard pressed to keep up was truthful as it was moving quite quickly. Flash Sentry given up trying to fly against the wind and keep up with the Mobile suit, and simply hung on to the left spiked shoulder pauldron. They were making good time towards one of the attack sites on the map. The Zaku moving at a light jog.

On a nearby rise, Dr. Crystal Shard was staring at the dome with disgust. For the past couple weeks he'd been slowly working his plan to get the Crystal Heart. He knew that he couldn't simply waltz in, and take it. It would most assuredly sense his hostile intent. That, and its guardians were quite protective of it. A sneer stretched at his dust colored lips. He'll have that heart, but he has to be careful. Can't let these ponies know what it is going on until it is too late. Until then, he'll continue to draw out Guard patrols. Make them look elsewhere other than right under their noses.

"I'm so clever. She says so." He chuckled as he eyed the capitol greedily.

He chuckled as he felt his victory was assured. He could feel the Crystal Heart within his hooves. With it, and the distilled essence of Discord, he can create an army of golems, and there would be nothing that pompous princess could do to stop it. From Shard's throat a chuckle bubbled up, and he released it to only get swallowed up by the wind.

Yet, before he could gloat too much, he heard the sound of heavy footsteps, and a tall looming figure started to be seen in the swirling flakes. Shard stopped his laugh, and squinted to get a better look.

"What do we have here?" he mused softly.

Though his curiosity would quickly turn to anger as the green Giant could be seen approaching. Shard felt his anger start raise further as he watched the thing tromp about. Looking around the area. With it, a Pegasus was flitting about as well. The bright monoeye swiveling right, then left as it scanned the snow like it would give up the secrets it refused to reveal to the guards, and their magic.

"What is that doing here?" He spat in disgust as he glared at the Zaku as if he stared hard enough, he could melt it down to a pile of goo with just his eyes.

Yet, even with his mask of disgust, Shard was intimidated. The Giant was bigger than he imagined. Even the papers didn't depict its scale properly. The Pegasus that had just landed on the Giant's head was doing a marvelous job of that.

It is old, and weak. But I wonder... Can you defeat it?

That thought formed in his mind with an feminine lilt. Causing the good Doctor to snarl, and growl.

"I can, and I will. I'll show you just who is the most powerful!" Shard snapped as he started to channel his magic. His Horn glowing softly beneath his hood.

"Do you see anything?" Flash Sentry shouted over the wind as he moved from the Zaku's head to the shield on its right arm. He wasn't sure how Michael could hear him in all that metal, but it hadn't hindered their conversations so far. he just had to be reasonably close for the microphones to pick up his voice.

"No, but I didn't really think I would either." Michael called back over the suit's speakers as the zaku's monoeye swiveled to the right to look at the pegasus that came for a landing on the top of the mobile's suit's shield where it bend over its shoulder joint.

Flash Sentry was curious as to what Michael was thinking, but before he could ask, an ear splitting shriek cut through the howling winds. Flash had to put his hooves over his ears to try, and block out the sound that felt like needles jabbing into his ear drums

Inside the Zaku's cockpit, it was not much better as the speakers let out painful feed back. Michael cringed, and pulled back as he tucked his head down, trying to drown out the feedback.

As the screech died down, both Looked up to see another large figure looming in snowy wastes approaching them. For Flash Sentry, it looked like a crystalline nightmare. For Michael, it was what he has been searching for. He steeled himself as he looked at the abomination that showed up on his main screen.

"Flash, head to the palace, and let the princesses know what is going on just in case these fancy crystals of Twilight doesn't work." Michael ordered.

"Alright. Be careful!" Flash Sentry replied as he spread his wings, and leaped into the air to fly back to the palace.

Michael shifted in his seat as he leaned forward. On the monitor directly in front, the familiar rock, and crystal amalgamation approached, its thick long arms pounding into the snow with sobering force. Michael reached up, and touched the the Crystal.

"This is Sargent Black. Contact in A-4. Repeat! Contact in A-4!" he called out in a professional tone. Dying in battle is understandable, but losing your composure was unforgivable.

With the notification sent, Micheal brought the Zaku square with the approaching creature. It was rapidly closing the distance between the two. In response, the Zaku brought up the long bazooka, its left hand coming around to hold on to the forward grip as the scope lined up with the Zaku's mono-eye. The cover flipping out of the way to let the Zaku's camera peer through. Michael watched with a held breath as the targeting reticle moved to line up the creature with agonizing slowness. When he heard the tone of a solid aim, Michael pulled the trigger on his control stick, making the Zaku's finger squeeze the trigger on the large weapon. An instant later a loud fwoosh cut through the winds as a jet of bright orange flame spat out the back of the bazooka. In the front, steam and hot gases boiled out the muzzle right before a large rocket screamed out of the tube, and headed for its target.

Author's Note:

Next Chapter: The Battle of the Crystal Empire Pt. 2: What skulks beneath.

in other news:

I've been talking with an Artist on Deviantart for possible commission of artwork for the story.

Stay tuned for further details.