• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 4,627 Views, 253 Comments


Sgt Michael Black has found himself in a land far removed from the hellish fighting of the "One Year War". Yet, even here in the land of Equestria, dark clouds of battle loom over the horizon.

  • ...

Peace Treaty.

Luna descended to the private dining area where she and her sister, Celestia, would enjoy their shared meals. It was here that two would normally talk about their day, or night, and anything else they felt like bringing up.

Though there was one rule: No Business at the table. This single room was to be the one place where either princess could talk about everything under the sun, and moon, that they desired without fear of causing an incident or argument, save for royal duties. Though, depending how stressed either one was, this rule was temporarily rescinded to allow the stressed party to vent.

As the lunar princess stepped closer to the private dining room, the air took on a different feel. It was almost oppressive like heavy humidity. Luna quickened her pace slightly to see if something was troubling her elder sister.

Entering the room, Luna would see Celestia sitting upon her favorite cushion. A cup of Tea, and a slice of cake both untouched before her. Celestia had a look of intense concentration upon her normally beautiful features. She was staring at a scroll that was laying just in front of her like it was Starswirl's unsolved theorem. Luna quietly entered and sat upon her favored Cushion. A plush navy blue pillow with stars sprinkled upon it. Using her magic Luna poured herself some tea into a cup and set it down near her end of the table.

"Good Evening dearest sister." Luna said warmly before taking a sip of the tea. however she quickly winced back as she discovered that the tea was quite cold. While wiping her mouth with a napkin, Luna noticed that her sister had ignored her completely. Luna set the tea cup down, and made a mental note to summon a servant to refresh the tea. But first, she had to see what had her Sister so concerned.

"Sister?" Luna called once more before placing a hoof upon Celestia's wither.

This caused Celestia to jump a little bit before turning to her sister. Luna had a concerned look upon her face. Celestia took a deep breath, and slowly let it out. She even extended, and flexed her wings a bit in the same vein of a Human rolling their shoulders. Working some stress out with the movement gave her a small measure of relief but still wouldn't remove the new weight upon her shoulders.

"I'm sorry Luna. Its just that, something of grave importance came to my attention by my Faithful Student." Celestia stated, the worry hanging on her words as she pushed the scroll over for Luna to read. Luna would levitated it up, and begin reading it to herself .

Dear Princess Celestia,

We have had another incident in Ponyville. While it is not something as grave as the dragon attack, nor the Rock Monster, It may be an incident of even graver consequences. Early this afternoon, Sargent Michael Black was attacked inside of Sugar Cube Corner by two assailants. The parties that attacked him were not any pony, but other humans. Further more, these Humans are Federation Soldiers. Members of some opposing political faction in hostilities with Michael's own faction back on his home. Thankfully though, the situation has been stopped before any excessive violence could occur, and the two Federation Soldiers have been placed under house arrest. Lt. Calm Night, and his Guards are currently watching the house. Sargent Black is having his injuries tended to by Nurse Red Heart. I'm worried that the incident that brought Sargent Black to Equestria has also brought these two. If that is the case, has it brought others? Could more be on the way? My experiences in these matters are sorely lacking, and I request advice.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

Luna set the letter down. If she had hands they would have been trembling by now. This was truly grave news indeed as the images that she saw of the war going on in Sargent Black's mind came crashing back into her own mind like a tidal wave. That one scene of the colony dropped upon Sydney causing her to shudder and shiver involuntarily.

"Verily, a grave situation we doth found ourselves, dear Sister." Luna stated, slipping back into her old mannerisms. Normally Celestia would have tried to gently correct Luna, but she didn't this time. There were more important things to focus on.

"Yes, we are walking a tight rope. To show favor to one side risks the ire of the other. I would rather keep Equestria, no our whole world out of their horrific fighting." Celestia stated. Luna could only nod in agreement.

"Perhaps a Treaty with the two sides." Celestia mused aloud. "A treaty that declares Equestria a Neutral party in the war, and condemns any fighting here." She continued. Luna listening intently.

"Sister, there is but only three humans at this time. Doth thou think a treaty a bit much?" Luna stated, her mannerisms coming more, and more under control.

"For three, yes. However, for all we know there could be more. Hopefully this treaty will keep Equestria out of any hostilities between the two factions. Or at least lessen any collateral damage." Celestia stated before she used her horn to summon some parchment along with quill, and inkwell.

My Dearest Student,

Yes, this development is grave indeed. I'm having a Treaty drawn up declaring Equestria a Neutral party in their dispute, and will have it sent for the Highest ranking member of each party sign. In the Meantime I ask that you, as the Princess of Friendship, try to foster good will between the humans. Good Will, and Friendship will always have more power than any piece of legal document.

I'll send my messenger with the Treaty as soon as it is completed.

Yours Truly,
Princess Celestia

With the letter written Celestia quickly sent it on its way to Twilight. Her faith in her student's ability to keep the peace still strong. However, that now left many more things to be decided upon. Especially what course of action to take should the other nations in the world learn of this new incident.


A soft groan could be heard from the extra large hospital bed at the Ponyville hospital. Since the occasional Griffon, or Minotaur passing through town does get bumps and bruises while in Ponyville, the Hospital did have accommodations for their non-pony anatomy. Though it also meant that they didn't have a bed in Michael's size and for the moment he had to contend with one much larger than he was accustomed to.

Michael's body still hurt despite being given care by the best doctors in Ponyville, but the pain nullification spell the doctors used did help a bit. Michael's face was swollen, his body ached all over, and his crotch felt like a beat up punching bag. Michael let out another groan as he opened his eyes, and looked around the room. There were a couple of ponies talking nearby, and he could hear only snippets of their conversation, but couldn't understand them cause of a headache he had. The constant thumping in his head nearly had him see stars and made it difficult to focus. Turning his head, Michael saw three sets of eyes staring very intently at him.

"Are ya gunna live?" Apple Bloom asked.

Michael let out a bark of a laugh, before he let out a breath. "Yes, Apple Bloom. I'm going to live. Takes more than a few knocks to put me down." Michael stated as he reached out, and patted her on the head. Thus earning Apple Bloom a slight glare from Sweetie Belle. Though that glare was extinguished when Michael's hand came to her head, and tussled her mane. Sweetie Belle giggling at the attention.

"I'll get the others!" Scootaloo stated as she trotted out of the room, and quickly returned with Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Calm Night, and Rainbow Dash.

"It is good to see you are alright, Darling." Rarity stated as she came up to the side of the bed, and patted, and then straightened out Sweetie Belle's mane from where Michael messed it up. "Sweetie Belle, and her friends were simply beside themselves with worry when you collapsed outside Sugar Cube Corner." Rarity continued a she gave Sweetie a reassuring hug.

"Yeah! If only I was there, I would have given those guys the ole One, Two!" Rainbow declared as she reared up on her hind Legs, and boxed with her fore hooves a few times before dropping down all four hooves again. "I mean, come on! You saved Ponyville twice now, as well as saved one of Scoot's friends. I can't leave a buddy hanging." Rainbow stated as she struck a proud pose. Scootaloo stared up at Rainbow with something akin to worship. Causing a couple of the other ponies to fear that the young filly would start prostrating herself before the Flyer.

"The Situation is far more complicated that than, Rainbow. Those two are Federation soldiers. Meaning they belong to the opposing political entity to Michael's Zeon..." Twilight explained.

"What the hay are ya talking about, Egghead?" Rainbow asked, causing Twilight to huff in frustration at being interrupted.

"She means that those two, and I are enemies. We're at war with one another back home, Rainbow Dash. A very big war." Michael stated as he looked over to the cyan pegasus.

"Oh, why didn't you say so!?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

"Twilight darling, are you alright? You look rather pale." Rariity asked with concern.

Twilight simply stood there motionless for a moment before a very visible shiver run along her back, and caused her tail to flick. The few images that she remembered from Michael's Test when he arrived always left her shuddering. "Yeah, I'm fine." She stated unconvincingly. Thankful that Apple Jack was not there to call her out on her rather blatant fib.

"Have we learned anything about them?" Michael asked with a grunt of pain as he pulled himself up in bed to get a better look at the ponies..

It would be Calm Night that approached. "Not much. They refuse to any answer any question we ask. All they will give us is their name, Rank, and a string of numbers. We don't know what the numbers mean." He explained.

"Serial Number. Basically it's one's personal Identification Number." He explained. "So what are their names?" Micheal asked.

"Um, the one with the blonde mane is apparently Female. She is a Staff Sargent, Lilith Hardeen, and the other, a male, is a Sargent Alicky Va...Vu....Valulu..." Calm Night informed, having difficulty with the Polynesian name. he continued until Michael waved him off.

"Thanks, though "Hardeen". I think I heard of that name before." He mused as he sat there thinking for a few minutes. "Nah, just my imagination." He mused. "Alright. Looks like its time I talk with them!" Michael declared as he ripped the bed sheet off of him.

And instantly felt a breeze where he knew he shouldn't be feeling one. Looking down, his eyes grew wide as he saw that he was as nude as the day he was born. Just as fast as he ripped the sheet off, he yanked it right back on. Blessedly, it appeared that the ponies, particularly the three Fillies closest to his bed side were preoccupied, and didn't see his rather grand display. Something he was very thankful for.

"Um...where are my clothes?" He asked as he tried to fight down the deep blush threatening to turn his face into a tomato.

"Oh, those? The Nurse had to remove them cause you were so cut up from the glass. Rarity took them to mend, and clean." Twilight stated.

"Yes Darling. Though I really wish you would let me make you something far more fashionable. I did bring the other "Uniform" I made for you though. It is right over there by your table." Rarity stated, pointing a dainty hoof to a small pile of clothes that was just out of reach.

"Why do you humans wear so much anyways!? I mean come on, it took Nurse Red Heart, and two others, like thirty minutes to get them off of you. Its more of a serious pain if you ask me." Rainbow grumped.

"Does...does that mean you saw..." Michael asked, not even able to complete his question. His face so red that he was figuring steam was about to pour out of his ears.

"No, we didn't see anything. We weren't allowed in the room while your injuries were being taken care of." Twilight stated, though she was confused to why Michael seemed quite nervous all of a sudden.

Michael let out a soft sigh of relief as it would appear that nopony, aside from Medical staff, saw his naughty bits. He could live with that, hopefully. He asked that the ponies wait outside while he got dressed. The looks of confusion on their faces told him that he would have to explain it later, to which he promised he would. Though the pony least willing to leave would be Sweetie Belle. She had to be dragged out of room by her two friends. Michael only giving her an assuring wave and a smile as he watched them disappear out the door.


Out in the Hall, Calm Night was standing, and waiting for Michael to finish getting dressed. Like the other ponies, he was having a hard time understanding why the Humans always insisted upon being clothed. Twilight, and her friends were discussing the upcoming Gala, and seemed to be wondering if they should attend again, considering the rather loud ruckus they caused the last time. Something that Calm Night was rather hoping would happen again. He had been on Guard Duty that night, and many nights before, and the Gala was always so boring with nothing but posh spoiled ponies talking about business. So seeing the chaos from the six ponies almost had him, and his fellow guards rolling on the floor laughing. He would find out later that Princess Celestia rather enjoyed it as well.

As Calm Night mused, a Unicorn guard approached. "Sir!" The Unicorn stated as he came up, and saluted.

Calm Night looked over, and returned the Salute. "Yes, Corporal. What do you have to report?" He asked.

The Unicorn relaxed a little bit before taking a breath. "Sir, we have finished the scans of the Humans. We have found large traces of Chaos Magic residue, along with some other magic." He explained. Calm Night's eyes narrowed at this, his hoof brought to his chin as he considered the implications.

"What's this I'm hearing about a Scan, and Chaos Magic?" Twilight Sparkle asked as she approached. Her curiosity instantly piqued when the word "Magic" was uttered. Causing both Guards to come to ridged attention.

The Unicorn Guard turned to Calm Night, who gave him a nod. The Unicorn then stepped forward, and bowed before Twilight. Earning him, and the others a blushing princess. Twilight could only chuckle nervously, her wings twitching in apprehension as she felt everyone's eyes upon her. Thankfully, the Guard stood up.

"Your Majesty, I was just informing Lt. Calm Night that we have completed our scans of the two humans, and have found large traces of Chaos Magic." The Guard explained.

"Chaos Magic, Large traces." Twilight mused quietly as she looked down at the ground. "Michael didn't have much Chaos Magic lingering on him when he appeared. That denotes that they did not appear the same way as he did." Twilight muttered with growing excitement in her voice. The excitement extending from the growing belief that she was not responsible for the entirety of this mess.

"Yes Your Highness, but there is more." The Unicorn guard added, breaking Twilight's musings.

"Oh, what else is there?" Twilight asked, her eyes looking very intently at the Unicorn. Causing the Guard to lean back slightly out of fear of being spontaneously turned into a frog, or something.

"The um...other traces of magic we found, closely matched what we found on Fire Cracker when she was brought in after the fight." He stated, the nervousness fighting to break the disciplined composure.

"Then the two cases could be related!" Twilight stated clopping her hooves together excitedly. Her wings fluttering as she lifted off the ground a few inches.

"Simmer down, Twi. We got to git them two talkin' first." Apple Jack stated before the Purple Alicorn could wink herself over to the house, and being her experiments.

Twilight could only give a Forlorn look at her friend before a soft sigh slipped past her lips. Her ears, and wings drooping a bit. Her friends knew why, and could only giggle. "Fine~." She droned dishearteningly. "I just wish Michael would hurry up getting dressed. This is taking forever!" She groaned


Eventually, Michael did emerge, dressed, and ready to go. His clothing were a close copy of his uniform, though Rarity did add a couple of extra Flourishes that made him look rather dashing, If Sweetie did say so herself. The group would walk over to the house that the two Federation soldiers were being kept in. Though it was obvious as they could hear a distinctly feminine voice shouting along with something being banged against repeatedly.

The house the two were being kept in was a rather nice cottage situated towards the outskirts of town. For a Pony, it would have been a very nice home, and it was furnished rather well. Large couches, and beds were available for Hardeen, and Aleki to use. Though sleep was the furthest thing from Hardeen's mind as she continued to bang a tin cup against the door, and window pane, preventing her partner from even considering the nap that he really wanted right now.

"I demand to be released!" She called out to the Guards that stood outside the home. Some of the Unicorns even taken to putting a sound dampening spell upon their ears to tone down the racket the Human female was making. Making them all thankful that the cottage was not closer to the more populated part of the town.

"The Doors are not locked, nor the windows barred." One of the Guards muttered to the other. Hoping that the Human would try, and escape so if nothing else, it will quiet her down.

"I demand to be officially released!" Hardeen shouted almost immediately after the comment by the guard being spoken.

"Well, at least she's an honest prisoner. I wish I could say the same for the others we had to guard." The other guard spoke with a shrug.

As the group of Ponies, and one human approached. Michael couldn't help but start to chuckle. Sweetie Belle, whom was walking along right beside him looked up at him curiously. Soon the others started to look at Michael with concern in their eyes.

"She's a screamer. Nice." Michael chuckled

Sweetie Belle slowed a moment as she blinked. Looking back up at Michael, confusion upon her fair features, she had to ask. "What's a screamer?" It was the innocent curiosity that all young Children, and apparently Foals, had which just seemed to make it worse. Suddenly all the ponies faces turned a bright red as they looked very uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Ya know, I'm startin' to think you're a bad influence on the squirts." Rainbow Dash stated to Michael as she crossed her forelegs across her barrel, giving him the stink eye. It might had been more intimidating if not for the fact that Michael was almost twice her height, and the Pegsus had to keep her wings flapping to maintain her hover.

"Naw ah know ah've dun seen everythang! Rainbow Dash, callin' out somepony on account of bein' a bad influence." Apple Jack teased the chromatic flyer. The pegasus then glared at Apple Jack who could only return a very smug smirk at her.

As the group approached, the guards quickly came to attention, and saluted Calm Night. He quickly returned the salute and then turned to Michael. "My Guards, and I, will be waiting outside. Are you sure you don't want a guard in there with you?" He asked.

Michael was quiet a moment as he considered his options. After a moment, he nodded. "Yes. Some trust has to be extended if they're going to trust me." He spoke to Calm night quietly before turning to Twilight. "Though, Princess Sparkle, I would like you to come with me. I doubt they'll be trusting at first." Michael requested.

"I don't know if that is wise, your Highness!" Calm Night quickly interjected. "They could try to attack you, or you could get caught in the middle if they try to attack Sgt. Black." He stated, concern for both Twilight Sparkle, and his career, in his voice.

Twilight gave the Guard pony a sour look before letting out a frustrated huff. Really!? Considering after everything she, and her friends went through, they honestly think she couldn't take care of herself now that she had wings!? "Everything will be Fine, Lieutenant. Michael if you would be so kind." Twilight stated as she looked back up to the Zeon Pilot.

"Yes, Your majesty." Michael stated as he removed his pistol, and turned it over to Calm Night. "Please keep an eye on this for me, but don't mess with it. It is very dangerous." he stated seriously.

Turning his attention back to the door. Michael gave it a few sharp raps with his fist. "Okay you two. Back away from the door, and don't try anything. I have an Alicorn, and I'm not afraid to use her!" He declared.

Twilight was nodding along with this before he spoke the last part. Then her head whipped around as she looked at Michael in shock. He was stifling laughter. The same laughter that Twilight's friends were enjoying at her expense. Her ears flattened a bit as she let out another huff.

On the other side of the door, they could hear some whispering, and shuffling around. After a moment, Michael slowly reached out, and grabbed the door knob. Turning it, he gently pushed the door open. he really wished the door was see through, or he had a way of knowing exactly where the the Federation soldiers were. Cracking open the door, he peeked to ensure that no one was hiding to one side. Upon seeing that it was clear, he eased the door open more, and more. Even Twilight was being cautious, and peeking around, following Michael's example.

As the Door finally opened wide enough, the two would see both Soldiers sitting behind the table in the middle of the cottage's Kitchen. It would have been quite humorous cause of the size difference if not for the positively hot glare the woman was giving them. If looks could kill, the woman's glare would have incinerated Michael on the spot. The Large man looked more tired than anything. Probably because he couldn't get any sleep with all of other's screaming. Michael let out a sigh as he entered with Twilight Sparkle walking along side him. The woman cast a withering glare towards the Alicorn as well. Why was she helping the bastard that was trying to enslave her town!?

Twilight, and Michael crossed the small expanse of floor before each taking a seat across from the two Federation soldiers. The woman seeming to have a smug smirk as she looked over her, and the man's, handiwork with the bandages still upon Michael's face. The large man kept that same tired, cautious expression. Twilight looked upon the three sets of faces curiously and could see the tension thickening between them. She never felt anything like this. They were staring at someone they wanted to kill, it was frightening. For many minutes, the two parties simply stared at each other with only three feet of wood between them.

It would be Michael that would try, and dispel silence. He took a breath to speak, but was instantly cut off by the woman shouting.

"Hardeen, Lilith. Staff Sargent. 2349890-0" She declared in a practiced, and forceful voice.

Twilight's ears flopped back against her skull from the volume of the woman's voice. Outside, several guards moved to rush in, but was quickly stopped by Lt. Calm Night as he watched through the open front door.

"Vaaulu, Aleki. Sargent. 563243-1" The large man was quick to follow his leader.

Whatever Michael was about to say was gone as he simply let his breath go slowly as he lowered his head, and closed his eyes. It would appear that this might be a bit more difficult than he suspected. Michael thought for a moment as he looked up at the ceiling. It had an open beam design much like log cabins, and older style European homes. It was quaint, homey, and Michael thought this house could be a good home for a family. Even if it is a bit small. After another moment, he looked over at Aleki.

"So, that is how you pronounce your last name. It was giving Lt. Calm Night quite a fit." Michael stated simply out of the blue. Aleki blinked at the rather randomness of the statement. His mouth making a small "o" as if he was about to retort, but couldn't think of anything. Hardeen's gaze continued boring into the side of Michael's head, but he was not letting it bother him.

"Look. I don't care where you were stationed, what you were doing, or even if you were in the middle of a combat-jack during it. At this point, all that, and I do mean all that doesn't matter. We, the three of us, appear to be the only Humans in all of this World. And unless something drastically changes, we're now permanent residents of this world." Michael explained. He was silent a moment as he let what he said sink into the two before him.

For the two, it was a shocking revelation to hear. That is if they could even believe it since it is coming from the mouth of their Enemy. For Aleki, the news, if was truth, would be devastating. It would be his worst fear come to life if it was so. In his mind, the picture of his new born baby Girl seemed to fade to dust and replaced by the image of his wife being forced to raise their daughter alone and his girl never knowing him. Hardeen tried to hide her shock behind bravado. She was thinking that this man was out right lying to her, and Aleki, he had to be. He was a Zeon! The source of all her pain, and yet, she just couldn't find the strength to lunge at him like she had originally planned to.

"He's right. Not even the Celestial Sisters can send you back home." Twilight stated, affirming what Michael just told them. The look of Guilt, and sadness easily seen upon her face.

"For what it's worth. I'm very sorry that you two were torn away from family, and loved ones." Michael stated a sincerely.

The room was draped in an oppressive silence. Lilith, and Aleki simply sitting there in their seats as the news of their predicament sank in. The anger, and bravado slowly evaporated from Lilith right before Michael's, and Twilight's eyes. Michael didn't say anything. What could he say? He thought about leaving right then, letting the two have some time to process it alone, but didn't. The three of them were humans. The Principality of Zeon ,and the Federation, no longer mattered. It was just the three of them now, stuck in this strange land on their own.

Outside the door, Calm Night was joined by three smaller heads peeking into the dimly lit room. The Cutie Mark Crusaders very curious about the meeting going on. Though none more so than Sweetie Belle after she found out from one of the Guards that one of the Prisoners was a Human Female! Something about that news made her anxious, leery, worried. She stared at the golden haired woman intently, trying to decide if she was an "Attractive" member of her race. Though Sweetie Belle remembered that it was the woman that attacked Michael along with the large man. A frown spread across her youthful visage as she worried about what the appearance of this Female meant for her.

"But...we were told that we would be sent back if we destroyed the Zaku, and its pilot." Lilith muttered finally. Her voice cracking as she swirled between anger, and sorrow.

Twilight's ears perked upwards as she heard what Hardeen muttered. She looked at the woman intently. "Who said that'll send you back?" she asked. A knot of worry starting to twist in her stomach. Could it be another was responsible? Who? She remembered what the Unicorn stated about Magic similar to the kind that permeated Fire Cracker, but she couldn't think of who could possibly have that much power.

Aleki, and Lilith both looked at the Alicorn. Her question was simple enough, or so they thought. No sooner than Hardeen opened her mouth than her mind went completely blank. She blinked as her mouth opened, and closed like a fish. The more she tried to remember, the more it all faded away. Much like a strange dream that one wanted to hold onto when they woke, but the more they tried to recall it, the more it disappeared. In its place was a heavy fuzzy feeling, like when she drank.

"I...I don't know." Hardeen admitted as her face twisted in confusion. How could she forget? She had an excellent memory.

"I can't remember either!" Aleki stated. His face just as torn as Hardeen. There was a hint of panic in his face as he feared what was happening. This wasn't some simple slip of the memory, but he could feel it worming around in his mind. It began to fill his mind with terror that something might be wrong.

"Really? Nothing at all?" Michael asked, his voice being surprisingly concerned.

"NO SHITHEAD!" Hardeen barked at him. Causing Michael, Twilight, and Aleki to flinch away. "We don't remember apparently." She growled. Crossing her arms over her chest.

Twilight's eyes narrowed at both Aleki, and Hardeen. Leaning forward, her horn glowing faintly as she looked at both of them, and sensed magic at work within them. She was using a gentle probe spell to see what she can find. That was until her eyes snapped open. Something was wrong, terribly wrong!

"You two, I need you to lay on your backs right now!" Twilight demanded as she stood up in her chair, her wings flared. The look on her face was of deep concern.

"What!? Why the hell should we!?" Hardeen spat back, raising up in her seat, feeling threatened by this overstuffed reject from a girls TV show.

"Just do it. Something may be wrong." Michael stated, He's been around Twilight enough know she wouldn't make a demand lightly.

It appeared that Hardeen was going to resist when a large hand came to rest upon her shoulder. Her head snapped around, and she looked at Aleki. He didn't speak, but simply shook his head. He knew that resisting would only make things harder. Slowly he stood up, and laid upon the ground. However, Hardeen refused, and remained seated. Twilight huffed at the fact that she was going to have her work doubled. However, she was not going to press the issue. Sliding from her seat, she sat by Aleki's side.

"I'm going to perform a deep scan of your mind. I believe someone may have used a very forbidden spell upon you, and Miss..." She started to explain.

"Staff Sargent." Hardeen growled indignantly.

"Staff Sargent Hardeen. I believe the spell has affected your memory." Twilight explained as her horn started to glow brightly. "This will not hurt at all, I think." She stated right before she started to envelope Aleki in a magical cocoon. Aleki didn't look so convinced.

The other two looked on as a magenta light filled the room. Outside, more, and more heads peeked in, almost completely obscuring the door way. They all watched Twilight intently as she performed a Scan that the Unicorn Guards only wished they had the skill to perform. Sweat beaded along Twilight's brow and horn as she concentrated. No pony, or person uttered a word as the Princess of Friendship, and the Element of Magic did her scan.

Soon, after a few more minutes, the glow began to fade as Twilight let out a long held breath. Though the look upon her face was deeply troubled. "I have a suspicion, but I need to scan you, Staff Sargent." Twilight stated as she looked at Hardeen.

"Its alright, Lilith. I'm fine." Aleki spoke as he sat up, rolled his neck from laying on the floor. "My brains aren't scrambled, and I didn't feel a thing." He added to reassure his rather hesitant superior.

Now it appeared all eyes were on Lilith as she was the only one that needed to go under the scan. She was still very hesitant about being subjected to magic. Even if she was subjected to it multiple times already, both known, and unknown. She slowly backed away from the others as Aleki moved to come to his feet. She watched him intently, looking for signs of Thought manipulation. Yet, he still seemed like the over sized Teddy bear he has always been with children.

"Gah-dammit! Fine! But if my brains start leaking out my ears, I'm kicking both your asses!" Lilith declared as she shot venomous looks at both Michael, and Aleki. She simply could not bring herself to glare at the purple Unicorn-Pegasus-Pony-Thing. With a deep scowl, she took the same position on the floor as Aleki did. "Okay, lets get this over with." She growled in frustration.

Twilight once more assumes her position sitting be Lilith on the floor. She closes her eyes, and begin to concentrate. Her horn starts to take its trademark magenta glow. Quickly that glow started to envelope Hardeen as it had with Vaaulu. Twilight took deep even breaths as she concentrated on keeping the spell stable. As like before, no pony spoke, or made a sound.

Twilight would let the spell fade finally as it appeared her fears were confirmed. She quickly started to pace the room as Aleki helped Lilith to her feet. True to his word, Lilith did not feel anything. She looked at Michael whom was still seated behind the table, and the near uncontrollable urge to beat him to a pulp flared. Yup, she was still her.

Michael stood up from the Table, and came around to see what had Twilight pacing like a mad pony. Seeing him move, Sweetie Belle quickly slipped in, narrowly missing a hoof from her sister. Sweetie Belle wanted to get a closer look at this Human woman, and prevent her from getting too close to Michael. She was still miffed with her for attacking him so viciously earlier.

"So Doc, what is it? Brain Tumor, or is did a bug suck their brains out?" Michael teased a bit, hoping to take some of the tension from the room. Looking down at Sweetie Belle smiling, not really questioning her presence, having gotten used to her hanging around him.

That did it! Lilith was not going to say, or do anything, but that little comment set her over the edge again. She started to stomp over to him, her right leg already on its backward arc to be swung forward to ring Michael's bell, again! However, if there was something every MS pilot prided themselves on, it was quick reflexes. No sooner had Lilith started her wind up, then Sweetie Belle miraculously appeared before his groin, held up in Michael's hands. Causing Lilith stop her assault mid-execution and almost fall backwards. She glared at Michael with pure venom in her eyes. Though she could see the fierce determination in the young Unicorn Filly's too.

"Tch! Leave it to a fucking Zeke to take a hostage!" She spat at Michael, her looks fuming with desire to hurt him.

"Hey! Can you blame me? You were going straight for my Vitals!" Michael defended. Though, had it come right down to it. He would have not let Sweetie get hurt on account of him. He was banking that underneath it all, Hardeen was a good person.

"Yeah! You're going for his vydels!" Sweetie Belle declared, Raising a hoof in defiance of Lilith. Yet, the very next moment, she blinked before looking up at Michael' "What's your vydels?" She asked innocently. Completely catching Michael, and Hardeen off guard with her adorableness.

"Um, you don't need to worry about that. Just know that you're officially my Hero, Sweetie Belle." Michael quickly stated, his cheeks blushing before he set her down on the floor once more.

"Yeah! I'm a Hero!" Sweetie Belle declared as she puffed out her chest in triumph.

"Okay, Princess. What has you pacing yourself a hole in the ground?" Michael asked the Princess of Friendship, all the while edging himself away from Hardeen, and keeping a leery eye upon her.

Twilight stopped, and looked at the three humans whom were now all focused upon her. It was a bit disconcerting knowing that Humans were predators, and having three look at you so intently. She quickly ruffled her feathers to shake her mind clear of gory images of what a Human feeding frenzy could look like before she spoke.

"It would appear my suspicion was correct. Staff Sargent Hardeen, and Sargent Vaaulu has come in contact with somepony upon their arrival to Equestria. However, it would appear that this somepony did not want their presence known. The magic signature is Identical to what I found with Fire Cracker." Twilight started to explain. Outside, Rainbow Dash simply rolled her eyes as she could tell Twilight was about to enter "Egghead Mode" again.

"Excuse me, but what is all this got to do with sudden gaps in our memory." Hardeen interrupted. Her patience wearing very thin having to share the same room, and air with a Zeon far longer than she ever desired too.

"I'm getting to that!" Twilight huffed in indignation. "As I was saying. It would appear that sometime before you came to Ponyville to confront Sargent Black. You two had a spell cast upon you. A spell to affect your memories. I originally thought that the spell was something to simply cloud your memories, and that maybe Princess Celestia, and or Luna could be able to dispel the magic so we can find out who you were in contact with that also had contact with Fire Cracker, but...." Twilight trailed off with a sigh, leaving a very pregnant silence in her wake.

"But....?" Michael asked, Leaning forward. He was curious as well. Lilith, and Aleki were growing very concerned about what Twilight was leaving unsaid.

"But... It appears the spell is worse than that. It is literally destroying your memories associated with this Pony. Meaning we can't recover them." Twilight explained as she plopped down upon her haunches. Once more throwing the room into a deathly silence.

"I won't remember those adorable pack puppies!?" Lilith suddenly squeaked, which was surprisingly cute considering who it came from.

Both Michael, and Twilight looked at Hardeen in confusion over what she just said. Though it would be Aleki that would answer for his Commander. "The "Pack Puppies" is the group of Diamond Dogs we met when we arrived. Hardeen enjoyed playing with the pups of the group, and dubbed them the "Pack Puppies". The other Diamond Dogs appeared to enjoy her company. She even slipped them rations to eat as well." He explained to the audience.

"I can't honestly tell you whether or not the memories of these "Pack Puppies" will be affected by the spell. I simply do not know much of how the spell was made to determine how it works. I'll have to do more research, and possibly consult with the Princess's Archmage." Twilight explained. Feeling a bit down for now being able to give the Human a straight answer. "So my only advice for the time being is to stop trying to remember who you met here. Just focus on those Puppies. It appears to be a very happy memory for you." She stated right before letting out a frustrated sigh.

"So....what happens now?" Aleki asked. looking to Twilight, Hardeen, and lastly to Michael.

"Princess Celestia is drawing up a Cease Fire between The Federation, and the Zeons. Declaring that Equestria is a neutral party in your War. She doesn't want to see the fighting spill out here." Twilight explained as another involuntary shiver ran up, and down her spine directly to her tail. "In the mean time...." She started to say, but was quickly cut off by Michael.

"They should be allowed to move about the town as freely as I am." He stated simply.

"WHAT!?" Those present all shouted at once. For Aleki, and Hardeen that was the last thing they would have expected from the Zeon. The two humans could only stare at the Green clad human with deep suspicion. What was he game? Was he trying to get them to let their guard down? The two didn't trust him, not by a long shot.

"if we're suppose to not kill each other, I suppose we have to start somewhere. Besides, I don't know about you two, but I'll go crazy if I was stuck in a house with nothing to do." He stated before he turned to leave. He figured he forced them to endure his presence long enough. Sweetie Belle walking along side him happily. Thankful of getting him away from that human female.


In the large city of Bolton, there was a small Pastry and Coffee shop upon the outskirts run by a unicorn mare by the name of Cinnamon Bun. She was a well known fixture in the neighborhood as many ponies would stop by on their way to or from work for a cup of coffee, and a delicious cinnamon roll. She would always greet them with a smile, and a warm welcome whenever a pony would enter her humble shop. She was small for a unicorn, with a cinnamon brown coat, and a white icing colored mane and tail that had a natural swirl much like icing on a cinnamon roll. Due to her work with pastries all day, she always had the subtle hint of cinnamon about her, leaving it in the air everywhere she went. Her cutie mark was a plate of three Cinnamon Rolls. All, and all, she enjoyed her life. She wasn't rich but she was happy.

Cinnamon Bun smiled as she closed the door, and locked it before levitating the key back into her Saddlebag. It had been another wonderful day running her shop, Buns and More. A warm smile was upon her lips as she remembered all her happy customers that showed up during the day. It allowed her to look forward to tomorrow when she would be able to do it all over again. Before she started down the street, she looked up into the darkening sky. Celestia's sun has set, and Luna's Moon was on the rise. The stars starting to appear one by one in the deep velvet sky. Cinnamon Bun smiled at the display. She always loved Luna's nights. They were so peaceful. Cinnamon would start walking down the nearly deserted sidewalk. Her apartment was only a couple of blocks away. So it wasn't too much of hassle to walk. Though she wouldn't get very far.

"Pardon me, young Miss." An older stallion voice spoke as a dust colored Unicorn seemed to appear before her. He was wearing a Top Hat, and a cape that was popular among Unicorns in Cantorlot. His eyes focused, and calm as he approached the young Unicorn. "I would appear to be lost, and in need of assistance." He stated calmly as he stopped several feet from Cinnamon.

Cinnamon was startled by the sudden appearance this Older Stallion. He looked harmless at first glance, but something about him was sending chills up, and down her spine. Was it his eyes? They looked different than a normal pony's eyes. In a way they almost reminded her of those rich ponies who would show up trying to buy her shop from time to time, nothing but greed in them, but still there was something more inside of this pony.

"Um, Hello." She greeted politely, though taking a couple of steps backwards. Her dark brown eyes quickly starting to scan the area, and look for any other pony, but she saw none. It was just her, and this strange looking unicorn.

"L-Lost?" She asked. She hoped that being able to give him directions, he may be on his way, and leave her in peace. That look in his eye was very unnerving. It was like looking into the eyes of a Predator. Very unnatural for a pony to have.

"My Dear, are you truly so afraid of me? I'm but an old Stallion. I couldn't harm a fly." The stranger chuckled as he took another step to keep the distance between them only a couple of feet. Forcing the young Mare to continue to backpedal.

Though she would be stopped by something bumping right up against her rump. Her eyes grew wide as she slowly looked up, and saw two large Diamond Dogs. Before she could utter a cry for help, she was quickly gagged, and bound before a large sack was thrown over her.

"Though I can't say the same for my associates." The unicorn chuckled. The last thing the Unicorn would see is a devilish smirk upon the Unicorn's face.

Dr. Shard smiled at their latest Capture. Ever since the Humans left to destroy that green giant that they called a "Zaku", and hopefully get destroyed themselves, He felt more calm, and focused than at any other time he could remember. Course, he remembered to put that Memory Erasure spell upon them both before they left the Mine. He had to be careful still. That spell made sneaking into the Forbidden section of the Cantorlot royal Library worth all the trouble.

"Quickly now. We have to get her back into the tunnel, and to my lab for prep." he urged his Henchdogs. "Oh the great things I have in store for her." He chuckled.

The three quickly made their way down the nearby alley, and towards a large hole that was dug. Another Diamond Dog was standing nearby, keeping watch. Dr. Shard trotted over, and quickly leaped into the tunnel, Followed by his Henchdogs. Immediately afterwards, the Diamond dogs began to fill in the hole, and remove any traces of their presence. Shard would take it a step further, and used his magic to smooth out the top so any pony glancing by wouldn't see a mound of disturbed dirt.


Two days would pass, and the Ponyville's Compliment of Mobile Suits would go up by one. The Guntank's arrival was viewed with great interest by the ponies. Many watching at it lumbered around the town on tracks that was close to a meter, and half wide. It also gave those most interested, namely Twilight Sparkle, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a chance to see the different design notes of the opposing factions. The Guntank being far more blockish, and angular compared to the Zaku's more curvy shape. It brought mixed reviews from everypony. For Sweetie Belle, The Zaku would always be her favorite, for reasons. Scootaloo adored the "Awesome" Shape of the Guntank. Yet, she would always follow it up by how much cooler Rainbow Dash was. To help keep the peace between the factions, orders were left with the guards that Michael was not allowed near the Guntank unless accompanied by either Hardeen, or Vaaulu. The same went for the Federation troopers, and Michael's Zaku.

It would be just past noon as the shadow of the Royal Carriage could be seen sailing over Ponyville being pulled by a team of Royal Guard pegasi. Banking slowly, the carriage would land just in front of the Town Hall. Many of the ponies stopped their daily chores to see what was happening. Though for many minutes, nothing happened. The Pegasi simply stood there, looking this way, and that, for any threats to their charge. Soon though, a subtle "Ahem" could be heard from inside the Carriage. Causing one of the Pegasi to roll his eyes as he unhitched himself from the carriage and moved to the Door. Without much pomp, nor circumstance, the Pegasus opened the door and bowed.

"About time! What, you expect me to do everything? What do we pay you for?" A haughty stallion's voice hissed as he steeped out onto the soft grass. The sensation instantly had him turn up his nose in disgust. "Ugh, What were auntie Celestia, and Luna, thinking when they sent me to this Commoner's Village?" He groaned before lifting one of his perfectly Manicured hooves. "I'm going to have to spend a week getting my Hooves redone." He moaned before he closed his eyes. His long perfectly styled mane wafted luxuriously in the soft breeze of the early afternoon. His white coat shined, and was brushed to an immaculate sheen. A map's compass star shined upon his flank and a small tuxedo like neck piece was on his chest.

With a huff the stallion Looked around in disappointment. There was no Fanfare, no welcoming party!? Did these country bumpkins know how to greet their betters? By Faust's sake there wasn't even a red carpet. How was a stallion of his Royal standing expected properly convey his greatness to these commoners?

"Ah, Prince Blue Blood. Welcome to Ponyville." A happy voice spoke, causing the Prince turn to see who addressed him. His lips grimaced just barely at the latest Princess, Twilight Sparkle. To him, she was "New Blood", and didn't warrant the same amount of deference of his Aunts, or cousin. Yet, still he had to show some respect.

"Yes, Hello Princess Sparkle. I've been given the all too important task of Royal courier. I've brought the Non-aggression Treaty that Aunt Celestia request that the "Hyoo-mins" sign." He stated. "Do you know where they're at?" He asked "So I can get the buck out of here." He finished in his mind.

"Oh, Well Sargents Hardeen and Va...Vu...ah-Aleki. They're at Sugar Cube Corner working off the damage to the shop from the scuffle with Sargent Black. And Sargent Black is probably by his Mobile Suit doing maintenance. Though, given the time, He may be having company." Twilight stated as she looked up at the town's clock tower. Noticing that it was a little bit past the time School lets out.

"Very well. Let us collect them, and have the Pact signed." Blue Blood stated with a defeated sigh. It appeared that he will never make it back to Canterlot at this rate.

The two would walk across the square towards the outskirts of town where the two Mobile Suits were sitting. Blue Blood made the trek very irritating with his constant complaining about how dirty, and common Ponyville is, and how much more splendid the capitol was. The whole ordeal was making it harder and harder for Twilight to keep that friendly smile upon her lips. She had to constantly remind herself that he was Celestia, and Luna's, nephew and that Celesta still had high hopes for him maturing, eventually. Though many Mares would agree that it was a lost cause.

Blue Blood's grumblings would cease the moment he laid his sapphire blue eyes upon the two Mobile suits. He had seen the pictures in the paper, and was told by his Aunts at how big they were, but still! To see them in the flesh was something else entirely. Both towered over him like ancient titans. For the first time in a long time Blue Blood felt small, very small, as he looked at the large Ax hanging off the Zaku's left hip skirt plate. The other truly defied his ability to describe it, and it made him think of crumbling castle walls in the face of an assault by either of these monsters. Blue Blood's wall of Arrogance started to crack at seeing these machines up close. His ears lowering as he found he wanted to be anywhere else but right there.

"Hmm, where could Michael be? He's normally around his Mobile Suit." Twilight puzzled as it seemed the only ones here was a hoofful of pony guards that were tasked to keep an eye upon the two Mobile Suits. One barely stifling a yawn out of boredom. It would appear Ponies were not as prone to sticking their noses where it could easily get broken as humans were.

Blue Blood could only look at Twilight in a mixture of Shock, and awe. Was she not afraid of simply being in the presence of these contraptions that seemed exclusively made for complete destruction? Was her "Alicorn-ness" the reason she could actually be so blase about being near these things!?

Before Blue could think more on the subject, there came a shout, and a hardy cheer right before one of the strangest, and undoubtedly ugliest creature he had ever seen came running around from behind the large green Giant. Just behind it, three smaller creatures, obviously three notorious Fillies in painted cardboard, were in hot pursuit. However, probably the most disturbing part, was that the group was coming right at them! Blue Blood's mind panicked as he started to fumble to get out of the way. The Guards unmoving, watching this all transpire. Subtle smirks, and quick glances betraying their normally stoic expressions.

"Make a hole, make it wide!" The Bipedal Creature shouted in perfect Equestrian.

"GIT'EM!" was the shouted chorus of the three Fillies running down the weaving creature.

The next thing Blue knew, he felt two large appendages upon the back of his head as the creature used him as a vaulting horse, and went up, and over him. The three Fillies hot on his hooves. The action nearly causing Blue Blood to face plant right into the dirt. The Fillies were agile, even in their green cardboard costumes. Threading their way around, and between Twilight Sparkle, and Blue Blood's legs like an obstacle course. Though It would appear the Creature flubbed the landing, and began to stumble forward, trying desperately to regain his balance. This gave the three Fillies the opening they needed as they launched themselves off the ground and into the creature's back, and upper legs. Completely obliterating its last dredges of balance, and sending him nose diving into the grass. The three Fillies riding him down like Slim Picken's did the A-bomb in that old movie.

Michael landed hard in the grass, and slid for about a foot before coming to a rest. On his back, the three members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders cheered their Victory.

"CUTIE MARK ZAKUS DEFEAT THE GIANT MONSTER!" The three cheered before two hopped off, strutting around in Victory. though one remained behind. Enjoying the contact before she would slide off as well. The Guards were stifling their laughter at not only the scene of one of the humans being taken down by three Fillies in Cardboard Zaku Armor, but also the look on Prince Blue Blood's face when he was nearly given a mouthful of dirt

Michael rolled onto his back, and let out a gust of exhale. Blades of grass fluttered up from his lips as he simply took a moment to stare up at the sky. More clouds were lazily being moved by the weather team. The Pegasi completely oblivious to the climatic battle that just took place below them. Though Michael's peace would be interrupted by pair of bright moss green eyes looking directly at him.

"Silly Filly." Michael chuckled warmly as he reached up, and tussled Sweetie Belle's mane. Which had the young filly giggling, and blushing brightly before hopping off. Letting Michael Sit up, and see that both Twilight Sparkle, and an rather incensed Unicorn were just a few feet away. Michael inwardly groaned as he could smell a Politician, and knew it wasn't Twilight Sparkle.

"Hello Michael, I see you're having fun with the Crusaders." Twilight stated happily. It was rather nice to see a Male that was so good with Little Foals. Most generally wanted as little to do with Foal Rearing as possible. Had Michael been a pony, he would have been quite a catch for the mares that wanted to form a herd.

"Yup, Not much more I can do with the Zaku until the armor comes back. So far everything is up to snuff. She is fully operational now. Sans the armor of course." Michael stated as he stood up, and dusted himself off. Though his clothes were filthy now.

"Okay, That is good. We have that Treaty that Celesta requests you sign with the Federation pilots." Twilight explained as she looks to Blue Blood. The Stallion glaring at Michael for using him as a vaulting horse.

"Cool, so we sign on the dotted line, and simply go back to what we're doing." Michael shrugged. "Easy peasi." He adds with a grin.

"What!? This is a highly detailed, researched legal document! It took Auntie Celestia's best Scholars of Law, and Diplomacy over a day, and a half to draw this up!" Blue Blood declared, clearly offended by Michael's rather blase attitude about the whole affair.

"Yeah, and it is utterly meaningless should anyone of higher rank appear. Remember, Neither the Feddies, nor I have any diplomatic recognition in our respective governments. We're just grunts." Michael explained. "Granted, I will sign it, and work to keep Peace. So you won't have to worry about me." He added as a reassurance.

"If nothing else, It'll give the Princesses peace of mind, and can serve as proof to any others that may appear that Zeon, and Federation can peacefully coexist." Twilight stated to try, and defuse the situation.

"Fine, Let's just get the other Party, and be done with this! Now, where are they again?" Blue Blood grumbled as he really wanted to get out of town now.

"They're working at Sugar Cube Corner. Paying off the Damage to the Cake's Bakery." Twilight told him again.

"And where is this...Sugar Cube Corner?" Blue blood pressed, a bit irritated as he felt this Princess was trying to deliberately waste his time.

"Oh, It's just on the other side of town." Twilight stated as if it was merely across the street.

Though for Blue Blood, she might as well have said it was on the other side of Equestria, or the Planet. Hell, It might as well been on the moon to him. He closed his eyes, and could only imagine how dirty, and sweaty his immaculate coat, and suit would get from the sheer exertion of walking so very far. Though it wasn't really more than a mile at best.

"I'll return to the Town Hall, and prepare the paperwork. You can retrieve the honorable Representatives for the signing." Blue Blood stated with an overly dramatic sigh. Making Michael wonder if he was somehow related to a certain purple maned Fashionista. Though he would be quickly informed not to bring up any history between Rarity, and Blue Blood.

"Okay. Come on Michael. We have to get Lilith, and Aleki." Twilight stated as she started to down the path with Michael following. The two being trailed by three cardboard quadruped Zakus.

"Be sure to clean up, first!" Blue called out, but wasn't sure if he was heard or not.


Blue Blood would return to the Town Hall, and promptly commandeer the main conference chamber for the signing. He set out the Parchment carefully, and placed down the two sets of golden gilded Quills that will be used to commemorate this Historic event. Each quill sat in an inkwell made of rich blue Sapphire. The Parchment was the finest quality, written in rich calligraphy by the finest Unicorns of the Royal Palace. Blue felt that for a trio of grunts, Celestia, and Luna were going all out. Did they truly expect more to show up?

"This'll show that snarky Cow of the Night that I can actually accomplish something." Blue Blood grumbled darkly as he looked over the table where the Parchment lay, thinking about all the comments Luna spoke against him to Celestia.

Granted, at least half of them were true, but Blue Blood was far to Arrogant to see that. In his mind, he was just as ready, and fit to be a Ruler as his Aunts, and Cousin. At the very least they should consider giving him a province or some mansion somewhere. He spent the last few minutes making minute changes to the arrangement as he waited for the others to arrive. Next to the Parchment were ten Golden slips of paper neatly lined together.

Blue Blood turned when he heard the door open, and the sound of Footsteps, and Hoof steps coming in. Turning he saw Michael, and two others. Though the moment he laid his eyes upon them, his practice smile turned down as he saw the three humans standing with a gaggle of familiar faces. Michael was standing there in the same clothes he wore earlier caked in dirt, and grass. Around his feet was the three Cutie Mark Crusaders. They were all looking around excitedly as this was their first time being in Town Hall in quite a while. They were chatting about possibly meeting the Mayor herself. Next to them, stood two more Bipedal creatures. Both of which were wearing aprons that were far too small for them, and covered in flour, and frosting. They looked particularly irritated at being here, or it could have been cause of the overly rambunctious Pink Earth Pony constantly getting on them about smiling.

"I can't believe this! Don't you have any sense of dignity? You're utterly filthy!" Blue Blood announced. "This is a very important meeting, and as such should be attended with some degree of Decorum." He lectured while staring daggers at the three.

Hardeen could only roll her eyes. Politicians and their damn ceremonies, even on an alien planet it was all the same.

"Sir, with all due respect. If you wanted Decorum, you should've gotten officers. We're NCOs. We actually work for a living." Aleki stated in deep Hawaiian accent.

"What?" Blue Blood could only ask in confusion.

Michael sighed as he spoke next to make it as plain as he possibly could for Blue to understand. "What he means to say is that we don't give a flying...."

"FRISBEE!"Pinkie shouted all of a sudden before looking at everyone. Whom were all staring intently at her. "What~? There are Fillies present, and he was going to say..."

"That's alright, Pinkie." Twilight stated quickly to cut off her friend.

Blue Blood took a couple of deep breaths to get himself calmed down again so they can start the ceremony. "Okay then. I thank you all for coming. The Solar, and Lunar Princesses wishes to welcome Staff Sargent Lilith Hardeen, and Sargent Alicky Va...Vau..." Blue Blood started to say but was fumbling over his tongue.

Aleki grumbled as he rolled his eyes. "Aleki is fine." He stated simply.

"Ahem, Aleki to Equestria." Blue Blood concluded before approaching the table with the Treaty. "If you will please step up, I request the Highest Members of your factions to Sign the Treaty. It signifies that Equestria is a Neutral party in your conflict, and that you will not engage in combat while upon Equestrian soil." Blue Blood explained as he used his Horn to levitate one of the gilded quills, and dipped it in the Ink. He was mid-turn to present the quill when a new sound was heard in the room.


It was immediately followed with the familiar "Skretting" of something scratching against the parchment. Michael was bent over the table scrawling his name, and Rank, upon the document. Fulfilling the Zeon's Requirement, Michael then stood up and turned to Hardeen as she was the highest in rank from the Federation. He offered her a long tapered cylinder in his fingers. Hardeen looked less than thrilled as she took the object. Barely holding it with the tips of her fingers.

"Ugh, Zeon cooties!" She groaned, though in a half joking manner, before she followed suit, and quickly scrawled her name, and rank upon the document. She tossed the cylinder back to Michael who caught it easily. Thought the object caught another's attention too.

"What is that?" Twilight asked as her eyes peered directly at the object in Michael's hand. Thus causing the human to stop the motion of replacing it in his pocket.

"Huh, this?" Michael asked as he held up the object, a humble black plastic ball point pen.

"Yeah, that!" Twilight asked as she stared at the object in wonder.

"It's a pen. Used to write with." Michael explained, feeling a bit weirded out by how intently Twilight was gazing at the pen.

"Does it use ink!? How with no inkwell?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah. The Ink is in a pressurized cartridge inside the pen. It is one of those fancy ones that are issued on Spaceships. It can write in Zero-Gravity, and upside down. I think it can also write underwater, but I've never tried." Michael explained. Looking at the humble writing tool in his hand.

Twilight was starting to drool a bit, causing Michael's eyebrow to arch as a mischievous grin spread across his lips. He moved the pen to the right, Twilight's eyes followed. He then moved it to the left. Again Twilight's eyes followed obediently. No matter where he moved the pen, Twilight's eyes, and head followed, intently focused like a falcon. He even raised it up over his head, causing Twilight to rise up on her hind legs when he did that. An idea came to his mind, and Michael couldn't help himself.

"Fetch!" He called out as he sent the Pen flying out the door.

"MINE!" Twilight announced as she dove after it like a shot. As if she was possessed by her own "Want it, Need it" spell.

"Oh, I'm gonna catch Hell for that, but it was worth it!" Michael stated as he tried to keep his laughter down.

During all this, Blue Blood was looking over the treaty, and ensuring everything was in order. He knew that if even the slightest thing was out of place, Auntie Luna would try to tan his hide, literally. He let out a sigh when he saw that those aliens at least signed on the correct lines. Ink was such pain to remove from parchment for a rewrite. He would then cast a preservation spell upon the parchment so it could not be altered in anyway later. This was to protect The Humans from any slight "Modification" that a noble with less scruples may pull. Only the Royal Sisters could remove the spell to make any changes if need be. Once he ensured the document's preservation, he rolled it back up to be placed in the saddle bag for the return trip to Canterlot. A Trip that couldn't come soon enough. That just left one more order of business.

"Ahem!" Blue Blood called out to get everyone's attention once more. Including Twilight who had just returned from the Hall with her new treasure held in her magical grasp. When everyone looked at him, he continued. "Yes, well. I have also been asked to present to the Hoo-myns with tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. Princess Celestia truly hopes you three can attend. It will be an excellent opportunity for you to meet other nobles, and dignitaries. Helping to dispel any rumors that may be circulating about your intentions here in Equestria." He explained as he levitated the three tickets before each person.

"I have Tickets for Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the other Element Bearers as well. Auntie Celestia stated that if anyone of you needed an extra Ticket for an escort. Simply to let her know." Blue Blood stated as he levitated the remaining Tickets to Twilight sparkle.

Just outside the Room, Lt. Calm Night could be heard snickering to the other guards. "Looks like the Gala is going to be Interesting again this year."

Author's Note:

Whew! Wow! 12,056! :pinkiegasp:

I really need to organize my thoughts better, and not let them run on like I do. :rainbowwild:

Kudos to Kenshinryuu for coming up with the term: "Pack Puppies". It is super adorable!

Oh Monkeys, 73 likes! That is awesome! I can't believe so many like my story.

I just wanted to say Thank you to all of you that have taken the time to read my humble work. Even those of you that did not like it. That is okay as you at least gave it, and me a chance. I hope you, and many others will like future installments of this story, and the planned sequel!

Thank you very much.

I also want to thank a very good friend of mine for prereading, and editing my chapters. She adds so much with her ideas, and suggestions. This story wouldn't be half as good without her valuable assistance.

Thank you very much, Friend!

I hope you see you all on the next chapter of SIEG EQUESTRA!: At the Gala