• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 4,627 Views, 253 Comments


Sgt Michael Black has found himself in a land far removed from the hellish fighting of the "One Year War". Yet, even here in the land of Equestria, dark clouds of battle loom over the horizon.

  • ...

The Battle for the Crystal Empire Part 4: Triumphs, and Defeats

The thunderous cacophony of the fight reverberated through the growing decimation of the main boulevard that led up towards the Crystal Palace. The Golem, and the Zaku tangled in this brawl with the Guntank hanging back close to the Ponies to act as a shield. Every time the Zaku is knocked back from a hard blow delivered by the Golem, the Guntank would fire a burst from its machine guns to keep the Golem from pressing the attack. Allowing Michael to a chance to breath, and consider another avenue of attack. The fact that there was a pony trapped inside is severely tying up his hands, and limiting his options. They had to end this fight, but in a way that wouldn't leave the pony prisoner as a pile of red soup.

The Zaku was thrown down, and dug another furrow in the growing upheaval of the cityscape as it took another blow from the golem right limb to the chest. The super strong steel alloy ceramic hybrid armor soaking up the blows, but even it has its limits. The Golem let out a screech of triumph as Michael was working to get the Zaku back to its feet. The cloth ripping sound of the Guntank's machine guns once more letting him know that both Lilith, and Aleki had his back. They are playing the "Support" role nicely considering the hot headed Lilith wasn't trying rush in to punch the Golem in its nonexistent testicles.

"Michael, I know you're enjoying dancing with this fucker, but can you please move it along? I'm almost out of bullets!" Lilith's voice came out over the small crystal that continued to swing wildly in his cockpit. The worry about the outcome of this fight, and the ponies clearly evident in her voice.

"There's a pony inside, We have to get it out first! Once we do, the Golem should crumble back to dust. At least that's what the one in Ponyville did." Michael replied as he brought the Zaku back to its feet.

The Zaku reached down to grab at the haft of the Heathawk that was sticking out from a pile of rubble. Though as the Zaku pulled something quickly become amiss. A surprisingly lack of resistance, or shifting of rubble. The Zaku's mono-eye shifted around, and looked down at the weapon in its hand only to find the head of the heat hawk was shattered. Wires, and bits of the weapon's internals could be seen sparking as all that was left was more, or less a baton.

"Well shit." Michael said as he looked at the nearly useless object. "I got a problem." He called back to Lilith.

"The hell is it now!?" Lilith spat back.

"My ax bit the dust." Michael called back.

"Damn piece of Zeon shit!" Lilith snarled as she understood that things were going to get much more difficult. "you got any ideas?" Lilith asked as she watched from down the street.


Inside the Golem, Cinnamon Bun jammed her eyes shut. In her mind she was telling herself over, and over again that this was nothing more than a nightmare. A lucid night terror, and at any moment now Princess Luna would arrive to dispel it. In the morning she would wake up, and everything will be back to normal. Her small coffee, and pastry shop will be waiting as well as her regular customers that like to have a cup of coffee, and a roll before they begin their day. Yes, that's it! All she has to do is close her eyes, and wake up.

Yet, she didn't wake up. Her eyes popped open as she felt a violent blow to her prison. The large greenish giant had just delivered a powerful kick to the Golem's leg that caused it to topple over. Jarring Cinnamon Bun with yet another violent crash as the Golem fell through an already crumbled building, grinding it further into dust. The jostling causing Cinnamon Bun to panic. She was going to die. She as going to die in this strange yellow prison, and no pony will know what happened. Not her parents, not her sister, not her friends. Hell, She didn't even get a chance to ask that cute stallion taxi driver out on a date! Her eyes were fixed upon the enormous cyclops as it approached. What she saw was her death.

"GO AWAY!" Cinnamon Bun mentally screamed at the green cyclops.

Cinnamon Bun tried to focus whatever magic she had into the tip of her horn, to do something, anything that could possibly save her. However, just as soon as she tried the magic fizzled out. It was like something was sucking her magic right out of her. Leaving her even weaker than she was before. Right now, all she can do is watch, and wait until the climax of this event plays out, and she is removed from this world. A tear burning at the corner of her eye.


In the Guntank, Lilith was grinding her teeth as she watched the Zaku, and Golem trading blows. As much as she hated to admit it, the Zaku was pretty rugged to be able to withstand this hellish onslaught, and give just as much if not more back. Yet she knew that it couldn't go on much longer. Michael will be tiring out soon. They had to bring this fight to a close, but how!?

Lilith started to pull up status screens on her display. Her eyes scanning for anything they could use to finish this quickly. The fact that she had less than ten percent of her HMG (Heavy Machine Gun) ammo left caused her to frown deeply. She really hope that the ponies will be able to come up with some magical, or sciencey way to make more bullets, and shells. It is going to be hell just trying to collect all the spent brass casings from this battle. Pushing those thoughts from her mind, she looked to her cannon rounds. Thirty six high explosive rounds, ten armor piercing rounds, twenty air dispersal rounds and fifteen "Marker" rounds. What could she do with this?

Lilith chewed on her lower lip as she racked her brain for an idea. Her eyes constantly scanning her load outs, and always stopping at the Marker rounds. The marker rounds were basically pure lead bullets used to verify range, and accuracy before Lilith would send the real payload down range when she "Fired for Effect". As she stared at the Marker Rounds, something started to form in her mind.

"Hey Michael! I have an idea, but its a crazy one!" Lilith called out. The crystal conveying her message, and almost the smile she had on her face. The kind that Aleki was all too familiar with when Lilith decided to throw logic out the window.

"Right now I can do "crazy"." Michael replied.

"Good, when I give the word, Open up space between you, and the creature. Be ready to charge right back in and grab hold of it." Lilith explained.

"Okay, I'm game. What's the catch?" Michael asks, a grunt immediately following his question as He brought the arms of the Zaku in to shield a blow to the Zaku's head. The Zaku would then swing a powerful hay maker in retaliation.

"I'm going to fire an HE shell just a few meters from you two. That should disorientate, and stagger the bastard. When that happens, you get a hold of the Golem, hold him in place while I fire a marking round just below the torso. The impact may be enough to shatter the crystal that makes up the main body, and get the pony out." Lilith explained.

There was a brief pause from the crystal before Michael spoke up again. "You're wrong, that is not crazy. That is insane!"

"Tol' ya." Lilith laughed

"You owe me a peanut butter, and fudge malt at Pinkie's place when we get back." Michael replied simply.

"Fine, just keep keep him busy while I set up." Lilith stated.

The ponies watched in fascination as the large backpack of the guntank pivoted open while the stabilizers unfolded around the base, and cut into the road around the guntank. From the lowered section two clawed arms raised up from their stowed positions, and reached into the guntank's magazine to pull out two large 120mm shells. One with a dark green tip, and the other a dull grey. The arms slip the rounds into the breeches of the two cannons mounted on the guntank's shoulders before folding themselves up, and stowing back into the compartment. Immediately afterwards, the backpack closed up, sealing the breeches. Inside the cockpit, Lilith's screens showed a positive seal on both barrels.

"Twilight, you listening in?" Lilith called out.

"Yes I am, Lilith. What do you need?" Twilight asked.

"We have an idea to bring this fight to a close, but I'll admit it is going to be very dangerous. Who ever is working that fancy shield needs to reinforce it directly behind the Tank. We're gonna fire our cannons, and some of the exhaust gasses are going to be channeled out back. Also clear out any ponies from around the tank just to be safe." Lilith instructed.

"Okay, I'll tell Princess Luna." Twilight replied.

Lilith would see on a rear facing monitor that the dark blue shield behind the tank darkening as more magic is concentrated in the area just behind the Tank. The Guards ponies marshaling the ponies away from the shield wall.


Near the Crystal Pedestal, the dirt, and cobble stone began to shift, and quietly sink in right before Fido, Rover, and Spot all poked their heads up, and over the lip of the hole they made. It would appear that their guess that the Ponies would be too distracted by the fight to pay attention to their surroundings was correct. Good for them, and even better for the three diamond dogs.

"Heh, heh. Stoopid ponies" Fido chuckled as he looked at the backs of all the ponies that watched with awe as the Titans clashed. The guards were also understandably distracted trying to keep the ponies calm.

"Shhh!" Rover hissed at Fido. He didn't want to alert the ponies to their presence.

"Lets jes git the crystal, and high tail it out of here!" Spot urged as he looked at all the guards that were trying to keep order.

The three slowly began to climb out, and crawl over to the pedestal that held up the crystal. The Crystal Heart glowing, and emanating a soft hum.


Lilith concentrated on the targeting scope as the Golem and Zaku threw themselves at each other. Her tongue gripped between her teeth as she waited for the right time. The reticule glowed dimly upon the screen, highlighting an area of broken road surface about twenty feet away from the clashing titans. Lilith could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she forcefully controlled her breathing. Taking in long even breathes. Her finger hovering over the trigger waiting for the most opportune time. She could feel the sweat forming on the back of her neck, and forehead. Down below Aleki was staring at the screen so hard a vein was bulging on his forehead as he ended up holding his breath without realizing it.

"Come on...Come on. Just a little bit more." She coaxed mentally as she could feel her muscles start to ache from being so tense.

She watched as the Zaku delivered a staggering kick to the Golem's groin causing the monster to double over from the force of the blow. There it was, her shot!

"Move NOW!" She barked as her finger squeezed the trigger.

Michael yanked hard on the controls, causing the Zaku to push backwards with its legs. The thruster pack on the Zaku's back igniting, aiding in its retreat. The shield arm was brought around to bring the thick slab of metal between The Zaku's torso and cockpit, and what Lilith had planned. As it landed, the Zaku's legs bent slightly, ready to push off again once the the opening has been provided.

The single 120mm cannon on the Guntank's right shoulder fired with a concussive boom that rippled through the air as fire and smoke belched from the muzzle of the gun. From behind, dark smoke and gases vented out of the Guntank's back, and washed over the shield causing many of the ponies to retreat back. Yet the shield would hold back the force easily, displaying the power of the Lunar Diarch. The ejector port opening and the large shell casing ejected. Tumbling to the ground with a clattering similar to a dumpster being dropped from a two story building.

The high explosive shell screamed across the divide, slamming hard into the broken street between the Zaku, and the Golem. The explosive force of the explosion throwing up hundreds of pounds of dirt, and stones into the air. Preventing the Golem from regaining its balance as it started to tumble. The Golem, and the Zaku peppered by the rain of small stones.

The instant the HE shell struck, Michael commanded the mighty mobile suit forward. The Zaku's legs pushed off from the ground, and its thruster pack burning brightly like a comet's tail. Propelling the mobile suit rapidly through the smoke, falling debris, and directly into the Golem. The Zaku's arms quickly grappling with the creature as Michael pulled, and twisted the suit into putting the Golem into a full nelson. Both arms slipping underneath the upper limbs, and grabbing hold of the shoulders. The head being too small, and tucked in to get a good grip on. The Zaku's longer legs giving it the leverage it needed to manhandle the golem in place. Ready for the second part of Lilith's plan.

Lilith was already setting the second part of the plan into action. Her fingers dancing over the control boards, switching the firing system over to the left 120mm cannon. This was where it got hard. She had to make this shot count. Lilith could feel her hand wanting to tremble as there is so much riding on this one shot. What if it didn't work? What if she kills the Pony inside? Can she live with that on her conscious? Her stomach twisted in knots as doubt gripped her mind, and threatened to sap her will to pull the trigger. her eyes focused intently upon the targeting scope. the cross hairs situated just beneath the torso, and above the groin. she clenched her teeth as she commanded her finger to squeeze the trigger.


Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the enormous lead bullet exited the muzzle of the cannon. All eyes were watching, hoping for a miraculous outcome for this gambit on the part of the humans. Michael could see the fire, and smoke obscuring the view of the Guntank, and the ponies behind it. He tensed himself, tightening the muscles in his stomach, and legs in preparation for what he expected to be a painful blow. Through clenched teeth, Michael said a prayer hoping that this crazy idea would work.

The round flew true, and struck right where Lilith intended. the soft lead quickly distorting against the magically reinforced crystal, and stone. Driving all the kinetic force into the creature, and overwhelming the magic that kept the rock, and crystal together. Hairline cracks that formed during the fight against the Guntank, and then Zaku, split with an ear splitting CRACK! The force of the Zaku's arms pulling against the Golem's upper arms caused the cracks to split even further apart. The torso breaking apart in a shower of amber colored crystal shards as the Golem, and the Zaku were sent crashing down upon the Zaku's back.

One particularly large shard broke from the chest cavity, and tumbled through the air sailing over the Zaku's head. As it passed in front of the sun, the bright rays of the sun shone through the crystal, and a particular form could be seen inside. Michael's eyes grew wide seeing it. His hands manipulating the controls, releasing the Golem that was already breaking apart into rubble. One large hand coming around, and reaching for the crystal that seemed to be just out of its grasp.

The ponies watched as the round struck home, and the Golem, and Zaku were sent sprawling to the ground. The mobile suit becoming half buried in stone, and rubble as they came to rest in the middle of the devastation. All was silent as everyone watched to see what will happen. Will the pile of stones pull itself back together, and continue the assault, or will the Zaku rise up victorious over its enemy. In the Guntank, Lilith and Aleki watched intently. There several dozen meters before them lay two figures. Both enemies, but only one they wanted to see rise from the rubble.

A gasp was drawn from the crowd of ponies as the stone, and rubble began to shift. Large stones slid, and crashed into each other as they relented to the strength of what is rising beneath them. Scarred, and dented olive green armor slowly became visible as the Zaku moved to a sitting position. Crystal dust, and smaller rocks cascading down from its battered form as it continued to stand up. The ponies watched, hoping that this was a good sign. So far only the Zaku was coming to its feet. The Golem has yet to try, and reform.

For Twilight, Luna, and Cadence, they noticed that the Zaku was holding its right hand rather odd. The Fingers were mostly closed, and the hand itself was tucked close to the chest. It was carrying something, and the three royals hoped as to what it was.

The Zaku would turn towards the Crystal Palace, and begin walking forward. Its steps were slow, an aura of weariness seemingly emanating from the towering machine. Its footsteps sending small tremors through the ground as it approached the assembled group. Luna would drop the shield, and fly down along with Twilight, and Cadence. The three landing just in front of the Guntank to welcome back one of the warriors that fought on their behalf. The other ponies were held back by the guard for their safety.

As the Zaku stood before them, the three princesses looked up at one of the saviors of the city. With natural ease, the Zaku folded its legs as it lowered itself down into a kneeling position before the three alicorns. Its right hand lowering, and extended out towards them. Luna, Cadence, and Twilight all tentatively approached to see what the Zaku held in its hand. Gingerly the large fingers uncurled to reveal a cinnamon brown unicorn mare with a white mane, and tail laying in a large pile of crystal dust. The three looked upon the unconscious form of the Mare before them. Her coat was matted, and dull. Her mane, and tail ragged, and tangled. She looked on the verge of starvation. Yet, as they watched her barrel slowly rise, and fall, they could see that she was alive. She was alive!

Towards the back of the large crowd of ponies, Rarity and Fluttershy watched. Rarity was simply dying of curiosity to see what exactly the Zaku was showing the princesses in its hand. She hoped it was the suspected pony that they thought would be trapped inside the monster.

"Oooo, all this waiting is really starting to bother me! Why won't the princesses tell us what it is that's in the Zaku's hand?" Rarity whined as she craned her neck to try, and see, but all she saw was the multicolored backs of many, many ponies. "Fluttershy, do you think you can fly up, and....Huh?" Rarity started to say when something caught her attention from out of the corner of her eye.

She would turn to see three very familiar Diamond Dogs around the pedestal that supported the Crystal Heart. A Diamond Dog sporting a rather tattered Red vest was just reaching out to take Crystal Heart.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Rarity snapped!

At the Pedestal, Rover just wrapped his dirt encrusted paws around the Heart when that horrid voice cut the three right to the bone. It summoned hellish nightmares of a singular Pony that even to this day filled their hearts full of dread. Memories of her shrill voice inflicting needle like stabbing pain to their eardrum was still quite vivid. Slowly the three diamond dogs turned in the direction of the voice. Each muttering a silent prayer that they have simply imagined the voice. When they laid their eyes upon the ivory unicorn with the perfectly coiffed violet mane, and tail, their eyes shrank it horror.

"Oh no! It's the whiny one!" Rover declared even as Fido, and Spot were whimpering behind him.

Rarity let out a dramatic gasp at their declaration, clearly offended by it. "Why I never! How rude.".

"Quick! Use our "Anti-Whiny-One" defense!" Rover ordered.

The Diamond Dogs reached into their vests, and each one would pull out a pair of over sized cork wine bottle stoppers. They would jam them into their ears to deaden any auditory assault that Rarity could throw their way. Once their defenses were in place, Rover snatch the Crystal Heart off the pedestal as Fido, and Spot were already making their way back to the hole.

"GUARDS! GUARDS! Come quick! The Crystal Heart is being stolen!" Rarity called to the closest guards.

"I'm on it, Rarity! Those pooches don't stand a chance against Equestria's fastest flyer!" Rainbow Dash boasted as she took off after the three. Just behind her a small detachment of crystal ponies wearing armor, and brandishing long spears were charging the Diamond Dogs.

They would not make it however as the moment that Rover dove past the mouth of the hole, it was immediately filled in by the rest of the Diamond Dogs that waited inside the tunnel. The tunnel was quickly disappearing even as the three were making good their escape.

Rainbow Dash barely was able to pull out of her dive in time to prevent splattering herself against the ground. The Guards immediately began to dig after the three thieves, regardless how futile the effort. The Crystal Heart was their empire's greatest treasure. They simply had to get it back.

From the group of ponies that hung back, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadence were galloping as fast as they could to the scene. The two came as soon as they heard the call for the Guard. Just behind them was Twilight Sparkle, and the rest of the Elements.

"What happened here?" Shining Armor asked.

"Three Diamond Dogs stole the Crystal Heart, Sir!" one of the guard stated as he stopped digging to give his report.

"S-Shining, what does this mean?" Cadence asked as she could already feel the effects of the Crystal Heart fading with each passing moment taking it further, and further away.

"It means that this was not some random attack." Luna declared as she landed beside the two monarchs of the Crystal Empire. She had just finished giving the unconscious mare a small healing spell to stabilize until a doctor can arrive. "It is apparent that the target was the Crystal Heart all along." She snorted as she looked at the Pedestal, and then to the filled in hole.

"What's going on?" Lilith asked as Aleki, and her approached the group.

The ponies that were congregated around the pedestal all turned their heads as they watched two of the humans approaching. Aleki just a pace or two behind the woman. Michael opted to remain behind, and make sure that the mare that was trapped in the monster was taken care of.

"The Crystal Heart was stolen. Right from underneath our noses." Shining Armor stated. He had to force himself to keep his composure for the sake of their citizens. "Diamond Dogs came up underneath the palace, and swiped the Heart while we had our backs turned."

For the two humans, hearing that Diamond Dogs committed the larceny, it dredged up some very odd feelings for the two. A curious sense of Deja Vu.

"Okay, so what does this mean?" Lilith asked

"It means that this attack was not random, but a deliberate, and regrettably, successful attempt at the Crystal Heart. However who, or what committed this certainly has plans for the heart, and if they're willing to go this far for it. I'm certain it is nothing good." Shining stated, a noticeable hard edge in his voice.

"This changes everything." Aleki said ominously.


Outskirts of Ponyville

The thundering of hooves filled the peaceful afternoon air along with the rhythmic creaking, and rolling of wooden wheels. The normally clear main road towards Ponyville was taken over by a large Carriage gilded in fine accents of gold, and silver that glimmered in Celestia's sun. Causing the carriage to stand out in the more agrarian landscape of Ponyville. One or two ponies who had also been on the road jumped out of the way of the carriage that was pulled along by muscular royal guard ponies. The ponies shouted at the offending carriage in anger or held up a hoof to cover their faces from the cloud of dirt kicked up by the stallions pulling the vehicle along.

From within the carriage itself, Prince Blue Blood sat upon the plush overstuffed bench seat, watching the landscape roll by. He hummed to himself contently as he brought his teacup to his lips with his magic, and sipped it gently without even feeling the slightest bit of trouble from the carriage moving on the bumpy road. Thanks to the unicorn "Driver" that used his magic to smooth out any disturbances in the uneven road surface. The carriage that the Prince sat in was designed to fit royalty and those of the nobility, keeping them in comfort and undisturbed through their trip and the driver was tasked to help ensure that comfort.

With a sigh of relaxation, Blue Blood set the teacup down upon the saucer, using his magic to keep the dish steady. His mind began thinking back to his "Mission", and summoned up his resolve. He would prove that Hyoomin wrong! He would show her that he wasn't just some pompous spoiled brat. He'll show everyone! No pony, or alien for that matter, will be able to question him ever again. He will prove himself worthy of his Title, and Crown. That red maned Lilith, by the end of it, will be swooning over him. Running those exotic fingers of hers through his golden locks as she look into his eyes. Those lovely green gems of hers entrancing him. She will admit to how charming and handsome he was, and...and...wait. What was he thinking about again?

Blue Blood snapped out of his reverie as he realized his mind was wandering again. Something that seemed to be happening quite often lately. He let out an aggravated huff as it appears that he can't keep that belligerent hyoomin mare out of his thoughts! She had somehow bewitched him. Yet according to both Aunty Celestia, and Luna, these hyoomins possessed absolutely no magic. It was frustrating to no end, and yet exhilarating at the same time. Never had he found such a soul in this world. Every mare had thrown themselves at him up till this point. Or rather, they thrown themselves at his crown and asked to be pampered for the rest of their lives while proclaiming to love him. Even the Element of Generosity had expected this of him.

Blue Blood's soft lips turned down at that thought, his crown. Was that all pony kind saw of him? Did any pony actually see him, and not his crown? Was that all there was to him?


There was more to him, and he would prove it! He will show the world. He will show this Lilith Hardeen that he was not some stallion that she could simply brush off!

The Carriage began to slow as it entered into Ponyville. Many of the ponies stopping from their errands, and daily chores to watch the new arrival in the glittering carriage. Whispers quickly began to circulate to its purpose. Though the most popular speculation was a possible suitor for the town's resident Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. This elicited excited squeals as the gossip mill began to grind with a vengeance.

Blue Blood's carriage would finally come to a stop in front of the Town Hall. Mayor Mare quickly trotting out to meet the Prince as a pegasus footpony came around to set a stool down before opening the door. Mayor Mare bowed her head in deference of the Carriage's occupant. She knew whom was coming as she had received the notice in a missive from Princess Celestia several hours prior, so she was ready to receive the Prince.

"Good Afternoon, and welcome to Ponyville Your Highness." Mayor Mare greeted warmly as she approached Blue Blood with a short bow.

"Yes. Good Afternoon, and thank you for your subdued welcome. I feared that you would have planned something extravagant." Blue Blood stated simply as he looked around the town he had visited just before the Gala.

He decided that a good first step was to show that he could be "approachable" to the common ponies. Something his Aunty Celestia prided herself on. Even stopping to personally greet foals when on parade, or out for a stroll among the commoners.

"You're quite welcome, your Highness. Will you be staying with us long?" Mayor Mare asked. The letter had only stated that the Prince was coming, and requested a "simple" reception. It didn't contain the reason for his visit.

"I, Prince Blue Blood, am to act as liaison between the the Royal Crown, and these hyoomins. Ensuring that their needs are met, and that they honor the Cease Fire agreement that they have signed. Also should any business from the Princesses need to be communicated, I'll be the one to set up the meetings to ensure all official obligations are met." Blue blood explained, a prideful tone in his voice as he felt like this was something only he could do.

"Oh, I see." Mayor Mare said with a professional amount of "Awe" in her voice. "That does sound quite important." she added with a confident nod. Though she believed that Princess Twilight Sparkle was probably the better choice for such a job considering that she is the Princess of Friendship.

"Yes, quite important." Blue Blood agreed as he puffed out his chest in pride.

"But the Humans aren't here. They've left with the Elements of Harmony last week, or so." Mayor Mare informed Blue Blood, unsure if he is aware of that.

Blue Blood's eye twitched as he had to choke down a scathing rebuke to the effect that he was not stupid, and knew that already. He would take a deep breath, and slowly let it out before he answered.

"Yes, I'm aware of that. It is because they're fulfilling a request from Princess Celestia on behalf of Princess Cadence that I'm here. Should more of these "Requests" need to be made. They'll have to be done so in such a way that would not reflect poorly upon the Crown before the Noble court." Blue Blood explained.

"Oh~ I see. That explains it. Well then, is there anything I can do in particular to assist you, your Highness?" Mayor Mare asked.

"Yes, I shall need lodgings close to where the Hyoomins dwell. Should anything happen I need to respond quickly." He stated.

"Well, that shouldn't be a problem. I believe Mr. Black is currently residing with Miss Rarity at Carousel Boutique. Miss Hardeen, and Mr Vaaulu...well, they just kinda took over the vacant house the guards had them confined in when they arrived. It's the house close to Sugar Cube Corner. I believe there is a rather cozy cottage that is close to the two homes." Mayor Mare said with a smile.

"A "Cottage"?" Blue asked, almost grinding his teeth.

"Yes, a Cottage, they are quite common here your highness." Mayor mare said with the most innocent of faces that hid a devious side she rarely had a chance to indulge in.

"I see. Well, if that is all that is available, then I shall endure it." Blue Blood sighed.

"Thank you for being so understanding, your Highness." Mayor Mare replied. "If you will please follow me, I'll show you to the cottage." She explained before turning to lead the Prince across town. Blue Blood's steward following close behind with prince's luggage levitated in his magical grasp.

Author's Note:

I want to sincerely apologize for how long it took to get this chapter out. I want to thank you for understanding, and sticking with it for this long.

Next time on SIEG EQUESTRIA: Sweetie's big "Date".

Note: Some may have seen where I published, and shortly there after Unpublished this chapter. It was because when I published it, and did a final look through. I noticed quite a few of the words missing. Looking through, it was all the words that were either Italicized, or in Bold. I tried to get them to appear, but it always shows up "Blank" on the finished project, so I had to remove them all, and Reinsert them the following day. I don't know if any of you ran across this in your works, and I hope this won't continue on into the next chapter.