• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 4,627 Views, 253 Comments


Sgt Michael Black has found himself in a land far removed from the hellish fighting of the "One Year War". Yet, even here in the land of Equestria, dark clouds of battle loom over the horizon.

  • ...

To Protect Others.

The past couple of days had been the most peaceful and relaxing mission imaginable for the two squads of Guard ponies that had been left behind in Ponyville to oversee Sargent Black's acclimation to his new surroundings as well as seeing how the denizens of Ponyville react to having this Human, and his war machine in town. One squad was comprised of Royal Guard, and the other was of Luna's Night guard.

The Royal Guard watched over Michael during the day, and made sure no trouble was started. While Twilight interviewed, studied, and observed Michael, the Royal Guard watched the other denizens of the Town. While for most the principles of "Love, and Tolerance" that were instilled into them by Princess Celestia seemed to hold sway as they were friendly to Michael. There were some pockets that did not seem to like this alien intruder into their midst. The Guards would keep them under watch.

For the Night Guard, their task was a bit easier. They did not have to directly interact with the townsponies. Their duty was mainly to keep unwanted visitors from getting to close to the Mobile Suit when Michael was asleep. Luna was very pragmatic, and knew that other nations would be quite interested in these new arrivals since the papers were so quick to report on the Human's arrival. Particularly the Griffon Empire of Griffonia, and the Empress was not above sending spies, and agents to get a close look at the Machine with possible desire to abscond with it, and its pilot.

However, those peaceful days came to a halt today as the two groups of Guards were now standing at attention in front of a Lavender colored Alicorn, and her five friends. The Guards were quickly assembled, and stood as ridged as they stared forward. Their ears pert on top of their heads, and through their Helms. Waiting for their orders from the pacing Alicorn.

"We have a crisis on our hooves here! A large creature, made of rock, has openly attacked three fillies without provocation. Two managed to escape, and are currently being looked over by Nurse Redheart. However, the condition of one of the fillies still is unknown." Twilight was briefing the twelve guard ponies.

The fact that was she was not saying names was a deliberate attempt to keep her emotions in check as the captured filly, and the other two were close friends of her, and the other elements. The one captured was actually the Sister to the Element of Generosity, and Rarity looked on the verge of fainting.

"At the moment it is believed that Sargent Michael Black has taken his mobile suit, and went to try, and subdue the creature. So what I'm going to need is for you twelve to follow me. If Sargent Black is indeed fighting the Rock Creature, the young Filly could be in danger, and we will have to get her out of there quickly." Twilight finished before turning to the remaining members of the Mane 6.

"Girls, I'm going to need you to remain in town, and keep everyone calm." She instructed before approaching Rarity, and placing a hoof upon her shoulder. "It'll be alright, Rarity. We'll get Sweetie back. Just you way wait, and see." She promised.

"Thank you Twilight. I just don't know what I'll do if anything happened to Sweetie Belle." Rarity said while trying to keep her calm. Yet her closest friends could see that her composure was on the verge of cracking.

"We will save her, I promise." Twilight stated before she sent them on their way towards the town, while the sound of two war giants savagely beating one another to a pulp could clearly be heard. Every blow sounding like the banging of a gong.

Twilight turned back to the guard ponies, and gave them a determined nod before she started to gallop in the direction where Michael's Zaku ran. The sounds of battle were easily heard, and even felt with the soft tremors of multi-ton giants duking it out. While Twilight had wings, she was still very new to them. So for now, she ran on hoof. The Guards broke up into the fastest modes of Travel. The Pegsai, and Thestrals took to the air while two Earth Ponies, and two Unicorns ran just behind Twilight. The Flyers did not fly too far ahead of those on the ground.

"Princess, what are your orders for when we arrive?" Lt. Swift Shield, a rather large Earth Pony asked as he came along side Twilight.

"First we need to see if we can find Sweetie Belle, and ascertain her condition. Hopefully, Sgt. Black is getting that creature away from her, and the town. Once that is out of the way, we have to ensure to keep the two fighting contain...." She explained before she was suddenly snatched up by the two Royal Guard Pegasus.

"INCOMING!!!" A Royal Guard Unicorn shouted as the sky darkened with a massive form careening their way.

The rest of the Ponies scattered as 60 tons Zeon engineering came crashing down to earth. Slamming hard with a sickening metallic crunch as the momentum from flight plowed a deep furrow into the soft earth. The vibrations of the massive impact sent several ponies tumbling to the ground.

The Zaku would come to an halt in an undignified pile of rubble and dirt. From the direction that the Mobile suit came from, The towering Golem tromped forth. It let out a bellow in victory and slammed its hands violently against its chest like a gorilla with a blood lust. The eyes of the Guard ponies grew wide in shock. They all thought the same thing.

"Oh buck me!"


Michael and Sweetie Belle braced for the impact. Micheal brought up the Zaku's arms to shield from the pummeling that was expected. The Golem looked like it was going to bring down its club like appendages right on top of the Zaku's head. So when it swung them down short, that surprised both Sweetie, and Michael. However, it was merely a way to gain momentum as no sooner than the arms came down, than they swung back up. Connecting to the Zaku's abdomen, just below the cockpit's hatch. The blow was so hard that he sent the Zaku flying off its feet to land several dozen meters way.

If not for the fact that both Michael, and Sweetie Belle were both were strapped in, both would have suffered painful contusions from being bounced around the confined space like two pinballs. Michael was stunned for a moment when the wild ride finally came to a stop.

"Sweetie, you alright?" Michael groaned as a hand came up to rub the side of his head. He knew that he was going to feel this fight tomorrow and probably the day after, and the one after that.

"Yea, I think so." Sweetie replied as she writhed a little bit in the ballistic nylon restraints.

"Sumbitch hits hard, don't he?" Michael stated as the blurry vision started to clear, revealing static filled screens.

"Yea~" Sweetie agreed, she had to shake her head a few time to clear her vision.

"How about we show him how hard we hit back." Michael suggested as his lips pulled back revealing ivory colored predatory teeth.

Michael could feel Sweetie Belle tense up, and her looking up at him. He could only imagine the look on her face. At their core, Ponies were prey species, and their Flight, for Flight responses often leaned towards Flight. Michael, and humans were predators, the Apex predator of their world. So Michael was up for a fight. When Sweetie Belle replied, what she said made Michael's predatory smile almost feral.

"Yeah! Get that meanie!" She declared as she threw a hoof into the air.

Deep within Michael Black, something clicked. It was like the proverbial light was finally shone down upon what he was meant for. He was a Mobile suit pilot, a decent one. Here, he could use his Talent, and his Mobile suit for something that he never could back home. With his Zaku, He could protect these ponies from the threats that endanger their peaceful lives. Here, he can be a Protector for good.

Michael's hands reached out, and grasped the controls. The screens flickered back to life as the eye of the Zaku blazed once more. The electronic hum echoing in the area as the multi-sensor did a quick run through its range of motion. The eye sliding from one side of the track to the other before centering again. The Zaku was awake.


Your Majesty, are you alright?" Calm Night asked Twilight as the two pegasi eased the lavender Alicorn back down to the ground.

Twilight groaned a bit at the sudden speed, and direction change. Rainbow was trying to get her to understand that in flying that can be fairly common, and she was going to have to get used to it. However it was still a very unpleasant experience for her that sent her stomach churning and her legs wobbling.

"I'm fine, but what's going on?" She asked. Though as her eyes saw the laid out Zaku, and the towering rock monster lumbering towards them. Her face paled, and her ears flopped back. It was huge!

"Your Majesty, we have to get you out of here. It is not safe here." Calm Night stated as he started to nudge her back to her hooves.

"No. We have to find Sweetie Belle, and stop the creature. If Michael couldn't do it..." Twilight protested as she stood up, but was quickly cut off by another guard.

"The Giant! It moves." She declared as she pointed a hoof in the direction of the now moving Zaku.

Powerful fingers slowly curl, digging deep furrows into the soft moist earth as the Zaku started to slowly sit up. Large clumps of dirt, and grass fall from the torso as the mobile suit moved to straighten up. Curling one leg underneath it, the Zaku came to its feet, and stood once more to challenge the Golem.

"Princess! you're too close to the fighting. We have to go now!" Calm Night almost shouted at Twilight. The Guards heard how the Zaku went toe to toe with a full grown Dragon, and they did not want to get underfoot when it was fighting another monster.

"What about Sweetie Belle!?" Twilight snapped. She did not want to abandon the little sister of one of her closest friends.

"Our top priority is to ensure your safety, your Highness. If we stay around here, we'llall get crushed!" Calm Night replied. He looked to the other guards, and they quickly swarmed the Princess, and hoisted her up before they ran back towards the Town.


The Zaku stood against the Golem, the two titans glaring at each other over the few meters that separated them. From within the crystal, the mare could only whimper, and mentally cheer the Zaku. Praying that this one could do what the Dragon could not, and finally release her from her torment. Even if it meant her death. Large green eyes stared out of the yellow crystal at what could be her only hope for freedom.

On an unheard, or seen, signal the two charged each other. The Golem tromping his way toward the Zaku like an enraged gorilla. The Zaku charging with determination, its heat hawk held up, poised for the swing that would bring it down upon the Golem with vengeance. The Golem raised its arms to try what it did last time, but Michael was ready, and instead of raising its arms to block. He pushed off with the Zaku's right foot, and moved left and brought the Ax down. The ax whistled as it was swung though the air, and connected hard against the creature's middle. A bright streak of super heated rock, and crystal glowed across the surface of the creature's abdomen. The Golem let out a sharp shriek of pain as it ground rock, and crystal together to make the sound.

"Oh, so you can feel pain." Michael sneered evilly, emboldened by this little tidbit of information.

The Golem staggered back, one arm covering its abdomen, and supporting its bulk with the other. A glowing line of melted rock, and crystal cooling in the afternoon air. Inside the crystal, the Unicorn gritted her teeth through the bone jarring impact.

Michael charged the Golem once more. His heat hawk ready to make another cut into the rock. The creature swung its arm to try, and bat the Zaku away, but Micheal brought the shield forward, and angled the plate so that the Golem's appendage bounced, and deflected off. Though the blow did cause the Zaku to stagger. The Golem was quick to capitalize on this turn of events. It brought it other arm around, and struck the Zaku's head. Threatening to tear it clean off of the body. Sparks flew from the hit, and the Zaku staggered more. The auto stabilization systems being pushed to their limit while trying to keep the Zaku from toppling into the ground.

Inside the cockpit, Sweetie Belle let out a scream as she was shook violently against Michael's chest. Her horn ended up cutting a gash just underneath Michael's chin. Blood started to seep from the laceration, and run down Michael's chin, and neck. Some of the blood landing upon Sweetie's mane. The Unicorn looked up as she felt something warm drop into her mane.

"You're Hurt!" She gasped, not realizing that part of her mane has been stained crimson.

Micheal didn't seem to feel the pain. He simply wiped his chin, smearing the crimson liquid across his sleeve.

"I'll be fine." Michael stated back as he kept his eyes focused on the screens. Though he did pat Sweetie Belle on the head. "No monster can take us down, Sweetie." he assured her.

Sweetie looked at him a moment, the patting on her head felt good, and calmed her down a lot. She truly believed what he said. That the two of them could not be beaten. She turned her attention back to the main screen, and gave her fiercest expression. Which only made her more adorable.

The Zaku managed to regain its balance, and footing before Michael charged the Golem one more time, but this time, he started to circle around the construct. His Zaku being far more agile with it longer legs than the Golem with its stumpy legs. The Golem tried to turn with its enemy, but it couldn't move fast enough. Michael kept circling the Golem, goading it to try and keep up. The two continued to circled one another over and over, like two boxers in a ring.

After about the fourth Circuit, Michael planted the right foot of the Zaku, and push off into the Golem. He brought the ax down across the shoulder of the rock monster, burning a bright gouge into the large boulder that made the torso. The blade of the ax coming close to the imprisoned Unicorn, though the crystal shielded her from the intense heat. This vertical strike was immediately followed up by another horizontal strike almost parallel to the first cut given.

The two successive strikes, and the momentum of spinning in place forced the Golem to stagger back, opening up its core to the rampaging green giant. Michael dropped the ax as he moved the Zaku in. Its hands outstretched to grip the shoulder of the creature with the Zaku's left hand, while the right slithered its fingers into the seam of rock between the lower abdomen, and the creature's small hips. The Zaku dropped its own hips as Michael pulled back on the controls, and gritted his teeth. It was like he could almost feel what he was commanding his mobile suit to do.

Slowly, the Zaku started to lift the massive rock construct up, off its feet. The Zaku's own feet starting to sink into the soft earth. Inside the cockpit load indicators were climbing as Michael was putting a lot of the strain on the suits hydraulic systems, and servo motors. From the vents situated around the suit, steam, and excess heat was being vented to try, and keep the systems cool.

"Come on Zaku! Git that bastard up!" Michael grunted. He had instinctively tightened his own stomach muscles against Sweetie Belle's back as if he was the one to pick up the Golem himself.

Inch by inch, the Golem was being hoisted up over the Zaku's head. The construct flailing its limbs but the uneven shape of large rock comprising its main torso area prevented the limbs from striking with anything more damaging than glancing blows. With a mighty heave that took all the strength that the Zaku had, he sent the Golem flying towards the Everfree forest.

The Golem landed with a loud crash of rock, and splintering of wood. All manner of beast darted in all directions away from the prone pile of rubble as it cleared a parking lot sized space in the Everfree. Michael knew it would take a moment for his enemy to get up, and that would give him the time necessary to get something that would put a quick end to this fight.

The Zaku spun around on its feet and started to run for Ponyville, only stopping long enough to scoop up its heat hawk. The deep tremors from its heavy footfalls were causing a shaking that alerted the ponies of the Zaku's approach to the small town. Seeing the green titan rushing towards them, the ponies all scattered to whatever shelter they could find. Michael's destination was quickly apparent as he made a straight line where the Mobile Suit's bazooka, and machine gun lay.

The Zaku knelt down, and reached for the handle of the Machine gun. Just beneath the thumb, a panel slid out of the way as an I/O blade style jack extended forward to mate into a recess in the machine gun's handle. This allowed the Zaku's computers to use the scope on the Machine gun to aim the weapon. It also relays weapon information back to the pilot. Information like ammunition remaining. As the hand picked up the weapon, and the interface clicked, a new recticel appeared in the center of the screen. A bright "99" in the bottom right hand corner of the main view screen also appeared. Signifying how many rounds the Zaku had left in its drum magazine.

With its weapon in hand, the Zaku stood back up, and started back towards the Everfree forest where the creature was thrashing about, trying to get back to its feet. Michael was determined to put down the monster once, and for all. The ponies peeking out from their hiding spots watched as the towering giant started to run back to the forest to continue the fight.

Inside the Cockpit, Sweetie Belle was just awestruck by what she was experiencing. Being inside this thickly armored monster, she couldn't help but feel invincible. Where as before, when something like this happened she could only duck, and wait for everything to blow over. However, inside this Mobile Suit, inside this giant war machine, she felt like she could take on anything the world had to throw at her. It left her with a giddy feeling in the pit of her stomach as she looked up at Michael. She saw a fierce, and determined expression. He was going to protect her. He was going to protect Ponyville.

The Golem was just now starting to get its legs, and its enormous bulk underneath it to stand up. It turned towards the direction of the approaching mobile suit, its beady yellow eyes glowing brightly with rage. It started to slam its thick rocky arms against the ground, and against his large chest, much like a child throwing a tantrum. Bellowing, and screeching deafening challenges to the green giant it was sent to destroy.

Michael, and Sweetie Belle were not intimidated. The Zaku raised its machine gun. The shoulder stock coming into contact against the Zaku's shoulder. The left hand reaching up, and around to grab the fore grip to steady the weapon. The index finger squeezed the trigger, and the two were rewarded by a loud crack as the weapon fired. A large brass cartridge the size of a pony ejecting out the right side the weapon, and tumbled to the ground. light grey wisps of smoke wafting up from the spent cartridge as the air became pungent with the smell of burnt gunpowder. The 120mm armor piercing round ripped through the air towards the Golem. Slamming hard against the broad rock face that made the creature's chest. breaking off a large chunk of rock near the crystal imprisonment of the Unicorn.

Crack-Crack-Crack. Short controlled bursts from the Zaku's weapon had the Golem stumbling backwards, chunks of rock being ripped away as the Zaku whittled the creature down. Deep pained groans rumbled from the creature. It didn't understand what was going on. The Zaku was way over there, and yet it was hurting it. Something was hitting it that was breaking parts off, and it angered the creature. In an attempt to keep from being defeated, the Golem started to draw more power from the Unicorn. It tried to harden the rock around it. Inside the crystal, the Unicorn writhed as much as it could within its confinement. She could feel her life slipping away as the Golem demanded all of her, and more.

Sweetie Belle watched as the Golem was being torn apart from the Machine Gun. It was a terrifying weapon, and she was thankful that she was not on the receiving end of the barrage. A part of her pitied the Golem, but she also remembered what it tried to do to her, and her friends. Though as she watched, something caught her eye. The Crystal within the creature started to glow. As she stared, she saw something in the large chunk of crystal that was situated in the chest of the Golem. A shadow within the light.

"What's that!?" She asked as she pointed a small hoof to the image of the large crystal on the screen.

"What's what?" Michael stated as he stopped firing, the counter reading "72" Rounds remaining.

"There, in the crystal. There's a shadow." Sweetie explained.

Micheal focused his eyes, and the Zaku's camera on the area in question. Zooming in as a dark shape could be seen.

"it looks like a pony." Michael commented

"You think that pony is trapped inside?" Sweetie asked.

"One way to find out. If nothing else, if we get them out, we can ask 'em questions." Michael stated as he shifted in his seat, his chest brushing up against the back of Sweetie Belle. The Zaku dropped the machine gun, and pulled out its heat hawk once more. The blade glowing as the Zaku prepared for the assault.

Inside the Crystal, the mare gasped as the Golem stopped trying to pull every ounce of magic, and life force from her all at once. She watched as the titan dropped that strange device in its hand, and pulled its ax out once more. Hopefully that meant that the battle will be over soon.

The Golem lowered its arms down as the hellish barrage subsided. Smashing his heavy arms down against the ground, he leaned forward, and glared at the Zaku just in front of it. The Golem wanted this fight finished as much as anyone. the orders of its master still rang out in its mind. Destroy the Intruder. Destroy the intruder, over, and over again it whispered into the golem's mind. Driving it to fight on when others would have retreated.

"Hold on Sweetie." Michael stated as he threw the Zaku into a sprint. He could feel the tiny Unicorn gripping the ballistic nylon straps of the harness as best as she could with her hooves.

The green giant launched forward on its powerful legs, heading straight for the Golem. Michael would bring the left shoulder down, and towards the front. The Zaku's head, and eye turning to keep the creature in the mobile suit's sights. The Golem also charged at the Zaku, believing that it was going to try, and use the ax again. The distance between the two closed at a staggering pace. The Golem raising its arms into the air to use them as bludgeoning clubs. However, the Zaku didn't let up. Instead, Michael activated the suits thrusters on its backpack, and propelled himself forward even faster. Sweetie Belle pressing back against Michael's chest from the acceleration.

The Zaku slammed hard against the Golem. Its shoulder slamming into the golem, and driving it back deeper into the forest. The mobile suits feet continued to pump as it pushed against the stone gladiator before it. Michael pushed until the short legs could no longer compensate for the shift in the creature's center of gravity. Causing it, and the Zaku to tumble down to the ground with the Mobile suit sitting on top of the Golem.

Michael leaned the Zaku forward, moving the left hand to push, and hold the Golem down at the throat, and shoulder. The right hand raised the super heated ax up, and prepare to bring it down. Within the Crystal, the Mare watched with wide expectant eyes. Praying that the Giant strikes true with his weapon, and ends her torment. With all his might, Michael had the Zaku bring down the ax down right on top of the crystal. The Mare closing her eyes as she could only wait, and hope for the sweet release from this Hell.

However, Michael didn't strike with the Ax's cutting head, but with the tapered pommel. He struck where the Rock, and crystal met. Breaking away a large enough chunk for the Zaku's fingers to get a grasp of the crystal enclosure of the suspect pony within. Dropping the Ax, the mobile suit worked its fingers around the crystal, and began to pull. The crystal was embedded tightly, and it didn't budge as the Zaku tried to rip it out.

When the realization dawned on the Golem of the mobile suit's intentions. it let out a ear splitting screech as it started to thrash about wildly to prevent the Zaku from literally tearing its heart out. It smashed its large appendages against the Zaku. Battering it relentless as it desperately tried to keep the MS from removing the crystal. Super strong steel paneling started to dent, and buckle. Revealing the more vulnerable systems inside. The Golem was fighting for its very life now. The crystal started to crack, and break free from its rocky encasement. The Golem constant screeching caused ear piercing feedback over the speakers inside the cockpit of the the Zaku. There wasn't anything that Michael could do about that, but Sweetie Belle folded her ears back against her skull to try, and deaden the noise.


The Golem's cries could be heard in Ponyville as well. The ponies listening, and cringing. Many thankful that they do not have a front row seat to the spectacle like they did when the Zaku fought the dragon. Twilight Sparkle had been fuming mad when she was forced to withdraw by the Guard ponies, and suffer the indignity of being carried back all the way to Town. She wanted Lt. Calm Night, and Swift Shield's stripes for what they did. However, now, she was silently thankful for it. Faust only knows what is going on. So for the moment, She, and the others could only hope for the Zaku's victory, and pray for the safety of Sweetie Belle.


The mare in the crystal was shocked, and couldn't fathom what the green giant was doing. Was it trying to rip the crystal out cause it wanted it? Was it trying to rip it out cause it might end the creature!? Her eyes grew wide as her prison began to crack under the tremendous strength of the Zeon Mobile suit.

Slowly, more, and more of the crystal started to break away from the rock that trapped it. Though it wouldn't be so easily gained as writhing tendrils of pure magical energy began to snake, and arc from the crystal. The magical lightening danced up along the arms of the Zaku, threatening to blow several circuits, and melt connections. The Mobile suit's systems, reading the increase in temperature tried to vent it off as electrical shunts diverted the excess energy to grounds. Inside the cockpit, alarms were going off, indicating faults appearing all around the Suit.

"Come on, Zaku. Just give me a little more." Micheal pleaded to his partner, the groans from the hydraulics, and the whining of servo motors echoing in the confines of the cockpit.

"You can do it, Zaky! You can do it!" Sweetie Belle cheered on, doing her best to provide moral support.

Inside, the crystal, the pony writhed, and wanted to scream in pain. She jammed her eyes shut as she twisted, and pulled. She wanted to get away, get away from the pain that was assaulting her from all sides. As she looked at the large grey hand that has hold of her prison, her vision was starting to get dark. There would be a loud crack right before the pain went away, and all became blackness.

The Crystal gave with a sudden jerk, nearly causing the Zaku to fall backwards. The Golem let out one last shriek right before it crumbled into a large pile of rocks. The Zaku slowly rose over its conquest like a War God. In its right hand was the large chunk of crystal. Holding it up to Celestia's Sun. The two inside the Zaku could definitely see a pony inside the crystal.


All was quiet in Ponyville. The Ponies slowly coming out of their homes, and looking around for any signs of what happened. Many did not want to go anywhere near the Everfree forest at that moment. For Twilight, and her friends, they had to go. They had to find out what happened.

"Okay. We're going in there, and we're getting Sweetie Belle back." Twilight announced to her friends. They all nodded with determined expressions. However, none were more determined than Rarity.

Though they would not get far before the battered, and dented figure of the Zaku approaching the Town was seen. In its left hand was its machine Gun, In its right was a large chunk of crystal. The ponies looked up at the warrior giant as it lumbered towards them. The Zaku set the weapon on the ground by the bazooka before approaching Twilight, and her friends with the large crystal in hand. The Zaku would kneel slowly before the six ponies. Their eyes widening as they took in the damage that the Zaku sustained on their behalf. The Zaku set the crystal on the ground just in front of the Princess. A couple of the girls approached to see what it was, but Rarity approached the Mobile suit.

"S-Sweetie Belle?" She asked of the Giant. Fear tainting her normally dainty voice.

The Zaku didn't respond for a moment. Then the left hand came up to the chest of the Zaku as the hatch opened. From their angle, no pony could see what was going on until the hand started to lower. There standing in the palm was a tiny unicorn filly dressed in a green crumpled box. Though something about her appearance made Rarity on the verge of fainting.

"SWEETIE BELLE! You're hurt!" The Fashionista called out in alarm as she spotted the blood on Sweetie Belle's mane, and horn. Rarity dashed forward along with Fluttershy, and Applejack.

"I'm fine, really!" Sweetie stated as she tried to calm her sister down before she started to hyperventilate.

"But Sweetie, you're covered in blood!" Rarity stated, trying to keep calm, fanning herself with a hoof and wondering where her couch was.

"Oh...that." She admitted as she looked away with a bit of shame. "I um...kinda accidentally, not on purpose, stabbed Mr. Black with my horn when the the monster bashed into us."

If Rarity could have gone any paler, she would have been transparent. She was going to say something, but was quickly cut off as two miniature whirlwinds appeared seemingly out of thin air. Applebloom, and Scootaloo managed to slip from Nurse RedHeart's clutches, and went to meet their friend when they saw the Zaku approaching the town.

"SWEETIE BELLE!" The two cheered happily as they came right up her.

"How did you escape the monster?" Scootaloo asked. Her, and Applebloom's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Michael saved me! He, and his Zaku were awesome! They just charged right in, and were like Give Sweetie Belle back!." Sweetie Belle explained, trying to simulate the booming command of the Zaku. "Then the monster tried to squeeze me to death, but something stopped it. That was when Michael swooped in, and smashed against it, and chopped its arm off! It was just like those books that Rarity likes to read where the Stallion rushes in to save the Mare in distress!" Sweetie said excitedly

"Ya mean dose mushy books Raraty keeps unda her bed?" Applebloom asked.

"Yea, right next to those funny magazines full of pictures of stallions in all those funny positions?" Scootaloo added.

"Yeah! The ones with the same Palomino stallion on the cover!" Sweetie announced, referring to the world famous stallion model, Fabimane.

Rarity's eyes grew wide as a deep rouge started to tint her snow colored cheeks as she started to look around to see if any pony overheard the three girls. "Sweetie Belle, a young lady does not say such things in public." She spoke under her breath, trying not to draw anymore attention to herself.

The three fillies didn't pay Rarity any attention. They were simply happy that they were together again. Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom decided to celebrate being reunited with their best friend by both of them giving her a big hug. The two immediately enacted their plan as they glomped on Sweetie Belle happily. However, for the unicorn, the hug did not bring the warm happy feeling that it usually did. What it brought was a nauseating pain.

"Owwie, Owwie, Owwie." Sweetie Belle seethed as she managed to get out of the overly happy group hug.

Scootaloo, and Applebloom both backed up a couple of paces as they looked at Sweetie Belle as she clung to herself, seemingly short of breath. Rarity came up, and was about to pick up Sweetie Belle in her hooves, but was stopped as someone called out.

"Be careful." A familiar male voice called out. It was Michael, he had dismounted his Mobile Suit, and was approaching the small group of ponies. "She was being crushed by the Creature when I came on the scene. She may be hurt." He stated. He then turned to Fluttershy. "Please get a nurse, or a doctor. She needs to be looked over." He instructed her.

Fluttershy nodded before turning to run off to get Nurse Redheart. in the mean time, Michael knelt by Sweetie. His fingers combing through her mane gently as he tried to comfort her. Rarity, Applejack, Applebloom, and Scootaloo watched with anxious eyes. No one daring to get too close.

"She'll be al'ight, 'ight?" Applejack asked as she rubbed her hoof along Applebloom's mane to assure the young filly.

"Yeah, I think so. She may have some bruising, but she is a tough cookie. I think she will come out alright." Michael said to the others. A soft smile from him helping to reassure the small group of ponies around him.

It was about this time that Fluttershy returned with Nurse Redheart, and a couple of stallions bearing a stretcher. The nurse did not waste any time. She approached Sweetie, and began to exam the young filly carefully. Everyone stood around, and waited anxiously for the Nurse to address them. Minutes seem to slip by like hours as no one said a word. The tension slowly mounting until finally Redheart let out a sigh, and turned to everyone.

"She'll be alright. Just some bruised ribs by the looks of it. She'll need bed rest for a couple of days, but she should be back up, and running around soon." She told the others before turning to Sweetie. "We're going to take you to the Hospital. I'm going to have the doctor do a more thorough examination of you." she explained to Sweetie Belle. Though the young unicorn didn't appear to like that idea very much.

"It'll be okay, Sweetie. I'll be by shortly to check up on you, and you'll have everyone with you during all of this." Michael promised.

"Really? You'll visit?" Sweetie Belle asked him with deep pleading eyes.

"Yes, but you'll have to promise to be good, and do as the Doctor tells you." Michael stated before he gave her mane a friendly tussle, breaking off several flecks of dried blood from her strands of hair.

Sweetie Belle nodded as she was placed upon the stretcher, and started to be carried away. The others following close behind her. Sweetie Belle watched Michael remain behind, waving with a goofy grin on his face.

When Sweetie Belle, and the others were out of sight, Michael made his way over to Twilight whom was examining the crystal, and the pony trapped inside. Every so often, she would send a small magical pulse into the crystal and observe what happened. With her was Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. The Royal, and Lunar Guards were keeping the other ponies back so as to not get in the princess's way. That, and Twilight was not too happy with the guards at the moment.

"So, find anything?" Michael asked as he squatted down on the balls of his feet so the Alicorn wouldn't have to look up at him.

"There is definitely a pony inside, a Unicorn, and a Mare at that." She explained right before sending another pulse into the crystal, and studying the reaction. "She is fairly weak. "Very" would probably be a better description actually. I'm trying to figure out how to break the crystal without harming her. The shards flying around could cut her and I don't want to risk it with her age." Twilight explained, having no idea the mare's actual age was somewhere near her twenties, not 60's.

"Really? That is good. We could ask her some questions considering she was a part of that enormous rock creature." Michael stated as he stood back up. "So, how do we bust this thing open? I don't think you want me to whack it with my ax." he chuckled.

Twilight either didn't seem to understand his humor, or share it as she simply continued on. "The strata of this crystal is all perfectly aligned along the length of the crystal. So if we apply a significant amount of pressure along those lines of strata..." Twilight started to lecture.

"Um, either of y'all know what she's talking about?" Michael asked Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.

"Oh, that's just Twilight being her egghead self. You learn to tune it out eventually." Rainbow Dash explained as she hovered in placed with precise flaps of her wings. Twilight glared at her for the comment.

"Oo, Oo. I know!" Pinkie declared as she started to hop up, and down in place. "Twilight is saying that if you take your awesomely super strong Zaku, and squeeze the Crystal along these strata thingies, then the crystal should split open!" She announced like it was the easiest concept to grasp.

"oh~" Both Rainbow Dash, and Michael said at the same time. Twilight could only place her hoof on her face, and shake her head. She was going to have to seriously reevaluate her theory of Pinkie being some sort of latent genius.

A few minutes later, the Zaku was kneeling, and reaching down for the crystal. Curling its thick fingers around the object, Michael placed the thumb right on top. The bright red eye glowing as if the large mobile suit was concentrating. Inside, Michael was trying to figure out how to best apply the pressure. While the act was not different than popping open a peanut. Far more care, and caution was required so not to crush the pony inside.

"Please, be careful Michael!" Twilight called up as she watched the large hand with trepidation.

Michael did not answer to the Alicorn princess. Leaving her to huff indignantly. Right now, he was far too busy concentrating as he gradually applied more, and more pressure with the thumb of the mobile suit. He was the put just enough pressure to break the crystal, but also be able to stop the digit immediately after the task was complete. Sweat started to run down the back of Michael's neck. He was using every ounce of control he could to do this right.

Around the crystal, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie watched the large hand, and crystal expectantly. Their ears pert, and forward to listen for any sounds of the crystal snapping, or breaking. The first hint was a squeaking sound. It was just at the edge of the ponies hearing, but it steadily gotten louder as the Zaku continued to apply more pressure with its thumb. Soon, the squeaking became tiny cricks, and cracks. A popping here, and there accentuated the effort. Twilight, and Rainbow Dash both set their jaws tightly as Pinkie's smile only gotten wider as she was excited to make a new friend.

Suddenly there was a loud crack as the crystal finally split open. However, what happened next surprised all parties involved. The two halves of the crystal dissolved into a very fine powder, and started to sift through the Zaku's fingers. The three ponies started to gather round, and peer into the palm of the large mobile suit. Michael opening the hand slowly to show what was in its grasp. There, laying in a pile of crystal dust was the still form of a unicorn mare.

Her coat was a soft orange color, but very dull in hue. Her mane was a tattered rats nest of tangles the color of moist earth. Her skin hung onto her bones, and her rib cage could clearly be seen. Upon her flank a bouquet of flowers was prominently shown. For a moment, it was difficult to determine if the mare was even still alive at first. Though close inspection of her barrel showed it rising, and falling weakly. Her eyes remained closed as the girls could just hear a soft wheezing noise. This mare looked older than even Granny Smith. It was hard to believe that this ancient looking emaciated mare was truly within the enormous creature that had attacked three young fillies. Twilight, and her two friends could only look upon this pony, and wonder.

Author's Note:

Next Chapter: Bonus Chapter: A Hospital Visit.