• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 4,627 Views, 253 Comments


Sgt Michael Black has found himself in a land far removed from the hellish fighting of the "One Year War". Yet, even here in the land of Equestria, dark clouds of battle loom over the horizon.

  • ...

At the Gala (modified)

Author's Note:

A forewarning. I was already halfway through this chapter when S5E7 came out for MLP:FIM. So I had no idea about the details of the Gala.

So with that in mind, enjoy. :pinkiehappy:

I completely forgot to add the last part of this chapter before I had to leave for Houston last week. I'm very sorry about that.

Enjoy. :D

It was finally that time of year again. That energized time where the most notable nobles and highborn elites rubbed elbows with the most fashionable of Celebrities in what is touted as the greatest party of the social Calendar, even providing the chance to mix with royals and demigods like the celestial sisters. This meeting was none other than the Grand Galloping Gala! Ponies, Minotaurs, Griffons, and even some Dragons would come at behest of the Princesses to relax, and enjoy themselves for an even of reforging friendly bonds. Diplomats, royals, and foreign Dignitaries had been arriving in Canterlot since the beginning of the week. Renting out all the available rooms in Cantorlot. Fashion Designers jockeyed for their styles to be chosen, and subsequently displayed by those that would attend the Gala, and bring notoriety to the designer.

Yet this year was different. Rumor buzzed all around about the three arrivals in Equestria that the newspapers had reported on. Celestia, and Luna knew they couldn't keep the Humans existence a secret. Especially not with all the pictures of Michael, and his Zaku's exploits already front page news several times already. They only wished they had more discretion about how, and what news was released. It would have helped keep the rumors to a minimum. So the two thought it would be a good start to have the Humans formally introduced during the Gala as there would be many representatives of foreign countries present to meet with them. Hopefully that would ease any worries that the heads of State would have. They could only hope.

The night of the Gala was started off by one of the most beautiful sunsets Celestia had made in recent history. Letting the dark reds, oranges, and purples dance across the sky, painting the large fluffy clouds that dotted the horizon. Luna would follow up with a beautiful Moon rise, and a meteor shower that wowed the early attendees and the rest of Equestria as it could be seen from even the frontier as Ponies and Buffalo looked up at the night sky. A gift from the princesses to their beloved ponies, and the dignitaries that accepted their invitation. Coaches, trolleys, and carriages would line the long road to the Castle. Valets opening the doors to let the occupants disembark, and proceed along the plush Red carpet towards the main entrance of the castle. Meanwhile Ponies lined the Velvet ropes along side the carpet with cameras all to see the whos-who of Ponydom, and what they wore. Among the attendees were the Sheikhs of Saddle Arabia, always happy to see their North-Western neighbors, The Prime Minister of Germaney, and Prance. Those two always seemed at odds even if the rumors were true and they were secretly dating. Also attending was Sir Luscious Snow-Wing, The Empire of Griffonia's equestrian diplomat. He always appeared in the Empress's stead as she always had an excuse not to accept the Princess's Invitation. Though the rumors varied greatly as to why.

Soon, a long Lavender carriage bearing the cutie mark of one Princess Twilight Sparkle arrived and guards made sure no one was too close to it. The Carriage was pulled by a team of White Horses with Spike at the reigns. Twilight had to foresight to make sure Opalescence was securely locked up before transforming the Mice that Fluttershy convinced to help into horses this time around. For the Humans, they had to bite their tongues on the Irony of the situation about horses pulling a carriage of ponies. The Valets would rush over, and place the stepping stool before the carriage, and opened the door.

"Well, this is it everypony. Time to put our best hoof forward." Twilight Sparkle stated as she stepped out of the carriage, and upon the red carpet. She was wearing a new gown created by her good friend Rarity. It was lavender like her coat, and had a more regale twist on it now that She was Princess.

"Quite right, Darling. I do hope I can finally meet my Prince Charming this time." Rarity stated as she followed Twilight out of the Carriage. Her dress would be the flashiest of them all with the amount of gems she had. Which had Spike drooling at the walking smorgasbord.

"Ah wouldn't count on dat, Rares. Ya 'member what happened last time with that there prince ya were all twitter pated ov'r." Applejack stated as she was the third pony to exit the Carriage. She wore the same outfit she had last time, not seeing a need to make a whole new one when the original that Rarity made for her was just perfect. Applejack had a hot apple Pie balanced on her back, a Gift For Soarin as he seemed quite taken with her Family's pies.

"Darling, please! Don't remind me. Prince Blue Blood was such an uncouth arrogant...." Rarity started to rant, but having trouble finding a suitable word to describe him.

"Jerk?" Apple Jack offered as she stood beside Rarity.

"Yes, "Jerk", precisely Apple Jack." Rarity giggled as she gave her friend a playful hip check.


That very same "Jerk" was standing in a corner with a glass of punch taking a breather from all the constant elbow rubbing. Blue Blood had to get away for a moment or two otherwise he felt that he would lose his mind. For the last hour he had been whisked from one group to another to be introduced to dignitaries, and nobles from far away countries. All of them seemingly had unwed daughters that could be just "Perfect" for him to marry. If by perfect they meant fresh out of the surgeon's office after making themselves as prettied up as their bodies could physically handle. He honestly had considered suggesting a law to ban the botox spell. Blue blood shuddered at all the times he had some somepony try and thrust their daughter, or their friend's daughter upon him, some of them were only a day or so of legal age for such things and were instantly being shoved in his face.

"Oh, Prince Blue Blood. What a pleasant surprise bumping into you here!" A cheery female voice spoke up, trying to make it sound like pure coincidence that she just happened to bump into him, and has not in reality been trying to find him all night.

Blue Blood tensed up at the feminine intrusion in to his peace before he quickly summoned the mask of a Prince that he learned from his Aunty Celestia. "Hello, and Good evening to you miss. How are you doing?" He asked with a somewhat forced grin. What is this? the 100th mare that has come up to me tonight? Can't I simply be left alone?

"Good evening to you as well, Your Highness. I must say you're looking rather dashing tonight in your new tux. Did you do something different with your mane? I was just telling my Friend Edith..." Cause every girl has a friend "Edith" "Just how amazing an opportunity it would be to meet you tonight, and that I simply had to tell you..." The mare droned on, and on, and it was only through sheer force of Will that Blue Blood paid any attention. It was the same old drivel that any, and all mares went on about as they tried to ingratiate themselves to him. It was no different with the Element of Generosity when She tried to gain his affections. Expecting him to sweep her off her hooves, and just spend his money on her for the rest of her life. Tartarus! Did she even consider that he might have been allergic to one of the ingredients in the Fritters that she tried to force him to eat!? She, just like every other pony, didn't see Blue Blood. All they saw was the royal blood in him and the possibility of becoming regal.

There were many ponies that would say that Blue Blood was nothing more than a spoiled prince that was ungrateful for the life that he had been blessed with. On a level, they may be right, but it was more of the fact that he was a Prince that had, for his entire life, been pandered to. He never was allowed to work for anything, never had a chance to earn his own achievements or to learn how to pick himself up after falling down. Being groomed from the day he was born, his life planned out to every exacting detail, and any chance of deviation quickly stamped out aggressively. This was the doing of his Parents. The entitlement mentality ingrained into him by Royal, and Pure Blood. Telling him that he was above the common rabble and that they only existed to serve him. It was cause of this sentiment that Celestia took her nephew in before his parents could do more to make him unfit for his title. Though it would be into his early adolescent years before that would happen. So Blue Blood simply became jaded with the opulent life that pretty much had him trapped in his own mind, and in the Palace walls. He thought it best when remembering an old saying, a prison, no matter how well furnished or stocked, was still a prison.

The Mare didn't look like she was about to stop talking, and going on about how amazing she was, any time soon and Blue Blood had enough of indulging her. So he simply left without a word. Leaving the mare stunned, and miffed at his rudeness. Hardly even considering for a moment that it was she who was the rude one. As Blue Blood crossed the room, he could feel the eyes of all the mares upon him, watching him as he moved away from the other mare. Many silently cheering their good fortune that he was not stolen from them. He didn't even have to look at them to know that they were jockeying to see who would get a turn at him next. He simply let out a sigh as he wished for this night to be over, and tried to figure out how long was long enough before he could simply retire back to his room.


After the six mares exited the Carriage, Aleki, and Michael both stepped out to the gasps of the assembled ponies. Their height, and very alien form drawing attention to them instantly. Both were dressed in Full Dress versions of their uniforms, or as close as Rarity could get with the descriptions that both Aleki, and Michael, gave her. Course, that didn't mean she didn't add a few flourishes of her own. Using Gold and matching colored gems to highlight accents upon their uniforms. Though the best was yet to come.

The two men stood ram rod straight on either side of the Carriage door as a long slender leg reached out. At the end was a silver shoe with a very modest heel patterned after a Ballet Flat. Aleki extended his white gloved hand towards the opening as another hand reached out take his.

"Thank you Sargent Vaaulu." A cultured, feminine voice spoke effortlessly as she emerged from the carriage.

Staff Sargent Lilith Hardeen decided to forgo her uniform unlike the other two members of her race, and instead chose to appear fully dressed up. Lilith stood there wearing a full length sequinned blue evening gown with silver trim that hugged her body at her bust, waist, and hips. From the hips down, it flowed around around her legs, stopping just at her ankles. The collar was cut low, revealing just a tantalizing hint of cleavage while the back was opened, and stopped at the small of her back. In her left hand a small clutch purse made of diamonds was held daintily, which Lilith secretly swore to kill anyone if they tried to steal it from her. Lilith's normally straight blond hair was styled to have bouncing curls, and shined like spun gold from hours at the Ponyville Spa in preparation for that night. Her nails were polished, and painted a silvery blue, and she had just a soft touch of make up on to accentuate her features.

As she and the other two humans stood before the assembled ponies, camera Flash bulbs flickered, and flashed all over, causing the three humans to blink the spots from their eyes. Alexi took Lilith's arm in his as he acted as her escort to the Gala. Meaning Michael was going Stag. Michael stood a respectable distance away from the other two. While they were under a non-aggression pact, they were still technically enemies. The three stood behind the Mane six as they prepared to make their way into the Gala.

"Ready Girls!? We've finally arrived At the Gala!" Twilight announced theatrically.

And just like that, as if on a cue that all the ponies were waiting on, they started to sing, and dance. Though the three humans could not hear any music it seemed almost as If the ponies had a large musical group supporting their act. Lilith, and Alexi looked on curiously. Their brows furrowing in confusion. Michael simply bobbed his head as they sang, and danced. It looked like a stage performance that belonged on Broadway, almost perfectly timed and choreographed. Michael had to stifle the chuckling as he looked at the expressions on His two Federation compatriot's faces. Apparently this is their first time witnessing this.

"What are they doing?" Hardeen asked finally as her curiosity was killing her.

"I'm not an expert, but I would have to say they're singing, and dancing." Michael stated as he couldn't help but be the smart ass of the group.

Lilith gave him a look that could melt Luna Titanium. "I can see that, but why are they doing it? And don't give me anymore smart ass remarks. Otherwise I will put boot to ass." She Hissed.

"And ruin your pretty slippers?" Michael quipped, leaving out that she would probably hurt her foot in the process. He quickly brought up his hands, and flinched away as Lilith made a fist, and appeared to be drawing back to slug him. "Okay, Okay. From what Twilight told me after the second time I saw it happen. Discord, an ancient Evil tyrant, placed a curse upon the ponies right before he was defeated by the Celestial Sisters that would cause them all to spontaneously start singing, and dancing. When one starts, they all join in if they're nearby." He explained as Hardeen lowered her balled up fist.

"Why didn't you say that in the first place?" Lilith growled.

"Cause, my dear, where would be the fun in that?" Another voice spoke up. Causing the three to turn their head to their left. There stood Discord.

The three humans blinked as they looked at him. The being appeared as if a young child started to draw an animal, and changed its mind several times before finishing.

"Who are you!?" Hardeen demanded to know.

"Oh so many questions from you tonight. Are you sure you're not related to a certain Purple Alicorn?" Discord chuckled. "I'm Discord, the God of Chaos. Said ancient Evil Tyrant. Though I must declare that I'm reformed...mostly. Pleasure to meet you three finally." He said as he extended a taloned claw.

Michael, Aleki, and Hardeen shook the Dragonequus's hand, paw...er whatever it was. Exchanging pleasantries with respectful smiles, though all were very curious about this strange being.

"Yes, I must say that this particular curse was one of my best. Though I'm not sure you can call it a curse if the victims actually enjoy it." He chuckled as he continued to watch the performance as if he was a judge at a musical competition.

"Maybe they're just used to it cause they can't remove it." Aleki suggested.

Discord smiled brightly at him as if he had been waiting for someone to make that suggestion. "Oh? No, the Princesses could have removed the curse quite easily. I think they let it play on cause they, in particular, enjoy the distraction." He whispered to the three humans in a conspiratorial tone. An almost maniacal grin upon his lips.

"DISCORD!" Twilight suddenly shouted from behind the Dragonequus, causing him to startle-shift into a chicken with a loud Ba-Kaw!

It would appear that the song had come to an end, and Twilight and her friends were about to enter when they saw Discord talking with the humans. Twilight stomped over to the group. She was suspecting that Discord was going to try some of his pranks, and tricks upon the humans. Considering their penchant for Violence, she figured it would be for the best to nip this in the bud before any misunderstandings could lead to disaster at the Gala.

"What do you think you're doing? Are you planning on causing chaos at the Gala!?" Twilight demanded to know.

"Now, now, now Twilight. So quick to jump to conclusions. Besides, you don't need my help to cause chaos at the Gala. Remember what happened last time?" He chuckled.

The six mares quickly started to look very uncomfortable, and couldn't really look at any pony. Twilight in particular was finding the stones upon pathway very interesting.

"What happened last time?" Michael asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I'll tell ya later. Over some hard cider." Lt. Calm Night whispered back while doing his best to keep under control despite his excitement. He had come with the group as an escort, and possible body guard for the humans. That was the official story anyways. In reality, he was to make sure the Humans don't kill each other in accordance with the document they signed back in Ponyville. Though the opportunity to see the Gala turned on its head once more was too good to pass up.

"Oh you bet your fuzzy ass you're going to tell us." Michael replied with sly smirk before sharing a Fist to hoof bump with Calm night.

"Now, in answering your first question, Dear Twilight Sparkle. I'm here to meet my date for the gala." Discord stated as he reached up to tug on a tuff of fur, and pulled on his outfit right in front of the girls. Discord would suddenly appear to be wearing a royal Purple velveteen coat over a lavender white ruffled shirt with a large mauve bowtie. Upon his head he had a burnt orange felt top hat, and a black walking stick clutched in his talon. The very final piece of his outfit was a monocle he pulled out of his own ear and put it over his eye, right after using it to blow a few bubbles.

"DATE!?" five of the Six element bearers yelped in shock.

"Shall I escort you, madam?" Discord asked in a snooty accent as he bowed low to the girls. Causing them to look at him in confusion. However, the biggest surprise was yet to come.

"Why thank you Discord. I would be honored." Fluttershy spoke happily as she approached the dressed up Dragonequus, and did the pony version of a curtsy. "You look very handsome tonight, Discord." Fluttershy said warmly.

"Thank you Fluttershy. You look as radiant as a stampeding herd of foxes." Discord stated with his characteristic chuckle.

The two would walk towards the entrance together leaving the other mares flabbergasted, the mouths hanging open in shock.


"Presenting The Princess of Friendship and the Bearer of the Element of Magic. Her Royal Majesty, Princess Twilight Sparkle!" The Herald called out in a near booming voice as he announced the Entrance of the Bearers of Elements of Harmony one by one. Since there were so many dignitaries, and nobles at the Gala, it was imperative that each was shown the proper respect, and welcome.

"Ready for this, big guy? I still think we can still sneak out, and find us a bar." Michael whispered to Aleki.

Before the large tanker could respond, the two felt a chill run down their spines. Looking over, they could see that Lilith giving them a look that could curdle milk.

"If you two even think of ditching me here alone. I swear upon all that is holy, there will be no place you two can hide that I won't stomp your balls flat." She hissed as she moved forward to be the next one introduced. "Come on, Aleki. We're next." She stated as she hooked her arm around his once more.

"Presenting, from the Earth Federation, Staff Sargent Lilith Hardeen, and Sargent Aleki Vaaulu." The herald announced, surprising both humans as he pronounced Aleki's last name perfectly. As a Herald, the pony was rather used to odd, and foreign names.

Instantly the entire Gala stopped as all eyes turned towards the entrance where Lilith, and Aleki stood. The Big man was starting to wilt a little bit under the intense gaze of the alien crowd. Strangely though, Lilith wasn't phased at all. She smiled and stood up straight and tall. Lilith was used to this sort of crowd growing up, so this was nothing new to her. With the slightest tug she pulled on Aleki and the two stepped forward, their movements matching each other and as precise as could be. The Gathered Ponies, Griffons, and various other dignitaries all parted as the two entered into the main area.

"Presenting, From the Principality of Zeon, Sargent Michael Black." The Herald announced as Michael took a large portion of the Attention away from the other two Humans.

On the inside, Michael felt like running away the moment his name was called, and saw all those eyes swing around to look upon him. He swallowed thickly as he summoned his courage, and started to enter into the room. He tried to be as confident as possible. Exude the pride, and nobility of The Zeon People. However, it came off more stiff, and almost robotic. He made his way to stand next to the other two humans, and for the first time. Hardeen was not glaring daggers at him. It was starting to sink in that they were the only three Humans, known, here. So it was best to be on their best behavior for now.

From the other side of the Room, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna approached. The crowd parting for them as if by some unheard command. The two Alicorns approached The three humans. For Hardeen, and Vaaulu, it would be their first time meeting the celestial sisters in person. For them, the wild tales about the two sisters being goddesses upon this world did not seem so "wild" after all. Lilith, and Aleki both tensed up as the Grace, and Awe that the two gave off as they approached was something that either of them could say the experienced before. Even Michael, whom met the sisters before, was still awe struck by them.

"Greetings, and welcome. I"m very happy that you three accepted my invitation to attend the Gala. I do apologize for not coming to Ponyville to formally greet you both." Celestia stated with a warm motherly tone, directing the last part to Lilith, and Aleki. Luna smiled softly, and nodded.

The three were quiet a moment before Lilith was able to remember that she could speak. "Thank you for such gracious invitations. Sargent Vaaulu, and I are honored that you would invite us." she said with a smile that both Celestia, and Luna recognized. "As for the other Member of the group...." Lilith stated as she trailed off looking at Michael as if she could melt him into a puddle goo.

"Huh? Oh, right. Thanks!" Michael replied with a nervous chuckle, and a dopey grin.

Lilith groaned, and placed her face into her palm. "Guys like him think they're better than the rest of us?" She groaned.

Celestia and Luna both gave soft chuckles at the scene playing out before them. To tell the truth, both were quite nervous having the three here. Believing that an incident could ensue if the right impetus was added. "I'm very sorry to have to cut this short, but we have to greet the other guests." Celestia stated with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"We do hope we can converse with you later." Luna added as she was curious about Hardeen. There was something about her that sparked recognition about her mannerisms.

The Two Celestial Sisters then slipped back into the crowd as Michael was trying to find a hole for him to crawl into, and wait for an opportune time to slip from the party. He was sure there was a bar somewhere nearby. As he looked across the Gala, he saw the other members of their entourage. Fluttershy, and Discord were sharing a dance on the dance floor, although everyone else around them were giving the two a wide berth. Rarity was talking with several nobles, relishing in rubbing Elbows with the Canterlot elite. One of them being Lord Fancy Pants. Twilight was hunting for Celestia, while Rainbow was trying to smooze her way towards Soarin', and Spitfire. Pinkie was no where to be found, and that worried Michael as to what it could mean. AppleJack mentioned about finding Pinkie, and keeping an eye on her. Cause when Pinkie is quiet, you become very suspicious.

Then something caught Michael's attention. A smell that he instantly recognized, and had his mouth salivating. It was the pungent aroma of cooked, and smoked, meats. Prepared with the skill of a true chef who took pride in his work, the smell was heavenly and called to Michael like the song of a Siren. His eyes darted around the room as he tried to find the succulent meats to satisfy his appetite. Since coming to Equestria, Michael had not had any meat to speak of. Fluttershy, contrary to what he would have thought, had no problem that he was a meat eater. Apparently, since she took care of all types of animals, she was acclimated to some of their more carnivorous needs. Though that usually meant feeding Mr. Bear fish, and Mr. Otter oysters, and Clams. However, Michael was allergic to seafood, it caused him to break out so any meats he that he could consume were strictly land based. Which proved to be more problematic as normally only griffons, and Minotaurs ate red (White in case of Poultry, and Porcine) meat.

Then he saw it! At the end of the long buffet table that took up half of one wall was another smaller table sitting a respectable distance from the main buffet. Behind the Table was a griffon carver with a fine selection of meats kept hot via enchanted gems. The griffon was looking bored out of her skull as most of the parties attendees were herbivores. There was only a really small handful to eat the meat. Celestia had the Carver there to show her willingness to make her guests happy.

Michael started to tap Aleki on the shoulder, the larger man glared at him in a threatening way. "What do you want?" The large Samoan demanded, feeling hostility deep inside as he saw the uniform of Michael and not the man beneath it.

"Do you smell that?" Michael asked as he took a deep whiff.

Aleki stared at the Zeon for a minute, trying to figure out his game. He finally relented, and took a tentative whiff, still suspicious of the Zeke's motives. However, the moment the smell register, a small amount of drool threatened at the corner of his mouth. He knew that smell.

"Shall we?" Michael asked with a hungry grin.

"Yes, lets." Aleki stated as he, and Michael quickly started to make their way to the Carver. Both with empty bellies, and ravenous appetites. The poor Griffon had no idea what was coming.

Lilith smiled, and waved daintily as Celestia, and Luna disappeared into the crowd. She turned to tell Aleki, and Michael to be on their best behavior, but was only greeted by empty space. A quick look around revealed the two slithering their way through the crowd towards the Buffet, or more specifically, a table full of meat. Lilith's face twisted in aggravation as the boys didn't have the courtesy of even asking if she would like some. Fuck, she was starving after that long ass carriage ride from Ponyville.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if I may have a dance." A deep voice spoke behind Lilith, causing her to turn around and look up at a very tall grey Minotaur. "I'm Soft Spoken, The Equestrian Diplomat from the Minotaur Republic. I hear your people are part of a Federation, and I was curious to know more." He explained.

It took a split second for Lilith to speak but she was able to put on that smile once more. "Yes, I would love to." She stated as she offered her hand to the Minotaur. Mean while mentally coaching herself not to runaway as the myths of Minotaurs flashed through her mind.

The Minotaur would take Lilith's hand, and lead her to the dance floor with some ponies looking on in curiosity at the two bipeds moving along gracefully.


Blue Blood slowly made his way up to a Pegasus pony that was chuckling before three mares. The Mares were giggling foolishly before the Pegasus, obliviously entranced by one of his many stories, or at the very least feigning it very well. The Pegasus was a Chocolate Colored pony with Caramel colored hair which sharply contrasted with his emerald green eyes. His name was Upper Crust III, a Duke from a cloud city just north of Trottingham. When Upper Crust looked over to see Blue Blood, his eyes light up and he instantly forgot about the mares beside him.

"Ah, your Royal Highness. How are you tonight?" He asked as he stood before the Three mares whom started to move, and work their way to try and approach the prince.

"I'm..well, I guess." Blue Blood shrugged. Upper Crust was probably the only pony that Blue Blood could remotely consider a friend.

"Oh! How did that "Big Mission" go? I'm sure it was a rousing success. How could it not be since it was you that was pulling it off?" Upper Crust stated grandly while he threw smiles at his Mare Friends, causing them to blush, and act shy.

"Yes, it was success. Quite easy too." Blue Blood stated dismissively as it was a foregone conclusion. It was only a simple errand. A messenger could have done it, and should have done it if you asked his opinion.

"As expected of the Prince himself." Upper Crust announced as he gave the Prince a theatrical bow. Causing Blue Blood to chuckle, and roll his sapphire blue eyes. "So, is the Prince up for a little fun tonight?" Upper Crust asked as he waggled his eyebrows at the prince.

"What kind of "Fun"?" Blue Blood asked as he crooked an eyebrow at the Noble.

"the "fun" kind of fun. Ladies, if you will please excuse us." Upper crust stated as he shooed the three Mares away. They pouted, and whined, but ultimately did as they were told. "Let us see just how good you are at wooing the fairer sex. That is always a treat to see." Upper Crust stated eagerly.

Blue Blood rolled his eyes as he couldn't believe that Upper Crust wanted to see him do that, again. It was not even a challenge really as most of the mares already wanted him. However, Upper Crust could be so whiny if he didn't get his "Fun". "Fine. Which mare should I woo?" He asked, eager to get this game over with.

"Who said anything about mares?" Upper Crust asked as a devilish grin.

"So what? Griffons, Minotaurs?" Blue Blood asked, letting a bit of his irritation show through.

Upper Crust could barely stifle his giggles. "No, how about that new creature that showed up, what were they called? Hyoomins?" He asked. "I understand one of them is a female." He added.

Blue Blood could already see where his friend was going, and he instantly regretted accepting his little "Challenge". He could distinctly remember Lilith. Uncouth, Dirty, and Foul-tempered. ""Human", and yes one of them is a female. I distinctly remember she was of violent disposition." he groaned.

"Perfect. If you could woo that, you're skills would be legendary." Upper Crust announced. His excitement positively consuming him.

"If I do it, would you drop this coltish game?" Blue Blood asked.

"Okay, deal." Upper Crust stated as the two shook on it. "Yet, I don't see how she seems "Dirty", "Uncouth", or "Foul tempered" he mentioned as he started to look at something.

Blue turned his head to look where Upper Crust was looking, and his mouth fell open. It couldn't be, no, impossible. That was not the same thing he saw in Ponyville when he had to go there. What was standing there with the Minotaur Diplomat was a sophisticated looking creature that seemed like she actually belonged here. How was that possible!? It was completely night, and day from what he saw last time. She moved with a grace that could have only come from being raised and groomed by aristocracy, She curtsied before beginning to dance with the diplomat.

Despite being on two legs she moved with just as much care and practice that did not match to the warrior attitude that Blue Blood had seen her before.


Michael was giddy as he carried his plate that was covered in copious amounts of red meat with a sprinkling of greens towards one of the small tables along the periphery of the enormous room. The ponies giving him a wide berth, many turning up their noses, and looking upon him with disgust seeing the mountain of various meats piled high. Oh this was going to be so delicious! Finding an empty table, He plopped down, and set his plate down as well.

"Looks like you gotten yourself quite a haul, Sargent." Calm Night stated as he approached the table carrying what looked like a small red pouch. "May I sit with you?" He asked.

"Sure, be my guest. Hopefully I won't disgust you much with my carnivorous appetite." Michael chuckled as he used his foot to move out the chair opposite from him. Which Calm Night gladly took.

"I won't if you won't be disgusted." Calm Night stated as he took another sip from his red pouch. A soft slurping noise could be heard that indicated the liquid was thicker than water.

"Oh? Why would I be?" Michael asked as he cut himself a large piece of steak to stuff into his gob.

"I'm a Vampire Thestral. I need blood every so often." Calm Night explained before he curled his lip, and revealed some sharp fangs.

Michael blinked as he looked at the Thestral before him a moment. "Wow! So that is blood you're drinking?" Michael asked, knowing it was an obvious answer.

"Yes, O-Positive. My favorite." Calm Night stated as he took another slip, savoring the blood on his tongue before letting it slide down his throat.

"Okay, So I have to ask. Why blood?" Michael asked, honestly intrigued.

Calm Night could only chuckle. "You would be surprised how many ponies are quite afraid to even ask or be in the same room as one of us." He explained before leaning back in his chair to get comfortable. "We Vampire thestrals, there are also fruit ones as well, need the blood to replenish our red blood count. Our bodies can't produce enough red blood cells to transmit air around on our own. So by ingesting blood, we can help our own bodies reproduce the needed red cells." Calm night explained as he was nearing the finish of his blood pack.

"I see, so it is kinda like us humans, and our need of meat for the protein, and amino acids within the meat. How often do you need to feed?" Michael asked as he was more absently eating his meal now.

"About a pint, or two every month. Princess Luna has been very kind in setting up "donation" Centers for us to get some. We have a card we have punched with the date of our last withdrawal to ensure we're not taking more than our needs. Though there are still some old world romantic notions of the fair damsel, and the wicked vampire. Where we visit mare's in the night, and partake directly from the tap, if you catch my drift." Calm Night explained as he set the now empty pouch on the table, and pulled out another to drink from.

"So what happens at these "encounters"?" Michael asked. He wasn't trying to be perverted, but was honestly curious.

Calm Night blushed deeply as he found it hard to look at the Human that had his full attention on him. "Um...well. A mare, or stallion sometimes, would hang up a set of wet socks outside their window as if they were letting them dry over night. That is the signal that the Pony inside is receptive to a "Donation." Though, depending on the situation, some other activities would go on also." Calm Night stated, before clearing his throat with a nervous cough as his cheeks turned as red as the blood he was sipping down.

"Have there been any problems?" Michael continued with interest as he moved to a thick slice of ham, almost forgetting about the wonderful taste, almost.

"Yes, there have been...some issues, but thankfully they're very rare. We thestrals police ourselves heavily, and make sure that the signal wasn't some accident. Usually if it was, an apology is exchanged, and often it is laughed off. All ponies generally know what the signal is, such instances are kept at a minimum. We're trying hard to dispel the rather sorid reputations we garnered for siding with Nightmare Moon a long time ago." He finished.

Michael chewed his food in silent consideration as he pondered what he heard. After a moment, he gave a nod, and a goofy grin to Calm Night. "Okay, no worries. Just for the record, I'm not disgusted in the least. We each have to eat what we have to eat." He stated.

Calm Night smiled as he believed he found someone that would look past the blood sucking part of his being. "Thanks. That means more than you know." Calm night stated as he resumed enjoying his monthly treat. Though something quickly caught his attention. "What's that?" he asked Michael.

Michael looked over, and couldn't help the sinister smile upon his lips. "Something times me the night's entertainment is about to begin." He chuckled


Lilith had to take a break from the dancing, and talking. The Minotaur Diplomat was friendly, and very intelligent. Apparently their forms of government were very similar, though there was the notable exceptions on how corruption was dealt with. With the Federation, the official was generally forced to resign, pay a fine, or a "Slap on the wrist" as punishment cause of all the back room dealings. In the Minotaur Republic, officials that have been found guilty of corruption were subject to public flogging or simply executed. While the Pony nobility thought that it was barbaric, the notion brought a sadistic grin to Lilith's lips.

Behind the buffet, a unicorn bartender was mixing drinks for the guests. "What would you like Ma'dam?" he asked respectfully.

"Do you know what a "Bourbon Highball" is?" Lilith asked as she leaned on the low counter.

"Yes ma'am. Is that what you would like?" He asked.

"Yes, and put some ice in it to chill the whiskey please." She stated, happy that she would be able to get her liquid libation. Now that just left her will wondering where Aleki, and that Zeon Stooge were. Lilith would see Michael across the room gorging himself on a pile of meat with that one Guard pony that watched over their Mobile Suits at night. However, that left Aleki AWOL. "Where is he?" She wondered.

"Here you go ma'am." the Bartender stated as he pushed a tall Highball glass filled with smoky golden liquid, ginger ale and ice. A cherry nestled between two cubes instead of a lemon peel.

"Thank you very much." Lilith stated as she pulled the cherry from the drink, and set it in her mouth. She gently sucked on the cherry to draw its juices out to mix with the whiskey. Holding the cherry in her cheek, she took a sip of her drink, and let it mix in her mouth before rolling down the back of her throat. The warmth starting to permeate her extremities after it went down. The whiskey had a smooth flavor, and made Lilith think of "Jim Bean".

Though she would not get to enjoy her drink for very long before the sound of hooves approaching caught her attention. Looking over her shoulder, she let out an inaudible sigh. It was that spoiled prince, Blue-butt or Blue-balls, whatever the hell his name was. What did he want? Lilith easily remembered him from the signing of the non-aggression pact. However, she was here, and promised to be on her best behavior. "Good evening, Your Highness." She stated respectfully, for the moment letting go of her anger.

"Good evening Miss..." Blue Blood started to say.

"Staff Sargent." Lilith corrected.

"Heheh, Staff Sargent Hardeen. I was hoping you would do the honor of a dance with me." He stated with a theatrical bow. In his own mind, he could already see LIlith flushing like a young filly at the handsome, and noble prince asking her to dance. He could already feel the jealous glances of the other mares in the room looking at the two of them.

"No, thank you." Lilith stated simply, taking another sip of her drink.

"Of course you're honored, and we can just....excuse me!?" Blue asked suddenly as it registered that he, Prince Blue Blood, had been refused.

"No, the opposite of "yes". I have no interest in dancing with you." Lilith elaborated on swirling her drink in her hand and finishing it up.

Blue Blood let out a huff in indignation at Lilith's words. "I'll have you know that I'm the Royal prince!" He announced as he thrust a hoof towards Lilith.

Lilith looked at him out of the corner of her eye as if she was dealing with a petulant child on the verge of throwing a tantrum. "And that makes you so special?" she asked.

Blue's head snapped back as if he had been physically slapped. Was she serious!? Being prince did make him special! For a moment, he couldn't speak, he was so stunned.

"Now see here..." he started to protest, but was interrupted again by Lilith.

"No, you be quiet, and actually open your ears. You may learn something. You're nothing more than a spoiled child, colt, whatever you ponies call your young. You have had your entire life planned out for you, and have been coddled for every single second of it. Never allowed to get so much as a scrapped knee. Probably swaddled in the finest silks too." she stated with gruff. "Either way, you have nothing to show for this life of privilege. You never once earned something with your own effort, and I would bet you never even tried to do it yourself." Lilith stated flatly.

"Where do you come off thinking you can lecture me?" Blue Blood demanded, yet something about this was striking a cord much deeper in him than he realized. It hurt but in a strangely good way, as if deep down he knew that this was true. No pony had ever dared to talk to him like that before! Sure Luna, and Celestia admonished him for his grievances, but still they were never so blunt about it. This Lilith Hardeen was seeing his crown, but was not letting that influence her in how she spoke to him. It was like it didn't matter to her, but why?

"I don't have time for this. If you will please excuse me, I promised Ambassador Soft Spoken another dance." Lilith stated, and started to walk away from Blue Blood without letting him say anything else.

The Prince was left there sputtering nonsensically as his mind was having difficulty processing the fact that he had been snubbed so viciously. From a nearby dark corner of the ballroom, a dark blue form slowly emerged. Luna held one of her wings before her lips to stifle a giggle. She knew it was not nice, but she rather enjoyed seeing Blue Blood get knocked down a peg, or two.

"We like this Lilith of Hardeen." She mused to herself before slipping back into the shadows to see if she could get a couple good scares, and pass it off innocently.


"Well that was interesting. I saw that train wreck all the way over here." Michael chuckle as he, and Calm Night watched Blue Blood go down in flames spectacularly.

Calm Night nodded, but was composed enough not to let his giggles slip. Though soon, Michael saw Calm Night become very rigid.

"Greetings Sargent. I'm happy to see that one of my Sister's Lunar Guards is keeping you company." A soft motherly voice spoke behind him. A voice that he only had to hear once to be able to recognize for the rest of his life, however short it may be now.

Michael slowly turned, and looked up to see Princess Celestia standing behind him. Her ethereal mane billowing in an unfelt breeze behind her. He blinked as his mind struggled to come up with the appropriate actions. The only thing it could come up with is "Stand slow", "look Dumb". Michael did precisely that. He couldn't understand what it was about Celestia that unnerved him to no end. It was like standing in front of a kindly Nun that you knew who knew all your dark secrets, and yet not called you out on any of them.

"Yes, Your majesty? How I can I help you?" He asked, keeping his voice surprisingly steady.

Celestia giggled at Michael trying to be calm, but she could see how nervous he was around her. "I wished to introduce you to the Ambassador to the Griffonia Empire, Luscious Snow-Wing. He's been very interested in meeting you, and the others." Celestia explained as she indicated to a large griffon to her right.

Michael directed his attention to the diplomat, and was awed. He was large, though not as large as Celestia. His body was stocky, and powerfully built. His head was crested with fine golden Feathers that faded to a rich chocolate brown fur on his body. The edges of his wings were lined with large glistening white primary feathers. He had a sharp look about him.

"Good evening Sargent Black. It is a great pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Rumors, and tales about you have reached the ears of Griffons in very lofty places." Luscious stated as he extended his fore talon to shake.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, sir. I hope the Tales, and Rumors are not too terribly bad" Michael joked, and shook the Diplomat's claw.

"No, No, nothing of the sort. However, taking on a full grown Drake, and a Rock monster does earn you some attention. The newspaper articles have been the talk of the Griffon Courts." Luscious Joked.

Michael was worried at what kind of attention he was getting. He was about to say something when something caught his ear, and caused his eye to twitch visibly.

"Why yes, the Earth Federation is quite a magnanimous governing body. If it wasn't for them, our precious Earth would have probably been a barren wasteland. At the time before the colonization of the space around our world, overpopulation was taking a huge toll on our planet. There was famine, wars over living space, food, water, and the rampant spread of disease threatened our people. It was only after the Federation united the Earth that we were ever to get anything done really." It was Lilith, and she was telling Ambassador Soft Spoken about the Earth Federation.

"Um, please excuse me." Michael stated as he turned from the small group he was with, including abandoning his beloved meat mountain to confront Lilith.

Celestia, and Luscious looked at each other, Celestia looking particularly worried since she knew of the disdain that Michael harbored towards the Federation. The two followed, hoping this would escalate into something violent. A fear that was very justified with what she, Luna, and Twilight saw within Michael's mind.

Michael approached, and tapped Lilith upon the shoulder. Causing the woman to turn to face him. "Let me tell you just how full of shit you are." he declared as he thrust an accusatory finger into her face. "You say the Federation is this great governing body, but all it is is nothing more than a "Rich Man's" group full of corrupt fat politicians that don't give a fuck about those of us in space." He barked.

Lilith's eyes narrowed as her crimson lip curled into a snarl. "And the Principality of Zeon is so much better? You people gassed a Colony, murdering millions to drop that colony upon the Earth to murder an entire city of civilians!" Lilith retorted. "I would think Corruption would be better than Genocidal!"

Soft spoken blinked at what he heard as did Luscious, and Celestia. The two humans didn't seem to realize that they were in the middle of a large gathering, and were garnering a lot of attention. More, and more of the attendees were stopping their conversations, and turning their ears towards the two soldiers sniping at each other. Even the very musicians hired to play were playing softly on their instruments to hear what the fuss was about.

"The colony would never needed to be dropped if not for the fact that the Federation treated those in the Colonies like second class citizens." Michael fired back, not backing down one inch. "The Federation Assembly acts like they can push us around. Their jackbooted thugs throwing their weight around the Sides. They continue to demand more, and more us, and if we tell them "No", they sic their "Dogs" on us." He growled.

"If it is so bad, then why don't you move!?" Lilith demanded to know.

"Move? Move where!? It is all the same unless you live on Earth. Oh, wait did you not tell your friend that we were forced to leave the planet, and live in giant cigar tubes?" Michael asked, though the last question was more directed towards Soft Spoken, and anyone else listening than Lilith. "Only the wealthy, and politically connected were allowed to remain on Earth. And those that actually came up to the Colonies thought themselves better than us cause they were born on Earth." He stated.

"You Zeons are nothing more than fascist bastards that believe themselves superior to all others, calling yourselves "Spacenoids". I swear you can't come up with a stupider name for yourselves than that. What do you expect? The rest of us to fall down upon our knees, and worship you like gods? If your Leader, Gihren, is any measure, I swear you would think that the Zeons believed they were descended from on High." Lilith mocked, causing Michael to let out a low growl.

The two had the full attention of the entire Gala. All motion stopped, and even the music was silent. The tension between the two was almost murderous.

"I would rather follow a man of such conviction, and passion for our fight for Independence than a group of cowardly men that hide behind money, politics, and thugs. A group that is responsible for the assassination of our leader, Zeon Daikun. A pacifist that only wished for the right to govern ourselves. The Federation Assembly are nothing more than leeches, and should be exterminated for the good of all mankind." Michael declared.


Michael staggered backwards a step as a throbbing stinging pain erupted upon his left cheek. His hand flew up to the offended area of his face as a bright red hand print started to form upon his face. Michael glared daggers at Lilith for a second before he noticed that she was looking him with pained filled eyes. Tears threatening at the corners. He blinked at that. Was she really so patriotic that she should lash out like that against him?

"My Father is not a corrupt cowardly leech that you so wish to brush him as, and he does not need to be murdered. He is a good man." She defended.

"What?" Michael asked dumbfounded as to why she would bring her father into all this.

"My Father is Assemblyman Robert Evans Hardeen of the North American sector." She declared with pride.

Michael could only stare as Lilith admitted to being the daughter of one of the highest ranking members in the entire Federation Government. The two were silent, and stared at each other before a soft cough broke their trance, and they saw everyone looking at them. Both Hardeen, and Michael realized what they had done. Lilith's cheeks flushed red as she made a hasty retreat to the palace gardens. Leaving Michael there alone before all of Equestria.


Meanwhile, far to the North of Equestria, the winds howled as large puffy snowflakes whirled chaotically in the whipping air. It was a frozen wasteland that dared anypony to try, if they were brave enough, to brave its shifting snowdrifts. This hostile and uninviting lands was one of the main deterrent to any would be conquerors of the Crystal Empire. A bastion of Harmony north of Equestria that was ruled over by the Princess of Love Mi Amor Cadenza, and her husband Prince Shining Armor. The two governing over the peaceful crystal ponies.

However, the waste was not as devoid of life as it would appear. Upon a rise overlooking the magical dome of the Crystal Empire, the magic providing the ponies with warmth and comfort in the cold, unyielding waste, Dr. Crystal Shard looked down upon the peaceful kingdom. His heavy wool cloak made him look like a shadow while it protected him from the frigid temperatures flapping in the howling wind. His eyes looking down his long nose at the gleaming dome of the Crystal Empire. His lips turned down in disgusted scowl as if eh was looking upon a pile of bear droppings.

"Look at them." He spoke to the wind. "Scurrying around without a clue to the injustices of this world. Of Genius unrecognized!" He growled.

Just behind him, a squad of Diamond Dogs were shivering in the cold. their teeth chattering, and their knees knocking. They were looking at each other, wondering why they were in this Celestia-forsaken place with their employer whom had become weirder, if that was even possible, shortly after the Humans left. His fiery temper cooled considerably, but in its absence a chill would roll down the spine of anyone that was too close to him for too long. The "Good" doctor had become very unnerving to be around. Like a presence loomed over them from him, even with his squat stature.

"Yes, you're right. These imbeciles have no idea of my genius." Shard spoke with a sneer.

The Diamond Dogs looked at each other with worry. Dr. Shard had started talking to himself again, and that seemed to make the temperature drop twenty degrees.

" Yes soon, very soon my Genius will be witnessed all the lands. Whether the ponies like it, or not!" Shard stated as he started to let out a deep laugh that was carried upon the wind.

Just behind him, a large form could be seen in the gloom of the ceaseless blizzard. It would be joined by another and together the two would act as a giant wall, blocking the wind and endlessly flowing snow.