Sargent Michael Black has found himself, and his trusty Zaku II Mobile suit in a land far removed from the Hellish war that has claimed half the human population. In this Land, that he would come to find that is called "Equestria", are sentient Ponies with abilities that fit quite nicely in a Fantasy Novel. Yet, in this peaceful land, the dark clouds of Malice are forming on the horizon. Can the presence of one Zaku, and a determined Pilot be enough to stave off the coming Fires of Hatred?

Rated Teen for: Strong Language, and violence.

I want to give very big Thank you to a friend from "E" who has been very kind in proofreading, and Editing this story. I couldn't make this story as good as it is without their help. X3

A Mobile Suit Gundam (UC Era), MLP Crossover
My LIttle Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro
Mobile Suit Gundam is owned by Bandai Visual

Chapters (20)

Princess Celestia finally has enough of the selfish Prince, but everypony has a story. Can an unlikely special somepony bring out the best in Blueblood? Some flavors clash. Some flavors mingle. Does a bit of sweetness make up for a lifetime of sour?

The lives of the pampered prince and the brash and brawny baker become intertwined thanks to Blueblood's uncanny abilities. Can this donut-doling darling deal with the prideful, persnickety Prince?

(I promise there isn't a ton of Alliteration in the story)

Chapters (36)

What if.

What if she had been born as nobility? As an equal? As somepony with a place in life?

Then maybe - just maybe - the rain would cease.

(An experimental piece set in Aegis Shield's "The Return of Princess Nightmare Moon". You don't have to read that to understand, but it'll make a great deal more sense.)

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, there lived a Prince who called himself a noble, and he did so with pride. He was at the height of his positions, the top Unicorn in the prestigious Canterlot University, a high ranking officer in the Royal guard, and betrothed to a mare he'd love to spend his life with. For why would he not be proud? After all, he was a descendant of the Equestrian Queen herself, and practically raised by her.

However, rumors and evidence begins to mount around his beloved Queen not quite being the radiant example he believes she is, and the Prince's pride is shaken. How far can one fall, when one sits at the top?

Chapters (1)

Nobody really likes to move, you leave friends and loved ones behind, familiar surroundings and move to someplace that is different from what you are used to. You have to learn the ropes all over again, make new friends and find your way around, not an easy or fun thing to do.

But what makes a move like that worse, is when it happens and you sleep through the whole thing, doubly so when you didn't plan said move.

(Featured April 5, 2014)

Chapters (63)

To Princess Celestia, her subjects are also her children and, for them, she strives to be a beacon of integrity and friendship. To Prince Blueblood, she was even more than that, until duties stole her away and his parents naturally filled the role in her absence. They taught him to uphold his family's honor and accept no reproach on his brithright. Their example showed him how to snub his peers if they outshone him and exercise his authority without regard for his subordinates.

To see her own nephew become so cruel pains her. All those around him suffer, and so does he, the pain hidden beneath an unremorseful sneer at those quivering before his hooves. Luna's presence grants Celestia the time that had been denied to Blueblood many years before, and she vows to use it to help him rediscover the loving, happy colt she once knew. Determined and hopeful, Auntie Celly enacts her plan for helping her nephew learn once more what it means to love, and be loved in turn.

Warning: Has a adult pony wearing diapers and snuggling.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be

Prince Blueblood's ascension to alicornhood had a rocky start, but he seems to have smoothed things out. Certainly, Celestia has been happier since Twilight Sparkle joined the royalty of Equestria.

However, due to misfortune and malady, Blueblood is flung across the cosmos to a strange land filled with bipedal creatures of unknown intent. He flees in fear, hoping against hope that help is on the way, but certain inhabitants of the new world are not so easily avoided. Only one mare can save him now, and she's nopony to be messed with.

Changelings, alicorns, and bronies collide as Blueblood tries to return home.

We're all doomed.

Blueblood's Ascension Series:
Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be
Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince
Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams
Background Ascension; or, Alicorns are "in" This Season (Side Stories)

Recommended Reading Order:
1. Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be
2. Background Ascension; or, the Heart of an Alicorn
3. Brother's Ascension; or, Alicorn Sales-Ponies Nonpareil
4. Backstory Ascension; or, Apple Alicorns are Anonymous
5. Beauty's Ascension; or, An Alicorn Love Story
6. Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince
7. Bogus Ascension; or, Alicorns Don't Count for Much Nowadays
8. Badguy Ascension; or, An Alicorn's Crime of Fashion
9. Blank Flank Ascension; or, A Very Alicorn Hearth's Warming Eve
10. Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to A New Dragon in Ponyville

Didn't read the first story? Catch the summary over here.

Everfree Village, the first place in Equestria where dragons and ponies live together in peace. Fluttershy never thought she’d live in a community full of dragons, let alone get married to one. Married life carries its own set of amusing, awkward, and sometimes frustrating challenges, but Fluttershy doesn’t mind. It’s the little surprises and joys that make each day worth living.

Talon Wind has never heard of Everfree Village, or Equestria, or even ponies. She’s a wyvern, one of only six thousand still alive after the Endless War, well, ended. Refugees from their homeland, they’ve entered into an alliance with a species of dragons called drakes. The drakes are having a hard time of life as well. Some other species went and built a city on the land where they get their food. So now the continued survival of the Dragon Alliance depends on them getting that land back. What was the city called again? Oh right, the Crystal Empire.

Sex tag for discussions about the topic and some innuendo.

Featured 10/10/16!

Expect updates about three times a week, more if I can manage it.

Special thanks:
rcmgamer218, for his help with the story and permission to use his character, Yol Toor.
-Singleton-, for help with the story.
km, for help with the story.
DrWingbeats, for the cover art.
Kudamon, for help with the story.

Now with a Spanish translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Un-nuevo-dragon-6-11-923168964

Chapters (63)

This story is a sequel to The Vacation

Spike has always had a shaky feeling when it came to who his parents were and why they seemed to abandon him to. After a small talk about his feelings, Celestia assures him that no matter how uncertain circumstances may seem, there is one fact that remains, she and many others love him. For a brief moment, Spike accepts this to be the truth of the world, until Blueblood came along.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash was expecting for the day to be a boring visit with her parents then a short snack and a ride back to where things make sense. Things do not turn out quite that way, Rainbow Dash bumps in to somepony, and the results change both of them.

Cover Art by Silcy
Edited by RockMonster6

Chapters (1)