Red Ring has had a fairly good life building and being the stay at home brother to his best friend who he lives with until weird things start going on around him and his friends leading his life in to new places some that he wish he never had seen many things happen and he may or may not loose the thing he loves most forever. ((Yes this does have then NLR but it is not a focus of the story ))

Chapters (1)

Golden Glint a guard in Canterlot is faced with the changeling hoard, and a quest that could be either his greatest triumph of his undoing.

Chapters (2)

After the unfortunate passing of changeling queen chit the denizens of her dying hive must separate, and few know what to expect outside of the 'comforting' embrace of its long passages, this is the story of one, a tale involving love, loss and feelings our chitinous friend could never have believed could come from a food source.

Logic: a changeling does not have sexual organs and as such does not have a gender, the queen reproduces asexually by taking genetic information from love pools, and mixing it with its own, the information exists because the changelings randomised genetic code means love given to the hive is encoded in a way no other changeling has, this is then purified, bad genes leaving 3/4 of the time and good genes leaving 1/4 of the time, the queen then fertilises using this information, love is stored in a domesticated larvae named feta larvae, much like fat cells in the human body, and is shared using the known green love iquor you see in the show, this is drank, love is absorbed directly as a chemical all love giving animals make when love is needed, this chemical produces a similar green iquor in the changelings mouth, but this iquor is not as wanted as it is less refined than in the hive.

Chapters (5)

Galacon 2017 Fanfiction Story 3rd place winner.

Usually, it is not very common that someone’s original characters make it into the actual show. Well, for good reasons of course. But did you ever ask yourself how to tie-in a pony like our very own mascot Canni (or for that matter: Sanni and Wachmann as well, if you want) into an actual episode? We did. You as well? Great, then we want to invite you to share your ideas with us.

The Mane six, Starlight and Spike are send over, past the borders of Equestria. To help out in a friendship lesson.
They will discover new friends and an old enemy.

Chapters (1)

Zeus is the Changeling Prince and Cross is a little Aspie Unicorn.. And they are in for one wild ride! Zeus the adopted son of Candace is just bored to hell with the fact that he may never get to rule his rightful crown as King of The Changeling Empire. Cross is mad that his family moved to the Crystal Empire and that his dad won't listen to him about the bullying in school... When they meet Crazy shit happens and that is what this story is about!

Chapters (1)

A unicorn decided that the best way to solve hatred was to curse those hateful ponies into changelings that need love to survive. Changelings were ponies stripped of their forms and appeared as misshapen giant insects. Discord grants a changeling's wish to be free from the curse.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis assign a special changeling a mission, but soon later that changeling begins rethink of his actions. He then to cuts off with his queen for some reason, and the queen was not to happy about it. Nopony that's a changeling of course knows that he is a changeling. So now he has the changeling army after him and anypony that might figure out that he is a changeling.

Chapters (8)

ranger is a lunar guard from the small town of hollow shade and he is going on vacation in the city of fillydelphia. little does he know that the nobility of the town has been collapsing from a mystery illness. now he must find the culprit. all he has is his wits, bits, and his hoove-blades. and all he wanted was to do was go to the museum.

Chapters (2)

Joshua Grimm was a normal 16 year old guy. If normal meant working for Microsoft, as lead Beta tester for a Virtual Reality game. An accident with one of the crossover games, My Little Claymore, sends him to a new world, full of ponies, and Yoma. Crash landings were never his favorite, but things take a turn for the worse when he fights one of the greatest foes any Claymore has ever fought.(Go and read the manga Claymore and find out the history of the Claymores!)
But that's only the start. Now Josh is his character Tamora, a 17 year old half-human, half-Yoma girl. How will Josh escape? What is his purpose? And can he find his way home, or does he want to stay? Or will he do the unthinkable?

Rated Teen-sex for partial nudity(nothing explicit), suggestive dialogue.
Rated Teen-Gore for: Gut impalement, blood, slicing and dicing, and decapitation.
Rated Teen for mild language.

Note: This story will be mostly edited by myself. Volunteer editors will be appreciated, though!
The name of this story has been changed, as I found a story that was posted back in 2013 which had the same name.

Subnote: For unknown reasons, the Author's Note won't always work properly. Please disregard any Author's Notes that appear multiple times.

Chapters (7)

Make the kill quick, clean, and painless for the animal that is all there ever was. Now armed with only my survival knowledge, a book, and a 6 shot .45 cal. revolver, a glock 9mm and a 6mm rifle, my true test awaits. Continue the endless hunt or defend new friends. Now I have been brought to a Place I have only herd of in stories my Great granddad told me when I was young. I Must discover who I really am and unlock the secrets He left for me.

Chapters (4)