• Published 27th May 2013
  • 6,059 Views, 216 Comments

Love Sick - FlameingToast

Twilight falls madly in love with Rarity...by accident.

  • ...

Side Effects

Rarity was pacing back and forth nervously in the hospitals waiting room. After Spike had led Rainbow Dash and herself to Twilight, Dash decided to fly her to the hospital. Rarity and Spike ran to the hospital in silence, and by the time they had gotten there, a doctor was seeing Twilight.

It was around midnight, and to the receptionist’s annoyance; Spike and Rarity weren't budging. Rainbow Dash had gone home almost an hour ago, and promised to inform the other girls and bring them to the hospital in the afternoon. She wanted to bring them as soon as she dropped Twilight off, but the doctor had said that she was doing fine; she was sleeping, and probably wouldn't wake up until lunchtime.

"Listen." The receptionist said, frowning, "It's very late, and you two should really be going. We'll notify you if anything changes with your friend."

Rarity shook her head vehemently "We will not leave! We need to stay here so the second she's awake, we'll be there."

"Yeah." Spike said, crossing his arms "We aren't leaving,"

"Fine." the receptionist sighed, "If you want to stay, then stay!" She stepped out from behind the desk, and trotted through a door at the end of the hallway.

Rarity sighed, and sat on one of the chairs next to Spike. Oh, I hope nothings wrong. She closed her eyes, and yawned.

Spike frowned, looking at Rarity. Sure he was scared and worried for Twilight, but Rarity seemed really shaken up by her collapse. She can't actually like her that way...can she? He wasn't too proud to find that the thought brought a little anger with it. For Celestia's sake! Twi's in the hospital, and you're jealous!?

"Rarity." Spike said quietly, causing her to raise her head "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong!?" Rarity exclaimed incredulously. "Twilight's in the hospital because of a love poison!" She took a few deep breaths to calm down. "Why wouldn't I be worried?"

Spike shook his head "Hey, I'm worried too! Twilight's pretty much my sister, and I'm scared that something is wrong with her. But, you're more cut up about this than I am." He held up a claw to stop Rarity from arguing.

"Listen, even Rainbow Dash went home, and she's the Element of Loyalty! She knows that she did all she could, and that tomorrow she could come back." He looked her in the eyes "So, why aren't you home? I get that Twilight's one of your best friends and all that, but you're acting really weird." He finished.

Rarity frowned "Well...I'm not sure." She sighed, "I just can't leave..." She trailed off hoping that Spike would stop questioning her. In truth, until Spike asked her why she hadn't left, it never crossed her mind to leave. After finding Twilight on the ground in the library she was seized with dread; initially thinking that she was dead. But before she could freak out, Rarity noticed Twilight breathing while Rainbow Dash picked her up. She gave a large sigh of relief, but if anything she was even more worried.

Once they all had gotten into the hospital the only thing on her mind was Twilight, and even after the nurse said she was okay Rarity still felt awful. Rarity looked at Spike who had a worried expression much like her own. This is a mess. This can't go on any longer, what if next time she's really hurt? Rarity didn't even want to think about it, I need to find Zecora tomorrow and find out if she's made any progress.

Yawning, Rarity closed her eyes. It had been an incredibly long day, and even with her anxiety she felt herself on the brink of sleep. She glanced over to Spike to try and answer his question, but he was curled up on the chair, asleep.


Rarity and Spike left the hospital room and returned to the waiting room, feeling considerably better that Twilight wasn't seriously hurt. Spike sat down on one of the chairs and smiled. "Well, it's good that Twilight's feeling better."

Rarity nodded "Yes, it's a miracle that nothing seems to be wrong." But something might be; who knows what will happen next time she has an episode like that. Rarity frowned, realizing that the poison had turned from being incredibly annoying to potentially deadly

"Spike?" Rarity said, "Would you mind going to Zecora's and asking her to come to the hospital? Twilight and I went to talk with her yesterday, and I really hope that she found out how to cure Twilight."

Spike nodded "Okay, but I'll be back as soon as I can." He started running towards the door, eager to find Zecora and get back in case they could see Twilight. Rarity watched him leave and then turned to clock, waiting for the doctor to return.

15 minutes later...

Rarity had almost fallen asleep in the quiet waiting room, but when she saw the doctor trottingtowards her she quickly sat up.

"Is everything alright?" Rarity nervously asked.

"Yes, everything seems to be fine." He continued "She did have another dizzy spell, but it passed quickly. The thing is, we can't keep her at the hospital. She seems to be doing fine without any immediate medical attention, and she doesn't need to stay here."

Rarity frowned "But what if something else happens to her!? Shouldn't she stay for at least another day or two?"

Doctor Surge smiled "Rarity, I understand that you're worried about your friend, but it looks like she's doing a lot better." He gave a small sigh, "I know that this must be a scary experience, but there's really not much else we can do as of right now."

Rarity nodded, a little embarrassed "Yes, of course doctor."

Doctor Surge nodded "But I would recommend that somepony stay with her for a few days; just in case another collapse occurs. Or there's the chance that the poison might have another effect."

"Well...I suppose I could stay with her. Or at the very least check up on her." Rarity started, "I'm sure that Spike won't mind some help." I finished my latest dress orders a few days ago, and Twilight's well being is much more important than a few orders anyways.

The doctor gave another small nod. "Okay, she'll be right out." He turned around to leave, and paused, "Oh, we gave her some medication to help with the dizziness. She might be a little disoriented for a couple of hours."

Rarity sat back down and looked around the empty waiting room, glad that everything seemed to be getting better. Although she couldn't help but think that she was forgetting something. Where's Spike? Rarity looked at the clock hanging above the receptionist's desk and frowned. I wonder if I should go looking for him...

Just as she was debating whether or not to go to Zecora's before Twilight was released from the hospital, Spike ran into the hospital; sweaty and gasping for breath.

"I...ran all the way...did I miss anything?" Spike asked between gulps of air. Rarity raised an eyebrow at the young dragon, as she trotted over to him.

"Spike, why did you sprint all the way here?" She frowned as he raised his hand, and she saw the paper that he was holding.

Dear Rarity,
There has been trouble at my homeland, and I must return on the double. I shall complete the cure after my retreat, when I return in a week.

"This is not good..." Rarity muttered, trying to think of another way to help find a cure for Twilight. But before she could think of anything, she was tackled to the ground.

"The doctor told me that you're staying with me!" Twilight squealed excitedly, hugging Rarity.

Rarity nodded, blushing lightly "Yes, I wouldn't want you to have another episode without me there to help you. Although, I won't be staying with you the whole time." She looked at Spike and wasn't surprised to find that he had a small frown. But the frown turned into a large grin as he ran up to Twilight

"Don't ever scare me like that again!" Spike said, hugging Twilight.

Twilight laughed "Don't worry, I don't plan on it happening anytime soon."

After almost ten seconds of a slightly awkward group hug, Spike broke away from the two ponies and smiled. Twilight's feeling better, so that's awesome. Unfortunately, she wasn't completely fine, and nothing made this more apparent than how she was staring at Rarity. "Okay, we should probably go home. I think everypony's been pretty worried about you." Spike glanced in Rarity's direction, some a little more than others.

Rarity nodded "Yes, I still can't believe all the trouble Sweetie Belle has-" Rarity's eyes grew wide "I FORGOT ABOUT SWEETIE BELLE!" Rarity exclaimed, before sprinting out of the hospital.

Twilight and Spike stood silent for a few moments before Twilight shook her head "If she can't even take proper care of her sister, how does Rarity expect me to leave her alone with our future foals?" Twilight asked Spike, trotting at much slower pace than Rarity's towards the door.

Spike groaned, this is going to get really old really quickly. Then another thought occurred to him "Wait a sec, how the hay would that work?" He scratched his head in confusion as Twilight turned to him.

"Oh, well there are a whole lot of ways that we could go about it! First there's-" Twilight's all too eager explanation was interrupted as Spike vehemently shook his head.

"Nope, changed my mind. I do not need to hear this." Spike grimaced "Your regular explanation of the 'birds and the bees' was incredibly thorough, and I really don't need an explanation for whatever the hay this is."

Twilight shrugged as she and Spike left the hospital and headed towards the library.