• Published 27th May 2013
  • 6,058 Views, 216 Comments

Love Sick - FlameingToast

Twilight falls madly in love with Rarity...by accident.

  • ...

The Dream

Rarity looked up to the night sky as she stood beside Twilight at the edge of the Whitetail Woods. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" She said to Twilight as she continued to stare at the stars. After a few minutes of admiring the night, Rarity looked back at Twilight to find her looking at her.

"Not as beautiful as you." Twilight stated, causing Rarity to blush lightly.

"Oh, you don't mean that." Rarity said dismissing the compliment.

Twilight shook her head "Of course I mean that!" Twilight grinned stepping closer to Rarity. "Nothing compares to you."

Rarity gulped "Twilight, you're a little close." Twilight's face was inches away from her own, and Rarity felt her heartbeat speed up a little when she looked in the unicorns pretty purple eyes.

Twilight blushed, backing up slightly "Oh, sorr-" she was interrupted as Rarity sprang forward and planted her lips on Twilight's. She leaned into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of Twilight's surprising soft lips pressing against her own.


Rarity sat up suddenly on the couch, breathing heavily. She looked around the living room, relived to find that she was alone. Just a dream...Rarity thought. Rarity was surprised to find that that thought made her feel a little disappointed.

Pull yourself together! Rarity thought getting off of the couch. Her little nap had gone on longer than she planned, and it was growing dark outside. She trotted into her kitchen, hoping that a glass of water would help clear her head.

She frowned, taking a sip of the water. What did that dream mean? It doesn't mean anything, Rarity tried to tell herself. But, then why did I enjoy it when I kissed her soft- Rarity turned on the sink and quickly splashed ice cold water onto her face.

Rarity felt her head clear a little as the water hit her face. She sat down at the kitchen table. By now the sun had completely set, and the moon was rising in the sky. Much to Rarity's annoyance, she couldn't get the dream out of her head.

I...couldn't actually like her that way, could I? Rarity wasn't able to make sense of it. She never felt that way about Twilight before, but now she felt...something. You don't actually feel anything! Rarity told herself, you're just a little rattled by that weird dream.

Before she could continue analyzing her dream, somepony knocked on the door. Rarity was snapped out of her thinking, and for a moment thought that she had imagined the knock. But after a moment of quiet, another louder knock came.

Rarity got up and trotted to the door. Who would come here at this hour? She opened the door to find a grinning Rainbow Dash.

"Do you know how late it is Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked raising an eyebrow, beginning to feel nervous.There's no way that she's here because of Twilight, it only happened a few hours ago.

"Hello to you too." Rainbow Dash said with a smile. She winked, nudging Rarity. "Anyways, I've been hearing some interesting things about you and Twilight."

Rarity sighed, I had a few hours of rest at least. "I take it that this has spread through Ponyville?" She said more calmly than she felt.

Rainbow Dash nodded, laughing quietly "Yeah, apparently Twilight freaked out, which isn't new." She managed to contain her laughter. "But why she freaked out is the best part!"

Rarity groaned "Yes, she did have a little episode, but it isn't really her fault." Rarity frowned "There's something wrong with Twilight."

Rainbow Dash nodded "I know what you mean, she can be pretty crazy sometimes."

Rarity facehooved "No, I mean she's been poisoned."

Rainbow Dash stopped smiling "Poisoned? Who would-" Her mind returned to her conversation with Sweetie Belle earlier "I'm going to guess that it had something to do with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Am I right?"

Rarity nodded "Yes, although it was mainly Sweetie Belle." She glanced towards the ceiling "But we've gotten through most of it."

"Well, what happened that was so bad?" Rainbow Dash asked "Er, except for the whole thing where Twi went insane in the market...again. Oh, and the poison part."

Rarity motioned for her to come in the boutique "It's a long story, sit down and I'll tell you what happened."


Rainbow Dash was hovering around the room while Rarity finished up her story. Dash had to admit that no matter how funny the whole thing was, it was a little worrying that Twilight had drank poison.

"And then I left the library." Rarity said finishing recounting her chaotic day.

Rainbow Dash smirked "It's official, Sweetie Belle is awesome! I mean, I couldn't even have pulled off a better prank...well I probably could. I mean I am Rainbow Dash."

"But it's not funny!" Rarity exclaimed, at her wits end. She sighed dramatically, falling back onto her couch.

Rainbow Dash snorted "Well maybe not to you."

Rarity ignored her and continued "All of Ponyville must believe that Twilight and I are in love! I'll never be able to show my face outside ever again because of what she said! I was so humiliated, I think she traumatized that poor stallion!" Rainbow Dash flew up to the hysterical unicorn and lightly shook her.

"Rarity!" She shouted, causing Rarity to stop her rant "I know you're upset, but please stop acting crazy!"

Rarity gave a small ahem "Oh...sorry about that." She blushed lightly "I've been holding that in for a while." I really need to find a way to fix all of this before I start pulling my mane out in frustration!

Rainbow Dash nodded "Don't worry about it, I'll just tell anypony that asks that you two have no feelings for each other."

Rarity smiled "Thank you Rainbow Dash. The rumors will have probably changed into something much worse by now, and I could use all the help I can get."

Rainbow Dash chuckled "I heard that Twilight threatened to turn the guy into a pineapple."

Rarity half-laughed, half-sighed "It was an orange, actually."

Rainbow Dash flew up into the air and pointed towards the door. "Well, I should be leaving. The reason I came over was that Pinkie wanted to throw you girl's a congratulations party, or whatever." She landed in front of the door "I'll make sure and tell Pinkie that the parties off."

"That would have been quite awkward." Rarity smiled "Thanks for helping me out with this."

Rainbow Dash nodded "No problem. It's not like you actually have feelings for her. It's all a funny misunderstanding."

Rarity opened her mouth to reply, and her mind returned to her dream. "...No, no I don't." Rarity said dismissing her dream, because that's all it was; a dream. But there was a little bit of doubt, and it was infuriating.

"Okay, see ya tomorrow then." Rainbow Dash said as somepony banged against the door. She opened the door to find Spike with a few tears in his eyes, and a worried expression on his face.

"Spike? What are you doing here this late?" Rainbow Dash lost her grin, when she saw his expression, Rarity had gotten off of the couch and was walking up to them.

Spike frowned "S-somethings wrong with Twilight!" Rainbow Dash and Rarity shared a surprised and worried look before they both ran out of the boutique, and headed towards the library.