• Published 27th May 2013
  • 6,057 Views, 216 Comments

Love Sick - FlameingToast

Twilight falls madly in love with Rarity...by accident.

  • ...

Cutie Mark Potion Testers...Yay?

"Remind me again why ya think Zecora's just gonna let us borrow potion supplies?" Apple Bloom asked Sweetie Belle as they trotted towards the Everfree Forest. "Do ya remember how many times we've messed up potions? Cause Ah'm sure she does."

"Well, I already got the book from the library." Sweetie replied "So now we just need a few ingredients for the cure! If she says no, then I guess we'll have to look for the stuff ourselves."

Apple Bloom frowned "Still, Ah don't know about this..." She trailed off as they entered the forest. Although the path to Zecora's was relatively clear of underbrush and there was enough light filtering through the canopy of dark leaves overhead to make sure everything was easily seen, it was still unnerving. There was a reason ponies didn't go into the forest, and Apple Bloom had heard plenty of tales about what happened to most ponies who had dared to enter the Everfree Forest, and needless to say they almost all ended without a pony coming out.

Apple Bloom wasn't scared though! She glanced at monster shaped shadows thrown by twisted branches, and cringed every time the sound of twigs being crushed underhoof didn't come from the beaten path. Nope, not scared even a bit.

Sweetie Belle wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, and was more focused on the ingredients that they would need. Mistakes were not an option, so Sweetie had made sure to bring the book along with her to Zecora's to make sure that they wouldn't grab something poisonous by accident and make something that would make things much worse.

"Where's Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle asked as they neared the cottage. "I thought she said that she'd help us?"

Apple Bloom shrugged "Ah don't know, maybe she's just caught up with something."

Sweetie Belle smirked "Fine, but she's going to have to been the one we test the potion on."

Apple Bloom's eyes widened "Hey, you never said anything about that!"

Sweetie Belle turned around to face her friend "Listen, we need to know that it worked or else it'll just be a big waste of time."

"Well, why don't ya drink it?" Apple Bloom frowned "It's yer fault."

Sweetie Belle glared daggers at her reluctant friend "No, it's all of our faults for making the stupid thing, and so far I'm the only one who has been getting into trouble for it!" Sweetie Belle sighed "C'mon, can you please help me with this?"

Appleboom sighed "Fine, but Ah still think this is stupid." The rest of the walk to Zecora's was in silence, and before too long, they reached the small cottage. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom trotted up to the front door and knocked loudly. After a few minutes, nopony came to answer the door, so Apple Bloom turned towards Sweetie Belle.

"Maybe she's not home?' Apple Bloom offered, hoping it was true and they could leave.

"I guess, but-" Sweetie Belle's eyes caught sight of a small piece of paper stuck to the door. Sweetie Belle took the piece of paper of the door and frowned.

"Apparently Zeroca's gone back home. Wherever that is." She handed the note to Apple Bloom, groaning "C'mon! We need these potion supplies."

"Well, it's not like we can just take them." Apple Bloom placed the note on the doorstop where anypony else who happened to wander by would see. "Ah guess we have to go do something else, like crusading. Darn, Ah was looking forwards to making more potions too!" She continued sarcastically.

Sweetie Belle frowned, looking at the door "You know, we could always borrow the supplies." She sighed at Apple Bloom's shocked expression.

"C'mon Apple Bloom, Twilight needs to be cured! It's not like we're doing anything too bad." Sweetie Belle proceeded.

Apple Bloom shook her head "Sweetie, are ya crazy? Stealing is bad no matter what it's for!"

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow "What about the Cutie Pox fiasco?"

Apple Bloom glared "Hey, that was different."

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes "Of course it was. Listen, I don't like it any more than you do. But if we can find a cure for Twilight then I'm sure Zecora wouldn't mind. Please, I promise that we'll bring everything back."

Apple Bloom stared at her friend for a few moments before relenting "Fine, Ah guess it is for something good."

Sweetie Belle's face lit up "Great! The sooner this is straightened out, the better."

"Alright, how do ya suppose we get inside?" Apple Bloom said looking at the cottage.

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow, "Uh, maybe the front door?" She pushed the door open.

"...Why isn't it locked?" Apple Bloom asked quizzically.

"What pony would be crazy enough to go into the Everfree Forest to break into Zecora's house? Nopony, that's who." Sweetie Belle said trotting into the house.

"Nopony except us." Apple Bloom muttered following Sweetie Belle.


Scootaloo was nowhere to be found as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom carried the various plants and ingredients they had "borrowed" from Zecora inside the clubhouse. Taking a cauldron would've been too heavy, so they had to settle for a pot that Granny Smith rarely used for cooking.

Apple Bloom dumped everything she was carrying into the pot while Sweetie Belle took out the book "Alright, first we need some crushed rose petals."

Sweetie Belle crushed the flower by stomping on it while it was in the pot and read the next step "Okay, now we need to add water and some flower called...Cordis?" Sweetie Belle looked at the picture. It was a small flower with white petals that changed to a deep red color near the tips of the petals.

Apple Bloom picked it up and dropped it into the pot "Are ya sure this is right?"

"Yeah, after this we need to mix it all and add this green powdery stuff." Sweetie Belle held up a small pouch with her magic "This looks like what the book says, but I've never seen this stuff before."

Apple Bloom shrugged "Don't ask me."

Sweetie Belle dumped the punch into the pot, causing the mixture to turn a deep green color. Sweetie Belle started to mix the ingredients together and poured it into a cup. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at the mixture.

"That's disgusting." Apple Bloom grimaced "How are we gonna get Scoots to drink that? It looks like vomit! "

Sweetie Belle waved her hoof "That's the easy part, first we need her to drink the love poison."

Apple Bloom nodded "Yeah, Ah'm just hoping this will work."

"Why wouldn't it?" Sweetie Belle asked opening the book to the love poison page "We went by the book, and it's not that hard."

Apple Bloom shrugged "Ah don't know, it was almost too easy. Aren't potions supposed to be hard to make?"

Sweetie Belle smiled "Maybe we're just good at making potions?"

Apple Bloom fell into a fit of laughter "T-that's a good one Sweetie!" Apple Bloom managed to say before dissolving into laughter once again.

"Just be quiet and help me finish this." Sweetie Belle sighed, beginning to remake the potion that had caused the whole mess.


Scootaloo frowned as she ran towards the tree house. She was only a few minutes, give or take an hour, late. C'mon Mom, why did you have to take my scooter! I only broke half of the window! Shaking her head, Scootaloo climbed up the tree, pushing her failed stunt out of her mind. She burst into the tree house to come face to face with her friends grinning...rather creepily, if Scootaloo was being honest.

"Uh, hey girls." Scootaloo said, laughing nervously "I'm a little late, but if you want to still make that potion we can still do it!"

"Sounds good, but first wouldn't you like some juice? You look a little out of breath." Sweetie Belle said, continuing to smile widely.

Scootaloo looked at the light pink liquid "What kind of juice is that?"

"Strawberry!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"Apple!" Apple Bloom shouted.

They looked at each other, "Apple!" Sweetie Belle said as Apple Bloom nodded "Yeah, strawberry!"

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle glared at each other "Oookay then." Scootaloo glanced at the glass one last time before shrugging. After all, it was a long run to the tree house, and she was pretty thirsty. Scootaloo picked up the glass and downed half the drink in one go.

Scootaloo's eyes widened "Hey, this stuff is pretty goo-" She grew rigid as her eyes started to flash violet.

Apple Bloom turned to Sweetie Belle. "What happens now?"

Sweetie Belle giggled "Well, first we need her to fall for somepony. And then we're going to see if the potion will cure her."

Apple Bloom nodded "Yeah, let's just put a picture of Rainbow Dash in front of her."

Sweetie Belle shook her head "That won't work."

Apple Bloom tapped her chin thoughtfully "Yeah...Ah guess it would have to be a real pony."

Sweetie Belle shrugged "Oh, I don't know about that. I just figure even if it did work we couldn't tell the difference." She nudged Apple Bloom "Actually you should do it."

"What!?" Apple Bloom yelled "NO!"

Sweetie beamed, and said "Really, you will?"

"Hey, Scootaloo! Over here!" Sweetie Belle said in a sing song voice while diving under a nearby table.

Scootaloo turned towards Sweetie's voice, and saw a very distressed looking Apple Bloom "Apple Bloom...what's up?"

"Uh, nothing." Apple Bloom nervously replied, slowly backing away from Scootaloo.

Scootaloo grinned, her eyes faintly flashing purple "Well if you aren't doing anything, what would you say to coming with me to Sugarcube Corner for some cupcakes?" She grinned, walking closer to Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom frowned "Um, Ah have some chores...and stuff."

Sweetie Belle picked up the bottle in her magic and stepped in between her two friends "Sure, she'd love to! But first why don't you try this drink Apple Bloom and I made?"

Scootaloo beamed "Really!? You'll come?"

Sweetie Belle nodded, unable to restrain a small smile at Apple Bloom's angry expression "Yeah, but first you need to drink this!"

Scootaloo shrugged "If it gets me and AB to Sugarcube Corner sooner, then awesome." She looked at the cup for a few seconds before taking a few sips.

"Hey, this stuff is pretty good!" Scootaloo drank the rest of the cup. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom waited quietly, hoping it worked. For a moment, Scootaloo's smile was replaced with a frown.

It worked! Sweetie Belle thought. Now after I apologize to Apple Bloom, and tell Scootaloo everything, we can go cure Twilight and Rarity won't be mad at-

"Whatever that is it has a nasty aftertaste." Scootaloo stuck her tongue out "Yuck. Oh well, I think a cupcake could help wash that horrible taste out of my mouth." She leaned closer to Apple Bloom, winking "Let's go Apple Bloom!"

Sweetie Belle's face fell "You mean it didn't work!"

Apple Bloom glared daggers at her "What gave you that idea!" She shouted sarcastically

Scootaloo looked between her fighting friends confusedly "Soo...are we gonna go, Apple Bloom?"

"QUIET!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shouted at Scootaloo before continuing to argue.

"Ya said it would work!" Apple Bloom said "Why did Ah think it would work!?"

Sweetie Belle picked up the book "It's not my fault! We did everything the dumb book said to do!" She opened it to the page with the cure "Look we didn't skip a single step!"

Sweetie turned the page, and she found why it didn't work. They didn't make the potion, or completely, that is. The next page gave detailed instructions on preparing the ingredients they had used, and even some more ingredients.

Before she could say anything, Sweetie was shocked out of reprieve by her sisters voice.

"Sweetie Belle! Are you up there!" Sweetie heard Rarity shout from the base of the tree house.

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle said, closing the book as Apple Bloom tried to look at the page.

"Well come down! We need to get home for supper!" Rarity said, a little impatiently.

Sweetie Belle gave a small embarrassed laugh "Heh, well...let's try again tomorrow?"

Apple Bloom sighed, "Fine, but yer gonna have to make this up to me!"

Sweetie Belle smiled, hugging Apple Bloom "Thanks AB, when this is all done you can pick the next Cutie Marks we go crusading for."

Apple Bloom smirked "Alright, that makes it up to me a little bit."

Sweetie Belle put the potion book back on the table and left the clubhouse. Apple Bloom sighed, picking up the book to see if it said anything.

"Apple Bloom, did I ever tell you that your almost as cool as Rainbow Dash?." Scootaloo said with a smirk leaning against the table, raising her eyebrows.

Apple Bloom gulped "Uh...you wanted to go to Sugarcube Corner, right?" She said hoping to distract the love sick filly.

Scootaloo stopped staring at Apple Bloom, and broke into a large grin "Awesome!" She grabbed Apple Bloom's hoof and started dragging her out of the clubhouse. Apple Bloom tried desperately to latch on to anything to prevent the awkward situation to come, but Scootaloo's grip was too strong.

Yep, Sweetie owes me big time! Appleboom thought.