• Published 27th May 2013
  • 6,059 Views, 216 Comments

Love Sick - FlameingToast

Twilight falls madly in love with Rarity...by accident.

  • ...

Cutie Mark Potion Brewers?

Sweetie Belle began trotting to school. Even though she was early, Sweetie wanted to get to there before class so she could tell her friends about what happened. Sweetie Belle didn't really know what to do about it. Sure she felt a little bit guilty, but what could she do?

Sweetie Belle stopped at the front of the school and looked around for one of her friends. She spotted Applebloom and ran towards her.

"Hey! Applebloom!" Sweetie said as she came to a halt in front of her friend.

"Oh, hiya Sweetie Belle!" Applebloom smiled "Sorry Ah couldn't come over yesterday, Applejack had a whole list a' chores for me ta do."

"Well, It was probably better that you didn't get to come over. Something bad happened, and Rarity almost had a nervous breakdown." Sweetie Belle said.

Applebloom sighed "What did ya do tah her dresses?"

Sweetie frowned "What? I didn't do anything to any of her dresses!"

Applebloom raised an eyebrow "So...did yah set the kitchen on fire?"

Sweetie Belle shook her head "No. I didn't set anything on fire!" Sweetie was starting to get annoyed.

Applebloom shrugged "So what did ya do"

Sweetie Belle sighed in frustration "Why is it that every time something bad happens, everypony always thinks that it's my fault!"

Applebloom looked unconvinced "So, yer saying it wasn't yer fault?"

Sweetie Belle blushed "Well..." she trailed off.

Applebloom smirked "Ah knew it."

Sweetie Belle glared at her "Oh yeah! Well it's your fault too!"

Applebloom stared at her confused "What do yah mean? Ah haven't done anything."

Before Sweetie Belle could explain, she was interrupted by somepony saying "What's up Sweetie Belle, Applebloom."

She glanced back at Scootaloo who was getting off of her scooter "Hey, Scoots."

Scootaloo parked her scooter and stepped over to her fellow crusaders "Did I miss anything?"

Applebloom nodded "Yeah, Sweetie gave her sister a nervous breakdown."

"No!" Sweetie said flustered "We all did!"

All she got was questioning looks on her friends faces "Remember when we made love poison?" She started.

Scootaloo nodded "I wish I could forget."

Applebloom gave a small yuck "Yea, Ah'm glad that we never have to go through that again."

"Yes we do." Sweetie Belle deadpanned.


Sweetie Belle had finished telling her friends about what happened, and none of them knew what to do. Scootaloo doesn't want to do anything about it, and Applebloom thinks we'll just make things worse.

Her focus was on how to fix things, and not on what Cheerilee was teaching. Why am I feeling so guilty about this anyways? It's not like I meant to do it.

The whole day flew by in a blur for Sweetie Belle. In no time at all it was recess.

"Okay, class. go have fun." Cheerilee said erasing the board.

Sweetie Belle blinked, and shook her head "Recess already?" she muttered, following her fellow classmates outside.

Sweetie Belle was walking with Scootaloo and Applebloom over to the swings when she said her idea.

"I think I figured out what we need to do to fix this whole mess." Sweetie Belle stated as she got onto one of the swings.

"What are ya talking about?" Applebloom asked nervously.

Sweetie Belle sighed "Well, I think the only way to fix everything, is to make a cure."

Scootaloo frowned "C'mon Sweetie, lay off it already. They'll get somepony to help make Twilight better."

Sweetie Belle shook her head "We made the potion, we need to do this! I'm feeling guilty about this, and you two played just as much of a part in this as I did!"

Scootaloo snorted "Yeah right. We didn't poison Twilight." She poked Sweetie Belle "That's on you."

Sweetie Belle shook her head "Will you help or not?" Sweetie said frustrated.

After a few moments of silence Applebloom relented "Fine. Ah'll help, but don't say Ah didn't warn ya."

Scootaloo flopped onto the ground "Really! We have to waste a perfect afternoon for crusading, cooking a potion!?"

Applebloom raised an eyebrow "Yah don't cook a potion."

Scootaloo shook her head "Yeah, you do."

A back and forth of increasingly angry yuh huh and nuh uhs were said between Applebloom and Scootaloo before Sweetie Belle interrupted them.

Sweetie smiled "I knew you girls would help!" She grabbed them both into a hug.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes "Enough of this sappy stuff, It's recess, we should be doing something not vomit inducing."

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom chuckled, and let go of Scootaloo.


A bell resounded through the classroom full of dazed and sleepy children. In a few seconds, the previously tired atmosphere of the classroom was replaced with all the children running towards the door in an energetic frenzy.

"Remember class, you all need to study for tomorrows test." Cheerilee said to the fleeing colts and fillies.

Her warning, however, fell on deaf ears as all the students were gone.

Cheerilee shook her head, but she couldn't help but have a small grin.

The Crusaders were well on their way to the clubhouse, when Scootaloo realized a glaring problem in their plan.

"How are we gonna make a cure?" Scootaloo asked "We don't even have any supplies." She grinned smugly. Ha! Now we don't have to do this stupid thing.

Sweetie Belle shrugged "How about I get that book we used when we made the love poison." She smiled "And by tomorrow we'll know what to do."

"So...we can do something else right now?" Scootaloo asked hopefully.

Sweetie Belle nodded "Sure. Got any ideas Applebloom?"

Before Applebloom could answer, she was interrupted by a rainbow blur that almost crashed into her. Applebloom jumped as Rainbow Dash landed.

"Hiya kids." Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.

"Hi Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo exclaimed pushing Sweetie Belle out of the way so that she could get closer to her idol.

Dash looked at them all "I gotta jet, but I wanted to ask you something Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow "Me? About what?"

Rainbow Dash smiled "Like you don't know. Everypony in Ponyville's heard about how your sister and Twilight are dating."

Sweetie Belle gulped "Really? Everpony is talking about it huh." She and the crusaders shared a look "I kind of played a hoof in that."

"You set them up?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Sweetie Belle laughed nervously "I guess you could say that."

"Anyways, I wanted to know if you knew if Rarity had plans tonight. If you see Twilight, could you tell her too? The girls and I want to surprise them and stuff."

Sweetie Belle tapped her chin with her hoof "Well I could ask Rarity, but I don't know where Twilight is. I saw her last night but-"

Rainbow Dash held up her hooves "Wait a sec. Last night?"

Sweetie Belle nodded "Yeah, Twilight slept over."

Rainbow Dash laughed "Slept over, huh? Rarity's never going to hear the end of this."

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle looked at Rainbow Dash questioningly. Scootaloo, however, was painfully aware of what Dash was insinuating.

"What's so funny about sleepovers?" Applebloom asked questioningly.

Rainbow Dash looked at them "You know what I mean...right?" She took there expressions as an answer "Geez, nopony's told you about the birds and the bee's?"

Applebloom rolled her eyes "Ah know what birds and bee's are."

"Not like that." Rainbow Dash walked closer to them "You girls are old enough, you'll find out about this stuff sooner or later." She sat down "When two ponies love each other, or if they're bored they..."


"See ya kiddos" Rainbow Dash shouted behind her as she flew off towards Ponyville.

The three fillies didn't say anything. They just stared ahead for a few moments, before each shook their heads.

Sweetie Belle's face was pale "I...didn't need to know that."

Applebloom shushed her "No. Don't say anything. We will never speak of this again!"

"But what do you think she meant by-" Scootaloo began to ask.

Applebloom swiftly turned around "Never!."

Sweetie Belle sighed "That horrible explanation aside, I'll try and find that book." She started to trot back into Ponyville.

Applebloom shouted after her "Why are ya leaving now? Can't this wait a little bit?"

Sweetie Belle shook her head "I can't leave my sister alone with that love crazed pony, I know what could happen!" Applebloom and Scootaloo shared a look as Sweetie Belle left.

"Ah don't blame her." Was all that Applebloom said as she and Scootaloo headed towards Sweet Apple Acres. Scootaloo had to agree.