• Published 27th May 2013
  • 6,057 Views, 216 Comments

Love Sick - FlameingToast

Twilight falls madly in love with Rarity...by accident.

  • ...

A Normal Stroll Through Ponyville Market

Bright sunlight streamed through the window, shining directly in Rarity's face. With a yawn Rarity slowly opened her eyes and looked down at her lightly snoring friend. Twilight was undisturbed by the bright light and continued to sleep. Rarity carefully got out of bed and walked as quietly as could out of the room. She went down the hallway and was pleasantly surprised to see Sweetie Belle already up and preparing for school.

"Glad to see that you're already up Sweetie." Rarity smiled at her younger sister. She sighed as Sweetie Belle ignored her and gave her the silent treatment.

"Okay Sweetie Belle, I'm sorry for losing my temper. After school you may go and play with Applebloom and Scootaloo." Rarity gave a small smile at Sweetie Belle's face lighting up in joy.

Sweetie Belle jumped off the ground and gave Rarity a bear hug "Oh thank you Rarity! You're the kindest, most beautiful, forgiving mare in the world!"

Rarity rolled her eye's "Thanks for the compliment. But you're still in trouble for what you did."

Sweetie Belle let go of Rarity "You can't blame me for trying...right?"

Rarity gave a small chuckle "Let's get you some breakfast before you go to school." Rarity walked downstairs with her sister bouncing down the staircase in front of her. Rarity didn't feel like cooking anything so she instead got Sweetie Belle a bowl of cereal, and she made herself some coffee. As Sweetie Belle ate, Rarity told her what today's plan was.

"Sweetie Belle, I'm going to need you to not come back to the boutique today." Sweetie Belle began to protest but Rarity shushed her. "Twilight and I are going to see if Zecora can cure her, so nopony will be home. And I really don't need another...incident."

Sweetie Belle groaned "I put out the fire, okay! Can you please stop bringing it up!"

Rarity frowned looking at the clock "You better leave for school Sweetie Belle. I'm sure Applejack will watch you, I'll pick you up from there."

"Okay. See ya' sis!" Sweetie Belle shouted as she ran out the front door and down the street.

Rarity sat down at kitchen table and took small sips from her coffee as she glanced at an article in last weeks fashion magazine. She looked up from the magazine when she heard hoof steps coming downstairs. Twilight walked into the kitchen yawning.

Twilight's sleepiness seemed to vanish upon seeing Rarity, she cracked a small smile. Remember to tone it down.

Rarity returned the smile half-heartedly "Good morning Twilight."

"Good morning!" Twilight happily replied sitting at the table.

"Would you like something to eat?" Rarity asked when she heard Twilight's stomach growl.

"Just an apple please!" Twilight said.

Rarity gave Twilight the apple and began to tell her her plan.

"After you're done eating Twilight we should head down to Zecora's for help." Rarity swallowed nervously "I need to stop by the market on our way, please try not to act in love with me." Rarity pleaded.

Twilight smile drooped a little "Sure thing Rarity, whatever makes you happy." Rarity sighed in relief.


Rarity and Twilight left the Boutique without attracting any attention. But Rarity began feeling nervous once they reached the main street. Oh please Twilight don't make a fool of yourself or me.

Twilight knew that if she did anything, Rarity would be mad. I need to make her like me more than just friends, messing with her probably wouldn't help me. Or maybe I could have a little fun if we run into one of the girls! This happy idea gave Twilight a little bounce in her step.

Rarity and Twilight turned around the mail office and entered the market. Nopony who saw them would think anything weird was going on, except somepony might notice that Twilight looked unusually happy. Applejack was one of those ponies.

Rarity was holding her breath, awaiting for someone to come over and talk to them. After a few seconds of no one approaching them, she looked around. She let out the breath. Good none of our friends are her-

"Howdy Rarity, Twilight!" Applejack said.

Rarity jumped from fright, and Twilight just kept smiling and lightly humming.

"Sorry if Ah scared yah Rarity." Applejack chuckled at her reaction.

Rarity's face adopted a slight blush "I was not scared! You just startled me, there's a difference."

Applejack rolled her eyes "Sure, whatever you say sugarcube." Turning towards Twilight she addressed her "So what's got yah in such a good mood Twilight? Yah get a new book or something?"

Twilight gave Rarity a small smirk that made Rarity begin to freak out inside. "Well something new and wonderful did happen!" she said in a sing song tone of voice.

"Well what is it sugarcube?" Applejack asked curiously, not noticing Rarity begin to blush.
I swear if she says anything I'll kill her! Rarity thought angrily as Twilight began to answer.

"So last night I stopped by Rarity's and something interesting happened." Twilight giggled "Rarity k-" the rest of her sentence was muffled by Rarity shoving her hoof in her mouth.

Rarity's face was beet red as she tried to finish the sentence "Rarity kept asking me if I wanted a scarf! Is what she was going to say! I mean it's getting close to winter!" She exclaimed.

Applejack frowned "Okay, something isn't right. What's going on here?" She raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Whatever are you talking about Applejack? I just thought Twilight would want a scarf for chilly winter days coming!" Rarity stammered out while still keeping Twilight quiet.

"It's the beginning of summer." Applejack deadpanned.

Rarity giggled "I just wanted to get a head start, that's all! Well, we have some important business to take care of before I can make Twilight that new saddlebag."

"I thought you said it was a scarf?" Applejack asked accusingly.

Rarity was dragging Twilight with her as she ran down the street shouting back "I really need to get going! See you later!" Applejack watched them leave with a frown on her face. I'll find out what the hay is going on with them.

After Rarity had put sufficient distance between herself and any problems, she let go of Twilight and gave her a death stare.

Twilight blinked and said "What? I was just having a polite conversation with Applejack."

"If you do that again, I will have a heart attack and probably die." Rarity whispered as she felt her heart rate go down. Thank Celestia she didn't say anything. They both started to walk towards their destination when Twilight broke the silence.

"....So I hear you're making me a scarf!" Twilight chuckled cheerfully. Rarity sighed loudly.


After the near disaster with Applejack, Rarity made sure to be on the look out. Everything was going well at each stand. She would get some cloth, or maybe some silk, or whatever caught her eye. Just as they were about to leave the market, Rarity laid her eye's on a beautiful golden brooch shaped like a rose.

"I just have to get that!" Rarity said to Twilight while pointing at the stand.

"Ugh" Twilight said momentarily letting her thoughts drift from Rarity. "That stallion always has ridiculous prices for the things he sells, and he never lowers them."

Rarity giggled "Oh I'm sure I can get a discount."

Twilight began to feel uneasy "What do you mean?"

"You'll see." Rarity smirked while walking towards the stand. Twilight followed nervously.

The earth pony stallion looked up from a magazine he was reading. His coat was light grey and he had brown eyes. His Cutie mark was a pile of bits.

"Well who might you be, you handsome stallion." Rarity asked in a happy tune.

Twilight narrowed her eye's. Just ignore it...she doesn't actually like this dumb greedy oaf. Twilight shook her head. I shouldn't be thinking bad of other ponies.

"My names Transaction. Are you here to buy something?" He said blushing slightly.

"Well I would love that delightful brooch!" Rarity excitedly pointed at it while fluttering her eyelash's.

"Sure thing miss." He replied, giving her a grin. He placed it in the counter and said "That'll be 20 bits please."

Rarity now adopted puppy dog eye's "Oh no... I only have 5 bits." Looking at him with pleading eye's she asked "Is there any chance I could get a discount?" Although Twilight couldn't stand watching this, she had to admit, Rarity was a good actor.

His expression softened "Well...I don't usually do this sort of thing. But for a beautiful mare like you, how about five bits and you and me could grab lunch sometime?" Transaction winked at Rarity.

That dumb greedy oaf is going to get it. Twilight thought with anger. She pushed past Rarity as she began to answer.

"How about you just give my marefriend-" Rarity gave a double take. "her discount so we can leave." She said with a furious gaze.

The stallions eye's widened "You mean-" he began, but Twilight interrupted him.

"Yeah, you heard me. She prefers a mare's touch if you know what I mean." She gave him a once over "And it looks like you just happen to have the wrong parts." Rarity and Transaction's mouth's were hanging open and they both were staring at Twilight, faces completely red.

Twilight threw five bits on the counter and levitated the brooch into Rarity's saddlebag.

She leaned closer to Transaction and whispered "If I ever catch you hitting on her again, I swear to Celestia I will turn you into an orange." With one last glance at the shopkeeper she began walking away and pushed through the small group of ponies who had watched the whole thing.

They all stared at Rarity. After a few seconds Rarity fully comprehended the spectacle that had just happened in front of her. She looked around her and saw about ten ponies staring at her.

Rarity's face turned apple red and she ran in the direction of Twilight, barely keeping very unladylike words from being shouted.

"Why is everything happening to me!!" She angrily whispered as she caught sight of her friend, who was now beaming as she trotted towards Zecora's.

That went well, Twilight thought.