• Published 9th Sep 2013
  • 6,133 Views, 181 Comments

Redemption of a Monster - Raven Shadow

Sombra: evil incarnate. Now has amnesia. With no idea who he is may have a chance at a normal life... until Twilight and the gang learn who he is...

  • ...

Nice day out

Sombra awoke to the feeling of something extremely soft thing moving against his face. His eyes slightly opened to inspect what it was and to his surprise it was the same rabbit from the night before. Slowly Sombra moved the bunny off his neck. A slight giggle came from Sombra's left, there again as Fluttershy. But this time Heavenly Pencil stood next to her with his arm wrapped around her.

"You two love birds sleep okay?" Heavenly asked with a smirk.

"Charming Heavenly, considering you looked as though you were about to wet yourself when I yelled at you." Sombra sarcastically replied. "So I will just get a glass of water and I'll be out of your hair." Suddenly his body lurched forward without control. His mouth opened but no sound came, his mind tried to process what was happening. The coffee table corner caught him in the mouth, forcing his mouth shut with tremendous force as his tounge hung lazily out of his jaw. The pressure slammed down was clearly enough to slice through the soft tissue. Blood flowed like a fountain as his the rest of his tounge landed upon the floor. Sombra's vision clouded as he brought his hands to his face.

The sounds of Fluttershy's screams and Heavenly Pencil's frantic pleas for help became a distorted mess of sound. Even Angel loomed over Sombra making distressed signals with his tiny paws. Then darkness took his sight.


"I will end your life and I will own this body forever!"



"Got any threes?" A doctor asked his coworker as they played go fish. Today was like every other day, no problems.

"Go fish."

"Damn it, well at least we don't have a crazy medical case right?"

"Right. Do you have any fours?"

"Aww, yeah. Here you go. Well I as I was saying I think it is really weird for Filthy Rich to hire Lemon Pledge as a maid and have him dress up in a prench maid outfit. Have any twos?"

"No go fish. Yeah I saw him yesterday all dressed up heading to Filthy's and I asked him if it bothered him he had to wear that, his answer was "You have no idea how embarrassing it is to wear it all day then go back home in front of his wife's family eating dinner." That just has to suck. Got any fives?"

"Go fish. I bet that sucks, like seriously at dinner he gets back to the farm? Damn he is one tough guy. I wonder if Filthy is secretly gay. Oh well, got any sevens?"

Yeah, here you go. I know right? Sure he has a daughter but I've never seen his wife. If he even has one. And his little girl, a complete bitch. Got any ones?"

"Go fish. Yeah she is! I bet one day she's gonna be one of those crazy cat ladies. Do you have any idea how nutty that little girl is? I mean my kid came home in tears because something Diamond Tiara said to her, she needs to be locked away. Got any-"

"We need help!"

"What's the problem?!"

"Its our friend, he fell and bit his tounge clean off!" Heavenly Pencil shouted to the two doctors who instantly jumped to their stations.

"Bring him in."

Sombra walked inside the the waiting room with his mouth closed, blood still dripping from mouth. Fluttershy held a bag with his severed muscle in, the bottom of it stained red. Fluttershy looked as though during the trip here she lost her breakfast and threw up once more to be sure no food was left.

"Sir I need you to open your mouth so I can see the extent of the damage." Sombra complied to the medical professional, the doctor backed away once he saw the fangs that were defiantly made for eating meat. Seeing the nub where the rest of his tounge was the doctor ushered his coworker to have a look. "Do you see this or am I going crazy?"

"It seems the muscular structure is rebuilding itself. I have never seen anything like this, Sir when your tounge uh rebuilds itself I want you to answer some questions, nod if you understand." Sombra gave a half interested nod towards the doctor, who already began to write notes about the cellular process. Sombra sat there with an annoyed look creeping into his now cold eyes. That familiar look Fluttershy knew from the first time she had even seen Sombra when his body was nothing more than the dark cloud on the horizon, she backed away towards the doorway along with Heavenly Pencil in tow. The doctors took no notice as the room became colder, only when they could see their breath did they realised Sombra was shooting them a very icy stare.

"Sir are you making colder in here?" His reply came in the form a smirk. Sombra's eyes may have been red like the fires of hell but the stare was the coldest of ice. "Sir I am going to ask you to stop!"

"Or what?" The deep gruff voice shocked the doctors out of their chairs. "What can you possibly do to me that I haven't suffered through before? Pray tell would you hit me? Would try to use magic to put me to sleep? Do you even know who I am?"

"No we don't! Okay whatever you were going to prove, you did!"

"Weaklings I am King Sombra! Enslaver of the weak! Destroyer of innocence! Nightmare of all who walk in the light's embrace! And I have returned!" His voice shook the very foundations of the hospital. "You two will my very first slaves who will follow my every command until death claims you!" Suddenly a loud crack stopped the mad king's rant. His eyes shifted between the cold gaze and a remorseful glance until his body collapsed onto the floor.


"You will not destroy anymore!"

"This isn't the end, in the end only I will exist you pathetic weakling!"

"Why do you want so much destruction?"

"To make them all pay for what they did to us! You crawled back to Celestia, only to be cast aside. When the shade unlocked our power he really gave rise to me, he knew you were weak. So I was born to protect us from all who wished harm on us!"

"You are starting to sound like the shade now!"

"I am King Sombra! Not some lowly sack of filth! Enough! I will destroy you anyway if you won't see I speak truth."

"I grew tired of this banter anyway." Again the swords struck, the very foundations of Sombra rocked with them. Their blades glowed with promise of death for the other.


"Never mind about Diamond Tiara this guy is fucking insane!" The doctor whispered to his now very close friend. "I think I pissed myself when he started speaking."

"Yeah except I think I shit myself when I saw the look he shoot us, and his tounge is fully healed. He must have some weird magic to heal himself so quickly. Can you please quit holding me?"

"Sorry, just when I get scared I would hold my teddy bear."

"Um excuse me doctors, is Sombra going to be okay?" Fluttershy asked from behind the doorway, peeking her head around.

"He is fine, but would you be so kind to go to my locker just next to the desk and bring us some clean cloths please?"

"Oh! Yes of course, um just wait right here."


"This isn't up for discussion Luna."

"But even you cannot deny his evil! Even now you can feel it, like it is a small pulse that gets larger with every passing day!"

"Luna he saved my life yesterday, or did that slip your mind?"

"One good action does not redeem the rest of what he did! Even history is still wounded from his actions. He used vile magic to create armies, even Discord didn't do that!"

"Are you so quick to condemn? You I thought would be more accepting of him because of your actions."

"When I was Nightmare Moon I never committed so many atrocities!"

"No you didn't, but you declared war upon your own sister."

"But... I... I didn't kill millions just for my own personal gain!"

"No but if you would have bested me, your actions would not only kill me but the entire world. Life needs sunlight to grow. The food we eat needs the light from the sun to have photosynthesis. But you would have thought of that miss Lasting Night. So as I said before this is not up for discussion."

"Tia would you trust a snake in a chicken coop?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"Because that is exactly what you're doing." With those cryptic words Luna left her sister to think about what she said. Anger flowed through Luna at Celestia's words to her. The nerve to compare her cry for love to his reign of terror, just simply stupid to say that.

"Oh dear sister why can't you see good in him? I can see it so can Fluttershy and Heavenly, why can't you?" Celestia whispered softly to herself. Her mind went to what Luna had said, "Trust a snake in the chicken coop". Was Sombra really just pulling the wool over everyone's eyes? No he couldn't do that. The thought of Sombra becoming evil again sent shivers down Celestia's spine. So much anger, so much fear, and that pure hatred gave him so much power.


"Sombra!" Luna called out in her ghostly projection. His dream was so very dark and foreboding that even Luna feared to tred in. But now she was going to prove to Tia that he was and still is a monster. "Come out you coward!"

"Little Luna, you sought to prove something to yourself. What is the matter? Afraid of the dark?" His laugh carried form what seemed like hours. "So weak, so terrified. What pushed you to enter my domain?"

"I wish to end you once and for all!"

"How adorable, you think you can harm me here." Sombra's voice mocked. Then his voice came as a whisper next to her ear. "Wrong."

Luna shot forward to escape the owner of the voice. She ran into a long dark corridor, taking cover behind a corner. For minutes she waited, she could hear the beast stalking her in his world. Luna silently cursed herself for being to careless about picking the venue. The princess could hear the beast's growls and sniffing. Slowly Luna turned around to flee the dark world and from Sombra.

"Princess over here." A small whisper cried out catching Luna's attention. "You can escape through here."

"Who are you?"

"I am Sombra. At least the one that is holding the beast you just saw." Luna noticed a pale blue light glowing from his eyes and sword. "Go, soon he will come and when he does... its not pretty."