• Published 9th Sep 2013
  • 6,151 Views, 181 Comments

Redemption of a Monster - Raven Shadow

Sombra: evil incarnate. Now has amnesia. With no idea who he is may have a chance at a normal life... until Twilight and the gang learn who he is...

  • ...

Free no longer

Sombra groaned inwardly listening to the disc jocky complain about how some fruit named Blueblood ruined one of the Galas. Shadow bored the tears out of Sombra, he thought of ramming his own sword through his body to escape the constant babbling. But his thought turned more gruesome, Sombra thought of ramming his fist into Shadow's throat, or setting him aflame. Chuckling at these horrific images made Shadow give him a questioning look. Before Sombra had to quickly make any lies up to fool the young unicorn Twilight stepped back into the kitchen where Sombra currently sat.

"So you are going to the Gala?"

"Yes when is it?"

"In three days, I think Rarity will make you a nice suit."

"That won't be needed, it seems I cannot take off my attire. I can't understand why, my best guess is it somehow fused with me. Creating a second skin if you will."

"Isn't that uncomfortable?"

"Not really, I enjoy it. Another benefit of being like this is extra protection."

"But what if you want to get more... "Comfortable" with Celestia?"

"Hm, that would be a problem."
"Well I do have have to tell you about this one noble, Prince Blueblood. He is greedy, selfish, and very very rude. He insulted Rarity a few years back but he hasn't learn ed his lesson." Twilight said with a hint of disdain at the very mention of the name. Sombra chuckled at the mild hatred at said prince. Again the dark thoughts return but with a vengeance.

'How easy it would be to crush his wind pipe, or to rip his tounge out of his mouth so he can no longer be disrespectful to his betters.' The inner demon offered Sombra. 'Think of those that sack of filth abused over the years, no one would miss such a lowly coward'.

"- And Princess Celestia would just love to have you there." Twilight finished what she was saying, not noticing Sombra was lost in thought over the unicorn prince. "Um Sombra are feeling okay? You look like you just saw something that really angered you."

"No. I am perfectly fine miss Twilight. I was just thinking." His smirk showed his fangs, gleaming in the light hitting them. "I do wish to attend the Gala this year for my love. Nothing more."

"Okay?" Twilight was about to say more until Heavenly Pencil barged in panting. His physical capability allowing him to have him make it this far. "What happened to you Heavenly? You look as if you were attacked!" She had no idea how right she was.

"H- H- Hydra! Got... Fluttershy... Had to... Get help." Sombra carried the winded pegasus to the couch, setting him down gently.

"You two stay here and look after him. I will deal with the serpent." Twilight and Shadow only nodded at his commands. With a flash Sombra was gone.


Fluttershy ducked, dived, and dodged each attack the beast shot her way. Its six eyes never letting her go far. She silently cursed herself for trying to help a poor bird with a broken wing, not even thinking that it was prey to the hydra. A massive foot smashed through a log just across from the delicate pegasus woman.

"Slowly now, must be quiet, must get away." Her progress was impeded by the tail of the great serpent, all six eyes focused on her. With a voice that shook the heavens Fluttershy screamed. It seemed like the beast would have her now as it's dinner.


Sombra searched the tracks of the couple through the underbrush, yielding very little to help his mission. Then the scream that could only be the missing girl rang out like a thousand bells from the dense forest. Sombra shot forward using his magic to speed his journey, soon he was close enough to see the three heads just above the tree line.

His sword came from his shadows as it bled into his hand. His eyes locked onto the creature with a vicious glare as he continued forward.


Was this the end? Could a hydra be the reason I won't see Angel or Heavenly after today? Will I go quickly or suffer? The thoughts raced about Fluttershy's mind. She thought to her friends, tears no longer held flowed freely.

The explosion brought her out of her stupor. Her eyes daring her to look up to see what happened. She one of the hydra heads inches away from her, Sombra stood inside the maw of razors. She noticed one tooth of the great beast protruded from Sombra's hand as he held the jaw open.

"Go! Now!" Fluttershy instantly obeyed knowing what would transpire there. Her slender form dived into the woods. Yet she did not run away as he told her too, her eyes were glued to the scene before her.

"Aaaaaaarrereeggghh!" Came from Sombra as he push the jaws open with his magic, forcing the bladed tooth out of his hand. "Just you and me now serpent."

The hydra hissed rage at the intruder that let its prey run. Its tail smashed into Sombra, sending him into a rock face. The hydra's right and left heads crashed upon Sombra's body hoping to end this before anything began. To it's surprise Sombra rose from the dirt with his sword held in a death grip.

The hydra's foot kicked the man hard, again sending him into the rock face. The hydra began to stomp where Sombra had landed, pushing him deeper into the surface of the dirt.

Satisfied with it's work the hydra bit into Sombra's arm, earning the sound of agony. With one fluid motion it swallowed the mad king.



"It seems I have no choice then, do what you will to the beast. But you will relinquish control after it is dead!"



Fluttershy couldn't hold back the tears as she watched Sombra be swallowed whole. He gave his life up to save her. She didn't know how to face the princesses and tell them, especially Celestia. Through her blurry vision she saw a glimmer of light shine, at first a bright blue then change into a sickly red hue.

The hydra felt wrong, it's stomach began to build up vomit. Seconds later all three heads spilled the contents of it's gut.

"Beast. I will erase you from existence!" Sombra roared to the sick hydra which no longer wanting to eat. Once she heard his voice Fluttershy cheered, then her gaze met the sad image of the hydra. It struggled to move to it's own feet. She ran to it's side quickly checking it over. "Move aside."

She had to take a few seconds to figure out that Sombra was still there. Fluttershy stole a glance over to him. His eyes longer held that warmth like he had when he woke up, they were the cold eyes of a killer. She couldn't allow him to harm this poor animal for doing what it did naturally.

"You will not hurt this poor creature! He was doing what was natural. He's a predator so he has to hunt!"

"Move aside, I will not ask again." His tone of voice shot ripples through Fluttershy's entire body. She didn't obey. Sombra lifted one hand, Fluttershy felt no control over the movement of her body as Sombra used his magic to set her to the side. When she attempted to run back to the hydra Sombra again used his power causing the tree roots to hold her in place. His icy gaze caused her to quit struggling. Fluttershy didn't want to believe what was about to happen, he was going to kill a innocent animal.

Sombra's telekinatic grip soon took hold of the hydra. With a sadistic smile Sombra based the large beast against the ground, the very rock face his body was smashed onto, and the multitude of trees. Over and over again it smashed against these fixtures, Sombra only smiled. Sombra then used his black magic to begin to cut the beast in places it would cause the most pain but wouldn't kill. The hydra screeched in pain as it's blood slowly dropped out of its body. Next Sombra picked trees out from the ground only to throw them at the completely harmless hydra suspended in the air.

"Now BURN." The flames licked and kissed the hydra's scales. Soon the entire body was set aflame with Sombra's malicious laughter breaking the silence of the forest. Once the body was blackened by the fire Sombra set the mass of charred skin and bones upon the ground, with a loud thud and the clear sound of bones snapping, he laughed once more before turning his head to the clearly terrified girl stuck in place.

"Go home little one."