• Published 9th Sep 2013
  • 6,152 Views, 181 Comments

Redemption of a Monster - Raven Shadow

Sombra: evil incarnate. Now has amnesia. With no idea who he is may have a chance at a normal life... until Twilight and the gang learn who he is...

  • ...

Time just goes Forward

Author's Note:

Just some filler, and some characters have been taken out of the story. I felt this would be the best course of action. Please enjoy

( One Thousand Twenty-four years ago )

Prince Sombra stood overseeing a massive show of strength of the Equestrian armed forces, his men and women stood perfectly still as he watched. Every column perfect with each battalion stationed correctly, not one flaw could be seen in their stoic positions.

"Soldiers! I have called you here today for matters that are most grave. The horrible Shades have aided the Caribou in taking our kin... I will not lie when I say this isn't an act of war. They bring corruption to these magnificent lands with ill intent, I want to show those raindeer we are not to be trifled with. As I speak right now they plan against us! Every single one of you now have an enemy that has no shame or honor in battle, I say we take the fight to them! I say we hit them before they can stand against us! I say we wipe the heathens from this world, and may whatever God they pray to grant them mercy... because we will show no mercy towards these creatures! Are you with me?!" Four-hundred thousand cheers shook the city with a war cry like no other. Each soldier knew if they didn't castrate these dogs then it would only be a matter of time before they came back for more. "We will march in their lands, take every city, township, and fortress from them! We will show those animals what it means to bring down the Solar Flare upon their people, we will not stop until every last Shade is put down and every Caribou is either killed 8n battle or surrenders! I do promise this... we will not fail!"

Again the masses cheered as the speech ended, only a few hundred soldiers disagree with Sombra's method of attack. But they could never say ill of the end results of his conquests, if not for Sombra's leadership the battle for Equestria could have ended in Discord's favour.

Sombra knew his tactic was risky, but the raindeer would never expect so many powerful and skilled warriors at their doorstep. He turned to find Princess Celestia standing at the doorframe to the balcony, her ravishing looks brought his heart to a standstill even if for a moment.

"So how's the great military mind going to win this one?" She asked with her calm demeanor, great leaders had to appear collected during times of upheaval.

"Simple my princess, we are going to start from the west and push on their capital. Once in our control we should see victory within weeks. Since the Caribou have such lackluster defensive positions we can take them with minimal casualties in battle. And before you ask, yes I have equipped these soldiers with the finest weapons and armor." Sombra answered with little difficulty, unlike some of the generals in the military. They coward to themselves until they had to be pushed out of their offices to speak with their ruler. Not Sombra. He stood proudly when speaking with either of the two regal sisters.

"The Shades were behind this attack, weren't they?"

"Unfortunately they are, we have a total of seventy-five thousand unicorns with experience with them. We are adequately prepared for them. As I have said to the soldiers, we will stop them before this gets out of hoof. That you have my honor on." Sombra walked closer to the map of the region, his keen eyes picking the high value targets as quickly as possible. "I do have one question your majesty."

"Oh and it would be?"

"When will I be able dance with you?" Sombra turned flashing a smirk to Celestia, she returned his with one of her own.

"If you get back before year's end, you can have that dance. But before that you'll have to find a wonderful restaurant for the two of us." She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Before year's end, I will return just before the stroke of midnight and I will have you with me dancing the night away till the new year's light. Or I could have that dance before then." Sombra smiled as he swept Celestia off her hooves and into a waltzing position. "I could see it now, everypony coming from miles around to see the beautiful Princess Celestia dancing with the dashing warhero. I would get down on my knee and propose and the entire world would be still awaiting your response."

Celestia smiled at the thought as she began to move in circular motions, Sombra following her lead quickly turned so he would lead the dance. They spun around the room until Sombra brought his beloved into a tight embrace, Celestia for her part followed. Now that the tables were turned she held him close as they wove through the room, her heart in perfect harmony with his as though they were one.

"You know Celestia, we're half way there. We won't have to live on a prayer after I return. Truth be told, I am afraid of what could happen once we announce this to the world, I'm sure Luna would be absolutely furious about this relationship."

"Sombra you need not be afraid of the future holds, we will always be together I promise this to you. Discord could not destroy this union and I'll be damned if the world curses us for following our hearts." Celestia held him close, very few moments did Sombra ever acknowledge his own fears. Celestia was the only one who knew many of them. "I love you too much to allow what we have to be tarnished by somepony badmouthing what we have."

"You will always have my heart Celestia, always." The embrace of the two beings who shared a love so strong stood in each other's hooves. Large white wings lightly slid upon Sombra's frame as he held her, never wishing to let go.

"Your affections are shared whole heartedly, my sweet prince."

(Present day)

Twilight Sparkle stood outside of Rarity's boutique with a large amount of cook books, Twilight wondered why Rarity would want so many of the culinary tomes. The sounds of a pot crash could be heard leaving the lavender unicorn puzzled and somewhat worried about her friend's safety.

Slowly in Twilight crept into what could only be called a disaster zone: designer materials scattered around, paint splashed on the normally spotless walls, pins and needles stabbed into a mannequin's head and neck, sewing machines ripped open with threads jamming the machines, and a frazzled Rarity with a monstrous mess for a mane.

"Rarity... what happened here?" Twilight asked to the more than likely traumatized Rarity.

"Sweetie happened... the Cutie Mark Crusaders happened... cooking... designing... painting... trying to fix mess." Rarity replied with a thousand yard stare, her eyes fixated on the wall opposite her. "Must... clean... everything."

"Here I'll help you clean this mess." Twilight sighed, her magic cleaning up the great catastrophic mess. "Alright that takes care of this room, shall we finish the rest?"

(One Thousand Twenty-four years ago)

Prince Sombra ate in silence. This wasn't uncommon for the noble prince as he completed his salad, always thinking and planning his next move for tomorrow. His attention to detail gave him a great deal of knowledge for himself, even going so far as beating Celestia at chess. Never one to overlook the smallest of things, he stood out from the rest in the hall.

"Soldiers!" The room quickly ceased all noise. "Today we march on the deer! We kill them all and we protect Equestria from all threats this beautiful land will ever face. Once you are geared up we move out."

Sombra's face held back any trace of emotions, it was a cold featureless mask. His pace as he exited the dining hall was slow and calculated, his cape catching the breeze as he left.

One last stop before exiting to the city gates, Celestia's room...

As he approached the massive doors voice grew louder from beyond the thick oak, Luna and Celestia were arguing for some reason. Sombra slid quietly inside the large throne room where he observed what transpired between the two.

"Sister art thou speaking of HIM in such romantic manners?! Why hast thou stooped so low with a simpleton who's grand idea of living is conquest?!"

"Luna! He has helped us secure Equestria from many foes, outside and within! As far as I'm concerned he has earned my affections because if not for him we would still be fighting against Discord's anarchist rule! Besides I chose to be with him."

"But sister he has a darken heart, if twisted once it will sink to the blackest void of which not even you will have enough valor to rescue him."

"Princesses, I believe I am more than able to speak for myself. Celestia I thank you for defending me. Princess Luna, I want us to be at peace for once. No longer at each other's throats, is that too much to ask?" Sombra interjected, irking an already peeved Luna. Her response came in the form of a door slamming. "Hope I didn't upset her."

"Luna's just going through a difficult time right now." Celestia sighed as the recent memory of Luna coming to her for a small request, extending the night time hours. As much as Celestia would love to see her sister gain the affections of their subjects, she had to keep the peace. "So my love, today is the day isn't it?"

"Yes my dear, today I lead the might of the Solar Flare upon the heathens to avenge those they have taken... but while the soldiers are gearing up I wish to spend my few remaining moments with you." Sombra smiled as he lifted Celestia's hoof to his lips. "I wish they didn't have to try to harm this land, my love. I'm sure you will not fail in running this fantastic land, I only have a few minutes to stay... I don't want to go but I must."

"Hush my prince, you speak as though you will fail. If I know you as much as I do then I'm confident that you will return and I will be waiting for you." Celestia gave him a comforting hug to ease the problems from his mind. Her wings wrapped around the prince who stood stock still as she showed him her love, this one emotion Sombra could never fully understand.

"I will return just for you."

(Present day)

Rarity's boutique was clean within an quick thirty minutes, with Twilight's help of course. The damage from the Crusaders vanished from mortal eyes altogether.

"Thank you darling, I feel if I attempted to clear that disaster I might have ended up in the hospital." Rarity repeated her thanks for the fifth time in the last hour. "If there is anything else that I can do for you, don't think just ask me."

"Well Rarity... uh you sure? I mean that could a huge request that may be just too much for you..."

"Oh nonsense deary, you just have to ask and I will be there!" Rarity reaffirmed her stand in the conversation. "And I mean anything!"

"Oh well then maybe, no that wouldn't be right."

"Darling, remember what I said? Anything I can do for you, just ask."

"Well I hope Spike won't be too mad at me for this... how would you feel about a..." Twilight mumbled the rest of her idea in a tone that made Fluttershy seem loud.

"What was that?" Rarity questioned the nervous Alicorn.

"How would you feel about a... date" Twilight coughed as she said the last word, but did so horribly. Peeking up to the unicorn for the ashamed look Twilight was expecting, but instead of shock on Rarity's face there was a warm smile.

"Why I'd be honored to, Twilight. Though I didn't expect that to be your request I must admit, but I'd love to." Rarity smiled as she offered a hoof to the Alicorn that tried to make herself smaller. Twilight took the hoof in her's and stood eye level with her calmer friend, an awkward silence took the scene as Twilight tried to say more. "Oh don't you worry darling, I feel confident to say I'll honor this request."

"Thank you Rarity... Well I should get going..." Twilight wanted desperately get away before things got even worse, unfortunately for her Rarity stopped her.

"I thought we could go grab some coffee? My treat since you took care of my problem it is the right thing to do, oh and I see you brought the books I checked out... well this is a little embarrassing but I have a confession." Rarity began with a small chuckle. "I was planning on making you a nice meal, well I guess you beat me to the punch."

"Really? I did?" Twilight asked, who now was confused about the situation. "Wait are you saying you were going to ask me out?"

"Well I was but as I have said you beat me to the punch, but that doesn't matter. If you're wondering why I was going to ask, you remember Blueblood's behavior at the Gala? Well it made me rethink many things in life like who was to say that special somepony wasn't who I originally thought, maybe that pony was already in my life and I got to thinking who could it be." Rarity paused to have her words sink into Twilight's mind. "I went through quite the list believe me, and I found that I shouldn't limit myself when happiness could be closer than I thought."

"W-well then we could go to that nice restaurant that just opened..." Twilight nearly fainted at her own shyness, Fluttershy would seem more outgoing than Twilight right now.

(Three years later)

Twilight and Rarity enjoyed the time they spent together as they expanded their friendship into a full blown relationship between them, each and every pony would say they were the cutest couple the world had ever seen. Yet as time dragged on as it always would, they spoke of a wedding of the two. How it would be, or how much they would shout their love for each other to the world.

And in two mouths time a wedding was announced for Rarity and Twilight, everypony in Ponyvile and Canterlot received an invitation to the affair.