• Published 9th Sep 2013
  • 6,133 Views, 181 Comments

Redemption of a Monster - Raven Shadow

Sombra: evil incarnate. Now has amnesia. With no idea who he is may have a chance at a normal life... until Twilight and the gang learn who he is...

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Redemption (Alternate ending)


King Sombra, the god beast of hatred stood frozen with his weapon. A crowd had grown around Sombra, Blueblood, and Celestia. Each eye glued to the scene as they waited for the strike to happen. But what they couldn't see was the real battle being waged inside Sombra as both sides fought for control of the body. Celestia drew closer to Sombra, not once taking her eyes off of him.


"Give me control so I can end this!" The Sombra of the light yelled at his opposition. Only to be hit by a heavy hand. The dark Sombra smiled with wicked intent as he stalked his prey.

"Why? Why give up all this power? You are weak! Pathetic! You needed me to survive and you expect me to just hand over the body I had for so many years? Am I a fool to you?" The mass of evil hissed back.

"We have been given a second chance! We can live in peace! We can be happy now! There is no more war, and think of Celestia, right now she needs to know we still love her." The Prince cried out as he ducked behind new cover.

"Shut up! Celestia and Luna casted us away like we were filthy garbage! She doesn't love us! I want war, I want pain, and I want this world underneath my iron fist!" The evil King shot back, his breath was ragged like he ran for miles just for this moment.

"She loves us you cannot deny it!"

"SHUT UP!" The entire world within Sombra mind shook with the rage of the mad king. The prince needed to slow the monster down more.

"She will love us till the day we die, and we both know that won't happen for a long time. You made sure of that! So just accept her love." The Prince stood out of his cover to get a look at his evil counterpart. King Sombra was bleeding from his eyes, nose, and mouth. His armor was battered and broken, the once regal cape was shredded by some unseen force. "Celestia loves you and me. She just wants us to be with her, is that too much a burden for you? Can't you stop this madness?"

King Sombra dropped to his knees in defeat as his energy left his form; a broken husk of the once feared tyrant. Prince Sombra laid a hand upon the shoulder of his darkness.

"Forgive them. Forgive Luna for hurting you, forgive Celestia for not doing anything. Forgive yourself for every cruel act you did... And pray to Faust that maybe she will forgive you as well." Prince Sombra whispered to his darker self.

"H- how will... they forgive me... for what I have... done?" The prince was surprised to see tears streaming from the beast's eyes.

"Now I have to end you... I'm sorry..."

"Make it quick."

"Yes my brother."


Celestia stood right in the path of the mace, should it come down. She searched for anything in Sombra's eyes, any little spark or twinkle of light. But none showed at all. Sombra seemed like he was frozen in time and space, like he was a statue from the garden. Stepping closer to his form, Celestia formed a plan to wake him. Her lips pressed against his as she hoped this would work.

The sound the mace made when it fell from Sombra's fingers was loud enough to wake an Ursa Major. The crowd gasped holding their eyes shut, they feared the worst had happened. Now Fluttershy and Heavenly Pencil and the rest of the gang came to know why everypony was outside. Shadow and Twilight made their way over to Celestia's side to understand this situation they were witnessing.

"Princess? What's happening?" Twilight asked now filled with concern.

"I do not know Twilight, but should this become ugly... I need you and the rest of these ponies to run." Celestia's eyes never strayed from Sombra's as his were locked at some point.

The mace fell with a loud thud upon the pathway, Sombra crumpled to his knees. His expression was flat and distant. Celestia sat next to him with a worried look written clearly on her kind features. To her amazement Sombra stood proudly with a smile.

"I did it! I have conquered my inner demon! I'm free!" Sombra shouted with new life flowing in his veins. "I am free from it. I am free to love you again as it should have been all those years ago!"

Celestia gasped as Sombra wrapped her in his arms in the embrace. She somehow knew that there was a change in Dark King that went on before her very eyes and she didn't notice it in the slightest. Yet he was the prince she loved all those long years past. His face seemed to be free of any shadows across his face.

"I am going to marry the most beautiful mare in the entire world!" Sombra shouted at the very top of his lungs with extreme joy clearly being expressed. Celestia felt her cheeks redden and grow hot as she suddenly felt all eyes on her. But only one pair locked with hers as she looked back.

"I missed you Sombra." Whispered Celestia, her smile grew further across her face.