• Published 9th Sep 2013
  • 6,151 Views, 181 Comments

Redemption of a Monster - Raven Shadow

Sombra: evil incarnate. Now has amnesia. With no idea who he is may have a chance at a normal life... until Twilight and the gang learn who he is...

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So it Begins

Over a thousand years did not hide the pain of that faithful day, Celestia merely traded one nightmare for another. Not ten years later Luna fell to darkness, fueled by jealousy planted by a monster. Life can be so cruel to the just.

In those years Celestia carried on as best as she possibly could even though she was wracked with guilt at the losses of the two beings who were the most important to her. But in that thousand years time she strived to see her loved ones again. Celestia frowned as she watched the years fly by her as though she merely blinked. Her frown deepened as she remembered her failures, those would always be the highlights of her long life. She felt soon a reckoning would come to pass, Celestia feared the possibilities of outcomes.

But time moved on even though Celestia couldn't, her self punishment would come to it's end.

Perhaps it was fate or pure coincidence that on the one thousandth year since Sombra's banishment, Celestia met a very special unicorn named Twilight Sparkle. Upon seeing the small filly hatch a Dragon egg was beyond impressive, only four ponies in all of history had that kind of magical promise: Starswirl the Bearded, Luna, Celestia, and Sombra.

So with a helpful hooves to guide the young filly into her teaching.

But nothing could really shake away the memories of those failures, HER failures. But with this filly she could start to redeem herself by doing something small with this one special case. Yet she blinked.

Years passed before her eyes, her most faithful student was in Ponyvile with friends. On the one thousandth year anniversary since of Luna's banishment to the moon no less. Celestia couldn't help but grin with joy as she knew Luna would finally be home. She could wait for just a few hours longer to see the baby sister she so dearly missed, yet as she prepared for her the guilt of another crept upon her mind. The love she watched burn with madness and darkness until what remained was hatred for her and Luna. It was his fault for his madness. Celestia held the title of the blaim, she knew if only she helped him everything would have been different.

Celestia felt the rage of the north twist and turn underneath it's icy prison. Wouldn't be long until he was free. Dread filled her heart, no Elements of Harmony no protection from his anger. The hope of the situation felt like it was being squashed under the iron boot of revenge. Sombra was coming.

Celestia frowned at the thought. Surely Twilight and her friends would find the Elements and the fear of Sombra could be silenced once more, until a way could be found to free him from his evil ways.

A massive light shot through the canopy of the Everfree, Celestia allowed a small chuckle escape her. The Elements were active once more... perhaps the fears could be faced with newfound hope. But she needed to get to the old castle, she needed to be there for Luna.


Celestia landed with a light thud upon the hard stone giving those present a scare, her eyes teared at the sight of Luna who was huddled in a tightly curled ball. Pain and guilt fought their way to her heart at the sight. The other ponies in the room looked absolutely confused by this turn of events as Luna ran to her older sister crying loudly.

Celestia could fix this problem, one step at a time. Still deep down she felt the anger stir in it's own agony until it slowed to a halt, it must know that it's prison was weakening. One problem at a time.

Picking herself and sister up Celestia couldn't help her smile as she was finally reunited with Luna for the first time in many years. The Element bearers left as the Alicorns sat with each other in a comfortable position, Luna still shaking from her own sadness and Celestia softly cooing to her.

They say family will always be there for each other, this was a moment where that statement was never truer.


Deep below the ice of the frozen north Sombra stirred from his nightmares, his own twisted mind feeding off itself for power. His dreams were always the same.

Three beautiful mares would come to him.

Fate; the first one. She would slip inside his cage and torture him for his crimes against life and his use of the dark unnatural forces he called his own.

Justice; the second. She would pick up where Fate stopped, merciless ripping away Sombra's soul for his madness and cruelty towards others.

And finally the last one. Love.

Every night she would sneak in to nurse his wounds and feed him so he could live. Sombra always hated her. In his mind Love was the cruelest of the three, never allowing him to die and to start the cycle once more.

He seethed with unholy fury as Love would flee just before daybreak, his anger still burning as hot as the day he was sealed away from sight. Slowly he turned to face the first and start the cycle once more, growling as Fate entered his domain.

"I see Love has healed you once more. The poor dear hasn't given up hope for you, it's such a shame."

"I care not for your words, all you can do is talk but never kil. Are you afraid that you may end up like me?"

"No, I am not afraid because fate can be cruel... for you I am cruelty."

"Yet you can never bring that untold pleasure of feeling life slipping away because of the damage you could bring, you have no power over me."

"That doesn't mean I will not enjoy your pain."

"For many days I've felt nothing but pain... I am numb to what you call punishment."

His words broke through the last wall, Fate knew now he would escape from them.

She felt his anger bubbling to the surface, in an explosive show of his rage Sombra lashed out. Fate dodged to the side quickly before he could land the bite upon her silk like skin, she glanced to the beast still locked in his icy chains. He was chuckling to himself.

"So Fate, you were saying?" His chuckles gave forth full blown maniacal laughter at her expense, she was afraid. "Come now, where was your bravado? Seems like it has left you in here... with me... alone."

"I am not alone I have my sisters. Justice and Love. You have nothing beast."

"Bring in Justice, her righteousness will not give her any ground against me." Sombra jeered, his fangs shinning brightly against his dark coat. "It is of little matter who is in here, you have all fanned the flames within so much for so long."

"We will not warn you creature of evil, we will strike you down at a moment's notice."

"Then do so."

Without a word Fate left. Justice moved to the prisoner with a grin.

"Well my sister stormed out of here quickly, I guess I could add that to your list of crimes."

"You may add it to my list as long as you add torturing to your's as well." Sombra smirked. He broke one might as well try for two.

"What do you mean?"

"Simple. You are Justice, are you not?"

"I am Justice itself, what's it to you foul thing?"

"Well for how ever long I've been here you and your sister have beaten and tortured me, day in day out. What propose does justice serve when it does more harm than good? To me it sounds like cruelty, wouldn't you agree?" Sombra asked her as Justice felt a chill run the length of her spine. He could see he had gotten under her skin so easily now that she could be turned against herself. "Cruelty, be a dear and torture me just like Justice would."

"N-no I am Justice, I'm not cruel..."

"But dear Cruelty... everyday you come in and flay me... what's so different today?" His grin grew larger by the second. Justice only stood stock still as she internally wage war with her own emotions. Sombra just broke two, now for last one.

Love came into the room to find her sister pulling out her own mane and Sombra still locked up. His body held no wounds for Love to clean.

"Sombra? What happened here?"

"Oh Love wouldn't you know?! I made a breakthrough today! Both of your wonderful sisters agree, see Justice isn't making any sense of it. Could you be a dear and unchain me, I must use the colt's room." He lied through his teeth.

Love struggled to understand what was happening but she was always kind to him before so why should she stop now? She made her way closer to the chains of ice, melting them away with her magic. She wouldn't have time to move once she finished the first one.

Sombra waited for her to make this mistake. His time had come.

With all his might and rage pushing him forward, his jaws clamped down upon Love's throat and with a swift jerk the flesh tore away. He tore his chained hoof off the wall in a tremendous show of a strength, finally free from his bonds he threw his head back and laughed. He could taste blood on his lips from the damage he inflicted upon the last of the three.

Love stared up to the stallion she had taken care of for so long, his head turned down to her in a vicious snarl.

"For so long I've wanted to do that... for so long I wanted to express my feelings for you in a way that only you could appreciate. So I give you a slow death my dear." Love watched as he moved out of sight, his hooves leaving small black crystals in his wake. She felt her life ending, the pain replaced with cold until the void had claimed her.

Sombra could now escape from his personal hell at anytime. Yet as he neared the exit he felt the walls and noticed they weren't as thick as they were when he was taken here by the damnable Elements. Sighing to himself Sombra sat down and waited for the walls to come crumbling down for him.

"Soon I reclaim what's mine."

Author's Note:

Hey guys and gals, so by now it should be obvious that the characters are now just ponies. Not aanthros anymore so yeah.