• Published 9th Sep 2013
  • 6,150 Views, 181 Comments

Redemption of a Monster - Raven Shadow

Sombra: evil incarnate. Now has amnesia. With no idea who he is may have a chance at a normal life... until Twilight and the gang learn who he is...

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Self interests

Hail to the king. Sombra remembered very little of his reign or before, yet he know the Empire was his. His vision searched the vast plains for what was his and his alone, just beyond the hills the Empire could be seen.

Hail to the king. His speed increased as the pillars of crystal spearing the skyline, his home should fear his return. As he approached his Empire he noticed something new. It was a shield made from love and happiness. This sent the mad king into a rage like many before it, uncontrollable hatred frothing from his being.

Hail to the king. His eyes picked out small forms highlighted by the snow, eight ponies moving closer to his Empire. Their mouths moved yet to the beast no words could be understood, he already knew they were going to steal away what belongs to him! His anger boiled within his massive cloud of darkness, no he would have what was his stolen from him. In his anger he began to chase down the intruders.

Hail to the king. His speed quickly matched with the intruders and gaining, one stood bravely against his magnificence. Sombra felt amused with this one's courageous show before him, yet for all his bravery he was tossed aside like trash. With the Empire in sight all colletive thoughts vanished, only one remained that out weighed all others. The Crystal Heart.

The shield would not give an inch as long as who cast it had enough power, Sombra could wait for a little longer to reclaim his throne.

For a split second the barrier fell, Sombra rushed forward only to feel the pain of the shield cutting his horn. The pain... the pain was excruciating to the crazed beast but it did serve to futher increase his anger. Yet as he twisted upon himself with pain his horn on the other side disovled into the ground.

King Sombra noticed this and laughed to heavens as fate could be beaten by such small events. Black lighting shot from his mass of shadow as his darkness began to infect the land before him. Soon he would be back upon his throne once more.


In Canterlot the winds shot the chilled air into the throne room where the two sisters stayed. The gust of air told them what they already knew... The king had returned to his kingdom.

"Tia, we should prepare for war." Luna spoke with grim determination as they felt the undiluted hatred from miles away, the rage felt as fresh as it did on the day of their battle. "Should Sparkle fail it would be best if we stop him as soon as possible."

"Twilight will not fail. I'm sure of it." Celestia answered back, her voice betraying her fears. If one thousand years did nothing to quell the madness then there was very little hope he could be saved. "She cannot fail this..."

Luna raised a brow at the answer she received from her sister, yet Luna admired her sister's strong beliefs. Without another the dark princess left to prepare for the worst should it come to pass.

"Twilight you can't fail... I know you wont." Celestia whispered to herself for reassurance.


Hail to the king. His cold glare rested on the palace, his anger being shot to those who lied and decived to be on his throne. They would suffer from the most excruciating way before they would plead for the end.

The shield fell right before his own eyes, he could see all his slaves shaking in fear. Good let them remember his reign. From the massive cloud his extension of will and mind slithered out, his head coming to a normal shape.

"My crystal slaves." King Sombra beheld his victims, one remembered him all too well. She broke into a run, trying to flee from the memories of his terrifying rule. Her sprint stopped short by the blackened pillars, her gaze traveled upwards against every command from her very soul not to.

"K-king Sombra." She squeaked in absolute fear as he loomed over her, his jaws opened in a wide grin reeking of such delight at her state of mind.

"I got the heart!" This ripped away all attention from the mare cowering beneath the godbeast, one look at the small dragon confirmed his worst fears. The heart was taken...

"That is mine!" King Sombra bellowed before diving into the ground, his path grew horrid crystal pillars as he raced forward.

King Sombra shot from the dirt with a wickedly jagged crystal, his target the small drake as he fell. Many who witnessed this knew if nothing happened soon the small dragon would be impaled upon the pillar's point and be King Sombra's twisted trophy.

King Sombra felt new sensations from his body... his own body! The body he was without for a thousand years was returned to it's glorious master. Immense joy radiated from King Sombra as he felt his heart pumping blood through his veins once again, now to deal with the intruders.

His prey within reach just a few more feet and the heart would once again be in possession! King Sombra licked his fangs as he fantasized the taste of tenderness of boiled dragon, just a few more feet and the prize would be his!

A pink blur streaked pass the mad king right before his victory, it left and empty feeling inside his chest... for the briefest minute King Sombra knew the feeling of being loved. That sensation stunned the beast high above as the pink blur landed and spoke something to the slaves, it snapped Sombra from his trance only to realize victory was far away.

The Crystal Heart spun rapidly, light grew more intense until it fired outwards.

"What? No, no stop!" King Sombra ordered to no avail, he watched as the wave of magical energies collided with his body.
Horror etched on Sombra's face as he witness his body cracking and splitting much like the crystal he stood upon, again world shattering pain rippled through his form just like so many many years ago.

"Aaaaarrrrrgggghh!" He bellowed as the pain overtook him, his form exploded with a brilliant show of the power of love. The blackened clouds dispersed in seconds after the king was felled leaving a bright yellow sun at evening.

Just before the mad king's horn was flung back, one last thought could be heard from the mind of a tyrant. Celestia.


Time marches forward as it always does, yet some things you can't forget forever. The Crystal Empire rejoiced as the were free from the monster that held them for so long, the citizens crowned Princess Cadence as their ruler... but rulers come and go like clockwork...

Author's Note:

So yeah the last chapter was just how Celestia and Sombra viewed the thousand years alone. Hope that cleared up any confusion. Keep on reading my friends.