• Published 10th Sep 2013
  • 8,320 Views, 372 Comments

Beauty, Books, and Butterflies - Rough_Draft

Rarity is eager to play matchmaker and sets her eye on pairing up Twilight and Fluttershy.

  • ...

Sixteen – Flutterstorm, Part I

Birds sang in the low branches of the Golden Oaks Library while Spike laid out breakfast on a fold-up table in the shade. Rarity had donned her latest fedora—the one with the large ostrich feather sticking out the side—and was relishing all the attention that she got from ponies passing by.

That’s right, everypony, she thought with just a hint of malice, take it all in. You’re watching the finest girl in Ponyville having breakfast with the only eligible dragon in town!

She wondered if there was some trend related to dragons that she could inspire this year. After all, the boutiques in Manehattan couldn’t stop talking about the sensation she’d created with the help of Coco Pommel just months ago. She was positive there’d be one or two buyers with an eye for adventurous new designs. Écallie sounded like a good name for the design. Or perhaps Flamme du Coeur

“Mmm!” Spike swallowed his latest bite of toast and grinned. “I think I finally got this right! Only took me ten times today!”

“Ten times?” Rarity stared down at the jam-smeared toast on her own plate. When she prodded it with her hoof, she half-expected it to jump. “How hard can it be to make toast?”

“Uh, when you’re a dragon who can breathe fire?” Spike stuck out his bottom lip in the most adorable pout. “Pretty hard, actually.”

Rarity stared at the toast, suddenly picturing the little dragon holding each slice of bread right up to his lips and breathing on it—right onto it! She decided that she’d been better off not knowing and would stick to the scrambled eggs and soy patties instead.

Fortunately, she didn’t have to face breakfast with Spike alone. When she heard the front door to the library open, Rarity looked up from the small table and saw a pair of giggling mares chasing each other out the door. It brought a smile to her face and she pulled her fedora low to hide the tears that were threatening to spill.

“There you are!” Twilight exclaimed. She trotted up with Fluttershy close behind her, blushing when her marefriend decided to nudge her left flank. “Glad to see you started without us.”

“You were busy,” Spike tried to say, but his mouth was stuffed with eggs and toast, so it came out as “Yoo mur missy!” instead. Not the worst habit, but Rarity figured that she could help him correct it in the course of their new relationship.

He was already quite a gentle-drake. She could only imagine what he’d be like with just a little encouragement and some practice in his manners. Perhaps—Rarity smiled at the thought—he’d have such class as to make even the likes of Jet Set and Prince Blueblood turn green with envy.

Once everypony was sitting down at the table, Twilight levitated a series of plates and cups, serving toast and tea to her marefriend. It was so adorable, watching the delighted smile on Twilight’s face as she fussed over Fluttershy. Rarity was willing to admit that they probably had a better night than she did—and her night’s rest had been entirely peaceful and refreshing.

“I can’t thank you girls enough for being so generous last night,” said Rarity. She took one last sip of tea before dropping the cup back into its saucer with a delicate clink. “I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed myself so much.”

“It was nothing, really,” Fluttershy said, just before taking an unladylike chomp into a slice of toast. For a moment, the way her cheeks bulged as she chewed reminded Rarity of Pinkie Pie and her incredibly peculiar habits.

Twilight floated a cup to her lips, smiling at her marefriend as she took a sip. “Mm. I’m just glad we could do something nice for you. You and Spike deserve it for bringing us together.”

Rarity blushed and not just at the compliment. She could still hear the two of them panting and gasping from the other side of the bedroom door. They’d been “together” in a way that went far beyond her original designs for Twilight. But the goal remained the same: to make Twilight Sparkle happy with her own special somepony.

Then, when she stopped to consider that, Rarity frowned. She supposed that her work was over now. Nothing left to do, but…

Her eyes widened. A tiny, vicious thought burrowed its way up from the recesses of her mind, forcing itself into her consciousness like an extremely rude houseguest.

The only thing left is to make their wedding dresses…

Her lips curved into the biggest smile she could muster. When she caught sight of Twilight’s quizzical expression, Rarity laughed. “Darling, you’re too kind! Really, I’d be happy to do anything for you and Fluttershy if it brings you closer together as a couple.” She stretched her hooves out and pulled both girls into a hug. “I truly mean that!”

“We know!” Fluttershy wheezed, prompting Rarity to let go. She slid back into her seat and watched the pegasus smooth back her mane. But Rarity began to picture the lovely mare in white taffeta and consider the most lovely designs to go with her tail…

No, she thought and took a quick breath to compose herself. She would not let herself faint over the distant sound of wedding bells. Not in front of her two dearest friends, anyway.

There’d be time enough for cheering and drawing up a few dress designs when she got home.

Once breakfast was done, Spike insisted on walking Rarity back home. As she helped Twilight clean the dishes in the kitchen, Fluttershy looked out the window. She caught a glimpse of the baby dragon as he escorted Rarity. As hard as she could tried, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen him walk with such a confident stride. It made him look…

Older. She smiled to herself. That was the word she was looking for. Spike was still a dragon, but he wasn’t quite a baby anymore.

“There we go.” Twilight’s horn faded back to normal as the last dish settled into the cabinet. “That’s the last one. Thanks again for helping out.”

“My pleasure!” As she spoke, Fluttershy spread her wings and floated into the air, giving Twilight a tender smile. “Anything else I can help you with?”

Twilight blinked. “No, I don’t think so. I mean, don’t you have animals that need tending?”

Fluttershy winked. “It’s okay. While you were taking a bath, one of my bird friends came and told me that Angel was managing them on his own.” She closed her eyes, holding the image of the sweet little rabbit in her mind. “I’m so proud!”

“Hmm, I guess you would be.”

“It’s just like you and Spike, you know?”

That got a real smile out of Twilight. “You’re right. Just another thing we’ve got in common.” Spreading her own wings, she hovered off the ground and reached out to enfold Fluttershy into a long hug. “I suppose that’s why we’re such good marefriends.”

Fluttershy couldn’t agree more. She wished she could stay in Twilight’s embrace. Every time they shared a dream together, they always ended up like this. Fluttershy liked being held this way. It reminded her of…

She froze. The word home was on the tip of her tongue, but she could hardly bring herself to think it. Not without the sudden searing pain that erupted on the back of her neck. And then that pain was running down her spine and through her belly, and oh dear, there were the butterflies again. Those anxious, pestering butterflies…

“Fluttershy?” Twilight leaned out of the hug to regard her marefriend with a critical eye. “Is something wrong?”

“I…” Fluttershy licked her lips. Her whole throat had become dry, even though she’d had a glass of orange juice only a few minutes before. “I’m sorry. I-it’s nothing.”

“Hey, you don’t have to hide it with me.” Twilight’s hooves wrapped around Fluttershy’s own. “Let’s sit down and talk it out, okay?”

“Mm.” Fluttershy could only nod, feeling ashamed of her own reactions. “Mm-hmm.”

While still hanging in midair, she guided her into the other room, bringing her in for a soft landing on a couch near the study. Fluttershy took comfort from the warmth in Twilight’s body curling up against her side. Being this close to her was enough to quell the churning in her stomach.

But once unleashed, those dark thoughts—those memories—couldn’t be kept quiet.

“Now,” said Twilight, gripping Fluttershy’s hoof with gentle, loving pressure, “tell me what’s going on, Shy.”

Listening to the confidence in her voice was what Fluttershy needed most. She had kept these memories buried for a while, but when she looked into Twilight’s hopeful eyes, she knew she could be honest.

“O-okay…” Fluttershy shifted in her seat, letting her tail twitch out to the side. “I-I guess it’s about my family.”

“Your family? You mean…” Twilight’s eyes narrowed while she sorted through her own thoughts. “Your parents?”

Eep!” Fluttershy ducked her head against Twilight’s shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut. If only she could skip past all this! It would be so much easier if she were somepony else’s daughter. And that wasn’t the first time she’d wished that. Nor, she suspected, would it be the last.

Twilight brushed one hoof through Fluttershy’s mane. Again, this was enough to brief quell her fears, like opening the curtains to let in some sunlight and fresh air. “I promise I won’t pry. But just to be clear, is something about your parents bothering you?”

“It’s nothing, really.” Fluttershy winced at every word. If it didn’t sound convincing even to her ears, why would it work on Twilight? “I’ve been feeling this way ever since we visited your parents in Canterlot. I just never had the chance to say anything.”

“I remember you felt embarrassed.” Twilight continued to stroke her hoof, speaking in a low and soothing tone—the same tone Fluttershy used to wake up animals from their hibernation. “But I don’t think any less of you for who your dad was—”

“It’s not that.” Fluttershy lifted her head, blinking away tears. She vowed not to cry, not in front of Twilight. “I’ve been scared about…” She swallowed. “About letting them meet you. Because I know you’ll want to meet them.”

“Well, of course I do!”

“B-but you’re not…” Fluttershy sniffled, but thankfully no tears came with it. “You’re not what they expected…”

Twilight finished stroking Fluttershy’s mane, but her hoof continued to track along her lower back. She gasped when Twilight hit that hard-to-reach spot near the edge of her wings. “What did they expect?”

Fluttershy closed her eyes, and when she did, she could see her father staring at her. That red mane, that tired face. Tired and upset.

“Well, for one thing, you’re not a stallion,” she replied.


“O-or a pegasus…”

“But I’ve got wings, Shy—”

“Or from Fillydelphia—” Fluttershy stopped when Twilight shoved her hoof against her lips. She looked up at her marefriend, noting the solemn expression she wore.

“Shy,” Twilight said, still using that same reassuring, motherly tone, “is this really what your parents would say about me or just what you think they’d say?”

“They’re very insistent.” Fluttershy shrank deeper into the couch, wishing she could merge into the lime green cushions. “A-at least, Daddy is.”

Twilight chuckled. “You know your dad’s not the first parent to be overprotective, right?”

“Of course not, but you don’t know what he’s like!” It became impossible for Fluttershy to not see her father’s face while she spoke. Those sky blue eyes staring down at her, tormenting her. Always judging her. Her worst nightmare was being alone, surrounded by an endless sea of her father’s eyes, always watching and judging her.

Don’t you forget, Shy, her father’s voice rumbled in her ear. Our family’s words. “Our Wings Protect.” And do you remember why…?

How many times had she heard that? How many times had she been tested and judged on what she knew or how well she flew? Never a joyful smile or a happy hug. That was what her mother was for. Her and Aunt Nimble Thimble.

“You’re right,” Twilight was saying. She pulled Fluttershy in for another comforting hug, nuzzling her gently. “I don’t know what he’s like. That’s why I want to meet him.” When Fluttershy shook her head, she added, “I might not be what he expected, but he might still approve once he gets to know me. I mean, it took me a while to get used to the idea of being in love with you—”

Fluttershy’s head snapped up. “It did?”

Twilight put a hoof to her mouth. “N-no! I mean, it wasn’t that long.” She blushed. “I didn’t need more than a day, to be honest.” Now she was the one averting her eyes and trying to put her thoughts into order. “You remember when I ran into you at your cottage a long time ago? It was the night before I asked you out on our first date.”

“Of course I remember.” Fluttershy had had a long time to think the past over. She treasured every memory of Twilight’s awkward smile and the way she’d danced around the issue. Nopony before had ever approached Fluttershy with such restraint.

“I didn’t need that long to decide because seeing you made me realize how much I treasure my time with you.” Twilight pulled Fluttershy’s face toward her with both hooves. “And if your dad can appreciate me even a third as much as I adore you… it’ll be enough.”

Fluttershy was glad that Twilight pulled her in for a quick kiss. She couldn’t find a reply to match that kind of love. Instead, she sank deeper into Twilight’s embrace and returned her kiss.

But in the back of her mind, one stray thought continued to flutter around, nagging her without mercy. That memory from when she was a filly. Her father’s tired face, always watching her…

She hoped Twilight was right.

The sound of bits clinking into the glass jar sent a shiver through Pinkie Pie as she watched another satisfied customer leave the bakery. She waved at the little white filly trotting off with her box full of cookies. As soon as she was out of sight, Pinkie dove below the counter and went back to munching on her Tuesday Afternoon Cookie Supply. Tuesday Afternoons meant snickerdoodles and glazed strawberry bars.

She sighed as she munched. Only three left! She’d need to add more confections to her daily supplies. How else was a super-duper party-planning baker supposed to get through the day without lots of cookies, candy, and cake?

But, Pinkie, all that sugar’s bad for you! she imagined Twilight Sparkle telling her. But Twilight just didn’t understand. Pinkie had even gotten the town doctor’s word for it: her metabolic whatchamacallit was just too fast and crazy for a normal pony. It was like having a whole party inside her body every minute!

But when she heard the bell above the bakery door ring, Pinkie Pie gasped. That shiver running through her meant only one thing.

And sure enough, when she poked her head up, it was Twilight herself. The Pinkie Sense never lied!

“Heeey, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie rummaged around the back for a plate of her latest batch of cupcakes. “Want some? They’re made with pink frosting and raisins!”

Twilight frowned and floated one of the cupcakes over to her mouth. She took a cautious bite and made one of her silly, studious faces whenever Pinkie was around. “It’s… interesting.” After swallowing, she coughed and stuck her tongue out. “Gah! Not sure about the chives, though.”

“Aww!” Pinkie glanced miserably at the remaining cupcakes. Now they looked sad and forgotten on their plate. “I thought for sure that taste combo would work!” Then, after giving one of them a sniff, she shrugged and dropped the morsel into her mouth, savoring the raisins getting stuck in her teeth. “Mmph! More for me!”

That got a chuckle out of Twilight as she sat beside the counter. “I wanted to ask a favor, Pinkie. Do you think you could make me two or three small fruit pies? Maybe something that will last us for a trip?”

Pinkie nodded. “You betcha! I’ll make the most a-mazing fruit pies you’ve ever tasted!”

While she spoke, the cogs in her brain began to spin. It had something to do with what Twilight said. And the way she said it.

She’d mentioned fruit pies. And “fruit pies” rhymed with Fluttershy! Then she’d mentioned a trip. A long enough trip that a normal pony could two or three whole pies on! And if Pinkie knew her math right—maybe—then that meant a three-day trip. And since Canterlot was less than one day away and Baltimare was two, then that could only mean…

Pinkie gasped. Her hooves grabbed Twilight’s cheeks, pulling her close. “Hold on a minute! Are you planning a trip because you’re going to Fillydelphia to see Fluttershy’s parents and win their affection forever and ever? Huh? Are ya?”

Twilight stared. “H-how could you possibly guess…?” She blinked. Then she slumped in Pinkie’s grip like a soggy noddle. “You know what? Never mind. Yes, that’s exactly what we’re doing.”

“That’s super-duper awesome blossom!” Pinkie Pie leapt over the counter and squeezed Twilight in the biggest, cuddliest hug she could manage. “Now I get to throw you both a Going-To-Meet-Your-Marefriend’s-Parents party!”

Though she made choking noises, Twilight seemed to enjoy the hug. She could barely push her way free from Pinkie’s embrace.

As Pinkie bounced her way back over the counter, Twilight floated a pair of bits into the glass jar on top. When Pinkie shook her head, Twilight frowned and said, “Please, I insist. If not for you, then for the Cake family.”

“Aww, that’s so sweet, Twilight!” Pinkie glanced down at the two remaining snickerdoodles on her Tuesday Afternoon plate. Then, as a brilliant idea struck, she grabbed one of them and shoved it into Twilight’s mouth. “And so is this! Enjoy!”

Once again, Twilight’s face did that hilarious thing where her eyes went wide and her cheeks puffed up like balloons as she chewed on her surprise cookie. Pinkie didn’t know the first thing about how fancy Canterlot ponies ate, but she could always crack up whenever Twilight got surprised at something Pinkie had baked.

And besides, surprise cookies were the best! Pinkie made a mental note to add a baker’s dozen of extra cookies to her Daily Cookie Supplies, just for these occasions.

“Th-thanks, Pinkie.” Twilight wiped her mouth with a napkin and tossed it into the nearest trashcan. “I’ll come by tomorrow for the fruit pies, okay?”

“Sounds great!” Pinkie Pie gave her a cheery salute as she grabbed her last snickerdoodle. “I’ll make her an apple pie, a cherry pie, and a rhubarb pie!” She smacked the side of her head. “No, wait! Lemon meringue, duh! It’ll be yellow like Fluttershy! And when she eats it, she’ll be all like ‘Whoa!’ and then you’ll be all like…” She gasped for dramatic effect.

She was so wrapped up in the idea that she barely noticed Twilight leaving the bakery. But what did matter? She had pies and cookies to bake, two foals to play with, and a party to plan. There was no time to lose!

Cherry Berry breathed a sigh of relief as her hot air balloon came in for another successful landing. She hopped out onto the small wooden platform and inspected the sandbags tied to the base. Everything appeared to be in order.

But when she looked up, she felt a chill running down her spine. Just overhead were a trio of small gray clouds. These clouds weren’t natural, not pegasi-made. They were Everfree clouds, born from that weather anomaly to the east. They’d knocked Cherry Berry’s balloon around with the ferocity of a dragon on the previous night’s flight. The lightning she’d encountered hadn’t helped either.

On the surface, this storm was just an oddity and nothing more. But during her last stopover in Cloudsdale, she’d heard a rumor while having a drink with her buddy Flitter at the Hurricane Café. She and her friend Cloudchaser had gone up against the magic storm alongside Rainbow Dash and some other fliers just weeks before.

“I’m telling you, it was alive,” Flitter insisted. She’d taken another sip of cider and shook her head. “It’s like the cloud was… breathing.” She closed her eyes. “And then some gray pegasus wearing a badge shows up. Tells us to clear out and to not tell anypony else about it.”

“What kind of badge?” Cherry Berry had asked, barely touching her own cider.

“Dunno, but it wasn’t a nice badge.” Flitter moved her hooves around, making the outline of a pair of wings. “Like… bat’s wings. With this cat’s eye in the middle. Real creepy.”

Cherry Berry had heard rumors like that, too. Strange pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies who snuck around Equestria, checking up on Celestia’s subjects and chasing down monsters. They were supposed to be called the Secret Service. Elite spooks who answered only to the Princesses. Normally, Cherry Berry would chalk all that talk up to a load of nervous hogwash, but the look on Flitter’s face had given her pause.

At least the magic storm was real. And she wished more than anything that it wasn’t.

“Um, e-excuse me?” A quiet voice broke Cherry Berry out of her thoughts. She put on a brave face and turned around.

Standing beside the balloon dock was Fluttershy, the local animal caretaker. Cherry Berry liked seeing her around. Of course, she found it odd that she always saw this pegasus walking around instead of flying through the air. “Hi, Fluttershy. How can I help you?”

Fluttershy swallowed and offered a tiny smile. “I was just wondering if I could possibly, maybe, rent out your balloon for a trip? Just for three days?” She shrank, sinking closer to the ground and beneath her mane, turning into a small pink bubble. “I-if that’s okay…”

Cherry Berry grinned. She took a step forward, trying not to startle the poor mare. “Of course it’s okay. Where were you planning on going?”

“F-filly…” Fluttershy’s voice trailed off into an incomprehensible squeak. “Filly…”


Another squeak, followed by a tiny nod.

“Shouldn’t be a problem.” In her head, Cherry Berry was already calculating the distance being traveled and comparing the mileage to her usual rates. She figured the marefriend of the local Princess deserved a discount or two. “How soon did you want to leave?”

“T-tomorrow.” Fluttershy retreated half a step back. “B-but if you can’t, that’s fine!” She gave a nervous giggle. “Really, I’d hate to intrude—a-and there’s that storm, too!” Her hooves pressed against her cheeks, squishing her face into a contorted smile. “You know, on second thought, maybe we should postpone the trip altogether—”

Cherry Berry laughed and adjusted her helmet. “If you’re afraid of flying, just say so. I used to be scared, too.”

“Y-you were?” Fluttershy’s brow lifted. “But you’re a natural at it!”

“At piloting a balloon, sure.” Cherry Berry smiled when she thought back to her school days with Flitter, Cloudchaser, and the rest of the gang. All those scrapes and adventures they used to get into. “I told myself that I needed to get into the air, so my dad and I built a hot air balloon. That way, I wouldn’t be afraid of heights and I’d get to hang out with all my pegasus friends.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy glanced past her at the balloon. “That makes sense.”

Cherry Berry nodded. “So, it’s okay. If you want to wait, it’s fine by me. But I figure you and Princess Twilight would want to get to Fillydelphia sooner than later.”

“Who said anything about Twilight?” Fluttershy hid behind her mane again, looking adorably helpless.

“Heh, lucky guess.” Turning around, Cherry Berry examined her balloon. There were a few scrapes and tears to fix, but it’d be good to fly in no time at all. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll map you two a route that should take you away from the storm.”

The pegasus brightened. “Really? You’d do that?”

“Of course!” Cherry Berry crossed her heart with her hoof and gave her customer a salute. “Pilot’s honor.”

She was laughing on the inside. It never ceased to amaze her how skittish somepony as renowned as Fluttershy could be. Everypony in town knew she was the only one who could talk down bears and manticores like it was no big deal.

On the other hoof… Cherry Berry gave one quick glance at the departing trio of clouds in the air. She’s not wrong to be afraid of that storm…

Heading back to the library, Spike decided that today was the best day ever. He liked the cold air rushing over his face, the gray clouds hanging in the air, the sunshine and birds singing after the storm had passed. All of it. All was wonderful now that he was with Rarity.

I can’t wait to see the look on Shining Armor’s face when he finds out, Spike thought with a malicious grin. Of course Twilight’s big brother had never believed it would happen. Spike had endured enough of his teasing at the last three family get-togethers. At least Cadance had been nice enough to support him. But then, she was nicer than most ponies would be. And he had a feeling she’d be laughing right alongside him while Shining Armor’s jaw dropped at the news.

Thinking about his family made Spike laugh as he opened the front door of the library. He figured Twilight would want to do something boring like run a “post-date analysis.” It wouldn’t be a day with Twilight Sparkle if it didn’t involve at least two books, a set of graphs, and a lot of notes being scribbled down.

Sure enough, when he looked inside, there was Twilight sitting at her desk. She was humming to herself as she wrote with a floating quill. Spike had to cough into his fist to get her attention.

“Hey, you’re back!” Twilight dropped the quill back into the inkwell. “Great, I could use your help! I’m planning a trip to Fillydelphia and I need to research everything I can about its history. Do you remember where we kept the index for travel guides?”

“Third shelf, second row,” Spike answered without thinking. He blinked and looked her over. “Uh, why?”

Twilight’s response was a giggle as she clapped her hooves together. She trotted up to him with the biggest smile on her face. “I’m finally doing it! I’m going to meet Fluttershy’s parents!”

“Really?” Spike didn’t resist as she did her little dance of joy and pulled him into her hooves like a doll. It was how Twilight celebrated the littlest of successes whenever he was around. “I would never have guessed Fluttershy would say yes to that.”

“She took some convincing, but I got a ‘Yes!’” Twilight spun him around one last time before setting him back onto the floor. “Now I just have to make sure everything’s in place before we arrive, which means—”

“Research.” Spike headed toward the ladder and began to wheel it over to the travel guide row. “Lots and lots of research.”

“I know! Isn’t it great?”

Spike thumbed through the most recent guides on Fillydelphia. “It’s fan-pony-tastic,” he grumbled, hoping Twilight wouldn’t hear that bit of profanity. Boy, did she get mad the last time she heard him swear out loud! In his defense, he’d meant to hit the nail with the hammer and not his thumb…

Fortunately, when he looked back over his shoulder, he saw her sitting down at the desk again. Her horn glowed as the quill reappeared and began to scribble down more words onto the long sheet of paper.

“So what’s that you’re writing?” asked Spike. He smiled as he found the latest Fillydelphia guide and began to hop down to the floor.

“A letter to Mom and Dad.”

“That’s nice.”

“It’s part of my plan.” Twilight didn’t stop writing while she spoke. Her quill scribbled furiously like it had a mind of its own. Spike decided not to check if Discord was hanging around somewhere. “You remember what I told you about Mom and how she knew Fluttershy’s dad?”

“Oh, yeah. The real-life adventurer.” Spike had always preferred Velvet’s Daring Do novels, but he’d read a few of her other books, too. Long prose wasn’t really his thing, though. He was more into comic books than adventure novels. Who’d want to sit around staring at a wall of text?

Twilight giggled. “It’s the perfect plan. First, I write to Mom and Dad. Then they come to Fillydelphia just before Fluttershy and I get there. With any luck, Mom and Sky Sonnet will meet up again.” She clapped her hooves again like an eager filly. “It’ll put him in the best mood before he meets me! And Fluttershy won’t be so scared if my parents are there, too. I just know it!”

“Huh.” Spike slid the travel guide onto the desk beside her letter. “Well, it’s not the worst idea you’ve ever had.”

“Come on, Spike.” Twilight paused long enough to glance down at him. Her smile didn’t falter once. “How else would you get me, Fluttershy, and her parents in a room?”

“Uh, I’d tell Fluttershy there’s an injured bunny in the living room, then lock the door behind her.”

Twilight glared daggers at him. “Be serious.”

“I am. She’s terrified of interacting with other ponies. Where do you think she got that fear from?”

Twilight opened her mouth for another reply, but nothing came out. Spike would’ve felt a sense of vindication, but instead he felt awful. Truth be told, it was nice to see Twilight genuinely happy and interested in taking a trip with her special somepony. He felt just as pleased about being Rarity’s special somepony.

“Sorry,” he mumbled. “I didn’t mean to make fun of you. Your idea’s actually good.”

Twilight squeezed him with one hoof. “It’s okay. You’re one of the few guys I can trust to give me good criticism. I still owe you for the Smarty Pants incident.”

Spike chuckled. “Yeah, that was a pretty big mess, wasn’t it?”

“My point being that I’m counting on you to help me make these arrangements.” Twilight sighed as she sat down, letting the quill fall back into the inkwell. She stared wistfully at nothing. “All I want is to make Fluttershy feel as comfortable as possible. I don’t want her to remember this visit back home as another painful memory with her father.”

The sorrow in her voice made Spike’s tail twitch. He sat down beside her, leaning against her wing. “I get it, Twilight. That’s why we’re gonna make this trip really special for the both of you.”

Twilight slid one hoof around his shoulders and squeezed. “Then let’s get started.”

Author's Note:

And here we enter the adventure phase of our story. I hope you like it!

Wishing you all an early and Happy Hearts and Hooves Day! You don't have to be in a relationship to enjoy it (just a fan of the show!).