• Published 10th Sep 2013
  • 8,320 Views, 372 Comments

Beauty, Books, and Butterflies - Rough_Draft

Rarity is eager to play matchmaker and sets her eye on pairing up Twilight and Fluttershy.

  • ...

Twenty-One – This Day is Going to Be Perfect, Part I

Few things were as pleasant as a late-night train ride. The Friendship Express rumbled along the mountain tracks, edging closer and closer toward the shining city of Canterlot. While most ponies were asleep in the overnight compartments, a precious few stayed up. It was worth the chance to look out the window and see an endless field of stars spread beneath Luna’s moon in the sky.

As one of those fortunate ponies, Rarity hummed while she browsed through the pages of her notebook by the light of her lantern. It was the second notebook she’d purchased since Twilight and Fluttershy had started their relationship; the first was for planning their dates, but this new one was strictly for wedding planning. She giggled while she browsed through each new dress design and bouquet sketch. It had taken a week of hunting through every boutique and bridal shop in Fillydelphia, but she’d gotten so much inspiration for it!

And really, though she could design a fabulous dress anywhere in Equestria, there was no place more suited for the job than Canterlot. Rarity only hoped that she’d be able to stay focused. She could forego a stroll down Grand Avenue or taking tea with Fancy Pants if it meant putting out her best material yet.

She paused halfway through her notes when she heard a light cough from behind her. Rarity glanced to her right, spotting a smaller lantern hanging in the darkness and a small purple tail.

“Spike?” she asked, trying to keep her voice low to not wake the others. “What are you doing up this late?”

“I’m, uh… sleepwalking?” There was a soft crunch, followed by a not-so-quiet burp. “Mm. And sleep-eating, too.”

Rarity giggled and scooted over while Spike clambered up onto her seat. In one of his claws was a very thick sandwich, which had a small ruby poking out the side. “My, that’s quite a snack.”

Spike chuckled and took another bite. “Well, I am a growing dragon. But Twilight says I’m only growing in the middle.”

That got him an unladylike snort, which Rarity quickly muffled with her hoof. She glanced down at her notebook, smiling at her sketches and notes. “Oh, Spikey-wikey. Isn’t this going to be the most marvelous wedding you’ve ever seen?”

“I dunno. We haven’t gotten much started yet.”

Rarity was about to protest and point to her sketches, but she realized that he had a point. Yes, she’d done a lot to prepare her friends’ dresses, but what about the catering? What about the reception? And who could forget the guest list? All those friends and relatives from all over Equestria! Just the thought of so many ponies’ names and faces made Rarity’s head spin. She closed her eyes and clutched the book to her chest.

“I’m sure we can manage something quickly,” she whispered. “After all, grace under pressure is how a lady is expected to act, isn’t it?”

Spike’s claw rested on her hoof, pulling Rarity back to the darkened train compartment. By the light of her lantern, she noticed the gentle smile on his face.

“You’re right,” he said. “We can manage something on short notice. Just imagine it’s like we’re handling Shining Armor’s wedding again—but with less evil shapeshifters.”

Rarity chuckled and patted her dear dragon on the head. “Oh, Spike. You always know how to cheer me up.”

“I try my best.”

She leaned down to give him a proper kiss on the cheek. “I’d expect nothing less, my little gentle-drake.”

Spike responded by throwing his arms around Rarity and swallowing his sandwich in a single gulp. As he chewed, Rarity continued to flip through the pages of her notebook, admiring her sketches and planning for new concepts while the train continued its long journey uphill.

She’d worry about her beauty sleep once they got settled into their guest rooms in the palace. Meanwhile, she and Spike had the most amazing wedding to prepare!

Luna emerged from her chambers, still putting her crown into place while Celestia waited for her in the hallway. If she thought hard enough about it, Celestia could recall the many mornings they’d spent like this when they were younger. Being Princess of the Sun, she had an advantage over her little sister in the morning. But that had also, sadly, been a reason for their falling out a millennium ago.

Since then, Celestia knew better than to tease her sister about her sleeping habits during the early hours of the morning.

“Is it true?” asked Luna. Her eyes widened with enthusiasm. “They’re finally here?”

Celestia nodded. “Their train pulled into the station only minutes ago. I sent a small royal escort ahead to bring them here.”

Luna’s grin could’ve outshone the moon itself. “Oh, dear sister. It does me good to see this. I’d forgotten how much joy a wedding could bring!”

As they spoke, they walked along the hallway, admiring the tapestries and stained-glass windows that spanned the length from their private chambers to the throne room. So many battles and small triumphs were celebrated in these records, but nothing could compare to the triumph that Celestia felt in seeing her sister’s smile. She had been somber for nearly a month, worrying so much about the storm over the Everfree Forest. But she’d taken her sister’s advice and helped set events into motion. It was a lesson that Twilight Sparkle would soon learn as a princess.

When you wanted to set things right, a good Princess did not force her subjects into action. She merely persuaded and let their own natures do the rest. She hadn’t known for sure if the love that Twilight and Fluttershy shared would be strong enough to defeat the storm, but she’d had faith in them regardless. The only obstacle was the ponies’ faith in themselves, which required a nudge in the right direction from their respective parents. Celestia had fond memories of the heroics that Twilight Velvet and Sky Sonnet had performed in their youth. She’d been pleased to hear from Strider how they’d flown out one last time for their daughters.

If only I’d been there to see it… But that thought was too melancholy, Celestia decided. She’d much rather think about the joy to come.

As they entered the throne room, Celestia and Luna flew toward the main dais with a gallant leap. Taking their cue, the guards at the other end of the chamber pulled the front doors open, admitting in six ponies and a single dragon. Celestia smiled as they bowed, though Twilight seemed far too excited to keep still.

Celestia met her halfway and accepted a warm nuzzle from her former student. “We’re so pleased to see you, Twilight Sparkle. Congratulations to you both!”

“Thank you!” Twilight answered. She put her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “We’re just glad to be here again.”

“And I understand that you’ll be looking after a certain filly as well.”

Fluttershy swallowed. “T-that’s right, Your Majesty. She’s my cousin, Phoenix Dawn.”

“And you feel ready to take this step forward as her guardians?” asked Luna.

The two mares glanced at each other, but Celestia had no doubt about their answer. She only had to wait and watch as they struggled to find the right words.

It was Twilight who said, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Luna smiled back, as brilliant as the evening star. “A fair answer, Twilight Sparkle. We wish only the best for you and your new family.”

“Er, forgive me, Your Majesties…” Rarity stepped forward with a supplicating bow. “I was given to understand that there was a… a protocol… regarding royal consorts?”

“You mean, besides the wedding?” asked Celestia. She stared down at the petite unicorn, trying to gauge the thoughts running wild behind her azure eyes. She had the same powerful imagination as Twilight did—and as Luna knew, there was a danger in letting imagination run far without a proper bridle. “I’m afraid there’s no feats of strength to be achieved, if that’s what you mean. Though I’d be hard-pressed to find anything less daring than the way Fluttershy fought that storm for Twilight’s sake.”

“Oh.” Rarity blushed when she met Twilight’s questioning gaze. “Well, yes, I suppose that’s true. Perhaps I’ve been reading too many romantic novels about royalty.”

“Though that was the custom in older days,” Luna added with a cheerful smile. She extended her hoof into the air with a majestic flourish. “Long ago, stallions and mares fought dragons and braved fires to prove their worth to their mates!”

A mouse-like squeak echoed through the throne room as Fluttershy ducked behind Twilight for safety. Celestia chuckled and patted her sister’s shoulder.

“Thankfully, those days are long past. We look forward to your upcoming nuptials and will provide whatever assistance you require.”

After glancing between all her friends, Applejack stepped forward and tipped her hat to the Princess. “If it’s all right, I’d be much obliged if I could make use of the palace kitchens for preparing all the food an’ the wedding cake.”

“And I’ll need lots of balloons and streamers!” Pinkie Pie added with a wiggle and a bounce. “Enough to cover Canterlot for days!”

Surprisingly, it was Rainbow Dash who wore the most thoughtful expression. She glanced at Fluttershy, who nodded back, and then turned to Celestia. “And I could provide a sonic rainboom for the end of the wedding ceremony.”

“Nothing would please me more,” said Celestia. She turned and smiled at the two mares holding onto each other. “Of course, that all depends on what our happy couple wants…”

Twilight smiled. “To be honest? I’ll be happy with whatever I’m given.” She squeezed Fluttershy’s hoof into her own. “Besides, I’d rather not lose my wits trying to organize this myself.”

“Right!” Spike poked his thumb into his chest as he came up beside Rarity. “That’s our job!”

Nopony could resist a good laugh at that line. Celestia sighed and watched her friends enjoying themselves. She marveled at the carefree expression on Luna’s face as she giggled. For a moment, she saw that young filly who’d chased her down secret passages and slides in the old palace they’d built.

So many precious memories helped her day by day as a ruler. She hoped that Twilight would be able to collect more of her own sweet memories in the days to come.

For the longest time, Fluttershy’s friends had been under the impression that what scared the timid pegasus most was being out in public or part of a crowd. The truth was, she didn’t mind crowds at all or being outdoors with other ponies. It was no different than being surrounded by herds and flocks of animals from the local woods.

What scared Fluttershy was when those crowds were all looking right at her. All those eyes staring at her, judging her, examining her like she was some bizarre flower standing alone in a meadow. In the grip of stage fright, she couldn’t fly straight or sing out loud. She could barely say her own name when asked.

But today was different. While tonight she and Twilight would attend their wedding rehearsal, Fluttershy considered the pre-wedding guest reception to be her own rehearsal for accepting the attention of other ponies.

In the sky-blue reception hall, Fluttershy smiled and laughed with the other guests as they all came up to greet her and Twilight, who stood off to the side. Everypony else was enjoying a glass of punch or one of Applejack’s classic apple brown betties.

“Congratulations!” said Cheerilee, giving both of them a hug. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m a little bit jealous.”

“Why’s that?” asked Twilight.

“Well…” The teacher glanced to the right, where Big Macintosh was trotting along, helping deliver fresh plates of food from the kitchen. “I have my own special somepony to think of. Some day soon, I may just pop the question myself.”

Twilight glanced at Big Mac with one of her cunning smiles. Fluttershy stepped aside as Twilight pushed Cheerilee forward with her magic. “Why wait? Go get him.”

“Oh!” Cheerilee blushed, darkening her already-red cheeks. “Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly…”

“What have you got to lose? After all…” As Twilight trailed off, she looked up at the ceiling, as though searching for something. “Wait for it…”

Then Fluttershy heard a chime from the tower outside and giggled. “You’re right, Twilight. I can hear wedding bells ringing!”

Cheerilee tried to glare, but she couldn’t hold back her own smile. “You girls seem to have everything under control. I’ll go see if my big strong stallion needs any help.”

They watched her leave, but as was the custom with this event, they weren’t alone for more than a second before somepony else came up to offer their congratulations. Fluttershy had already received a lovely bouquet of flowers from Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, along with a sheet of music that Octavia Melody was going to perform for their first dance after the wedding. Meanwhile, Twilight had been fielding relatives from Canterlot to Baltimare, as well as some of Fluttershy’s old classmates from flight camp. She hesitated to call them friends, since only Rainbow Dash counted as her friend from that time. But those pegasi couldn’t help but smile and say congratulations when they saw Fluttershy standing beside her bride-to-be.

So far, she’d managed to keep calm by listening to Twilight carry on most of the conversations. That soothing voice was all she needed…

“Hey, congratulations.” Fluttershy turned around and spotted a gray mare in an old gray frock. Her face was composed into the most stoic expression imaginable, like it’d been chiseled out of marble.

“Why, thank you, Maud!” Twilight answered. She reached out for a hug, but it was obvious that Pinkie Pie’s sister wasn’t open for one. Her hooves fell back to the floor with an awkward thump. “Er… are you enjoying the reception?”

“I’m having a blast.” Maud Pie blinked. “Really, I am.”

Fluttershy wasn’t too sure about that, but she knew better than to judge a pony by first glance. “That’s wonderful. Did you bring anypony else from the farm with you?”

“You mean like a guest?”

Fluttershy nodded.

Maud reached into her frock and pulled out a small gray pebble. “I did. You remember Boulder. My pet rock.”

Twilight exchanged a nervous glance with Fluttershy, but kept on smiling politely. “Oh, good! At least he won’t take up too many seats or wedding cake, right?”

Maud blinked. “Of course he won’t. He’s a rock.”

From the last time they’d seen her, Fluttershy tried to remember what Pinkie Pie said about Maud’s lack of expression. She understood how a pony could be so deadpan all the time, but it was hard to keep that in mind when they were trying to have a nice chat.

Still, if something went wrong during the service, at least Maud wouldn’t complain.

“I also wrote a poem for you,” Maud continued. She began to reach for a scroll sticking out of her pocket. “Did you want to hear—?”

“Oh, we’d love to hear it, Maud,” Twilight said at a rapid-fire pace, “but there’s so just many other guests we have to say hello to.” She used her magic to very gently nudge the geologist pony toward the punch bowl, where Pinkie Pie was bouncing up and down. “Why don’t you chat with Pinkie for a bit and we’ll get back to you on that poem, okay? Okay!”

Fluttershy offered a polite smile as Maud trotted off at a glacial pace. Inside, though, she was relieved. She didn’t think she could stomach another verse on sedimentary rocks or volcanic erosion. At least, not with so much else to think about.

She did worry a bit that Rarity or Spike weren’t around, but then, they were keeping everything running behind the scenes. She hoped they’d be okay.

Meanwhile, Twilight began to bounce up and down like a little filly. “Oh my gosh, they’re here! They’re here!” She squeezed Fluttershy into a hug. “I can’t believe they’re finally here!”

“Twilight… eep!” Fluttershy pulled herself loose long enough to ask, “Who’s… here…?”

“Only my B.B.B.F.F. and the greatest foalsitter ever!” Twilight pointed her hoof at the pair of tall ponies making their way toward them through the crowd.

All eyes were now on Shining Armor and Cadance, both looking resplendent in their ceremonial dress. Fluttershy had always enjoyed their company. They were both so friendly, yet they could face the worst dangers she could imagine. And it never failed to make Fluttershy happy when she saw how much they cared about Twilight. She remembered with glee all those photos of the filly that Twilight Velvet had shown her.

It pleased her to no end to think of how soon she and Twilight would be creating their own photo album with pictures of Phoenix Dawn.

As she approached, Cadance’s eyes gleamed like the crystals embedded into her gown. She dashed forward as Twilight did the same, and the two mares embraced with a joyful laugh. Fluttershy took a moment to admire the two friends before flying over to join them.

“Twilight, I am so happy for you!” said Cadance. She turned and pulled Fluttershy in a light hug, being surprisingly gentle. “And for you, too, Fluttershy. You must be so excited!”

“I am!” Fluttershy returned the Princess’s hug with a little more force. “We’re so glad you could come!”

Shining Armor laughed as he let go of his little sister. “Are you kidding? We’d never miss out on Twily’s biggest day!”

Twilight gave her brother a teasing grin. “That does mean you’re going to let out more of that ‘liquid pride’ tomorrow?”

“Hey now.” He gave a nudge with his elbow. “A B.B.B.F.F. is allowed to cry at his sister’s wedding. That’s totally in the rulebook.”

Cadance leaned down and whispered into Fluttershy’s ear. “He’s not kidding, by the way. When she was five, Twilight actually wrote a short book on how to be the world’s best big brother. In crayon.” She grinned. “I keep it in my old mementos chest.”

That got Shining Armor laughing again, but Fluttershy was far more interested in watching Twilight’s face turn red and her ears twitch.

Fortunately, the embarrassment didn’t last long. A waiter pony in a red dinner jacket came by with a tray of glasses hovering over his shoulder. Twilight floated four cider glasses to herself and the others. Fluttershy struggled to keep a grip as she lifted her glass into the air, joining Twilight’s family in a quiet toast.

While they were laughing and drinking, Fluttershy noticed Shining Armor leaning over and whispering something into his sister’s ear. Twilight’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second, but she regained her composure in no time. She took one last sip of her drink and set it back down on the waiter’s tray.

“Ahem,” said Twilight. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but there’s something Shining and I need to discuss. In private.” She glanced to the left, and then to the right. “Far away from here.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy glanced around the room, now aware of the ponies who were waiting to come up and see her. She wasn’t sure she could face them without Twilight by her side. Yes, she needed the practice, but it wasn’t the same without her love’s sweet voice. “Okay, then…”

As Twilight trotted away with her brother, Cadance stepped up beside Fluttershy, taking up her champagne glass with a twist of her magic. “Are you alright, dear?”

“I think I’ll be fine,” said Fluttershy, but she knew she didn’t sound confident. She wished she felt better about the reception.

Cadance chuckled and reached up her hoof to ruffle the smaller pony’s mane. “If you don’t mind leaving the reception for a bit, I was going to suggest taking a little walk.”

Fluttershy blinked. Could this Princess read minds? “Oh, really?”

“I think I could use it. I’ve been on a long train ride, followed by sitting on a chariot.” Cadance’s eyes suddenly turned bright like a pair of fire rubies. “Besides, I hear you and Twilight are going to adopt the cutest filly!”

“Yes, we are!” Fluttershy instantly pictured Phoenix Dawn. “She happens to be my cousin.”

“Would you mind if we went and paid her a visit?” Cadance rubbed her front hooves together. “As a former foalsitter, I can’t resist looking after an adorable filly every now and then.”

“I’m sure she’d love it!” Fluttershy galloped toward the rear entrance with Cadance close on her heels.

It was amazing how being around Cadance could make her feel so much better. Fluttershy looked forward to having her as a sister-in-law. Thoughts of taking Phoenix on her first trip to the Crystal Empire raced through her mind like a flock of sparrows.

But still, she couldn’t help but wonder at what had Twilight so upset…

In Canterlot, there was a small bridge that crossed from the royal palace to one of the observation towers facing the southern border of the city. It was on this very bridge that Twilight had confronted her brother over his own wedding—and where she had first encountered Chrysalis, who had posed as her dear friend Cadance and broken Twilight’s heart so terribly. The fact that it was later in the day didn’t help. Those painful meetings had occurred around the same time in Twilight’s memory.

Now here she was again, standing beside her brother, wrestling with her feelings as she watched a familiar pony in guard armor walk toward her.

“Hey, Princess,” said Flash Sentry. He paused to rub a hoof through the back of his mane. “It’s been a while.”

It’s been one year, two months, and eleven days, Twilight thought, but she knew better than to say that out loud. Instead, she coughed politely into her hoof and said, “It certainly has, Flash.”

Shining Armor gave the guard a curt nod, then turned to Twilight. “I’ll be just inside if you need anything. I figure you two might want to be alone for this.”

“You think?” Twilight fixed him with a questioning look.

“Yeah, I do,” he replied, sidestepping her sarcasm with a genuine smile. He gave Twilight’s mane one last ruffle before walking back through the palace door.

Sighing, Twilight forced herself to look over at Flash Sentry. He’d gotten an inch taller since they last met. He seemed to fit better into his armor, but maybe he’d always done that and Twilight had never noticed before. To her dismay, she knew that she hadn’t always caught every detail about her former coltfriend.

It was just like he’d said. She’d spent so long comparing him in her mind to the human Flash Sentry. Every smile on his face was juxtaposed with the smile on the other Flash’s face. It had taken the airship crash to finally shake that image from her mind and force Twilight to accept the reality of her coltfriend.

And once she’d done that, he was no longer her coltfriend.

“H-how’ve you been?” The words came out of Twilight’s mouth with a slight stutter, but she tried to make it sound genuine. Even speaking was a little unpleasant now that she was so close to him again. All those memories of the forest threatened to burst free again…

Flash smiled. It was as pleasant as Twilight remembered. “I’ve been good. Keeping busy, you know. Guarding the Crystal Empire.”

“Yeah.” Twilight recalled seeing him briefly during Cadance’s last visit to Ponyville, but she’d barely noticed him once her sister-in-law stepped out from the train. And besides, Discord had shown up after that, so any thoughts of seeing her ex flew right out the window.

“Look, Twilight.” Flash took a cautious step forward. “I’m sorry.”

“I think we’ve said ‘I’m sorry’ enough already.” Twilight winced at how harsh those words sounded to her ears, but she couldn’t stop herself. She tried for a friendly smile. “I’m pleased that you came to the wedding, though.”

Flash nodded. “Of course. I am happy for you.” Then, with that same sly smile, his wings fluttered. “So, you’ve got a thing for pegasi, I take it?”

“Shut up.” But there was no anger in her words. Twilight giggled and walked over to stand side-by-side with Flash on the bridge. They looked out over Canterlot and the green lands beyond it. A majestic city that still paled in comparison to the glorious style of the Crystal Empire.

“Are you upset?” Twilight asked, breaking the silence.

“About what?”

“About how we ended.” She rubbed one hoof along her chest, feeling her heart racing. “I-I never wrote to you or came for a visit or—”

“Twilight.” His hoof rested on her shoulder and that confident smile returned. “I’m not mad. I was happy when we started to date, but when I realized I couldn’t give you what you wanted, I thought it’d be best to break it off.”

Twilight nodded. While she might have had the advantage on magic and books, her coltfriend had a far better understanding about relationships—and romance in particular.

“I’m very glad that you and Fluttershy are happy together,” he continued. “At least, I hope she makes you happy.”

“She does.”

“That’s good.”

“And what about you?” Twilight nudged him, remembering how they used to bump flanks when they were out on a date. “Are you seeing anypony?”

Flash nodded, turning away but failing to hide the slight blush on his cheeks. “Yeah. Her name’s Mountain Blossom. She’s a chef who emigrated from Appleloosa.”

“So, not a Crystal Pony then?”

“We’re a lot more diverse now.” Flash stared out at the royal capital, his eyes tracking the pegasi drifting through the clouds and the unicorns trotting along the avenue. “It’s looking more like Canterlot every day.”

That made perfect sense to Twilight. Its rulers were both native to the royal capital. Seemed only fair that they’d try to imitate Celestia and Luna in their own kingdom.

“I should probably get going.” Flash turned and faced Twilight with an apologetic smile. “I need to check in with my squad. And you’ve got a reception full of guests to see to.”

“Okay. But… Flash?”

“Yeah—?” Flash’s words died in his throat as Twilight spread her forelegs and gave him a sudden hug.

“Thank you,” said Twilight, savoring the warmth of his body and the chill of his armor. “I think I needed to see you again. The lack of closure was driving me a little nuts.”

Flash Sentry chuckled. When Twilight looked up, she saw the same smile that he’d first given her. The smile that changed everything.

“You take care, Princess,” he said and bent down as if to kiss her. But instead, he nuzzled her cheek.

Twilight let go and watched him spread his wings. She kept her eyes locked on Flash Sentry as he flew away from the bridge and down toward the city streets. Memories of him flying—and then lying injured in the woods—soared through her mind, making her legs wobble. A lump was forming in her throat, but she refused to let herself cry while he was still in the air.

She almost didn’t hear Shining Armor trot up alongside her. Twilight looked over her shoulder and saw her brother out of his uniform. She saw the pony who’d always been there—her B.B.B.F.F.

Then Twilight threw herself into his hooves and let out the tears she’d been holding in.

“It’s okay, Twily,” said Shining, stroking his hoof through her mane. “Hey, you’re gonna be fine.”

“I-I know,” Twilight said through her sobs. “Th-thank you. I needed that…”

“Anytime, Princess.” Her brother pulled back and smiled down at her, making it hard to keep crying when his face was so reassuring. “We should get going. If I know my wife, she’s probably with your fiancée and your soon-to-be-adopted daughter. We should find them before Cadance turns this wedding into the Royal Playdate.”

Twilight laughed, not caring that it hurt to do so. She hugged her brother one last time and then stepped aside. “Yeah. Let’s go save that sweet filly.”

As she followed Shining back into the palace, Twilight found herself picturing Flash Sentry one last time—the image of him flying off into the clear blue sky.

But this time, she added a new image alongside it. A memory of her and Fluttershy as they soared through the air together, their wings touching as they quietly flew into Canterlot on a brisk winter morning, smiling and panting the whole way down. And then came along a more recent memory: her and Fluttershy, holding the hooves of Phoenix Dawn as they landed in the Fillydelphia Zoo.

It had taken so much planning and effort, but whatever doubts Twilight had about the wedding and the adoption process were finally gone. Now she was committed and she couldn’t have been happier about it.

Author's Note:

Wedding bells are ringing... stay tuned.