• Published 10th Sep 2013
  • 8,330 Views, 372 Comments

Beauty, Books, and Butterflies - Rough_Draft

Rarity is eager to play matchmaker and sets her eye on pairing up Twilight and Fluttershy.

  • ...

Twenty-Three – Fun and Loving in Las Pegasus

They were somewhere around the edge of the San Palomino Desert when the magic began to take hold. Twilight clapped her hooves with glee when she glanced up at the sky from their carriage, now moving at a slower pace with all their luggage—gathered during the stopover in Ponyville—attached to the back. Above the golden sands, up high in the clear blue sky, was a gleam. A faint shimmer of light that only an experienced magic-user would notice. The tingle she got down her spine meant that the real magic was about to begin.

“Hey, Shy.” Twilight rubbed her hoof into the napping wife’s back. “Wake up, Fluttershy. You don’t want to miss this!”

“Mm… huh?” Fluttershy turned over in her seat, holding her hoof to the mouth as she let out the sweetest, tiniest yawn. “Twilight, what is it?”

“Lean out the window with me. You’ve got to see this!”

Fluttershy blinked. Then she scooted over to Twilight, her expression halfway between sleepy and suspicious. Twilight leaned back to let her poke her muzzle out the window, watching her take a deep breath of fresh air.

“Um, Twilight, what am I looking for?”

Twilight could barely keep still, she was so excited. “Don’t worry. You’ll see it…”

“Um…” Fluttershy’s tail swished back and forth. “Is it a cactus flower?”


“Oh! Is it that cute armadillo?”

Twilight laughed. “Nope!”

“Then what—”

Her voice trailed off into a sudden squeak. Twilight had to duck to avoid being hit in the head as Fluttershy’s wings suddenly bolted out, almost filling up the carriage. When she heard her new wife’s squeal, Twilight snuck a quick peek from the side of the window.

That shimmer of light she’d spotted wasn’t any mere trick of the sun. It sprouted a pair of translucent blue wings, refracting the sunlight as it wafted through the currents. And following it was a long, vibrant, pulsing trail of fellow living lights.

The sky was full of a long, shimmering parade of butterflies. Hundreds of thousands of the lovely winged creatures, all swooping and tumbling through the open air like acrobats. A whole aurora of multicolored hues, from pastel pink and baby blue to chartreuse and ochre. The sight was nowhere near the intensity of a sonic rainboom—and Rainbow Dash had pulled off a spectacular one at their wedding—but it was breathtaking nonetheless.

“Oh, Twilight! Twilight, look!” Fluttershy was waving both forelegs, leaning all the way through the open window to marvel at the display. “Up there! It’s him! It’s really him! The Butterfly Monarch!”

It impressed Twilight that Fluttershy could spot the little fellow at such a distance. She grabbed a pair of binoculars from below her seat and raised them to the sky.

Sure enough, hovering in his own little space, was a large butterfly about the size of a robin. His black-spotted orange wings flapped slowly and gracefully, yet he kept pace with the rest of his entourage. And though it was hard to make out even with the binoculars, Twilight thought she spotted a tiny crown resting on his head. Probably pony-made, given how similar it looked to her own tiara.

“His Majesty Lepidopteron the Seventeenth,” Twilight recited while she watched. Even while watching this natural beauty, she could still see the words on the pages of the Royal Bestiary as Composed by Star-Swirl the Bearded back home. “One of the oldest butterflies in existence, he shepherds the Great Butterfly Migration with every change of the seasons—”

“And protects them from all kinds of predators!” Fluttershy finished, wearing the biggest grin. She turned to Twilight, blushing as she added, “I… I have the same book.”

“I know you do, sweetheart.” Twilight put away her binoculars and slid her hooves around her wife’s waist, cuddling her from behind. Not even a three-hour carriage ride from Ponyville could get rid of the flowery scent in her lover’s mane. “I made plans just before we left. You’ve got three surprises in store on our honeymoon. This butterfly migration is just the beginning.”

“Twilight, you didn’t have to do that.”

“I know.”

Fluttershy’s ears drooped. “Pony feathers, I feel awful. I didn’t think to get you anything!”

“You don’t have to, Shy.” Twilight bent down to kiss the side of her neck, smiling against the mare’s coat. “Having you with me, on our very first vacation together, is all I need from you.”

Fluttershy squeaked, but it wasn’t her usual terrified squeak. Twilight could see the smile on her face and then she was kissing her again, up and down both cheeks, luxuriating in her aroma and the warmth of her hooves on her back.

They fell against each other on the seat, snuggling in close. Twilight could hardly contain her joy at the sensation and she knew it’d only get better once they reached their hotel room. But for the moment, she was happy to sit with her beloved, staring out the window as they followed the endless trail of butterflies through the empty desert.

Las Pegasus was a delight for the eyes, a cornucopia of neon-light signage and tropical resorts. Gleaming silver towers reached up to the sky, surrounded by pristine white columns and palm trees. From their carriage window, Twilight and Fluttershy observed the hundreds of ponies out walking the streets under the afternoon sun. Some of them wore the fake antennae and wings of Butterfly Migration watchers, but most wore tropical shirts and sun visors.

Even from inside the carriage, Twilight could hear the cha-ching! of somepony winning at a slot machine from inside a nearby casino and the groan of sore losers at a game of Pegasus Hold ’Em. She wasn’t much for gaming—she knew far too much about the laws of probability to enjoy a good game of chance—but she didn’t mind. The best part about their honeymoon destination was that it had so many options, like dinner and a show, a weekend at the spa, or drinks by the pool. Hopefully, they’d have enough time to enjoy all three.

Soon, the carriage rolled to a stop in front of a fine pink-and-white hotel, which was squat on one side but tapered into a magnificent skyscraper on the other. In bold neon letters over the front doors were the words Cherry Flamingo Hotel.

Twilight smiled at the gray stallion in the red jacket who came running forward to open the carriage door. He bowed his head and extended his hoof. “Your Highness, welcome to the Cherry Flamingo. We hope you and your consort enjoy your stay.”

“Thank you.” Twilight slid a teasing smile at Fluttershy. “Well, come along… consort.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” said Fluttershy with a naughty giggle.

Honestly, the titles were so ridiculous to Twilight’s ears that she couldn’t stop from laughing all the way to the hotel entrance. She remembered to hand off a pair of bits to the gray stallion, whose smile only grew wider as he began to unload their luggage.

Inside the lobby, the Cherry Flamingo was no less opulent. The pink-and-white motif covered every surface, from carpet to ceiling, with white gold furnishings on every countertop, tabletop, and windowsill that Twilight could detect. Bellhops in red jackets pushed along their luggage-filled carts, their grunts mingling with the excited chatter from other newly-arrived guests. Twilight felt like she was wasting a hundred bits just by walking inside. But that was part of the appeal, she supposed, and continued to lead Fluttershy toward the front desk.

One or two ponies turned around at the sight of the royal couple, but without her crown or fancy dress, Twilight was just another tourist. Of course, the bystanders were probably taking note of the way she and Fluttershy walked side-by-side, wearing blissful smiles. Las Pegasus was a popular destination for newlyweds, second only to the luxury suites of Canterlot itself.

“Welcome to the Cherry Flamingo,” said a navy blue mare behind the front desk. She patted her gray mane, taking pride in her coiffure. As soon as Twilight approached, she leaned in and added in a conspiratorial whisper, “We’re certainly no strangers to hosting discreet royalty and will do our best to ensure your stay is a pleasant one, Mrs. Sparkle.”

The mare’s voice sent a shiver through Twilight’s wings. For years, she’d always been Miss Sparkle, but now she was a proper Mrs. When she glanced at Fluttershy, she noted the sly look her wife’s face and bumped her in the flank for her trouble.

“Thank you,” said Twilight, regaining her composure. “I already paid the deposit for our room. How much do I owe for checking in?”

The concierge glanced down at her notepad on the table. Then her face lit up in a pleasant smile. “Oh, not to worry, ma’am! It seems that your room has already been paid in full!”

“Really? By who?”

“I should say, Your Highness,” a cultured voice said from behind, “by whom.”

The two newlyweds spun around, where Fancy Pants stood waiting. He smiled as he adjusted his monocle, as if to say, Why yes, it really is me because I shift my monocle quite a lot.

“My dear ladies, it’s the most amazing coincidence!” The gentlecolt bowed his head toward each mare. “Here I was, on assignment for Her Majesty Princess Luna, when I should happen to learn about the upcoming honeymoon of Twilight Sparkle and her beloved! I said to myself, ‘Surely, old sport, you can afford to show a little generosity for the happy couple.’ After all, it wasn’t so long ago that you required my help.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” said Twilight. “I was prepared to pay for everything.”

“Allow me this courtesy, Princess.” The older stallion put a comforting hoof on her shoulder, his eyes warm and pleading. “It was because of my duty that I couldn’t attend your wedding, though Fleur’s letter said it was a marvelous event. So consider this favor as a belated present.”

Twilight smiled. “Well, how can we say no to that?”

Meanwhile, Fluttershy glanced around the hotel lobby. “Oh, dear. I hope your assignment here isn’t too dangerous.”

“Not at all,” Fancy Pants replied. He glanced to the right, where the grand staircase stood. “As a matter of fact, here comes my assignment now.”

They turned toward the staircase, where a brown earth pony was descending. The green raincoat and hat he wore was a bit conspicuous, but not nearly as much as the bright red mane and beard he had. And as if that wasn’t suspicious enough, he had a pair of saddlebags that were almost dragging along the floor, bulging with heavy loads. It spoke highly of the earth pony’s strength that he was able to walk so casually down the stairs.

“I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before,” Fluttershy remarked. She huddled against Twilight for security. “Don’t you?”

“Yes, now that you mention it…” Twilight examined the fellow. “But where?”

“Watch closely.” Fancy Pants smoothed back his mane as he stepped forward. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

The two mares exchanged glances as the gentlecolt intercepted the shady stallion at the foot of the staircase. Fancy Pants lifted his hoof in a genteel wave, catching the other pony’s eye.

“Ah! Just the fellow I was looking for!” Fancy Pants extended his hoof for a shake. “Dr. Caballeron, I presume?”

“I beg your pardon?” said the stallion in a rough foreign accent. “I believe you must be mistaken, Mister…?”

“Fancy Pants. Sir Fancy Pants of Her Majesty’s Secret Service.” The gentlecolt bowed his head, moving his hoof against the fellow’s beard as he did. “Oh, good heavens! Did you know your beard is sagging? Must be a terrible facial condition.”

“Y-yes.” The stallion tugged his beard back up and turned away. “Yes, very unfortunate. Good day!”

Of course, it took more than that to dissuade the elite. Twilight watched in admiration as Fancy Pants kept pace with the stallion, extending his aura into the nearest saddlebag. “My good fellow, are you positive I can’t help you with those? You seem rather fatigued with such a load on your back!”

The stallion shook his head and reached up to wipe the sweat from his brow. As he did, he pushed his hat back, just far enough to reveal a dark brown mane below the brim. Fancy Pants let out a whistle as he used his magic to pull the hat—and the wig—free from the culprit’s head.

When that happened, half a dozen “tourists” suddenly removed their hats and saddlebags, revealing themselves to be unicorns and pegasi. Golden badges emerged as they surrounded Fancy Pants and his prey, shouting in loud voices for the would-be thief to “Get down! Get down now!” Twilight shared a concerned frown with Fluttershy as Dr. Caballeron, caught at his game, dropped onto the floor and raised his front hooves into the air.

As he did, the saddlebags jostled, spilling out a river of golden bits onto the carpet. Everypony watched the events suddenly ignored the hapless fugitive being hoof-cuffed and focused on the free money just lying there. And while some ponies were thinking to themselves, Well, I’ll just help myself provided nopony else is looking, Fancy Pants stepped in with his horn lit up. His magic aura reached up and scooped the fallen bits back into their saddlebags, now pried loose from Caballeron’s flanks.

“Well, well.” Fancy Pants grinned as he floated the two bulging saddlebags into the air. “Looks like somepony was very lucky at the gaming tables today.” He shot a quiet smile at his fellow secret agents. “Then again, perhaps not that lucky. My good fellows, if you’d be so kind as to escort the doctor off the premises…”

“Right away, sir,” said one of the plainclothes guards. Two of them grabbed Caballeron from below his forelegs, using magic to hold him in place as they escorted him out of the lobby. The guests standing around broke out into a series of murmurs as they watched all this take place, with some eyes still wistfully tracking the saddlebags full of bits being carried away by the police.

Twilight shook her head, trying to process the sudden event she’d just witnessed. Then she realized that her tail was swishing very fast—or rather, somepony else was moving it for her. She glanced over her shoulder and spotted Fluttershy cowering under her tail, much like Rarity did when confronted with some of her biggest idols.

“It’s all right, Shy.” Twilight tried to channel Cadance’s soothing voice as she used her magic to pull Fluttershy back onto her feet. “I’m sure he won’t be hurting anypony else for a while.”

“But Twilight, he’s from the Daring Do novels!” Fluttershy huddled against her, shivering until Twilight draped one wing over her back. “W-what if other villains like Ahuizotl show up, too?”

Twilight considered how unlikely that was. After all, Ahuizotl was more the type to steal a rare artifact from a Saddle Arabian castle or take over the world with an ancient spell than steal bits from a Las Pegasus hotel. But she knew it wouldn’t be much comfort to Fluttershy, so she said instead, “Well, if he does, then it’s just as likely that Daring Do herself will show up to stop him. She always has before!”

“Oh.” Fluttershy’s lips curved into a tiny, almost embarrassed smile. “R-right.”

“Come on.” Giving her a light nuzzle, Twilight led her wife away from the front desk. “Our suite should be ready. We’ll settle down for a while and then we’ll go to the spa.” She winked as they headed up the staircase. “And then, who knows? Maybe we’ll see some more of the Great Butterfly Migration, too.”

“Oh, yes!” Fluttershy threw her hooves around Twilight, hugging her tight. “Thank you again, Twily. This is going to be the best week ever!”

“You bet it will.” Twilight paused for a quick kiss before heading up the stairs again.

As he wiped the sweat from his brow—and looked in the nearby mirror to see that his mane was still perfectly in place—Fancy Pants flashed an easy grin. The assignment had been far easier than he’d anticipated. He’d been prepared for ending up with a torn-up suit and several bruises if it meant bringing Caballeron to justice once more.

He hung around the concierge, watching as the undercover guards escorted their prisoner into the chariot outside. Fancy Pants had been sure to slip a few golden bits toward the concierge as a silent apology for all the commotion. After all, who’d want to frequent a well-known hotel if there was a good chance of being robbed by a known criminal—or worse?

“If it’s not too much trouble,” said Fancy Pants, turning his grin toward the concierge, “might I borrow some stationery and a quill? I’ve got a few urgent letters to send out.”

“Yes, of course.” The concierge slid him several sheets of paper and a pristine white quill. “Anything for a Platinum-level guest.”

“Splendid.” Fancy Pants accepted the writing materials and crossed the lobby. He took a seat at the small bureau near the staircase, which sat out of view from most of the ponies who passed in and out of the hotel. Privacy was essential for this task.

The first letter he wrote was short and simple:

Your Majesties,

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that Dr. Caballeron’s stay at the Cherry Flamingo was mercifully brief. Consequently, he has been persuaded to change venues and now enjoys the hospitality of the local police.

Ever your faithful servant,

As he sealed up the scroll and laid it aside, Fancy Pants heard a pair of high-pitched giggles coming down the staircase. He glanced up, expecting to see a pack of rambunctious fillies on vacation. Instead, he caught a glimpse of lavender and yellow hooves and wings.

The familiar faces of Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy soon appeared, neither one noticing the gentlecolt sitting below them. They trotted together in perfect time, smiling without a care in the world. It didn’t surprise Fancy Pants in the least when he saw them turn right at the bottom of the stairs, heading straight for the hotel spa and pool. Even from here, while facing that direction, he could smell the faint aroma of mint leaf oil and shampoo.

“May nothing give you ladies trouble here,” said Fancy Pants under his breath, feeling pride well up in his heart. He felt vindicated for having thought to pay for their honeymoon suite.

With such positive feelings brimming inside, he turned back to the writing desk and began to compose his second letter.

My dearest Fleur,

I have said it a dozen times before, but I must once again apologize for having to leave Canterlot so abruptly—and right before the royal wedding! I have, fortunately, made the acquaintance of the happy couple right here in Las Pegasus and passed on my regards.

Now that my assignment is completed, I wonder if you might consider moving ahead our plans for a lovers’ getaway to Fillydelphia. The manager at the Lipizzaner Hotel said he’d give me a discount for three nights and I’m sure I could rely on my new friends Sky Sonnet and Posey to give us some tips for sightseeing…

Fluttershy toweled off her mane, taking her time as she got out of the bath. Every inch of her coat felt clean and fresh, and while she didn’t know what brand shampoo the spa ponies had used for her mane and tail, she made a mental note to ask for the name before she left. No doubt Rarity would love to try it herself.

Normally, Fluttershy would’ve felt bad about missing her weekly spa date with her best friend, but the circumstances were different. She grinned when she felt a pair of hooves reach around her waist and a familiar daisy scent tickled her nose.

“You look amazing, Shy,” said Twilight Sparkle. Her coat was still damp from the bath, but that didn’t bother Fluttershy in the slightest. “How did I get so lucky to find somepony like you?”

“We have Rarity and Spike to thank for that.” Fluttershy turned around, still holding Twilight’s hooves as she faced her wife—her wife, the words rang through her head. It sounded too good to be true. “A-and you, too, of course!” She blushed, picturing Twilight at the picnic, in her home on Nightmare Night, and up in the balloon—right before the crash. “I-I mean, if you hadn’t followed through on dating me, I don’t think I’d have ever found the courage to be your special somepony.”

Twilight nodded. “I know. But don’t forget, you’re braver in ways that nopony else expects.” She closed her eyes and leaned in to kiss Fluttershy on the forehead. “And that’s something I’ll always treasure about you.”

Fluttershy let out a tiny sigh and rested in her wife’s hooves. She wanted to stay there forever, but the rumble in her stomach said otherwise.

“Right then,” said Twilight. She stepped aside and nodded toward the hall, which led back to the hotel lobby. “It’s time for a night on the town.”

Dinner was being served at a popular restaurant called Destrier, which specialized in exotic and spicy dishes prepared by the chefs of nearby Applewood. Fluttershy dug into her meal with relish, enjoying the smoked apple flavor of her entrée. Twilight giggled as she floated a cup of strawberry wine to her lips, taking a light sip.

What made this restaurant the perfect destination was the fact that it was so close to the path of the butterfly migration. Fluttershy took frequent breaks from her dinner to look beyond the restaurant’s patio and marvel at the amazing critters flying through the air. And she wasn’t the only pony to notice. Tourists up and down the boulevard stopped and looked up at the sky, taking photos and watching the migration with big smiles. Even with all the light pollution coming from the neon signs, it couldn’t drown out the soft glow of the butterflies.

“I wish I’d heard about this sooner,” said Twilight, now turning to look up at the swarm. “I would have definitely come butterfly-watching with you before, Shy.”

Fluttershy wiped her mouth with a napkin. “It’s okay, Twilight. If it helps, you’re much a better companion for this than Rainbow Dash.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask. How did you convince her to come along that one time?”

“Oh, well, you see…” Rubbing at her mane, Fluttershy glanced away, focusing on the departing butterflies instead. “I didn’t talk her into it. I just…”

Twilight eyed her, wearing a curious smirk. “You just what?”

Meanwhile, Fluttershy sank into her mane for safety. “I might’ve threatened to start crying…”

“Really? How?”

“Like this.” Fluttershy turned away for a moment, putting herself in the right state of mind. Then she turned back with pouting lips and fake tears welling up in her eyes.

Twilight giggled and reached out to pat her hoof. “Fluttershy, you are too much!” Her face softened as her eyes fell half-shut, stirring up a warm tingle in Fluttershy’s stomach. “But to be fair, I don’t think I’d be able to resist that cute little face either.”

Closing her eyes, Fluttershy luxuriated in the sound of her new wife’s voice, especially when she said things like cute little face. She could listen to Twilight talk for hours—in fact, she’d done that as a friend for years. But this was different. Better, really. She could listen to Twilight’s warm and encouraging voice all night long.

“And how is everything, dear ladies?” The flowery voice came from the mouth of a silver stallion in a red coat, balancing a tray of drinks on his back. His voice and manners reminded Fluttershy of that head waiter at Le Abreuvoir—she thought his name was Garçon. He stood out in her mind only because of how many times he’d waited on her and Rarity when they came for lunch.

“Very well, thank you,” said Twilight. She dropped her napkin onto her plate. “I think I’m finished, to be honest.” She slid a pleasant smile toward Fluttershy. “How about you?”

“Oh, yes.” Fluttershy felt a twinge of guilt when she looked down at her half-eaten meal. When she saw the hint of a tremor in the waiter’s cheek, she rushed to add, “Oh, but it was delicious! I’m so sorry I didn’t finish. I was distracted…” She waved her hoof at the mesmerizing swarm of butterflies drifting overhead.

The waiter returned a gracious smile. “Of course, Madame. Perfectly understandable. You chose well to visit our city at this time of the year.” Even as he spoke, he used one of his rear legs to kick a small cart forward and began to move their dishes and silverware onto it. “Now, can I interest you in looking at our dessert menu? Our special tonight is the crème caramel with a ginger coating and a strawberry on top.”

Even with a full stomach, it sounded irresistible to Fluttershy. But when she looked over at Twilight, she caught a mischievous gleam in her eye. She remembered that sleepy-eyed look from their previous dates.

It usually meant a night of passion or poetry—or both—was about to follow.

“I think we’ll pass,” Fluttershy told the waiter. She fought the urge to blush while he was watching. After all, she wasn’t loud or crass like Rainbow Dash could be sometimes.

The waiter smiled and backed away with his dish-laden cart. “Of course, Madame. I’ll be back with your bill in a moment.”

As soon as he turned away, Twilight leaned over the table and grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof. “I realize it’s a bit forward to say this, but there’s something that married couples usually do on their honeymoon trip.” For a second, she lost that confidence, becoming the cute and awkward librarian Fluttershy had fallen in love with. “I mean, you don’t have to do it tonight. I mean, i-it’s entirely up to you, Shy. But, you know, if you want…” She ended on a weak smile. “I’m ready.”

The heat that stirred inside Fluttershy’s chest—and below it—made her reach for the glass of strawberry wine and take a quick sip. As she quenched her sudden thirst, she took hold of Twilight’s hoof with both of her own.

“I trust you, Twilight,” she whispered, even though logic told her that nopony else would be interested in their conversation. “I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t.”

Another adorable smile emerged as Twilight settled back into her chair, radiating waves of joy. “Oh, Shy. My brave little pegasus.” Under the table, one of her rear legs reached out to tickle Fluttershy’s flank, making her sit up straight. “I still can’t believe we’re actually married, you know? It’s like some kind of a dream.”

Memories of flying alongside her Princess, wrestling with her in the clouds, sent a light shiver up Fluttershy’s spine. She bent down and kissed Twilight’s hoof, not caring who was watching.

“I guess that’s all right, then. I think we have the best dreams together.”

The honeymoon suite at the Cherry Flamingo was as opulent as any guest room in the Royal Palace, decorated in pearl-white with scarlet and viridian furnishings. Twilight collapsed onto the crimson-quilted bed, sighing as she nuzzled what had to be the softest pillow she’d ever enjoyed. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to bask in the luxury. After planning a wedding and surviving a balloon crash, she supposed she was entitled to a few comforts.

“Oh, my.” Fluttershy sat on the foot of the bed, reading through a brochure. “It says here that the pillows are stuffed with real pegasus feathers!”

“What?” Twilight’s eyes snapped open as she stared down at the pillow—and the nightmarish contents inside. “Why would anypony want that?”

Fluttershy turned and smiled over her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Twilight. It’s a very common practice.” Her wings shivered as she turned all the way around, dropping the brochure onto the floor. “When a pegasus sheds their old feathers to let new ones grow in, they sometimes collect the old ones for decorations or pillow stuffing.” A light blush appeared on her cheeks as she added, “A-and sometimes it’s a sign of… intimacy.”

Twilight blinked. “Really? How so?”

“Well, sometimes…” Fluttershy giggled as she crawled over to Twilight’s side. “When a pegasus really loves somepony, they’ll make a pillow out of their old feathers and give it to their special somepony as a present.” She ducked her head against Twilight’s shoulder. “But it’s only an ancient Cloudsdale tradition. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“I…” Twilight worked her mouth, trying to organize her thoughts. Maybe, upon further review, the practice wasn’t that bad. At the very least, it did seem like an economical way to get rid of her old feathers.

Not to mention, there’s something adorable about watching Fluttershy explain something. Twilight had felt a little giddy whenever she saw Fluttershy sitting down and reading a book or a magazine—or in this case, a brochure. She had the most absorbed expression while she perused the text. It was the cutest thing ever!

As she patted her wife’s mane, Twilight said, “It’s okay, Shy. I guess I didn’t realize how much it meant.” She leaned down and kissed her cheek. “And if you ever want a pillow from me, you only have to ask.”

Fluttershy lifted her head with a triumphant smile. “I’d love it!” She threw her hooves around Twilight and squeezed herself into her chest. “Thank you, Twily.”

Twilight giggled and kissed her again. And again. Soon, she was kissing Fluttershy up and down her face, losing herself in the other pony’s warm coat and silky hair. The shiver of her wings under Twilight’s hoof made her heart throb with joy.

Fluttershy sighed and planted a kiss of her own against Twilight’s jaw, delicate as ever. “Um, Twilight?”

“Yes, dear?”

“Sh-should we…?” The adorable pegasus resting in her hooves swallowed. “Should we go straight to bed? T-together, I mean.”

At last, the moment of truth. Twilight had been anticipating and dreading this for so long. It was a passion that she’d felt for only two ponies, but she’d never gone all the way with Flash Sentry. Technically, she and Fluttershy had given each other such passion, but it was only through a shared dreamscape, where fear and anxiety couldn’t touch them until they woke up.

It had felt real. But looking now at Fluttershy’s curious frown, Twilight had to wonder how this night would compare.

You’re overthinking it, darling, said Rarity’s voice, unbidden and oddly timed for the occasion. Decide what you want and then let it happen.

“Okay,” said Twilight, both to Rarity’s advice and to the lovely mare sitting in front of her. Then, when she considered her new wife, she got an idea and grinned. “But you go first, sweetheart.”

Fluttershy smiled and reached out to hug Twilight. Their lips met in a furious kiss, leaving all their usual hang-ups behind. Twilight moaned as Fluttershy tangled her hooves into the back of her mane, caressing and massaging her scalp with her gentle touch. Twilight fell limp into the pegasus’s grip, using her magic to levitate both of them into the air while she pushed the quilt and sheets away. They floated back down to the bed as Twilight levitated the covers over them, wrapping them up in cool silken sheets.

As Fluttershy continued to kiss her face, Twilight used her magic to reach for the light switch on the other side of the room. As the lights went out, her horn glowed, illuminating Fluttershy’s tender face. That adorable, trusting smile…

This night was going to be magical.

In the darkness, there was a bump.

“Ouch!” a tiny voice squealed.

Twilight’s horn lit up as she pulled back. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know it was too tight!”

“No…” Fluttershy whispered back, muffled under the covers. “I-it’s all right. I don’t mind.”

“Shy, I’m really sorry. I thought you would enjoy the horn—”

“But I do, Twilight! It’s just takes some getting used to, that’s all.”

“You’re sure?” The light from Twilight’s horn extinguished, leaving her confused expression hidden in the dark. “Remember, you know your limits better than me. Tell me what you’d like and I’ll do it.”

“Please, Twilight.” Fluttershy chuckled as she pulled Twilight close. “It’s fine. Let’s try again.”

Twilight nodded, still feeling unsure. But the confidence in her wife’s voice was encouraging. She leaned in for another kiss and then slid down Fluttershy’s chest, planting further kisses all the way…

Exhausted, Twilight’s head fell back onto the pillow. She couldn’t keep her magic going any longer. She had only enough strength left to use her aura to draw the curtains open, letting in a beam of moonlight into the room.

At long last, the honeymoon suite was quiet again. No more squeals or gasps for air. No more squeaking mattress. And the hum from Twilight’s horn faded as well; the appendage was sore from all the stimulation it’d just been put through. She’d had no idea that unicorns could experience pleasure like that.

And when she considered the tingling in her wings, Twilight added, Or pegasi, for that matter.

Nestled against her was Fluttershy, cooing and panting with a delirious grin. Her mane was intertwined with Twilight’s hair, drenched with sweat, but still fragrant with that wonderful shampoo they’d gotten at the spa. Fluttershy giggled as she rubbed one hoof around Twilight’s chest, tracing tiny circles into her coat.

With a laugh, Twilight rolled over and kissed Fluttershy on the lips. They held each other for a moment, shuddering and happy under the silk bed sheets.

“I love you, wife,” said Twilight, staring into the other mare’s eyes.

Fluttershy smiled and leaned up to kiss Twilight on the tip of her horn. Right on that oh-so-sweet spot, sending waves of ecstasy running through her whole body. “I love you, too.”

“I think the honeymoon’s going pretty well so far, don’t you?”

“Oh, yes.” Fluttershy nuzzled Twilight’s cheek, her tail swishing in delight. “I can’t think of a more perfect day.”

“Well, we’ve still got a whole week here.” Twilight didn’t want to let go, but she tried to push herself into a sitting position while still holding onto her beloved. “So, from here on, there are no more plans. Whatever you feel like doing, we’ll do!”

Fluttershy blinked. “Really? Are you sure?”

“Of course!” Twilight grinned. “I mean, I have plans for when we get back to Ponyville, but for now, it’s just the two of us. So, anything you want, Shy. Just name it.”

Fluttershy blinked again. “Is this one of the surprises you mentioned?”

“Not exactly.” Twilight wrapped her hooves around Fluttershy’s back, massaging her wings. “I knew the butterflies would be migrating this way, so I chose Las Pegasus for our honeymoon. But as the other surprises are waiting in Ponyville.”

“Goodness!” Fluttershy blushed. “I can’t believe the last time anypony gave me so many gifts! Twilight Sparkle, you’re amazing!”

Twilight bent down to kiss the top of her head, savoring her scent. “No, you are. I’m just lucky to have you.”

It was hard to imagine a more perfect moment: two ponies curled up under the sheets, sharing tiny kisses in the moonlight streaming through their hotel window. The desert air was cool as they lay quietly together, staring out at the neon lights and the cobblestone streets before drifting off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Next week marks the final chapter for our story, but a new chapter begins in the life of Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy. Stay tuned.

FYI, I’ll be at WonderCon in Anaheim next weekend, so if anyone else is going, drop me a line!