• Published 10th Sep 2013
  • 8,330 Views, 372 Comments

Beauty, Books, and Butterflies - Rough_Draft

Rarity is eager to play matchmaker and sets her eye on pairing up Twilight and Fluttershy.

  • ...

Five – Best Nightmare Night Ever

As night descended onto Ponyville, the town came alive again. Everypony who had returned into their homes returned to the streets, freshly fed and full of excitement. Fillies and colts ran about in costume: little pirates and astronauts, ghouls and goblins, and imitators of celebrities like the Princesses of Canterlot and the great Wonderbolts. Their parents trailed after them in costume themselves, laughing and corralling their kids to each new home in search of candy and games.

After giving up on trying to explain last year’s Star-Swirl the Bearded costume, Twilight had decided on something a little more familiar for this Nightmare Night.

When she stepped out of the library, she was clad from mane to hoof in a bright green tunic with a matching cap. It was essential that the cap had a large red feather (one that she’d plucked from her own wing and dyed for the occasion). The fake quiver of arrows on her back was just icing on the cake.

“Heya, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie bounced into view from out of frame with a delirious grin on her face. The bright pink pony was dressed up as a duck with a sailor’s outfit. Twilight had no idea who the costume was supposed to be a reference to. She just chalked it up to Pinkie’s oddity.

“Hey, Pinkie. Get much candy yet?”

Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue. “Ugh, no! Look at this!” She thrust out her bag into Twilight’s face. Inside were at least two solid pounds of chocolates and confections. “At this rate, I’ll never be able to match last year’s quota of sugary goodness!”

“Er, I see…”

Pinkie Pie looked over. “Oooh. So who are you supposed to be? A forest ranger?”

“Almost!” Twilight turned and called back toward the library, “Spike! Are you ready?”

“You bet!” The baby dragon leapt out of the doorway, wearing a smaller costume that was almost identical to Twilight’s. The only difference was the short staff he held in lieu of a bow and an arrow.

Twilight proudly drew herself up and put her hoof on Spike’s shoulder. “I give you Robin Hooves and her trusty sidekick Little Dragon!”

The other pony stared for a moment with a ridiculous smile pasted onto her face. “Okay…”

Slowly, Twilight’s smile dissolved. “You know? From Ivanhoof? The bold defenders of the Everfree Forest? Sworn enemies of the Sheriff of Trottingham?”

But it was too late. Pinkie had already stuck one hoof onto her bag, took out a cluster of candy, and started to munch contentedly. “Mm-hmm!” she said around a full mouth. “Ish great, Twily!” Then she threw back her head and let out a fierce, “Quack!”

Spike tugged at Twilight’s tunic. “Hey, Robin Hooves. How about we go rescue Maid Mare?”

Twilight blushed and slowly turned around to look up at the night sky. Then she found the northern star, she followed it down and spotted the top of the hill where Fluttershy’s cottage lay. It looked even more lonely than usual since hardly anypony went by there on Nightmare Night.

All the more reason to go there now. There was a beautiful mare trapped inside by her own terror. She needed a friend on this night more than any other.

“Well,” she told Spike, “I guess there’s no sense in putting it off any longer.”

“Aw, c’mon. Where’s your sense of adventure?” Spike hopped onto her back and raised his staff into the air. “Tally ho, ye Merry Mares of the Everfree Forest!”

Twilight chuckled. “Okay, then. We’ll see you later, Pinkie!”

The pony in the duck costume didn’t even notice them leave. She was already snout-deep into her bag of candy.

Even with the gloomy night sky overhead and the leaves being blown along the road, there was nothing scary about the cottage. Fluttershy wasn’t the type to hang up Nightmare Night decorations; Twilight imagined it was too much for her to even look at them, let alone consider touching them. The only adornment was a freshly painted sign hanging on the door.



Thank You.

Twilight glanced at Spike, who shrugged. She sighed and raised her hoof to knock—

A terrified squeal from inside interrupted her, followed by an anxious voice calling out, “Um, please read the sign? W-we don’t have any candy!”

“Fluttershy, it’s me.”

They waited as Fluttershy hastily unlocked the door and pulled it open an inch. Twilight caught a glimpse of her blue-green eyes and part of her mane peeking out.

“Oh, Twilight! Goodness, it’s been so long.” Fluttershy swallowed and held the door open. “Um, would you like to come in?”

“We’d love to.”

“Though I’d love some candy if you really do have any,” Spike added. Twilight gave him an elbow in the side for his trouble.

Upon entering the house, Twilight noticed that the place seemed much emptier than usual. The lights had been turned low and there were so few of Fluttershy’s animal friends to be found. Just Angel Bunny and a pair of gray mice sitting by the fireplace. The rabbit shot Twilight a perplexed look, then went back to toasting his marshmallow on a stick.

As Spike waddled over to the kitchen to get his own set of marshmallows, Twilight trotted over to the couch. Fluttershy had resumed her anxious huddle under a woolen blue blanket. It was impossible for Twilight not to smile when she saw the teddy bear clutched in the pony’s hooves.

“I’d ask how you’re holding up, but I can already tell.” Twilight gingerly got onto the couch, trying to give Fluttershy her space. “I just thought you might like some company.”

“Why? Do you think I’m some kind of…” Fluttershy swallowed and shivered under her blanket. “S-s-scaredy-pony?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, not at all. It’s just…” She rubbed at the back of her head. All the lines she’d practiced before coming over now deserted her in a flash. She didn’t usually have this much trouble talking to somepony as shy as Fluttershy. “It’s just that I wanted to make sure that you’re okay. I feel awful for never paying you a visit. You know, ever since the picnic…”

Fluttershy poked her head out from under the blanket. “Oh.”

“I’m sorry. Maybe I should have picked a better night?”

“Oh, no. It’s fine.” Fluttershy shifted herself and the blanket closer to Twilight. “I guess I was pretty rude.”

Twilight frowned. “You don’t have to apologize. I sprung it on you without even thinking.”

“But it was sweet of you to say all that.” For the first time that evening, Fluttershy smiled. “It’s me who should be sorry. I don’t have much experience at being somepony’s marefriend.”

It was that sweet innocence that never failed to make Twilight’s heart glow. She shifted closer to her friend on the couch and, very gently, nuzzled her cheek. Fluttershy blushed so hard that her whole face turned a lovely shade of crimson.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Twilight said quietly. “If you just want to stay friends, I’ll be fine with that. But it has to be what you want. Don’t let yourself be pressured into a relationship.”

“Oh, okay.” Fluttershy was smiling again. Twilight was glad she could help her do that much.

Then, a curious idea came to her. She looked Fluttershy over for a moment, examining her wings, her mane, and the size of her flank. Her frame was a hair sleeker than Twilight’s body, but that was to be expected from the aerodynamic shape of a born pegasus. So sleek and… and delicate…

She had to be careful. If she spent too much time looking over Fluttershy’s body, Twilight’s mind was going to go to a very naughty place. She turned away to hide her embarrassed smile.

“Well,” Twilight suggested, “even if it’s just the two of us, you shouldn’t be without a costume on Nightmare Night. It’s bad luck, you know.”

Fluttershy gulped. “I-it is?”

“Of course! That’s the whole reason for wearing them. Everypony has to go out in disguise…” A sinister grin spread over her face as she leaned in. “So Nightmare Moon doesn’t gobble you up!”

Fluttershy squealed and dove under her blanket. She pulled so hard on it that her tail stuck out from the other end, shivering in place like a reed in the wind.

“Sorry!” Twilight patted the blanket. “What I meant is, you’re allowed to have some fun tonight even if you don’t want to go out and join everypony in town. Do you have something to wear?”

“Um, well…” Fluttershy squeaked before adding, “I-I do have the old spy costume Rarity made for me that time Trixie took over Ponyville…”

Twilight remembered the costume. It had surprised her to no end that Fluttershy of all ponies had been the one to escape the magic barrier and find her hiding out at Zecora’s hut.

She was glad it had been her. She’d needed a friend like that in that horrible time.

And now she was going to return the favor.

Minutes later, Twilight was still browsing through the small shelf of books Fluttershy kept near the fireplace. Spike had already eaten his fill of toasted marshmallows and joined the other critters in a sleeping pile on the couch. Twilight didn’t want to bother them, so she figured she could find something nice to read in the meantime.

Unfortunately, Fluttershy’s book collection wasn’t too extensive. Mostly literature on animal husbandry, nutrition, veterinary medicine, and pet grooming. Twilight did, however, spot a small red hardcover with gold trim near the end of the shelf. The front cover read Seasonal Poems from the Cloudsdale Criterion, Volume Two.

“Ooh, I’ve never seen this before,” Twilight commented. She took the book from the shelf and began to flip through the pages on the floor. “Blank verse… villanelles… iambic trimeter… this is fascinating! Why didn’t Fluttershy ever tell me she was—?”

“I’m ready!” a tiny voice called out. “If… if that’s okay.”

Twilight closed the book and turned around. She smiled when she saw Fluttershy creeping out from her bedroom. Her costume was jet-black with a pair of tinted blue goggles and a floppy pair of rabbit ears on the top of her head. Not the most inconspicuous design, but then, Rarity didn’t have the most commonsense idea of camouflage.

“W-what do you think?” Fluttershy asked. The poor thing shivered as she looked down at her hooves.

Twilight grinned. “You look great!”

“Oh, I knew you wouldn’t…” Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Really? You like it?”

“I do! I think it looks adorable.” Twilight trotted over to her friend’s side, examining the costume. “And I really like the stitches. I knew Rarity was talented, but I had no idea she was this good!”

“Oh, that wasn’t Rarity’s handiwork.” Fluttershy ducked her head. “The costume got torn when my friends and I were sneaking out of town, so when I got back I…” She swallowed. “I sewed it back up myself. Please don’t tell Rarity.”

I guess Rarity did say Fluttershy had taught herself how to sew, Twilight recalled. She glanced over the costume again. Strange that I didn’t see any books on sewing, though. Maybe she just read them back in Cloudsdale?

Meanwhile, Fluttershy had gone over to the couch. She gently tucked the blanket around Spike, Angel, and the rest of the sleeping critters. “There you go. Nice and snug…”

Twilight took a moment to consider how funny it was for the two of them to be dressed as a famous earth pony archer and a would-be spy. A pair of trickster archetypes huddled together in a cozy house on Nightmare Night. And best of all, Twilight had a book that both she and Fluttershy could enjoy.

Although part of her wanted to go back outside and enjoy the fun in town with everypony else, she couldn’t bear leaving Fluttershy alone. Twilight knew she could do more for her.

She could give her a Nightmare Night that would suit them both.

“You know, Fluttershy,” Twilight offered quietly, “I have an idea for something we could do.”

Her delicate friend turned around with a curious smile. “What’s that?”

“Instead of going outside, where all the other ponies could see us, let’s just stay in tonight.” Twilight’s horn glowed as she floated the book over to Fluttershy. “Do you like poetry?”

Fluttershy blushed, but when she took the book into her hooves, her face lit up with a dreamy smile. “I do! I love it almost as much as I love singing!”

Twilight spotted a large green armchair in the corner of the den and trotted over to it. “Then bring the book here.” When she glanced over her shoulder, Twilight blushed. “And, if you like, I could read you some.”

Fluttershy stared. “You’d do that for me?”

“Well, why not? I can never resist a new book and I want to do something tonight that you’d enjoy.” Twilight bit down on her lip. And I’ll always enjoy the pleasure of your company, no matter what we do.

Slowly, as one of her rabbit ears began to droop, Fluttershy smiled again. That smile could light up the entire cottage.

“Okay,” she answered softly.

Onward and onward the flock flew,
Rank upon rank of ponies blue.
Daredevils all—the fiercest fliers!
The Wonderbolts soared ever higher!

Twilight smiled as she turned the page. She was really enjoying this. In all of her studies of classic Equestrian literature, she’d never gotten much of a chance to read an authentic pegasus poem. She knew a few legends about ancient pegasus warriors, but she had far more exposure about unicorn tales and ancient books on the Arts Magical. Nothing quite so simple and exciting as these ballads.

When she looked over at Fluttershy, who was cuddled up against her on the armchair, Twilight felt she understood this particular pegasus a little better. It made sense that, if she wasn’t that strong of a flier, then Fluttershy would probably find it cathartic to lose herself in the pages of a book on brave pegasi. She could experience the joys of flying without ever having to leave the comforts of home.

Even now, Fluttershy was lost in her own little world. Her eyes were closed and she was humming a little tune to herself. Her melody was even in time with the poem’s rhythm. Twilight could feel her wings twitch with each new verse.

Every time Twilight thought Fluttershy couldn’t get more adorable, she found new ways to surprise her.

I could get over not having a relationship with you, she reflected, if I could just have more moments like this. Is that so wrong? I could spend the rest of my life without a lover if I could just have one truly intimate friend like you, Fluttershy…

“Um, Twilight?” Fluttershy stirred and poked her hoof at the book. “Did you need to take a break? It’s okay if you do. I can read on my own for a while.”

“Hmm?” Twilight grinned. “Oh, right. Sorry. I was thinking about the poetry. It’s really quite lovely. Who wrote this one again?”

“His name is Sky Sonnet.” Fluttershy blushed. “He’s, um, nopony important. Just a local poet.”

“Well, he writes really well. I don’t think I’ve seen unicorn poetry as good as this.”

Fluttershy smiled. “You think so? Rainbow Dash usually doesn’t care for it. She says it’s something that’s only meant for…” Her smile shrank as she leaned in and added, “Eggheads.”

Twilight giggled. “Don’t worry. I consider that a compliment.”

That got a quiet laugh out of Fluttershy, but it was cut short when somepony knocked at the door. Then the pegasus let out a terrified “Eep!” and curled up into a defensive ball on the chair. The sight of her panicking again sent a wave of exhaustion through Twilight. And they’d been doing so well tonight!

Twilight patted her between the shoulders as she got up to answer the door. But as soon as she turned the doorknob, the door swung open and in came a stampede of familiar faces.

“We’re here! We’re here! Happy Nightmare Night, Fluttershy! Have some candy!”

“Well, howdy, Fluttershy! Care to join us fer a game or two?”

“Why, hello, darlings! Oh, you both look marvelous! And I think I do, too, don’t you agree?”

“Hey, what’s with the book? You guys aren’t being a pair of lonely eggheads on a night like this, are ya?”

Twilight froze as their friends swarmed past into the humble cottage. She watched as Pinkie Pie bounced around, dropping a trail of candy from her overflowing bag. Applejack and Rarity were flanking poor Fluttershy, who was squeezing herself into a tight ball to hide from their questions. And in the middle of it all, Rainbow Dash had grabbed the book of poetry from the armchair and was laughing out loud as she flipped through the pages.

Something stirred inside Twilight as she watched the chaos unfold. She was more than upset. She was furious. Outraged.

And, she realized, more than a little jealous.

This was her night with Fluttershy and nopony else’s.

“Excuse me, girls,” Twilight insisted, “but can I ask what you’re all doing here? What happened to the party in town?”

“Oh, well, Pinkie Pie told us that Fluttershy needed a good cheerin’ up,” Applejack answered. She was wearing the same scarecrow outfit from last year, complete with her trademark hat. “After all, it ain’t right for anypony to be alone on a night like this!”

“That’s right!” Pinkie Pie added. She performed a backward somersault and landed on the chair. With her hooves wrapped around Fluttershy, she grinned. “Friends don’t let friends stay behind on Nightmare Night! Who else is gonna save you from Nightmare Moon when she’s on the prowl?”

“Aaah!” Fluttershy squealed. With a desperate grunt, she flew out of Pinkie’s hooves and straight toward her bedroom door. But before she could get two feet, Rainbow Dash tackled her back toward the floor.

“Ha!” Rainbow pushed up the goggles from her Wonderbolt costume. “See? This is way more fun than being cooped up in here!”

“I-I preferred being cooped up,” Fluttershy quietly insisted. Twilight’s heart ached to see her shivering again. “It’s nice to be cooped up…”

While everypony else was focused on poor Fluttershy, Twilight slowly turned and glared at Rarity. The unicorn met Twilight’s gaze and instantly wilted. Despite her Princess Platinum outfit, the unicorn wasn’t very dignified at the moment.

“I told you what I had in mind,” Twilight hissed, just low enough for Rarity to hear. “Why did you let them come here?”

“I’m so sorry, darling. Truly, I am!” Rarity readjusted her crown and leaned in. “But Pinkie Pie said you were here and then everypony was racing over in a flash. I couldn’t tell them why!”

“Tell us what?” Rainbow Dash suddenly butted in between the two ponies. “What’s the big secret, anyway?”

“Yeah, Twilight?” Pinkie Pie bounced around the trio with a hoof full of candy, which she quickly stuffed into her mouth. “Is it a super-duper super-awesome secret? Huh? Is it?”

Twilight waited until everypony was staring at her. She didn’t utter a word until she saw Fluttershy—poor, sweet Fluttershy—lift her head and stare at her with those big watery eyes.

“What I wanted to say,” Twilight said firmly, “is that I wanted to spend tonight alone with Fluttershy. I wanted to say that I recently asked her to be my marefriend.” She stamped her hooves as she stared down Rainbow Dash. “And I wanted to give her one Nightmare Night—just one!—where she wasn’t curled up in terror. I thought I could count on my friends to give us some privacy so that she could have just one Nightmare Night in her life where she’d be happy!”

Everypony in the living room fell deathly silent. Rarity had pressed her hooves to her mouth in horror. Applejack and Rainbow Dash exchanged a quiet look of surprise.

Only one pony dared to break the silence.

“You…” Fluttershy lifted her head with an awe-filled expression. “You really wanted to do all that… for me?”

Twilight looked down at her hooves. Then, when her hooves weren’t that interesting, she focused on the floorboards.

“Um,” she said quietly, “yes.”

In a sudden whisper of motion, she heard Fluttershy fly off the armchair. Twilight barely had time to look up before she felt the pegasus tackle in a sudden crushing hug.

“Oh, thank you!” Fluttershy squealed. “I’m the happiest pony on the face of Equestria!”

“Hnngh…” Twilight tried to breathe. “You’re… welcome…?”

But, truthfully, she was thrilled to the core. She’d gotten just what she’d wanted. And when she craned her head back, she saw Rarity smiling and wiping a tear from her eye.

“Aww!” Pinkie Pie tackled both ponies to the floor in a bear hug. “Best Nightmare Night ever!”

“Congrats, y’all!” Applejack called out. Then she cast a sly smile at Rainbow Dash. “Anything ya wanna add, sugarcube?”

All eyes were now on Rainbow Dash, hovering in midair with a perplexed look on her face. But when she looked down and stared Twilight in the eye, her face softened. Twilight no longer saw the rough-and-tumble pegasus who led the weather team in Ponyville. This was the sweet and caring pony that she and their friends truly knew.

“Hey, Shy,” said Rainbow Dash as she landed on the floor. “I meant what I said before. If she makes you happy, then go with it.”

“I will,” Fluttershy squealed and hugged Twilight tight. “I sure will!”

Twilight sighed and stroked her mane. It was a quiet victory to hold her like this, even with everypony watching. Even with everypony knowing about it all this time.

And yet, she realized slowly, getting to this point was just the easy part. Now what are we going to do?

Author's Note:

I was really looking forward to writing this chapter. Because of the occasion, I imagine this is the kind of song that best fits Twilight and Fluttershy's new relationship: