• Published 10th Sep 2013
  • 8,317 Views, 372 Comments

Beauty, Books, and Butterflies - Rough_Draft

Rarity is eager to play matchmaker and sets her eye on pairing up Twilight and Fluttershy.

  • ...

Twenty – Gray Skies and Family Ties

Dust gleamed like crystals hanging in the air, caught by the sunlight that poured through the library window. Twilight savored it for a moment before she took a step inside. She liked how cozy this home felt. It made sense that Fluttershy would grow up in a place like this. And she couldn’t think of a better way to meet Phoenix Dawn.

Truth be told, Twilight was nervous about how their first meeting would go. Maybe not as nervous as the day of her entrance exam into Celestia’s school, but there was a constant flutter in her stomach. She usually got along with most children, but she really, really wanted things to go well with Fluttershy’s cousin.

After all, Fluttershy had made her aunt a promise. And Twilight felt an obligation to help her see it through. Besides, after all the tutoring she did with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, she felt like she’d learned a lot about taking care of fillies.

It couldn’t be any harder than raising a baby dragon.

The library was small, but filled to the brim with immense books and volumes. Twilight ran a hoof over one collection on the first shelf she found. Here was A Symphony for Spring by Rough Draft, right next to an anthology of epic poems by Private Pansy herself, and after that was a set of faded notebooks with yellowed pages. They looked to Twilight like they hadn’t been touched in decades.

For a moment, she closed her eyes and savored the comforting smells and presence of the library. It couldn’t compare to the Golden Oaks Library or the Royal Archives, but Twilight felt at home here.

“Read whatever you like,” said a gruff voice behind her. Twilight trotted backward for a second, but she recovered quickly.

“I-I’m sorry,” she said as she turned. “I thought you were Phoenix Dawn.”

Sky Sonnet chuckled and trotted up beside her. He put his hoof against the row of notebooks and smiled grimly at them. “Posey will tell you I spend a lot of time here. I’m always reading the classics and writing new material.” For a second, his mouth opened, but he didn’t say a word. Twilight waited with a patient, encouraging smile.

“It...” Sky Sonnet ducked his head. “It helps with the pain. The writing, I mean. Some days it’s easier to shut the world out and write through the pain.”

Twilight nodded. “It takes less effort to work than to talk to somepony else.” She smiled at the sudden memory blooming inside her head—picturing herself in bed, staring down Spike as she shouted, All the ponies in this town are crazy! “I know the feeling pretty well myself.”

“Then maybe you can answer my question. The one question that’s been bothering me for days now.”

“I’ll do my best, sir.”

Sky Sonnet fixed her with a suspicious side glance. “Why Fluttershy? Why not anypony else?”

“Oh.” Twilight opened her mouth, but she couldn’t quite form a response. She was too busy staring up at the old stallion’s weathered face. It was easy to imagine those cold blue eyes glaring down at her. No wonder poor Fluttershy had grown up such a nervous wreck.

But the mere thought of Fluttershy flooded her body with fresh vigor. Twilight could still see her triumphantly rising into the air, battling through the worst of the storm with cold determination.

For a moment, she’d looked exactly like her father.

“I guess...” Twilight smiled as she turned to face him. “I guess it’s because she’s the kindest and sweetest pony I’ve ever known. And she’s braver than anypony gives her credit for.”

Sky Sonnet smiled back. “I guess you’re right.” His smile faltered when he looked over at the library window, which looked out onto the busy Fillydelphian street.

“Tell me, Twilight.” He turned toward the window, staring at something Twilight couldn’t see. Most likely into his memories. “Does Fluttershy... hate me?”

Twilight took a moment to consider it. Her first instinct was to say no, of course not, but she had to be truthful. She looked back over every time she and Fluttershy had talked about her father. She heard the quaver in Fluttershy’s voice and saw the pain in her eyes.

“I don’t think,” said Twilight, “that your daughter is capable of hating anypony.” She took great care when she put her hoof on Sky Sonnet’s shoulder, not surprised to feel a lump of scar tissue there. “For as long as I’ve known Fluttershy, she’s given everypony the benefit of doubt. Even Discord. So I don’t think she hates you. If anything, she’s just scared of you.”

Sky Sonnet didn’t answer, but he lowered his head toward the floor. “I see.”

“But she does love you,” Twilight was quick to add. “It’s just a very, very quiet love.”

“Heh.” The ghost of a smile rested on Sky Sonnet’s lips. “Just like her mother, then.”

Twilight smiled at the memory of Posey sitting by her side in the hospital. She could see where Fluttershy got all her good manners and kind nature from. And she had a feeling that Posey would make for a wonderful mother-in-law.

Meanwhile, Sky Sonnet lifted his head and turned back to her. He wore a tired smile and put his hoof on her shoulder. “I don’t suppose I can interest you in a dedication in my next anthology?”

“Huh?” Twilight stared. “Why would you—?”

“It’s my way of saying thanks for being honest.” Sky Sonnet guided her toward the door. “So far, you and your mother have been the only ones to do that with me. Everypony else just indulges my moods or flatters me because I’m a hero.” A flash of pain ran across his face, pausing him mid-step. “And that includes Fluttershy.”

Twilight nodded and nudged him toward the door again. “For what it’s worth, I think she’ll be fine. You should’ve seen her when we first met. She could barely say her own name.”

“That does make a difference,” Sky Sonnet remarked. He smiled, showing just a touch more passion than Twilight had seen before. “Fair enough, Twilight Sparkle. You’ve earned the right to consider yourself her marefriend.”

“Fiancée,” Twilight corrected him, but her heart wasn't in it. She was too busy smiling and cheering inside her own head.

“And I hear you’re taking on Phoenix, too.” Sky Sonnet leaned in with an incorrigible smile, like the kind he wore in his old portraits. “She’s quite a handful, you know.”

Whatever anxiety Twilight had felt before seemed to vanish in an instant. She looked her soon-to-be father-in-law in the eye with all the courage she could muster. No different than staring down a wild ursa minor. “So is raising a dragon and I did that when I was a filly. Sir.”

The older pony chuckled and shook his head. “So you did. You never cease to amaze me, Twilight Sparkle.” He smiled and put a warm hoof on her shoulder. “You and Shy are going to be all right. If you two have even half the fire that Posey and I had, you’ll do all right in the end.”

With a courteous nod, Twilight said, “Thank you.”

“Now, I believe you were looking for my niece.” Sky Sonnet flicked his tail behind him. “She should be coming in through the backdoor with Fluttershy any minute now.”

“Thank you again!” Twilight decided to surprise him with a hug before she trotted past him. She felt proud of the way his jaw dropped as she left the room.

Really, she couldn’t have asked for better in-laws.

As she nudged the kitchen door closed with a flick of her tail, Fluttershy paused for a moment. It had been quite some time since she’d been to her parents’ home. Almost a whole year, she realized. When she took another step forward, she knew by instinct how many paces away the kitchen was and how long it would take her to dash into her bedroom upstairs. The house was small but ornate, something that Rarity would’ve appreciated. Her mother had a love of mixing sky blue with earthy brown tones in both the wallpaper and furniture.

“Is she here?” asked Phoenix Dawn. She could hardly keep still. Her eyes glanced from left to right, investigating every corner. “Is Princess Twilight here?”

“It’s just Twilight,” said Fluttershy, “and yes, she’d promised she’d be here.”

“Well, let’s go then!” Before she could ask her to wait, Fluttershy watched her cousin race out of the kitchen and down the hallway. She rolled her eyes and flew after her.

It was warm inside, which meant her father was home. He’d always kept a fire going for when the aches and pains of his injuries grew too strong. Fluttershy had learned from an early age not to disturb her father when he was sitting alone by the fire. Just the thought of it made her knees wobble.

“Um, Fluttershy?” Phoenix Dawn nudged her cousin with her head as they came to the living room. “You okay?”

“Oh, yes, dear. I…” Fluttershy covered her squeak of anxiety with a hoof over her mouth. She turned the squeak into a light sneeze. “Choo! Goodness, it’s dusty in here!”

Phoenix laughed and that made her spirits soar. She could always count on her favorite little cousin for a pick-me-up.

An anxious trot from upstairs drew their attention. Fluttershy smiled with relief when she saw Twilight heading down toward them. Her fiancée—and just thinking the word sent a tingle through her—was coming with the most beautiful expression of joy. It reminded Fluttershy of every time she’d watched Twilight come out for their weekly pet play dates with Owlowiscious. No anxieties written on her face, no worry lines about a letter to Princess Celestia. She was fully here for time with her friends.

Fluttershy cleared her throat and gave her cousin a nudge forward with her hoof. “Twilight, I’d like you to meet—”

“Oh my gosh!” Phoenix flew into the air, flittering around Twilight’s head like a parasprite. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! It’s really you! The real Twilight Sparkle! This is so cool!”

Twilight giggled and ruffled the filly’s mane, taking some care not to touch the bow on top. “Well, hello to you, too! You must be Phoenix Dawn. I’ve heard so much about you!”

Phoenix squealed and landed on her back. “Wow, this is so cool! I can’t believe I’m hanging out with a real princess! My friends at school are never gonna believe this…!”

While she rambled on, Fluttershy searched the living room for something the two of them could chat about. She had no doubt that Twilight would be an excellent adoptive mother for Phoenix, but all good relationships had to start somewhere. She supposed her father had a book on aerodynamics that Twilight could read to her.

Meanwhile, in the background she could hear snippets of Twilight’s conversation with Fluttershy’s cousin. “Phoenix, I—yes, those are my real wings… no, I got them from a magical transformation that… yes, I suppose that does make me one-part pegasus, but I really think we… oh, I see. Well, I happen to love books and…”

Fluttershy giggled and hovered up to the mantel over the fireplace. She browsed the hardcover books lined up in a row. It seemed these were just for show. All books that Sky Sonnet had written, poetry anthologies and novellas. Not the sort of scientific material that Twilight would enjoy, but there might be a few nice descriptions about flying that she and Phoenix would like.

However, that lovely image in her head came crashing down when she felt Twilight tug at her tail. Fluttershy turned and flew back to the floor.

“Sorry, but I need your help with something in the kitchen,” Twilight said in a low voice.

Fluttershy nodded and glanced behind her at Phoenix. The filly was hovering in the air, watching them with a giant grin on her face.

“Sweetie,” said Fluttershy, “why don’t you go upstairs and say hi to your uncle? I’m sure he’d love to see you.”

Phoenix offered up the most adorable pout. “But I wanna talk with Twilight some more!”

Ever since her first attempt at foalsitting, Fluttershy had learned a lot about the difference between taking care of animals and looking after a rambunctious herd of fillies. But one trait they had in common was that anypony could use a firm voice and the promise of a treat to get them to behave.

“And you will,” Fluttershy reassured her, giving her cousin a pat on the head. “But we’re going to make lunch first. Once we’re done, you can talk to her all you want!”

The filly crossed her arms. “You promise?”

Fluttershy nodded, holding her ground with a pleasant smile.

“Okay!” Phoenix gave Fluttershy a hug and then zipped upstairs with a furious beating of her wings. “Hey, Uncle Sonnet…!”

Twilight chuckled and led Fluttershy back down the hall and into the kitchen. Thankfully, Posey had left out enough ingredients to make a big enough salad for the whole household. Fluttershy smiled at the scent of fresh carrots and asparagus. She was sure it’d be lovely—

“Shy.” Twilight’s voice startled her, but not as much as seeing the hurt expression on her face. “I know you really want us to get along, but…”

“Oh, dear.” Fluttershy touched Twilight’s shoulder. “It’s not going well, is it?”

Twilight shrugged. “Well, that’s the thing. I can tell she’s a bright filly, but she’s not… focused.”

“She’s a lot like her mother that way.” Fluttershy paused, remembering the bright and happy faces of her aunt and uncle. It hurt a little every time she saw Phoenix and noticed the resemblance in her cheerful face. “Aunt Nimble did say she was having trouble in class.”

“True, but I don’t think it’s because she has trouble learning.” Twilight moved over to the fridge, using her magic to open the door and levitate a trio of juice boxes out. “Cheerilee once told me how some foals have difficulty sitting still in a classroom. They’re better off learning in a different kind of environment. And I can tell Phoenix loves the idea of going to flight camp.”

Fluttershy nodded. “More than anything.”

Twilight focused on each juice box as she floated them in front of her muzzle. It took a little finagling, but she was able to use her magic to poke a hole into each box and insert the straw. Then she passed one juice box to Fluttershy and took the other two into her hooves.

“If we’re serious about adopting her,” Twilight continued, “then we’ll need to decide what to do about her education. But it’s going to be hard if she doesn’t…” Her ears flopped, making Fluttershy feel terrible. “If she doesn’t like books…”

The anxiety in Twilight’s voice hit her like a punch. Saying no to a good book was impossible for Twilight. Fluttershy loved how excited she’d get whenever she walked into a library or got the latest Daring Do novel in the mail. Of course she’d want to share that joy her own filly.

Without a word, Fluttershy trotted up and gave her a long hug. Twilight returned the hug and sniffled. “I’m sorry. I’m worrying again, aren’t I?”

“It’s okay.” Fluttershy kissed her on the cheek. “I think you’re doing a good job of looking out for her. It makes me happy to know how much you care.”

Twilight sighed and nuzzled her for a moment. “Thanks.”

As Twilight let go, Fluttershy went over to the fridge and began to pull out the lettuce and other vegetables for the salad. She flew from cupboard to cupboard, grabbing a mixing bowl and salad spoons. Meanwhile, Twilight sat on the floor, lost in thought.

It wasn’t until Fluttershy stopped to pick up the juice boxes from the floor that Twilight said, “You know, now that I think about it…”


“Do you know if Phoenix has read any Daring Do novels?”

“Umm…” Fluttershy glanced at the ceiling, trying to recall what her aunt had told her. “I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t read outside of school.”

Twilight smiled, making Fluttershy’s heart skip a beat. “Then I think I know exactly how to help her…”

Inside Fluttershy’s head, there was a perfect zoo. It was big and full of green meadows for all the critters to run around in, with only minimal fencing—and maybe some unicorn-generated barriers for good measure. Ponies of all ages could come to visit the mighty bear and chase squirrels and marvel at the birds that sang all day long. It was the most orderly and pleasant sanctuary that Fluttershy could imagine.

However, the reality of the Fillydelphia Zoo wasn’t quite in line with her vision.

For one thing, the place was a touch… grimy. Not that there weren’t dutiful earth ponies pushing their brooms or cleaning carts around, but the layer of discarded peanut shells and sunflower seeds never seemed to recede. And besides, the crowds were enormous. All those hooves and tails and wings to dodge, and even then, it was hard not to get jostled around the never-ending flow of grown-ups and foals moving from exhibit to exhibit.

And then—Fluttershy got a terrible rumble in her stomach—there were the exhibits. She watched all those poor animals kept behind giant concrete barriers. They barely had any life in them. All she saw were creatures lounging about, occasionally snapping when somepony tried to take a picture with their camera. Lions and tigers trying to nap on giant rocks, avoiding eye contact with the swarm of visitors peering in…

I’ll make this all better, Fluttershy vowed. In Ponyville, we’ll build the Golden Oaks Zoo and we’ll do it right!

Trotting in between her and Twilight was Phoenix Dawn, now wearing a blue cap with antlers that they’d bought her at the gift shop. It wasn’t lost on Fluttershy that her little cousin was getting tired. They’d had a big lunch of hayburgers at the café, not to mention the fact that they’d been walking around for over an hour now. And the whole time, Twilight had been talking the filly’s ear off about the different animals they’d seen. Fluttershy knew a lot about animals, but she didn’t know a thing about taxonomy or Star-Swirl’s theory of mythic evolution.

Not until now, at least.

“…And that’s all there is to know about the Felidae family!” Twilight concluded. Her tail swished back and forth as she drew to a halt near the bird sanctuary. “Isn’t that neat?”

Phoenix pulled down the brim of her hat. “Yeah. Neat.”

Fluttershy blushed and exchanged a look with Twilight. “It’s getting late. Maybe we should wrap it up.”

Twilight nodded. Then she turned and bent down until she was eye-level with Phoenix. “I’m sorry, dear. I’m sure taxonomy isn’t the most glamorous subject, but you can really learn a lot about where names come from. Like your own!”

At that, the filly’s head snapped up. She didn’t look tired at all. “Huh? What do you mean?”

“Do you know where the word ‘phoenix’ comes from?”

She got a shrug in reply. “I just thought it was some goofy name my aunt gave me.”

“Actually, a phoenix is a kind of bird.” Twilight grinned. “A very rare and mythical bird, to be exact!”

“Oh.” As her ears flopped, Phoenix pulled her cap down again and trudged forward. “That’s nice…”

It was the defeated tone of her voice that broke Fluttershy’s heart. She could only imagine how embarrassed the poor filly felt. She remembered all the teasing she used to get in flight camp for having a “namby-pamby” name, as opposed to something more catchy like Rainbow Dash or Cloud Kicker. And why wouldn’t Phoenix feel the same way? She wanted to fly like a real ace pegasus, not some cute little birdie.

Still, Twilight remained undaunted. She took Phoenix by the shoulder and steered her toward the bird sanctuary. “Here, maybe it’s easier to show you.”

They wandered inside the sanctuary, a small white building that contained row after row of wooden perches and birdseed trays. The only illumination came from the sunlight, streaming in through a skylight straight overhead. At this time of the day, there were only one or two ponies passing through. Most of the crowds had gone home and the bird sanctuary wasn’t the most popular attraction at the zoo.

But Fluttershy lost herself in awe at the wonders perched within. Red robins and mockingbirds! Toucans and eagles! Yellow-bellied sapsuckers! Finches and seagulls! All of them making beautiful nests and singing their own little harmonies. To any other pony, it was just noise, but to Fluttershy’s trained ear, it was a series of the most beautiful melodies she’d ever heard.

“Ohh,” she murmured, swaying back and forth to the birdsong. “This is simply wonderful!”

“Whoa!” Phoenix lifted her hoof and pointed at a distant corner of the sanctum. “What’s that?”

Twilight put her hoof on the filly’s shoulder, smiling like a proud teacher.

“That, my little pony,” she said softly, “is a real-life phoenix. Scientifically known as Falco ignis magnificus. One of the rarest creatures in Equestria.”

Fluttershy shared her cousin’s joy as they watched the mythical bird emerge from the shadows of its roost. It was wreathed in a constant flame that flickered when it moved its wings. A beautiful shimmer passed through the air as it resettled on its perch. The phoenix shifted the grip of its talons on the branches, looking down at the three ponies gathered below.

Then it threw back its head and let out a long, warbling cry.

“Goodness!” said Fluttershy, lifting a hoof to her cheek. “I had no idea!”

Twilight turned to her. “Do you understand what he’s saying?”

“It’s a she, actually. And yes, I do.”

“Well?” Phoenix Dawn stamped her hooves on the ground. “What’s she saying?”

Fluttershy glanced at the bird, looking up and accepting her inquisitive stare. She smiled back at the bird and said, “She’s wondering if we’d be willing to stay with her for a while. She says she gets lonely at the end of the day.”

“Oooh.” Twilight smiled up at the firebird, whose head now swiveled onto her. “I think I know why. It’s because of the sunset, isn’t it? I read that phoenixes are supposed to be tied to the rising and setting of the sun, which is why they’re associated with Princess Celestia.”

In reply, the phoenix gave a short but affirmative chirp.

Twilight glanced down at the filly beside her. “What do you think? Should we spend some time with her?”

“Yes!” Phoenix Dawn squealed, flying into the air and performing a flawless backflip. Fluttershy’s heart leapt for joy at the sight.

She had a feeling that Twilight’s plan was going to work.

The phoenix at the zoo had enjoyed their company for the better part of an hour. Once the zoo was ready to close, Fluttershy had escorted her cousin and Twilight back to her parents’ house. They’d shared a simple meal with Posey; Fluttershy’s father, meanwhile, had already eaten and gone to bed early, which wasn’t too unusual. If anything, Fluttershy was relieved.

That meant that Twilight Sparkle and Phoenix Dawn would have more time to spend together.

Every time she paused between chewing her food at dinner, Phoenix had pestered Twilight with a relentless barrage of questions. The little filly had rocked so hard in her chair that her bow kept threatening to fall apart from sheer momentum.

“But how is it on fire?!” she’d asked after dinner.

Twilight giggled and wiped her mouth with a napkin. “It’s not on fire. It’s made of fire!”

“But how?” Phoenix Dawn had jumped up and down like a bullfrog in the early spring. “How does it burn? How does it burn?”

“Well, it has to do with an ancient type of chemistry known as alchemy…” Twilight’s voice trailed off as she glanced at Fluttershy. When her fiancée gave an approving wink, Twilight smiled and said, “But I’m sure you’d find hearing about that kind of stuff boring. Besides, you might prefer to read about it instead.”

For the first time that evening, Phoenix’s face lost its brilliant glow. Even the bow on her head seemed to wilt just a little. “Oh. I dunno. Reading’s not really my thing…”

“You know, there’s more than just the textbooks you read in school.” Twilight brightened as she got out of her chair. With a flick of her magic, she dropped her napkin onto her plate. “Come with me. I want to show you something.”

Fluttershy watched her cousin follow Twilight into the living room like a lovesick puppy. She smiled at the sight, trying to imagine such scenes in the life she and Twilight were planning together.

Much like the zoo, it was crystal clear in her mind. There was Twilight, holding Phoenix in her hooves while they slept. And there was Phoenix, being shown the wonders of life in Ponyville, attending Pinkie Pie’s world-famous parties and laughing all day long. It was the best feeling in the world, knowing that she could give her cousin the best time ever.

On that note, Fluttershy decided that she would make a note to visit her Aunt Nimble again. Hopefully, they could be alone together, sharing one last cuddle by the fire.

Thinking about Nimble Thimble and her condition made Fluttershy feel awful inside. She resolved to occupy herself with more important tasks like helping her mother clear the table and wash the dishes. All throughout, Posey hummed a little tune—one that Fluttershy recognized as a Ponytones medley. She hummed along, glad to have this quiet moment with her mom.

But as they worked, Fluttershy caught snippets of the conversation that Twilight and Phoenix were having in the other room.

“Here, try this,” said Twilight.

There was a short pause, followed by Phoenix saying, “Daring Do and the Legend of the Firebird. Who’s Daring Do?”

“Only the coolest adventurer in all of Equestria!”

“Really? Even cooler than Uncle Sky Sonnet?”

“Yep!” Fluttershy didn’t need to look into the other room; she could practically hear the grin on Twilight’s face while she spoke. The librarian was in her element now. “Trust me, Phoenix. The Daring Do books are better material than anything you’d get inside a classroom.”

Another pause ensued, followed by the sound of pages being turned. “Now, this might be a little above your reading level, so you might be—”

“What’s this word here?” Phoenix’s hoof hit the page with a loud thump.

“That’s the foreword. This book is the third edition, so it’s got a special note from the author, A.K. Yearling. She’s really quite nice in person.”

“No way! You actually met this Daring Do lady?”

“I sure did! Maybe if we finish this book, one day we’ll go see her and you can tell her what you thought about it!”

Phoenix could be heard bouncing up and down from every corner of the house. “Awesome!”

Twilight giggled and flipped to the next page with her magic. “So, let’s start with Chapter One…”

“Are there phoenixes in this chapter?”

“They’re in every chapter, sweetheart.”


Fluttershy couldn’t take it any longer. She put down her dish towel and flew over to steal a quick peek into the living room.

On the rug in the middle of the living room, Twilight Sparkle and Phoenix Dawn were sitting side-by-side. An open book lay on the floor in front of them. With quick telekinesis, Twilight flipped through each page of the book, reading to Phoenix in a soft and pleasing voice. The filly listened with a sleepy smile etched onto her face. The more they read, the more that Phoenix snuggled up against Twilight, losing herself in the story and in the moment.

Fluttershy couldn’t be more pleased. She closed her eyes and sighed, giving thanks to Celestia, Luna, and any other deities for having such wonderful ponies in her life.

Author's Note:

It's a short chapter and I hope it'll tide you over. I plan to get more into the wedding angle soon enough, along with other developments for the World's Cutest Couple ;)