• Published 10th Sep 2013
  • 8,330 Views, 372 Comments

Beauty, Books, and Butterflies - Rough_Draft

Rarity is eager to play matchmaker and sets her eye on pairing up Twilight and Fluttershy.

  • ...

Nineteen – Good Morning, Fillydelphia

The first sensation that Twilight picked up was the comfortable bed she was lying in. She smiled and savored the moment. Far better than the cold, wet grass bed she’d been using in the forest. As she took a deep breath, she twitched her wings. The bandage that Fluttershy had made was gone, and while her sprained one still ached a bit, it wasn’t nearly as painful as before.

So that would put me in a hospital, Twilight deduced.

Slowly, she opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was a big yellow blur with some pink on top. Then the blur reached out and stroked her mane.

Twilight smiled. “How long was I asleep?”

“Only for a few hours,” said the blur, but it wasn’t Fluttershy’s voice. It sounded deeper.

Blinking her eyes a few more times, Twilight waited for them to focus. When they did, she gaped at the older earth pony sitting by her bed.

She looked exactly like Fluttershy. Maybe with a few more lines around her eyes and thinner hair, but she was almost a perfect match. And seeing her now, Twilight knew exactly which parent her marefriend had taken after. She’d recognize that loving smile anywhere.

“Oh, h-hello…” Twilight blushed. “I’d hoped to meet you under better circumstances.”

Posey nodded and gave her a pat on the shoulder. “So did I. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Likewise.” Twilight glanced around the hospital room. It wasn’t much different from the hospital in Ponyville, save for the fresh bouquet of sunflowers on the windowsill. “I hope you haven’t been waiting here long.”

“Oh, not at all. Your mother and father were in here for a while, but I wanted to give them a break. They’re in the cafeteria downstairs.”

“A-and Fluttershy?”

Posey smiled, but didn’t reply. Instead, she glanced toward the far corner of the room. Twilight’s neck was terribly stiff, but she sighed and forced her head to turn.

Curled up like a cat on a small cushion in the corner was Fluttershy. She’d been cleaned up from their excursion in the woods and she looked so peaceful while she slept. Twilight was relieved that she wasn’t exhausted anymore. The poor thing had been overworking herself ever since the crash, barely eating or sleeping—and kicking apart an evil storm almost by herself!

She deserved a nice long vacation once this visit with her family was over. A proper vacation, without any hint of danger or anxiety. Twilight immediately began to plan out their schedule for a weekend in Las Pegasus, where the Great Butterfly Migration was going to pass by in a month. They’d need essentials like pith helmets and blankets and a day at the spa and…

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen my little angel,” said Posey. She leaned onto the side of the bed and watched her daughter with a sleepy smile. “I’m glad she’s learning to stand up for herself now.” As she spoke, she winked at Twilight. “I suppose I have you to thank for that.”

“Heh, yeah…” Twilight rubbed at the back of her mane, feeling like she was back in magic kindergarten. “To tell you the truth, all of our friends have been encouraging her to be more assertive. It’s taken years, but I think she’ll be fine.”

“And she’s been good for you, too?”

Twilight leaned back against her pillow, letting the memories of Fluttershy’s kisses and joyful hugs overwhelm her. “Oh, yes. She’s wonderful…”

Posey giggled and sat back on her haunches. “Good. I’m so happy for the both of you.”

Just then, Fluttershy opened her mouth in a quiet yawn. Twilight focused on every little movement that her marefriend made as she woke up, stretching her legs out and giving her wings a little flutter. If she got any cuter, Twilight was afraid the hospital staff would have to declare a Code Blue. But she relaxed when she felt Posey’s hoof resting on her shoulder.

Everything was fine now. She settled back into bed and focused on getting more rest. After that harrowing day in the woods, she was grateful for genuine peace and quiet—

Somepony knocked at the door. Posey trotted over to answer it, but as soon as she opened it, a wave of pink shot into the room and began to bounce up and down on the foot of Twilight’s bed.

“Oh my gosh, you’re here and you’re awake!” cried Pinkie Pie. “This is the bestest news in the whole wide world! You deserve a Get Well Soon party, stat!”

“P-Pinkie?” Twilight stared at the giddy party planner. She cringed every time she bounced, which was making the whole mattress shake and sent a nasty twitch through her wings. “How did you—?”

“Honestly, Twi, did ya think we wouldn’t come as soon as we heard what happened?”

Posey stood aside from the door, allowing Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Spike to enter. Twilight didn’t resist as the little dragon came racing onto the bed and threw his arms around her neck. She didn’t mind in the least as the rest of her friends came up for a group hug.

She didn’t realize how much she’d missed them until they were here in the room with her.

“Oh, my…” In the corner, Fluttershy yawned and stretched her legs out. “Good morning, everypony. I didn’t expect to see you here so soon…”

“But of course, darling!” Rarity bounded over to her side and nuzzled her. “We were so worried that we left on the first train to Fillydelphia! And then we happened to run into Fancy Pants, who told us the whole story!”

“Yeah, he did!” Rainbow Dash teleported to Fluttershy’s side, squishing her face with her hooves. “And I can’t believe I wasn’t there to see you and Sky Sonnet in action! Fighting that storm must have been so cool!”

“I-it wasn’t,” Fluttershy replied, trembling in her friend’s grip. “It was far too s-scary!”

Twilight laughed. “Yeah, you missed out on an amazing sight, Rainbow Dash.” She turned and looked Fluttershy in the eye. “She really can fly when she puts her mind to it.”

Being reunited with her friends was wonderful, but seeing the blush on Fluttershy’s face was icing on the cake.

And speaking of cake, Pinkie Pie had pulled a tray of cupcakes from out of nowhere and was distributing her treats to everypony in the room. Twilight doubted the nurses would like all the crumbs, but she knew Pinkie would clean up after herself. She’d hoped the pink pony had learned her lesson after that one birthday party she threw in the burn ward back in Ponyville.

Closing her eyes, Twilight sank back into bed and listened to her friends ramble on about their trip and how worried poor Spike had been the whole time. She wanted nothing more than to hear their voices for a whole day—something that the old Twilight Sparkle would never have stood for as a shut-in student in Canterlot.

But times had to change and Twilight was grateful to be alive and well. She kept sneaking glances over at Fluttershy, who was caught in a three-way conversation with Rarity and Rainbow Dash. The confidence in her smile and her voice made Twilight’s heart soar.

She’d come a long way, too. And Twilight decided then that they could take things one step further.

But there was one pony she needed to talk to before she did that.

Floating the fine white teacup to her lips, Twilight sniffed the brew before drinking it with a polite sip. She smiled and lowered her drink back to the table. “Mm, this is lovely. You didn’t have to go to so much trouble.”

“Not at all, dearest Twilight,” Luna replied. With her own magic, she levitated a small cookie from the plate and took a bite. “I have been looking forward to this chat for some time now.”

In the real world, Twilight Sparkle was asleep in her bed, almost a day away from being released from the hospital. But inside her dream, she and Luna were enjoying an afternoon tea at a table outside Fluttershy’s cottage. It was a fine spring day. Twilight had plenty of time to sit back and savor all the little details her mind could conjure up. She liked the flock of geese that flew overhead and the sound of crickets chirping in the bushes near the road. A peaceful world where everything was in harmony.

Outside of her library—or resting in Fluttershy’s embrace—this was paradise.

“I understand you have a question you wanted to ask of us,” said Luna with a coy smile. “By which I mean my royal sister and myself.”

Twilight’s ears flopped as she mulled over the statement. She’d had this question in her mind ever since the crash landing in the forest. Long before then, actually, but thoughts of Fluttershy and other activities had always kept it at bay.

In her dreams, when faced with Princess of the Night herself, there could be no lying.

She adjusted her crown and looked her fellow Princess in the eye. “It’s about the storm.”

“Of course.”

“So… what in Equestria was that thing?”

Luna didn’t reply at first. Instead, she placed both hooves on the table and pushed herself up. Twilight remained seated while the elder Princess trotted around the table in a wide circle. As she did, the sunny skies gave way to a beautiful field of stars. Twilight marveled at every constellation she could pick out, from Orion’s Saddlebag to the Starry Stallion.

“Before I answer,” Luna replied, “let me first ask you a question. Do you recall how your last romance turned out?”

Again, Twilight’s ears flopped in dismay. “You mean with Flash Sentry.”


“It didn’t go well. I realized too late that I’d been projecting another pony—another person—onto him. He never got a chance to be himself with me.”

“But when you two were in the forest, struggling to find shelter, you tried to shut that pain out.” Luna’s dark blue eyes filled her world, overtaking the cottage and the table and the stars above. They saw right into Twilight’s soul. “Remember those thoughts. Look deep within yourself.”

Twilight closed her eyes and went back to that moment. It was much easier to explore her subconscious within a dream than in her waking moments. Less distractions, this way.

She remembered—

Rain and thunder swept away the memories—

The wind whipped through her mind, scouring it clean—

Even the howl of a timber wolf was better than—

With a gasp, Twilight’s eyes flew open.

She stared at Luna again. The scene had changed, so that Fluttershy’s cottage and the night sky had disappeared. Now they stood in the mud, surrounded by gnarled trees while a soft rain fell over everything. Next to Luna were the remains of a crashed airship. Not Cherry Berry’s balloon, but the airship that Twilight had chartered from the Crystal Empire.

Luna stared back, her face composed into a solemn mask. “Do you see it now?”

“Are… are you saying that I did this?” Twilight swept her hoof at the wreckage spread across the clearing. “I made the storm happen?”

“Not exactly. You understand that emotions are powerful in our world. They can create wonders like the Crystal Empire or feed monsters like the wendigos and the changelings. When you suffered heartbreak with Flash Sentry, you unknowingly projected all your misery into the atmosphere. That guilt became a storm cloud, and when you found true love with Fluttershy, it followed you.”

Twilight shivered, though there was no chill this far into the forest. “But if that’s true…” She closed her eyes and fought another shiver creeping up her spine. “If that’s true, then why doesn’t everypony who’s ever had a bad day create these kinds of storms?”

“Not everypony has the power of a princess,” said Luna. She gave a matter-of-fact nod. “It’s not a pleasant truth, but we must bear it all the same.” A spasm of pain twisted her face into a bitter frown as she added. “You’ve seen firsthand how Nightmare Moon was born. A storm like the one your heartbreak created is foal’s play compared to that.”

“Then what now?” Twilight paced around the clearing, retracing every step she remembered taking after the first crash landing. “If I can produce a storm like that, then how can I ever tell Fluttershy that—?”

She choked on her words. Even in the comfort of her own dream, she couldn’t bring herself to say it. Not yet, anyway.

But Luna knew what she meant. She rested a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Before you can go on with a new relationship, you have to find closure with the last one. The love you and Fluttershy share is based on trust and mutual affection. That love made the storm grow, but it could only attack and retreat. The passion that Fluttershy showed when fighting the storm came from the confidence that you gave her.” Luna smiled in a way that reminded Twilight of Celestia; so wise and caring. “In the end, the new love you found with Fluttershy won out against the painful end of your romance with Flash Sentry.”

“I see.” Twilight sat down, not caring about the mud or the rain. It was only a dream, after all, and this was a lot to take in. “So it’s over?”

“Let us hope so.”

“Then I can ask Fluttershy to—”

Luna stopped her with a hoof to the mouth and a tiny smile. Around her, the forest and the crashed airship began to dissolve into shadows.

“I believe, Twilight Sparkle,” said the Princess, “that those words are reserved only for your beloved.”

It was a lovely day in Penny Drop Park, where Fillydelphians gathered to stroll through tree-lined walkways. They came to eat their lunch on picnic blankets and watch their fillies and their colts frolic through the meadows.

Phoenix Dawn was a filly herself, but she’d rather fly than be caught frolicking.

With a giggle, she adjusted her bow as she zipped through the trees, trying to keep up with a pair of orioles. They seemed friendly, though she couldn’t understand their chirps at all. Were they saying hello? Warning her off? She didn’t know nor did she care. She just wanted to play.

As she landed on a branch, Phoenix watched the orioles fly off into the trees. Probably to check on their nest. She took a moment to catch her breath.

She was glad everypony had the day off from school. Why would anypony want to be sitting inside a boring classroom when they could be out among the birds and the clear blue sky? Besides, books were for reading at night, especially beside the fireplace with a mug of hot cocoa. Only eggheads liked reading books during the day!

“Phoenix!” her aunt called out. “Phoenix darling!”

“Coming, Auntie!” Phoenix Dawn jumped off the branch and trotted out of the grove. She adjusted her bow again, trying to make it presentable. Her aunt never liked it when Phoenix got her bow dirty or askew.

Nimble Thimble was waiting for her on a bench by the pond. Her aunt was an older mare, who looked a lot like Aunt Posey or Phoenix’s mother, but with a pale coat and a graying violet mane. She sat on the bench with a hunched posture, smiling fondly at the filly as she hopped up beside her.

“Ah, child, there you are!” Nimble Thimble gave her niece a quick squeeze. “You’re just in time! Guess who’s coming to visit?”

Phoenix pressed a hoof to her chin. Knowing her aunt, it was probably a friend from school or one of her cousins. “Oh! Is it Juniper?”


“Cirrus Sail?”

“Try again.”

She gasped. “Tea Leaves? Is it Tea Leaves? Please say it is!”

Then a quiet voice said from behind. “Um, actually, it’s me.”

Phoenix did a tiny jump into the air and spun around. “Fluttershy!”

Her cousin laughed and pulled her into a hug. “Hi, sweetheart! My goodness, you’ve grown!”

Phoenix rolled her eyes. Why did grownups always say that? It was like they never got over the fact that she used to be a foal. But Aunt Nimble always reminded her to be polite, so she smiled and took the compliment.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy went to say hello to Aunt Nimble and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The older pony smiled and patted a spot on the bench beside her. Fluttershy sat down between Nimble and Phoenix, snuggling in close between them.

“I’m just glad you’re all right,” said Nimble, patting her other niece’s hoof. “We were so worried when Sky told us about that accident.”

Phoenix hadn’t been worried, though. She’d heard all about Fluttershy’s adventures from her Aunt Posey. She’d faced off a manticore and a dragon—even that big meanie Discord! As far as she was concerned, she had the coolest cousin in all of Equestria.

Of course, she got into arguments in the schoolyard because of it. All the other fillies couldn’t accept that Fluttershy was cooler than, say, Rainbow Dash or any of the other Elements of Harmony. But Phoenix knew it was true and she didn’t care if she was the only one who knew it. Even now, when she looked up at her cousin, she saw Fluttershy put on a brave smile, just like she always imagined her.

“I’m just glad to be home,” Fluttershy was saying. She wrapped her foreleg around Phoenix and gave her another hug. “And to see everypony again. It’s been far too long.”

“Indeed,” said Nimble. She turned and gave Phoenix a quiet nod. “Darling, why don’t you show Fluttershy what you learned from your flight tutor last week? I’m sure she’ll be impressed.”

Phoenix grinned. “Really? You mean it?”

Fluttershy giggled and tousled her mane. “Yes, please. I’d love to see you fly!”

“Okay!” Phoenix hovered off the bench. She stuck out her tongue as she focused on Storm Dodger’s lesson. He’d called it the Hummingbird Method.

In a second, her wings were beating rapidly, carrying her out over the pond. Phoenix pulled herself into a quick loop through the air. Then, because she knew Fluttershy was watching, she did another one to the left. Then two more followed and she was swooping and weaving with the biggest smile on her face.

Thank Celestia she didn’t have school today! It was the best day ever!

Keeping up appearances was essential, so Fluttershy made a point of watching her little cousin dart and weave through the air like a miniature Rainbow Dash. She smiled and waved whenever Phoenix Dawn caught her gaze. She really was a good flier for her age. Hopefully, she’d do a lot better at flight camp than Fluttershy had.

But she was more intent on listening to Nimble Thimble.

“She’s been a good girl,” said her aunt. “I’ve done all I could to make sure she has a safe home, and that she eats her vegetables and does her homework.”

Fluttershy nodded. She understood how hard it must have been for her aunt to take in Phoenix. No filly should have to lose their parents, especially at such an early age. She’d barely gotten to know them past foalhood. Deep down, Fluttershy knew that was why she’d been extra attentive around her cousin. She deserved a lot of love and care, even if she didn’t show it.

In a way, she was also a bit jealous. Nimble Thimble was her favorite aunt and one of the best ponies in the world. It was Nimble who’d shown Fluttershy how to handle a needle and thread on those rainy days at home. While Fluttershy had recovered from an early wing sprain, she’d taught the filly how to crochet and make a little scarf for herself.

That was how they’d bonded for so long. Unlike her other relatives, Nimble never judged Fluttershy for being a bad flier. She just smiled and handed the filly a ball of yarn to work with. Always quick to praise her and she hardly ever raised her voice.

In many ways, she was the total opposite of her younger brother, Sky Sonnet.

“I hear that Phoenix is going to start flight camp next year,” Fluttershy said, giving her cousin another wave as she flew by. “I just know she’s going to love it.”

“Of course she will,” Nimble answered with a chuckle. “That girl was born to fly. Mark my words, she’ll have a cutie mark of blazing clouds before she’s through.”

Fluttershy giggled, picturing her cousin doing loops through the aerial obstacle course. She supposed she should invite her out to Ponyville soon. But she figured Phoenix would probably want to hang out with somepony like Rainbow Dash than sit around Fluttershy’s cottage feeding animals and playing with dolls.

When she looked over at her aunt, though, Fluttershy noticed a slight grimace. “Is something wrong, Auntie?”

“Hmm?” Nimble Thimble shifted in her seat, groaning as she moved her lower back. “Ooh, you’ll have to forgive me, dear. I’m less spry than I used to be. It’s easy for me to drift off to sleep if I’m not careful.”

“There’s nothing wrong with taking a nap.”

“Hmm, well, it’s getting worse than that.” Nimble stared out at the pond and the filly doing tricks in the air above it. “I’m slowing down a lot, Shy. I was spoiled when I used to be your foalsitter. You were so easy to take care of. I’m too old to keep up with the likes of Phoenix.”

Fluttershy’s ears dropped. She wasn’t sure she liked her aunt’s tone. “I’m sure you’re doing fine with her.”

“To be honest, I’m getting more and more tired every day.” Nimble closed her eyes and her voice tightened with pain. “And then there’s what the doctor said last month…”

Those words were like a slap to the face. “Oh, dear…”

“It’s not good, to put it mildly.”

Fluttershy sniffled, but she refused to cry. After all she’d been through in the forest and with Twilight, she wasn’t going to break down like some scaredy-pony. She wrapped her hooves around her aunt and nuzzled her, just like she used to do whenever she visited.

“There, there, dearest.” Nimble patted her on the cheek. “I won’t be going anywhere for a while, I promise. But what I’m afraid of is what’ll happen to Phoenix.”

Overhead, the filly soared, oblivious to the tone of their conversation. Fluttershy watched her blot out the sun for a second, silhouetted against its radiance. In that moment, she was a perfect angel, untouched by the rest of the world.

“H-have you told anypony else?” Fluttershy asked.

“Most of the family knows.” Nimble gave a tiny smile. “Your father didn’t say much, but I could tell it upset him deeply. He’s a lot more tenderhearted than he looks.”

The memory of the storm was still fresh in Fluttershy’s mind. “I know…”

“I won’t tell Phoenix just yet. She still has to get through school and flight camp.” Nimble paused to clear something in her throat. After a light cough, she added, “If she finds out now, she’ll lose her focus and think she has to take care of me. She’s a sweetheart like that.”

“So what will happen to her?”

“Your mother offered to take her in, but I feel like she needs somepony closer to her age. Somepony who can keep up with her. Physically, I mean.” With a sidelong glance, Nimble gave a tiny smile. “Somepony who I know loves her dearly.”

Fluttershy froze up. It was like being caught in the storm again, even though the skies were clear and the sun was shining. “M-me? Are you sure?”

“Who better than you, Shy? I know you’d be the perfect big sister for her. After all, you’ve done wonderfully with all those animals in Ponyville.”

“B-but I can’t! I can’t raise a filly all by myself!”

Nimble fixed her with a rueful grin. “Who says you’re by yourself?”

“I—” And then Fluttershy stopped herself. She let those words sink in for a moment.

Could she do it? As much as she loved her, could she ask Twilight to help her raise a filly? She knew they were closer now than ever before, but raising a child was another matter altogether. And besides, Twilight was a princess! It wasn’t like she could focus on one little pony when she had all of Equestria to look after.

But that’s not true, a small voice whispered in the back of Fluttershy’s mind. We both know that Twilight never once gave up on her friends since she’s become a princess. It’s just a crown and a new pair of wings. Nothing’s really changed.

Even so, Fluttershy had no idea what to do. She knew she could look after Phoenix if it really came down to it, and she was sure she could get Angel and the other critters to go along with it. But to ask Twilight for help…

“Listen,” said Nimble, cutting into her thoughts. She placed her hoof on Fluttershy’s cheek again and smiled. “If you’re not sure, then don’t worry. We still have some time. I’ll be happy with whatever you decide.”

Fluttershy nodded. “All right. But I promise I’ll talk to Twilight about it first.”

Nimble Thimble sighed and leaned into her. “Of course. Thank you, dear.”

“Hey!” Phoenix Dawn shouted from across the water. “Are you watching?”

Fluttershy forced a quick grin and waved at her cousin again as she spun a mini-cyclone up from the pond’s surface. She really was an impressive flier for her age.

If she had to do it, she knew it wouldn’t just be her and Twilight raising Phoenix. She had all her friends to help. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash would insist on playing with her every day. And Phoenix would probably become good friends with Scootaloo and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders. Rarity would no doubt dress her up like a little doll whenever she got the chance. And the more that Fluttershy thought it over, the more she realized she liked the idea.

But would Twilight? True, she’d raised Spike from the day he’d hatched, but would she be willing to take on this responsibility, too?

Unfortunately, she didn’t have much time to think it over. The pitter-patter of footsteps caught Fluttershy’s attention, followed by somepony breathing hard.

“Whew! Fluttershy, there you are!” Spike came running up, pumping his fists as he circled around the pond. He skidded to a halt beside the bench and bent over to catch his breath.

“Goodness, Spike!” Fluttershy jumped off the bench and landed beside her. “Are you okay?”

“I’m… fine!” Spike wiped his brow and stood back up. “I, uh… I came to tell you that Twilight just got out of the hospital. She’s at her parents’ suite at the hotel and she wants to see you.”

“Oh, my!” Fluttershy’s head began to swirl again. There was too much to keep track of. “I-is it because I didn’t see her when she left the hospital? I thought I told her I’d be visiting family, but m-maybe I didn’t—”

Spike pressed one claw to her lips, cutting her off midsentence. “Don’t worry, she knows. And it’s not that. She has something she wants to tell you herself.”

Fluttershy swallowed. “Okay…” She turned to Nimble, feeling skittish below her knees. “Um, Auntie—”

Nimble Thimble smiled and gave Spike a gracious nod. “Oh, go along, dear. You don’t want to keep your marefriend waiting, do you?”

Fluttershy beamed and threw her hooves around her aunt. “Thank you! I’ll be back soon!”

“Hey, is that a baby dragon?” Phoenix Dawn came swooping down for a soft landing. “He’s so cute!”

Spike blushed. “Thanks, I guess.”

Fluttershy pulled her cousin in for one last hug. “Phoenix, this is my friend Spike. Spike, this is my cousin Phoenix Dawn.”

“Hey,” said Phoenix.

“Hey,” said Spike, in almost the same tone.

“Sorry, sweetie, but I have something urgent to tend to.” Fluttershy bent down and kissed her cousin on the forehead. “I’ll come play with you later, okay?”

“Okay!” Phoenix jumped into the air again, doing a little twirl that made her bow flutter.

The sight made Fluttershy’s heart rise. With a quick wink, she grabbed Spike under his arms and rose up into the air.

“Hold on,” she whispered. With a quick flap of her wings, she propelled herself through the air and straight toward the Lipizzaner Hotel.

To Twilight, putting away her latest checklist felt like saying goodbye to an old friend. She had scribbled so much onto this sheet of parchment even while she was in the hospital. The scratches and ink blotches were as familiar to her as the lines in her own face. When the nurse and her other visitors had asked why she needed so much paper, Twilight had dared to tell a lie and say it was for doing paperwork as part of her royal duties.

She’d only shared the truth of the matter with Spike and her parents. That was why they had traveled all over the city that morning, so that every last detail could be set up for this one special moment.

Now Spike had left to get Fluttershy and Twilight’s parents had gone downstairs to partake in the afternoon tea being served in the hotel lobby. Twilight was left by herself, pacing up and down the two-pony suite. It took a feat of will to focus on every embroidered surface, from the quilts to the curtains, and not at the clock on the wall. It was like she could hear the small hand ticking away, almost drowning with the rapid-fire beating of her heart.

She nearly screamed when she heard a knock at the door. But Twilight caught herself and quickly made use of Cadance’s breathing technique. Breathe in, breathe out, and reassert control.

“Mm-hmm.” As she cleared her throat, Twilight took a brave step toward the door. “Come in!”

The door squeaked like a mouse, opening by a fraction of an inch. Twilight caught a glimpse of pink hair and a soft blue eye peeking in. “I-it’s me, Twilight.”

Rolling her eyes, Twilight extended her magic and opened the door all the way. Now exposed, Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind her mane. Fortunately, Twilight knew how to handle her marefriend’s phobias. It was only her own anxieties she couldn’t quite master.

Sitting in the middle of the suite, Twilight closed her eyes halfway and smiled. She’d read about it in a book on feline care. To build trust, do not engage directly. Slow blinks and a soft gaze put such creatures at ease, fostering a sense of security.

Fluttershy wasn’t a cat, but the trick seemed to work on her, too. She peeked through her mane and smiled back. Then she took a few cautious steps into the room, letting Twilight close the door behind her with a gentle twist of her magic.

Seeing her cute little face made it impossible for Twilight to resist a giggle, or to keep from blushing herself. But she had to focus.

It was perhaps the most important question of her life.

“I-I’m sorry,” Fluttershy murmured as she moved to stand at the hotel window.

Twilight blinked. “What for?”

“For not seeing you when you left the hospital, of course.” Blushing like a filly on Parents’ Night at school, she added, “I didn’t mean to, but I had to go and—”

“Fluttershy.” Saying her name out loud sent a thrill down Twilight’s back and through her wings. She reached out and put her hoof under her marefriend’s chin. “You don’t have to apologize. I know how much you wanted to see your family. It’s your hometown, after all.”

Fluttershy blushed again, but at least the smile she gave Twilight was a lot brighter. “Thanks.”

“Of course.” Impulse gripped Twilight as she suddenly leaned in and planted a kiss against Fluttershy’s jaw. It was worth it to see her marefriend get embarrassed again.

Still, Twilight had a feeling that she was about to outdo her.

“Listen, there’s something I’ve wanted to say and I need to say it all before I ask you something.”

“Of course, Twilight.” Fluttershy leaned in to nuzzle her, sending a flare of heat up Twilight’s neck and out both her cheeks. She turned away for a moment to regain her composure. Not for the last time, she wondered how her brother had managed this without tripping over every word.

Knowing him, he’d probably done just that and still succeeded. Somehow.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight faced her marefriend and took her face into her hooves. Scenes of their most intimate moments flashed before her eyes. Nightmare Night. Their first kiss. Their first dance. Twilight’s old bedroom. The last passionate dream they’d shared. Recovering from the balloon crash. Their reunion in the hospital.

A long and beautiful tapestry crossed her mind in a nanosecond, revealing only Fluttershy’s patient and loving face in the end.

“From the moment we started dating,” said Twilight, “I’ve always appreciated how well we’ve gotten along together. I loved sharing all those quiet moments with you, especially when it involved a good book of poetry.”

She paused when Fluttershy giggled. “But then I saw what you were capable of when we were facing that storm together. I know now that what we have is real.” Her voice nearly cracked on the word real. She was damned if she was going to start crying just yet. “And that’s why I want to give you my total commitment. Not as a princess. Not as your friend. But as your Twilight Sparkle.”

Before Fluttershy could even open her mouth, Twilight closed her eyes and focused hard. Her horn unleashed a short fountain of magenta haze as the diamond ring popped into the air.

“Oh, my!” Fluttershy’s eyes went as wide as saucer plates. “Oh, my…”

Twilight grinned and floated the ring toward her. “Fluttershy… will you marry me?”

Everything seemed to freeze in that moment. She couldn’t even hear the clock ticking or her heart beating.

There was only Fluttershy, the ring, and the deepest silence the world had ever known.

Blinking, Fluttershy seemed to snap out of her trance. She looked Twilight in the eye, her bottom lip trembling as she tried to speak.

“A-are you kidding me?” Her lips curved into the tiniest, most adorable smile in all of Equestria. “Yes, Twilight! Of course I will!”

Twilight didn’t recall how it happened after that. All she knew was that, in the next few seconds, she had both hooves holding tight onto Fluttershy and their lips pressing together. The diamond ring had fallen and bounced along the carpet, rolling off somewhere.

Twilight didn’t care. She only cared about the beautiful mare resting in her hooves—

Yes!” a voice cried out from behind the suite door. “Oh, yes, yes, yes!

Twilight and Fluttershy shared a quick glance of concern, then turned toward the door.

Then they heard a grunt, followed by the doorknob turning.

“Nice goin’, Rarity.” Applejack pushed the door open all the way, letting the rest of their friends pour into the room in an awkward tumble.

“Congratulations!” everypony cheered.

The next moment was a complete blur to Twilight. She remembered Pinkie swinging from the chandelier, spraying confetti and streamers all over the place. And she had a dim recollection of Rainbow Dash and Applejack offering everypony hugs and proud hoof-bumps. Rarity was in the background, pulling at her mane and speaking gibberish that Twilight couldn’t make heads or tails of. She did have a clear idea of Fluttershy nuzzling Rarity and thanking her profusely, but otherwise it was a blur.

Then she felt a tiny claw pat her flank. Twilight looked over at Spike, who gave her a thumbs-up and a cheeky grin.

Twilight laughed and picked him up for a bear hug. “Couldn’t have done it without you.”

“You do realize,” he said, squirming in her embrace, “that this means I’m going to be your best dragon at the wedding, right?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Twilight winked at Rarity, who was still dancing and cheering around the suite. “And I think we both know who the mare of honor’s going to be.”

“Heh, what a perfect match.”

Meanwhile, Applejack had produced a bottle of cider—a simple vintage she’d gotten from her own distant cousins in Fillydelphia. While she and Pinkie Pie poured out and distributed glasses for everypony in the room, Twilight caught Fluttershy’s eye and waved her over. As her marefriend—no, her fiancée, she corrected herself—approached, Twilight used her magic to relocate and summon the engagement ring back into the air.

Squeezing one eye shut, Twilight focused on Fluttershy’s face as she maneuvered the ring into place. Traditionally, these rings were meant to go on a unicorn’s horn, but she could settle for tying it onto one end of the other pony’s elegant mane.

Once it was secured, Fluttershy gave the bauble a quick look. She giggled and threw her hooves around Twilight, planting a gentle kiss just below her ear. “Thank you, Twily…”

“No, thank you, Shy.” Twilight held her close, losing herself in the moment. “You’ve made me the happiest pony on the face of Equestria.”

“You know, it’s funny.” Fluttershy looked up at her with hope shining in her eyes. “I actually came here to ask you a question, too.”

“Ask away. I don’t think I’d refuse you anything right now.”

“Well, it’s not as good as a marriage proposal,” said Fluttershy, blushing like a bride-to-be. “But there’s somepony special I’d like you to meet…”

Author's Note:

I'd like to remind my readers that, by subscribing to me or my stories, you absolve me of any liability for cuteness overloads or heart attacks you may suffer as a result. ;)