• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 8,741 Views, 380 Comments

Don't Step on a Rune. - Warpony

A human, Rune magic and enemies. This is the story of Mythic (Daniel) Rune, the human and the Mystic

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The Cave, The Crystal and Dear God What Else?

"Thank you Bonsia, that was awesome!" Daniel leaned back in his chair and rubbed his stomach as he finished his meal of pork and soup. As he looked around he saw everyone staring, he just got his food two minutes.

"You are already done? The rest of us have barely started our meal."

"You where there when I said it, Bonsia. I was hungry so I ate it, good eating too."

Bonsia blushed a little. "Thank you, how was the pork?"

"This stuff is great!" Dash shouted. "Why don't we have this stuff in Equestria?" She then took a second bite of the pork Bonsia had cooked. As she chewed, Daniel, Victor, Aries and Bonsia stared at her with horror. When she swallowed, Daniel threw his hand up and covered his mouth with a gasp. "What?"

"Dash, oh poor innocent, Dash. Who gave that to her!?"

Jika raised her good arm. "I did, is that a problem?"

"Sort of yes." Victor said. "Oi girls, what were you before we came here?"

In a unified answer, the three said. "Ponies."

Jika put her hand down and cringed. "Oh, my bad."

"What is the big deal? It's only, pork you called it right?" Dash ask.

"It's a pig." Aries said bluntly. "You are eating a pig."

Dash's eye shot open and she spit the remnants of the meat out her mouth. "Why did no one tell me? That is horrifying, I know a pig once!"

Daniel facepalmed. "That is why we didn't give it to you. So don't eat it, Twilight and Luna, don't eat it."

"We didn't plan on it." Luna said.

"Good, just hurry up please. I want to get to this cave before too long."

"You do realize i'm right here, right?" Victor asked.

"Yes I know you are there, so what?"

"I can take us anywhere in a matter of seconds."

"You can?" Jika asked. "If that is true, then how will you know where to go?"

Victor smirked. "I can see your memories and from there I can determine where we need to go."

"Wow, that is amazing." Jika said in aw.

"Yeah, yeah." Daniel mocked. "He is a Demigod and he has cool God abilities. Can we just hurry up please?"

"Whats with the rush?" Twilight asked.

"Its nothing Twilight." Victor said. "Even though he is acting like an ass right now, I share his view." He looked over to Daniel and was given a nod. "We think the Shard are coming into this world." Everyone in the room froze and didn't utter a sound. "The armor on the Lindworm was not of this world and it had this, this presence. It was dark and corrupt, that is why we need to get to this cave. You said there was a runic circle carved into the stone, Jika."

"That is right, did Daniel tell you that?"

"Nope, I already dived into your mine the moment I walked in this house. That is a seal you saw, shouldn't be anything too ugly, but i'm thinking we be on guard when we get there. Now eat, oh and I picked up your phone, Daniel. Don't lose that thing."

"Right, thanks."

After everyone finished their meals in silence, all eight allies left Bonsia's home and walked to the back were no one could see them. There, Victor began to open a rune portal. Once it was opened, Aries walked through, then Daniel, Jika, Bonsia, Dash,Twilight, Luna and finally Victor.

As they walked out, one by one they could see a the entrance the cave Jika spoke of. They were surrounded by a thick part of the forest, dense brush blinded them pass twenty feet. The small clearing around the cave was all they had to go on with it's location. The entrance was not large but very open, you could see the inside clearly from the outside. It was set into the side of a cliff where vegetation had grown twisted and incorrect. Clouds hung over the location, giving it a vague and mysterious. "Here we are." Jika announced.

As Victor came forth, he looked around in confusion. "Hold up, this isn't right."

"No, you got it right." Jika assured.

"No, I meant for us to be inside. I meant for us to be at the exact location of that carving." Victor opened a new portal and ran through it, next to it a identical one opened and Victor ran out of it. "What the hell is this? Aries, its your world, what do you think?"

"I have no idea. If something is messing with our powers though, this cave needs to be searched. Jika and Daniel, you two lead the way and the rest of us will follow." Aries commanded and the rest fell in line. Jika and Daniel led the way as the rest followed. As they walked inside, they noticed the cave stayed bright even though they continued deeper. Light gleamed off the stones, lighting the path for its travelers.

"Alright, just remember not to take deep breathes." Jika warned. "Last time I was here, there where corpses."

"How many?" Daniel asked.

"Just about thirty, but we had them picked up. I don't know what happened to them though. The bodies where so mangled, what can do that to so many?" Jika turned to Daniel. "Just what?"

"I have an idea what." Daniel stopped and for the first time since he arrived, he summoned the Eclipse Blade. The display of lights stunned Bonsia and Jika as Daniel closed his hand around the blades hilt. The glimmering white guard, hilt and pommel and the dark black blade. "Now I'm comfy, lets continue Jika." Daniel started to move again.

Jika was still focused on Daniel's Eclipse Blade. "What? Oh, right!" Jika snapped out of her astonishment and continued to lead the group.

Daniel tightened his grip on the hilt. 'Keep your eyes peeled Daniel, we don't want anything getting the jump on us. But what the hell can stop a Demigod from going somewhere?' As Daniel thought, Jika stopped abruptly. "Why are we stopping?"

"Do you not have eyes? We are here."

Daniel looked around, he didn't see any wall or carvings. "Um~ no were not. There is still plenty of cave to go," he pointed forward. "See?"

Twilight walked forward and touched Daniel's shoulder. "Daniel, are you okay?"

Daniel threw Twilight's hand off his shoulder. "Are you guys okay?" Daniel continued down the path and then he hear Dash cry out.

"Where did he go!?"

"Um, I'm right here! Damn, are you girls blind?" Daniel asked in frustration.

Aries and Victor looked at each-other. "Magic gate?"

"Magic gate."

Twilight turned to the Demigods. "A Magic gate?"

"Yes," Victor answered. "Just like the name implies, it is a gate made from magic. This one must be made to block out anyone that is fit the requirements, one being Mystic power. Only Daniel, Aries and I can pass through from here on." He started to walk forward and passed the gate.

"You five stay put, got that? We will be right back." Aries commanded once more before disappearing behind the Magic gate.
The three then dived deeper into the no darkening cave.

"Mystic power?" Twilight said in confusion. "Don't you have that Princess?"

"I don't have Mystic blood Twilight. I can use rune magic, but i'm not a Mystic like Daniel. Victor and Aries are also, true Gods." Luna the last part with some sadness . Knowing Victor and now Aries made her think her and her sisters titles of 'Goddesses' were unfit or they didn't deserve them.

Bonsia saw Luna's discomfort and tried to console her. "Princess Luna, are you okay? You seem troubled."

"Well it just seems...never mined, you wouldn't understand."

"I can try." Bonsia assured.

Luna sighed. "I don't know what to do. I have know about the worlds beyond my own and the Demigods, but I didn't think about it too much. Now though, now I think my title of Goddess is undeserved. I mean, I'm not like Aries or Victor. They are real Gods, not me."

"You were right, I don't understand. Let me ask you a question though, are you good to your people?"

"Of course I am." Luna answered. "Ever since I could remember I tried to be the best I could be, just like my father. Even when my sister and I first came into power, I decided i'd earn my title as Goddess. The there came a time I could barely remember, a time where I did bad things to the ones I was meant to rule and protect. I wanted to encase the world in dark night forever. But then Twilight, Rainbow Dash and their friends freed me from that corrupt mindset. They gave me back my mind, the way it should be." Luna looked over to the two mentioned heros and smiled.

"I see, but why did you want to bring darkness to your world?"

"I don't know really. One day it just felt like I wanted to, I don't know really, just carve the world in my image maybe? What ever the case is, I don't feel like that anymore and hopefully I never will again."

"Well Princess Luna," Jika entered the discussion. "To me you seem quite fit of that title. I just hope you have the power to back it up."

"Don't worry, I know how to fight. There have be a few attempts at my throne, I have taken care of them all. Except one awhile back. I slept through that one, but it was taken care of by a nice newly wedded couple."

"Alright, what ever you say Princess. I just wanted to know how well you fight. That goes for the rest of you too." Jika directed her question to Dash and Twilight.

"Me? I am the fasted flyer in Equestria, I can also get a few good punches in." Dash boasted.

"I am very good in my magic skills." Twilight reassured. " I also got this book with a few new spells inside, so I'm good. I'm worried about you though."

"Don't be, I still have one good arm and my magic too. I don't need to worry about Daniel, he can put up a good fight, for his age I mean."

"Oh, we know." Luna and two others said. Bonsia stood silently next to Luna. She couldn't defend herself, her magic would go wild. She had to rely on the others, but nothing bad is going to happen, right?

The five women started to get comfortable when Aries and Victor ran through the Magic gate, panting. Victor pointed his finger back to the entrance and tried to spoke. "Ru-run ba-back to the entrance. Wow, we need to amp up our bodies sister."

Aries agreed. "I think your right, but later." She took in a deep breathe. "What the hell are you standing here for? Run!"

A Few Minutes Earlier

Daniel and the Demigods walked deeper into the cave. When they first started it got darker, but now it started to brighten up by some blue grow off in the distance. They turned a corner and entered a wide open area, it also served as a dead-end. The ceiling was high but dark, so they could see how high. In the center was a mote that moved clock-wise and was decorated with black and white stones on opposite sides. The mote surrounded a small island that held a stone carved into a seat and a small crystal ball laid in the set. It pulsated black and white in slow intervals.

A man in a black cloak and hood seemed to be standing next to it and studying it. Daniel stopped at the entrance and stopped Aries and Victor with his arm. He spoke in a low voice in order not to be detected. "Stop, someone is over their. What is this place, Aries?"

"I have no idea. I'm trying to remember, but I don't think there is anything important. This whole place is out of my mind, i'm not like Victor. I don't know everything."

"Nether do I, sister."

"Alright, you guys stay here while I go see whats up. Hide behind the corner." Daniel then gave Victor his blade to hold, the Demigod took the blade and was able to hold it. They then ran behind the corner they came form and pocked their heads out of the sides. Daniel then started to walk over to the mote and the cloaked man. "Um, hello there."

"What?" The man asked, shocked at the presence of another person. "Oh thank The King, you the guard they sent right? You are two days late."

"Sorry about that?"

The man grunted. "Uh, whatever. They told you whats going on here right?"

"Um, lets say I have no idea what is going on." 'At least that is true.'

The man stomped the ground. "Damn it! Do I have to explain everything?"

"Now lets say I was born yesterday."

"I thought they told the Kings soldiers everything." *sigh* "Okay this place is the home of a crack in the Well and you are here to protect me just in case something happens. You know about the Well right?"

Daniel shook his head.

"Is this your first fucking day, kid?" *sigh* "Fine, I guess I can play teacher for a minute. In the beginning, there was the ancients. They created everything using the power of the Mana Well. With the Well, they created Rune magic and used the principles of what we call Alchemy. With that power they created all the worlds and they made their children take care of them. There is a myth that says that from the Mana Well also created souls and all that is alive. Around the Mana Well is what they call the Karma Cycle, its like the Heaven and Hell belief. The mote you see around us represents the cycle, those who did what they saw as right and did good for the world, would go with the white stone. Those who did what they wanted and it had a negative impact, would go with the black stones. Then there are those who how were given a break and allowed to try again. They did things that both did good and bad on an equal scale, intentional and accidental."

Daniel's mind was completely blown away. "Are you serious? That can change entire religions, from every world!"

"Yup. And I'm here to look over this crystal ball here. This location is sort of a, how do I put this in layman, a rift in the Well. The energy has been collecting in this thing for awhile now. From the looks of things, I'm starting to believe the Cycle exists. Lord Azath is going to be so please when we bring this back to him. Well, shouldn't waste your time, just be careful with the cannon-fodder." The man pointed to the ceiling. As Daniel focused on it, he could see it was moving. Dozens of Corrupt littered the ceiling like bats. "The bastards have been acting crazy, killed the last guy and went on a rampage outside. That caused my new pet to runaway, and I just got him that harness too.

"Oh my...God." Daniel quickened his pace and walked to the side of the man. "What is your name?"

"I'm Otan. That's right, I didn't get your name."

"So, Otan, how long have you been here?"

"Four days and the last time I talked to someone other than the last guard was about three days ago. When they dispatched you."

"So they didn't give out a memo?"

"Why would they need to contact me? I'm almost done here anyway." Otan said.

"I'll give you one warning. Step away from that crystal, now." Daniel commanded with a voice he rarely used, powerful and threatening.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"They should have warned everyone. Be on the look out for a male in his later teens. Light tan skin, orange and purple hair. Six foot tall, Human and," Daniel summoned his Eclipse Blade. "A Mystic."

"Dear King! Who are you?"

"I'm Daniel, now step away from the crystal ball-holding energy thing."

"The cannon-fodder might have gone crazy, but they will still attack on command!" Otan snapped his fingers and the hoard above Daniel began to move. The Corrupt started to drop down or glide on wings, Shadows surrounded the area.

(Play here)

Daniel looked over and saw Victor and Aries standing in the entrance. "Run! Get everyone out now!" A Shadow then attacked and cut Daniel's back, making him bleed and wince.

"Don't think I'll let them have all the fun! It has always been a dream to fight an Mystic from another world." Otan jumped away from Daniel and blasted him with a wave of magic, sending him back and into the mote. "Get up, or the Super will get you." At the mention of the name, the ceiling once again began to move and shake. Light began to flood the cave and the form of a Super-Shadow could be seen crawling down on the walls.

"Shit, what a wonderful fucking day I'm having! You wouldn't want to hear a story by chance, would you?"

"What the hell are you standing here for? Run!" Aries shouted. Without an explanation, Aries and Victor continued to run with their five companies through and out of the cave. They soon heard the screeches of Corrupt as they continued to get closer.

As soon as they where outside, Victor encouraged the Equestrians to take off their bracelets. "Twilight, Luna, Dash, take off the bracelets! Jika and Bonsia, don't get scared because these girls are about to show off a few new features and a shit ton of monsters are coming this way. So no pressure!" Victor grabbed Aries hand in a rush. "Come on, Sister! We-are-outta here!" In a blink the Demigods disappeared in Victors green rune portal.

The three stated friends did as Victor had instructed and removed their bracelets. In seconds their wings and horns returned to there proper places. Bonsia and Jika were shocked, but where shocked even further when the Corrupt started to rush out of the cave. Jika quickly drew her sword with her good arm and it became engulfed in her signature blue flame. Luna did the same with her silver blade. Twilight was the first to attack with a new fire spell she learned from in her tome. She sent an intense wall of fire forward and singed the first wave Corrupt. Dash slammed a fist into her palm and flapped her wings with excitement. She took a running start but quickly started to use her wings as she was lifted off the ground.

(Play here)

Dash, with her swift speed, started to punch and kick a few winged Shadows. An upper-cut, a knee to the head, elbow to the ribs. (If they had any.) Dash executed combo after combo, she was fired up like never before! A section of Shadows halted for a moment and gather in numbers. They then took to the air and barreled after Dash. As she finished off another victim, she turn to face the oncoming crowd. She gave a low chuckle and flew up higher, playing chase with her pursuers.

As the Corrupt continued to flow from the cave, Twilight used her magic to go on the offensive. She blasted fire at her attackers at a distance. Yet the attacks missed most of the targets, allowing the Corrupt to charge closer. As they sealed her in, Twilight used her magic once more to create small icebergs to grow from the ground. The bergs slammed into the Corrupt, destroying them on impact. The numbers dwindled, but more survived. As a last attack to gain breathing room, Twilight summoned steel blades and flung them at the Corrupt. She continued to do this till there were non left. Twilight took this moment to flip through her tome as the next batch of heartless beasts already started to seal her in. In her frantic state, Twilight found what she was looking for and began to charge her magic into a ball in her hands. A ball of blue colored light formed in her palms and began to swirl around like wind. The Corrupt where now at a striking distance and reared their claws back. The fastest cut Twilight's right cheek.

In the moment, Twilight fell to her left side and discharge the spell. A shock wave ran through the earth beneath her, she and the Corrupt were thrown into the air. As the rocks flew, they made contact with the Corrupt and the larger ones killed them as the landed. Twilight reached the apex of her flight and was slowly beginning to fall. A breeze past her and her hand was taken by Luna, who gently brought her down to the ground. "Thank Princess."

"No problem, Twilight." Luna left Twilight be and returned to her own fights. A numerous hoard approached her as she calmly walked away from her comrade. Her sword in hand, the Princess stuck it into the ground and waited. 'Lets see...37. I wonder what Daniel's record is, huh.' Luna fired two rune missiles at the dark forms in her path. She could see that due to the explosion, five Shadows were killed. "32" Luna drew her sword from the ground and calmly walked forward, closing the gap faster. A few brave Shadows rushed after her, only to be cut down by the beautiful Goddess in three easy swings. "29" More began to grow their warped wings and jumped into the air, now leading the assault. Luna flapped her wings and leaped into the air as well. Unlike Dash, Luna did not fly higher, but used her wings to give her a boost into the air. As the Shadows bolted, Luna seemed to be suspended in the air, even without the help of her wings. The first attacked, cut down the middle, the second, decapitation. The third, stabbed in the gut. (If they have those) Luna gave a graceful display of attack. "26". This display was the very image of art in 'The art of war.'

This display caught the attention of Bonsia, who hid behind a tree while her sister fought six feet away. "Wow."

"Bonsia, stay alert!" Jika yelled to her sister. The flow of Corrupt had ended but they where still lingering. Jika just needed to defend herself and Bonsia, it was good thing that only a few remained. She couldn't use he right arm, but was still holding the sword with her left hand. A section of seven Shadows advanced on her and she stood at the ready. Even if her arm hurt and she could not swing with it, Jika still used her magic; she cast five balls of fire at her targets. With her experience and precision, she hit ever target and nearly cleared them out. With one last attack, the remaining two leap for her from opposite sides. Jika faced the left and slashed the Corrupt as it was in the air, cutting of the head in one fluid motion. Without halt, she spun around and pierced the skull of her last opponent. "That was not that bad."

"That was amazing, Jika!" Bonsia shouted from behind her tree. She was startled when a Shadow fell from the sky and smashed into her tree.

Above her, Rainbow Dash flapped her wings as she smirked. "You two haven't even seen the big boys, those where nothing."

(Play here)

The sisters looked up at her with confusion. Jika sheathed her sword and brought Bonsia out of hiding. "What do you mean, 'Big boys'?"

With a low rumbling, out of the top of the cliff the Super-Shadow emergent. Light now fully entered the cave now, but that was of no current concern. The Super-Shadow was waling and turning violently as it flew up higher. On its back, everyone could see their favorite Human with his blade plunged into the spine of the beast. Daniel used it as a sort of stringing device as he struggled to stay on, trying to keep the beast level as it inclined toward the clouds. Daniel felt the monster change course, so he removed and reinserted he blade deeper into the spine. This only enraged it further and made it fly above the clouds. "Tally-Ho Mofo!"

Victor popped out from a tree with Aries and looked up at Daniel. "And this is why I love Humanity. They are crazy as hell!"

From the back of the Super-Shadow, Daniel pushed his blade forward. The motion jerked the beast to follow suit and plunge to the earth below. "Yippi-kay-ay, motherfucker!" Daniel removed his blade and jumped off the back of the kamikaze-like monster. Just as he leaped off, he threw the blade back at the head of the best and struck the temple. "Rainbow, get over here!"

Just like a wish, Rainbow dashed up to her falling friend and caught his heavy body by grabbing his hands. "Darn it. Why are you so heavy?"

"I'm a fat-ass. Did I not say that before?" Daniel argued. He watched as the beast crashed into the trees a few yards away from the tree line. The dark mist from its body already started to be released, indicating its death. "So, what do you think of my little stunt there?"

"I know what Twilight and Luna are going to say, so listen closely. You are crazy! You really think that was cool?"


"Well it was, but I'm not coming to defend you against those monsters." Rainbow gentle brought Daniel done and his feet touched dirt.

"Thank you, Dash." Daniel began to dig around in his kimono. He then touched something that rested right above his sash, inside. he pulled out the crystal orb from before, not a solid dark solid green hue. "And thank you Otan."

Back flash

"No stories!" Otan fired a ball of ice with his magic at Daniel, who took the hit in the chest. He was still in the water and could feel the water turn to ice around him. His legs were froze but his arms were free, he pushed his body up but stood still. With his blade, he picked at the ice and freed one leg. Otan then threw a ball of what seemed to be compressed air at Daniel, knocking him out of the ices hold and into the comfy, hard as hell stone of the cave wall.

The Super-Shadow ran o the wall over to the stone imprisoned Mystic and grabbed him with it's black claws. It roared in his face and began to squeeze him tight. "Get..the..hell off of me!" Before he could be completely crushed, Daniel summoned a rune and shot out a missile into the face of the Super-Shadow. The grip on Daniel was broken, giving him the time he needed to breath and collect himself. As Daniel gathered his strength, he looked up to see Otan charging another attack.

With the power he had left, Daniel ran from the Shadow and over to Otan as he guarded the crystal. Otan rubbed his hand together and a fire began to form. Otan then caste the spell, a flamethrower. Daniel stopped and created a rune-shield to protect himself from the flames. As the hot flames washed over and to the sides of the shield, Daniel could also hear the Shadow begin to recover from its daze. With in the confines of his mind, Daniel devised a plan. 'Brain, calculate.'

'The Super is about six yards away, Otan is three feet away from the crystal. And yes we don't know what will happen should we remove it. Time it right, hit him with the pommel and we are good. Sir.'

'This is why I love you.'

The flames died, Daniel dispelled the shield and he gripped his blade in his right hand tight. He ran through the mote and jumped up to the small island. Otan threw his hand in air to attack, but Daniel threw his left hand and deflected Otan's. He then brought the pommel of Eclipse, the but end, and struck Otans head with enough force to leave him unconscious. "Doesn't feel good, does it?"

Daniel quickly took the crystal ball that laid in set. It stopped pulsating and turned to a solid green, no more black and white. He then looked at the back of the stone and saw some writing, but didn't finish. The Super was now charging towards him now more then half the way there. Daniel ran as well but he jumped up off the island in the middle of the shallow mote. The Shadow was close enough to jump onto and Daniel did so. He grabbed it by the neck and held on tight, slowly trying to make his way to the back as the Super tried in vain to remove him. Once on the back, Daniel stuck the tip of the blade into the beast and then violently, shoved the rest into the spine. "Now try to move bitch, ha!"

The beast unfolded it wings and prepared to take off. "Son of a bitch."

Back to present (If music didn't stop, stop playing)

"You took it?" Victor yelled from a tree. "What if the energy backfired and went through your body and killed you?"

"Then we would have known not to touch it again!" Daniel yelled back. "I think you should hold onto it for know. Come get it." He loured Victor.

Twilight rushed over to examine the artifact Daniel retrieved. "What is this?"

"That is what I'd like to know. just give me a moment."

Victor jumped down from the tree, followed by Aries. The two approached Daniel and Victor held his hand out. Daniel pulled him in and looked him in the eye. "Was what that guy in there true? About all that stuff, the Well, the Cycle?"

Victor pulled his arm free and snatched the crystal from Daniel. "Lets get back to Equestria and I'll answer all you questions there."

"You promise?"


"Good we can leave whenever." Daniel sat on the ground. "Damn, one day in a new world and all this shit happens. I better go to heaven after all this shit."

"Well you better hold off on that trip." Twilight said. "I want to help Bonsia with her magic."

"Shh! I didn't tell him yet!" Bonsia protested.

Daniel was confused. "What? I thought you said you could defend yourself, 'Crashing Storm'."

Jika chuckled. "That is what the village called her the last time she tried to use her magic attack."

"Really? Why would you lie to me Bonsia? You want to come with me that bad?"

Bonsia nodded in guilt.

Victor placed a hand on Aries shoulder and whispered into her ear. "That is true. You 'could' go with him, Bonsia. I am the Demigod of this world and I don't care." She turned to Jika. "Objections?"

Jika rubbed her chin. "Well, I'm on leave for awhile, plus that was intense fight. My sister could use the help and I'l love to get the change in scenery. Can I came too?" Jika asked with a grin.

"Why the hell not?" Aries said. "You know about the Corrupt and other worlds know. Plus...screw the plus, lets get ready!"

Daniel leaned down to Victor and whispered. "Dude, what did you say?"

"I think I just screwed myself."

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