• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 8,743 Views, 380 Comments

Don't Step on a Rune. - Warpony

A human, Rune magic and enemies. This is the story of Mythic (Daniel) Rune, the human and the Mystic

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Mother Vs. Goddess: The Epic Fight

"-Uuuuuunny story actually." Mythic jumped out of his bed and stood above his short mother. "So I was-" She slapped him. "Okay that hurt but-" She slapped him once more. "I am trying to tell you-" Slap. "That." Slap. "I." Slap. "Okay I'll shut up."

Sir, you are a wuss.

His mother scowled him and crossed her arms. "Now tell me why I have two girls in your brothers beds, about six in the living room and this one sleeping in your bed with you."

"Hey!" Luna growled at Mythic's mother. "Don't hit him, even if you are his mother."

Mrs. Rivera rose a brow at Luna. "Well look here tramp, just who do you think you are?"

Luna's eye shot open and she shot straight up. "Tramp? Did you just call me tramp?"

Before the fighting could really start, a booming voice echoed throughout the house. "Daniel!" Mister Rivera yelled from the living room.

Oh crap.
You read my mind.
I am your mind...Sir.

Mythic's father rushed into his room to see his son barely dressed with Luna in his bed. He stomp his way up to his son with a look of anger. Mythic was extremely worried at this point and his heart was beating so fast and hard he could here it. His father rose a hand and threw it in front of Mythic. "High five boy!"

"Yeah!" Mythic gave his father a high five but both were then slapped. "Damn it, Mother!"

Mrs.Rivera shot open her eyes and rose a brow in disbelief. "What did you just say to me?" She said in a low and evil tone. Mythic shank compared to her. "Boy, get dressed, get you tramp dressed and get your ass in the living room." Mrs.Rivera and her husband turned and left the living room.

Mythic fell on to his bed and groaned. "Crap."

That was not handling with care, Sir.

Luna looked down at Mythic and said, "Mythic, why did you not defend yourself?"

"I didn't because that is my mother. I couldn't fight back, it's not something you do here." he said. "I can just talk to them, that's all." He sighed and looked back at Luna. He looked at her for a few seconds before reaching up and pulling her face down. He kissed her and let go. "Come on, I need to control the damage." Mythic got out of bed and threw on a shirt. He handed one to Luna and the two made their way down to the living room.

Mythic saw everyone on the sofa's. His family on one side of the room and the Equestrians on the other side. The Storm sisters sat on the small sofa in the middle. Victor was nowhere to be seen.

It seems Lord Victor is not here. He must have gone else where. Must likely as a result of using his power.
I'm not in the mood to talk to you. So shut it.
Yes Sir.

Mythic brought Luna over to the Equestrian side and they stood there. "Sup little brothers?" Mythic's little bothers sat next to his parents. The first was five foot and nine inches tall. He was the darkest in the family, having a bronze skin tone. His hair was smooth and black. He wore a stud earring had brown eyes. He had a black shirt and blue denim shorts on. The second was five feet and five inches. He was paler than the others and the quietest. His hair and eyes were the same has his twins. Though the overall looked extremely different, they were fraternal after all. He wore a grey shirt with a star decal and blue denim shorts. They were named Carlos and Chris.

Carlos smirked. "Nothing, but your about to get hemmed up." Mrs.Rivera pinched him. "Ow, what did I do!?" He complained as he rubbed his arm. "He's the one who is in trouble." He stated as he pointed to Mythic.

Chris slapped his brothers hand. "Don't point, it's not nice." He said low and quietly. Carlos lifted a fist and brought it close to his brothers face. Chris flinched, making his brother laugh.

Across the room, Fluttershy gasped. "That's not nice. You shouldn't do that to your brother." She said with a soft tone.

Carlos looked at her like she was crazy. "Who the hell are you to be talking?"

Rainbow Dash growled at Carlos, but Mythic was the one to say something. "Hey little punk. Don't, I mean don't, curse at Flutter." He said with a firm tone that showed he was serious. Carlos shrugged and took out his phone to start texting. Mythic turned his attention to his mother. "So what is the issue here?"

"The issue is that my son has been ignoring his family and has been hanging out with these girls." Mrs.Rivera stated as she pointed to the girls on the sofa. "Plus, no offence, they seem more like you brothers age."

Mr.Rivera added to his wife's statement. "Yeah man, I mean it's cool with shorty next to you." He pointed at Luna. "But I ain't havin' it if you with the others too. And why are they even sleeping in the living room?"

"Oh that? They where just sleeping over and I thought you like to meet them." Mythic said in a matter of fact tone. "Yet it seems that idea was shot out of the sky."

His mother shook his head. "Oh no, I just wanted to know why are they in my house but you answered that. Now who are all of these girls? I'll only seen three before...and that one." Mrs.Rivera glared at Pinkie Pie, who was shaking a little but kept a smile.

Mythic sighed. "Alright."

I have them already Sir.

Mythic walked over to Fluttershy. "This is Flounce. We call her Flutters." Mythic then walked over to Pinkie Pie. "This is Penelope. We call her Pinkie sometimes." He walked over to Rarity. "This is Rachael. Sometimes as a joke she is called Rarity." Mythic moved on to Applejack. "This is Jacky. She has an orchard so we call her Applejack." He then walked over to Jika and Bonsia. He placed his hand on their shoulders and placed his head between them. "This is Jika and Bonsia. They are here on vacation and foreign."

Brain you brilliantine bastard!
You're welcome Sir.

Jika nodded. "Yup, very foreign." Jika added with a smile.

Bonsia mimicked her sisters action. "No one's as foreign as us."

Mrs.Rivera nodded. "Alright, I'll buy it." She said as she laid back in sofa. Mr.Rivera agreed with his wife and got off the sofa. Mythic's brothers got up off the sofa and went up to their room. Mythic's mother glared over at Luna before getting up. "I'm going to get breakfast ready. Get yourselves settled."

Luna kept her eyes glued to Mrs.Rivera as she passed her. The two met eye to eye and without saying a word, knew the other was their enemy. Luna looked away and held Mythic tight. She cooed in his ear softly. "Mythic, I think your mother doesn't like me. Why do you think that is?"

Mythic's ears perked up like a cats and looked straight at Luna. "Babe I have no clue. Just like a father gets mad at a boy for dating his daughter. It is just a reaction. Just give her time, she'll lighten up." Mythic heard a knock at the door. He let Luna go and told her and the rest to go clean themselves up. As they got up off the sofa, Mythic walked over to the door. He opened it and saw Victor standing in the door way. "Hey little buddy. The orphanage is half a mile up the road." He chuckled at his joke.

Victor rolled his eyes. "Just let me in, it's boiling outside!" Mythic moved and allowed the Demigod to enter the house. "So how did the folks take it?"

"Take what?" Mythic asked.

"The Mystic news?" Victor looked at Mythic confused. "Tell me you told them. "

"I'll tell them soon." Mythic said.

Victor sighed. "Alright fine. But we are still going to train while we are here. We'll go tot he gym and track. We need to get your stamina up if we hope to use the seventh element effectively. Also I have a change of clothes for the girls." Victor pointed out the door and to an R.V. parked outside.

Mythic looked at it. "Huh, how did I miss that?" He threw the door closed. "I'll get it later." He walked up the stairs and to his room. He looked down the hall and didn't see a single person other than family in their rooms. He walked past the bathroom and hear a commission.

"Pinkie, please stop rubbing my butt." Twilight said, muffled by the door. Mythic stopped in mid-stride and listened. "I know this is tight but try to keep space." Mythic placed his ear next to the door.

"Sorry Twilight, it's just that Rarity is up against me." Pinkie offered a rebuttal.

Rarity gasped. "Well it wasn't my idea to shower three at a time. Speaking of which, who's idea was it anyway?"

"Oh that would be me!" Jika shouted. "We did it back home to save water. In the barracks it gave the recruits time to build stronger bonds. I know you are all friends already but why not?" Mythic's eye went wide as he pressed harder.

He then heard Bonsia's voice. "I understand sister, but we do we all have to be unclothed?" Mythic didn't even register anymore. He rushed to his room and searched his drawers. He found his camera and saw it still had battery life. He rushed back to bathroom. He looked around and made sure no one was looking. He turned the knob and it was unlocked.

Brain, make the calculations.
Running Precision.exe...booting Trigger finger.oct...
Already Sir, lets catch some booty!

Mythic got ready and turned the knob ad leaned against the door. He shouted a warning. "Flash bang!" He threw open the door and ran into a pitch black void. He was confused as he fell into the black. He turned his body up to see Victor. "You prick!"

Victor laughed at him as he fell. "It was way to easy!" He closed the door and it locked. "That's what he gets for trying to pull that shit." He looked down the hall and say Mr.Rivera. "Hello Daniel's dad. I am Victor, I am Lulu's little brother."

"Okay, yeah I saw you on the monitor. What was the yelling?" Mr.Rivera asked.

"Oh Daniel had to run out to go get something." Victor lied. "He said he'll try to be back soon."

"Okay then just don't steal anything." Mr.Rivera walked back into his room.

Victor waited and then knocked on the bathroom door. Luna opened it and looked down at Victor. "Hey Luna, I have clothes ready when you girls are ready. They'll be outside the door." Luna said thank you and went back into the bathroom. Victor went back down stairs and out the door. He walked into the R.V. and picked up a large suitcase. He picked it up and walked out of the R.V. and into the house. Mrs.Rivera spotted and said hi. "Hello Mrs.Rivera. I'm Victor. I just have a few things for the girls up stairs."

"That's fine sweetie." Mythic's mother replied. "Just no bombs okay?" She joked.

Victor laughed at her joke and walked up the stairs. The second he was out of sight he stopped laughing. "Not really funny." Victor placed the suitcase in front of the door and went to Mythic's room. "Time to read the Odyssey again."

Luna had finished cleaning herself and opened the door to check if the clothes were there. She found the suitcase and brought it inside. A few minutes later she came out with a black tank top, flip flops and very short shorts that only went down to her upper thigh. She didn't under stand why they were so short but she really didn't may much mind. She slowly walked into Mythic's room to see only Victor reading. She turned and walked into his brothers room, only to find the twins bickering.

Both brothers went quiet as Luna opened the door and stared at her. It was silent for a moment, eyes locked on the princess. Carlos then said bluntly. "No offence, I don't like you. I just don't, get the hell out."

Luna gasped. "Now on what basis can you say that?"

Carlos shrugged. "I don't know, I just don't like you. Bro should be going out with that Rachael or Bonsia chicks. You....you just seem....different and..." He twisted his face trying to find the right word. "Old. For some reason you seem very very old."

Luna's eyes widened as she heard the insult. "What?" She said, confused.

The other brother nodded. "I am so very sorry, but I have to agree."

Luna wore a face of surprise and confusion. She slowly walked out of the room and closed the door. "I'm old?"

"You don't seem old." Mr.Rivera said as he walked out of his bedroom. "You seem...." He twisted his face as he searched for the right word. "Wiser? Okay sorry, but you look old in a way." He walked down stairs left Luna in the hallway even more confused.

Luna's eye twitched. "I'm...old?" Luna mumbled as she walked like a drone to the stairs. "I'm not old, I am young. I am not even three thousand. I am very young, energetic and vibrant. I am not old...they're old. Yeah, they're old and they know nothing." She hit the bottom step and walked into the kitchen.

Mrs.Rivera was beating some eggs in a bowl. She heard Luna walk in and turned to glare at her. "Oh, hello...Lulu, was it?" She said in a sinister voice. "So mind if I ask you how long you and my baby boy have been...doing this?" Luna was confused by her terminology. Mrs.Rivera sighed with irritation. "How long have you been sleeping with my son?"

Luna tapped her chin. "Hmm. When you say sleeping, do you mean sleeping in the same bed or sex?" She twisted her face in a cute way and smirked. "We have only been like this for a little while, about a week. No sex though."

Mrs.Rivera glared harder. "I see. So why did you take in interest in my son in the first place?"

Hearing this, Luna smiled. She didn't smile a smirk or cocky grin, no she smiled happily. "I just did, he makes me feel different and special. It's something you just couldn't understand." Luna thought back to a few nights ago when the two kissed for the first time.

"Aw, my boy still got the V card?" Mr.Rivera said from around the corner. Both ladies were surprised and jump, making him laugh. "Sorry ladies." He walked over to his wife and started to kiss her.

Luna slowly walked out of the kitchen and sat in the living room. She waited there for a few minutes till the rest of the Equestrians started to walk down the stairs, along with the Storm sisters. A knock was heard at the door and the closest one to the door was Bonsia. She looked at it and opened it. Mythic shot out of a black hole and started to skid onto the floor. In his hand was the Eclipse blade and he had a few bruises.

He laid on the floor an angry look on his face. Victor walked down the stairs and joined the growing crowd. Mythic looked at Victor and glared daggers at him. "That was the worst prank. Ever, of all time." He slowly stood up with the help of Bonsia and Luna.

Victor shrugged and looked at Mythic. "Not my fault, someone put a test dummy in the way." Victor pocked Mythic's right hand where a black and blue bruise has swollen up.

Mythic flinched back and retraced his hand. "Ouch, damn it Victor. For a Demigod, you aren't very ethical."
Mythic ignored his brain and kept at Victor. "In fact, your not much a God at all. You can only travel, you stopped time only once, you help me a tiny but. That is it." Mythic said.
Um, Sir?
"And I mean look at you! You look like your ten years old!" Mythic exclaimed. "I mean, shouldn't you be ripped with muscles and long as hair or something?"
What the hell do you want?
Turn...the fuck...around.
Mythic slowly turns around and sees his parents standing in the kitchen with their eyes wide open. Mythic took a deep sigh and looked at Victor. "You smart, crafty bastard." Victor smirked and folded his arms.

"What the fuck is going on?" Mrs.Rivera almost yelled at her son. She and her husband quickly walked up to him and examined him and the sword in his hand. "Oh my god, is that thing real?"

Mythic's father looked at it. "What the hell? Give me that thing!" He tried to pull it away from his son but it wouldn't move. "Let go, Daniel!"

Mythic sighed and released the blade, causing it to disappear and reappear in his other hand. "Mom, Dad, we need to talk." He gave a long sigh. "Talk for real this time." The two looked at each other and then back at their son. Mythic looked at Fluttershy, Bonsia and Pinkie. "Can you three please go and try to finish breakfast while we talk?" The three nodded silently and went into the kitchen. Mythic went over and dropped on the couch. "Alright well I should start off with what happened after you guys left." Mythic's parents went over to the sofa across from him. "So I was finishing up cleaning and dusting when I say an eclipse out the window."

One hour and a Half Later

"-That's how I survived up till this point." Mythic finished his recap as he placed his plate down. He looked up to his parents, their mouths gaping in shook at the words their son had just said. "It's all true too. Victor!"

"Yo." The small Demigod popped up behind the parents. The two jumped at the sudden appearance.

"Can I show them what I can do?" Mythic asked as he stood up.

"Go for it, not my house." Victor jumped over them and onto the floor in front of Mythic. He stepped out of the way and allowed Mythic to show his power.

The Mystic nodded and produced a rune shield. The seal levitated in the air and Mythic brought his hand up. He summoned his blade and started to attack the seal. After his last swing he caste Eclipse away till it was needed again. "See, magic." The reaction he got was his mother fainting and his father just staring at him. "...Not the best reaction I've had."

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