• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 8,741 Views, 380 Comments

Don't Step on a Rune. - Warpony

A human, Rune magic and enemies. This is the story of Mythic (Daniel) Rune, the human and the Mystic

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Extraction (Revised)

"No." Princess Celestia spoke with the utmost confidence in her voice. Eve with her confined voice, her eyes said otherwise.

But Twilight knew that the Princess was keeping something hidden from them, she had to know. “Princess Celestia, are you sure you know nothing? This is important and if you know anything and you are not telling us-”

Before she could continue, Celestia interrupted with fury in her voice. "Twilight Sparkle! How dare you question my word, I'm telling you the truth!"

Twilight was not convinced but would not question Celestia any further.“Fine Princess, but Mythic still needs help.” Twilight urged. “Who knows what the monster is doing with him. He could be seriously injured and he has no one to give back up. He might be able to use rune magic, but I don’t think he is very good at it or any other magic for that matter.”

Celestia pondered on the subject for a moment she weighed her options and reasons. She then let out a loud sigh in compliance. “He will receive his help, just give me a moment. I’ll be back with somepony who can help.” As she finished, her horn glowed white and she then teleported, leaving Twilight to think. ‘Who could she have been talking about?’

( In order to understand how damn borde they are... the clock )

Luna sat in the Royal throne room, as it was night which was her turn to take care of royal duties for the day. She sat there on the Throne bored out of her mind; Celestia had cancelled all of the few appointments they had scheduled for the day, which meant Luna only had to raise and lower the moon to night. Luna didn’t like to deal with any nobles or politics , but she hated having nothing to do even more. There was a large clock in the room that hung on the far right side of the wall, it was old and made a ticking noise that usually bearable or just unheard. But this evening it was easily audible and slow became loader.

*Tic TIC TIC TIC* “Guard.” Luna called over one of her personal bodyguards. A grey stallion, wearing dark blue armor, walked from the side one side of throne and stood in front of it.

“Yes your Majesty.” He said in a half question- half statement manner.

“Go and check the time on the clock, will you?” *TIC TIC TIC* The clock kept ticking away, almost as if it had a mind of it’s own, it became louder.

“Yes, ma’am.” The guard walked over to the old wooden frame of the clock and checked the time. He then strolled back over to the Princess. “It’s about to be 6:10 ma’am.”

“Thank you, return to your position.” Luna ordered. Guard nodded and walked back around to his post right by the throne.
*TIC TIC TIC* Luna sat completely still and looked at the rather large wooden door the lead to the hall outside. She did not show any expression on her face, her eyes seem cold and heartless. *TIC TIC TIC*

The guard thought it was strange that Princess would ask for the time, but he didn't let it go too far within his mind as he thought it should be an easy day. Not having to hear the snobby nobles or politicians whine about one thing or another. *TIC TIC TIC* The guard let out a sigh and felt a shiver down his spine. As he shook the feeling off, he looked around the room and saw another guard looking at him from the door.

The guard at the door nodded to the guard at the Throne, giving off a silent message. ‘Sup’ *TIC TiC TIC*

The guard at the throne nodded and gave a quick shrug afterwards which was followed by another head movement. ‘Sup, nothing, you? *TIC TIC TIC*

[Shrug, sigh, hoof to the side of head] ‘Nothing, bored, somepony shot me!’

[Hoof’s holding side, point, head tilt with hoof by mouth, tap hoof} ‘Oh you. You and me drinking tonight.’ *TIC TIC TIC*

[Violent nod] ‘HELL YA!’ *TIC TIC…TOC*

Out of nowhere, Luna jumped out of the throne and few into the air. Her horn began to glow dark blue and fired a beam of arcane energy at the clock. (Play here)

It exploded into smolder and ash as the remnants fell to the ground. "Much better." She said with cheer as she fluttered back to her Throne.

But before she sat back down, a bright white flash blinding the room followed by Celestia. "Hi Tia, what's up?" Luna gave a satisfied grin, basking in her victory over the ticking clock.

Celestia was about to tell Luna about the Elements and Mythic but got distracted by the smell of a dying fire and ash. “Luna, did somepony start a fire?” She looked around the room for the source of the smell and then saw the smoldering remands of a clock. Celestia relieved a short sigh, “Oh. You finally did it, didn’t you?”

Luna placed her fore-hooves together and swung her body side to side. “Maaaaaaaybe.”

Celestia face-hoofed in annoyance. “Ugh, we don’t have time for this, go get you armor on.”

Luna stopped her childish behavior and looked at Celestia in confusion. “Why would I put that old thing on? What, you want me to lead the troops in to battle?” Luna chuckled thinking she was funny.

“No troops, just you. It seems that someone needs ‘your’ help.” Celestia placed a little emphasis in her words.

“Oh yeah? How would that be, that you yourself can’t handle it?” Luna said with skepticism. “Did you and Twilight fight and you need your sister to help? Because I believe you are lying.”

“What is the one thing you excel at that not even I can compare to, hmm?” Celestia was starting to grow impatient.

Luna thought for a second and came up with an answer. “Well it’s obviously looks.” She then struck a pose. “ Aren't I just sexy?”

Celestia charged Luna and was about to ram her, but stopped about a foot before her. “Don’t buck with me Luna! You and I both know you are better at Rune magic than me, someone’s life is on the line!” Celestia could not contain the rage her sister brought. “Now go put the armor on, NOW!

Luna teleported to her room, scared that her sister would do something to her. “Man what got her so stressed out? Now where did I put that set of-AHA!” Luna had spotted a set of dusty, old armor she once wore for show. The set of armor had a dark blue chest plat with a silver moon in the middle. A helmet fitted to her own specification and boots for her hind and fore legs. “What is so important that I need to put this on?”

Luna walked back into the Throne room with her old armor on and saw Celestia pacing back and forth rapidly. No guards where in the room, Celestia had ordered them to leave. “Okay so I have this on, what now?”

Celestia stood in place and stared at Luna unsure how she was going to explain the situation. “Luna, do you remember back when mother and father were still around?” Luna nodded. “Do you remember how we sometimes had, ‘strange’ guest?” Luna nodded once more. “Well when we caused the eclipse earlier, it caused an anomaly which dragged the Element holders and one such guest into a space where the six elements where held and then rescued. But because of their rescue, this ‘guest’ is now lock in combat with some monster, this is all I know so far.”

Luna now understood everything now except… “So why am I going and not you?”

Celestia hesitated for a moment. “Well it turns out he was Human.”

“What do you mean by ‘was’?”

"Well that's the thing, he turn into an Alicorn.”

Luna’s jaw dropped dumbfounded would be an understatement. “That cannot be all the information you have! My goodness, another Alicorn.”

“From what Twilight said his name is Mythic Rune. He had this sword that resembled the night and day. But that’s not what makes you the best to help him. It turns out that he can use Rune magic.”

After hearing this, Luna was in shock. ‘First he is an Alicorn and then he can use Rune magic!’ “We must rescue him sister, lead the way!” Celestia nodded and teleported Luna and herself back to PonyVille.


Their swords clashed once more, sending sounds of metal clinging into the distance. The two flew in opposite directions at top speeds only to come back and clash again. The two continued to gain speed and loop back around in attempts to strike the other with their blade. Sparks flew from their blades as two streaks of purple and orange and black and yellow could be seen, making an infinite loop. After their final clash, Talos did a one hundred and eighty degree spin in the air and chased after Mythic that was quicker than before.

Mythic didn't realize this and was struck by Talos’s sword. It had nicked his lower back and caused a quick flow of blood to come out. Mythic bore is teeth in pain. “Damn”

Talos was almost literally on his tail. Mythic tried to escape by making a sharp nose dive, catching Talos off guard as he kept flying straight. This gave Mythic time to recover and regain speed as he flew underneath Talos. Mythic then flew at a sharp angle intersecting Talos and allowing Mythic an opportunity to cut his underbelly. Mythic timed his swing perfectly, but didn’t cut Talos deep enough for a fatal wound. Talos cried in pain as he fell from the sky and landed on the platform below him. He was losing blood slowly, but the bleeding wasn't going to stop unless dressed with gauze. “Damn you, this form is useless.”

Mythic was hovering in the air over Talos staring at him with no expression. “That and I’m just not a scared as before, your first form was more frightening.”

Talos laughed like a madman for a few seconds then went back to a blank expression. “True, this form isn't as fearsome as I planned.” He rolled on his back so he could hold his wound. He picks up his sword and threw it to the side. “Enough of the toys, I think it’s time for the ‘big guns’ as they say.” Talos raised his left hoof and pointed it in Mythic’s direction. Mythic didn’t understand and mistook as some gesture.

“What are you doing, pointing isn't polite you know? Considering you’re losing this fight by my standers, shouldn't you be begging?"

“Nope” Talos replied in a cold lifeless tone. His hoof began to glow with a faint yellow glow. A ball of energy began to form on his hoof and it crackled like lightning.

Mythic took a step back and watched Talos form some kind of ball in his hoof.“What is that?” Urgency and panic tinted his voice.

Talos’s expressionless face began to shift as he let a smile creep on his lips. “This is payback, RAM BURST.” The ball in his hoof now shot out and launched towards Mythic, who had no time to react. The ball of energy made contact with Mythic’s chest, causing his to fly back and skid across the hard glass.

Mythic laid there unable to move, the attack hit one of his lungs and he began to wheeze air in and out, in an attempt to gain oxygen. ‘Damn, how is he able to use magic? He took the form of a Pegasus, if he was a unicorn then maybe he could use magic…but still!

As Mythic struggled to catch a breath, Talos had picked up his sword with his mouth and walked over to Mythic. His wound began to bleed out more as he took every step. He now looked over Mythic with demented joy. “I haven’t had fun like that in a long time.” He took his sword and slashed at Mythic’s exposed right side. “But I’m afraid your time is up, I must report to my masters about this incident. But I think I’ll play with your corpus a little, now die.”

Talos then picked Mythic off the ground with his fore hooves and began to beat him. He punched him in the face rapidly, not letting up for a moment and then began at Mythic’s gut. He hit him around the around his chest a few times then threw him into the air. As Mythic was launched into the air, Talos followed close behind punching Mythic's stomach, which gave even more momentum to their upward travels. As Talos finished the assault on Mythic’s midsection, he flew past him. Talos judged he reached a high enough and rushed back down to Mythic’s back unleashing a kick that sent him flying back to the floor.

Mythic laid there, bleeding from the cut on his side and his nose and mouth. He thought ‘Maybe I should have gone with the mares instead of trying to be a badass. Next chance I get I’m using that damn teleportation rune.’

As he lay there, on top of cracked glass and blood, Talos flew down and then hovered above him. “Three times you escaped death today, but it now claims you.” Talos had a second magic attack ready to be fired at Mythic. “But…maybe if you beg, I’ll think about asking my master if he could turn you into a Corrupt, what do you say?” Talos gave an evil smirk wanting to hear Mythic beg for his life.

Mythic looked into Talos’s dark yellow eye’s, he was able to speak a few last words. “Bite me bitch.”

Talos sighed lightly and smiled. “No, I’ll just kill you.” Talos flew back up to the sky and unleashed his attack like he had before. A beam of energy shot from his hoof and was heading towards Mythic.

‘Once again on death row, was it really three? I counted two but that doesn't matter. That kid wasted his time, like I could every be a savior or whatever, I didn't even use magic. It has to do with the user’s will or something right? *sigh* I just want a wall, to keep me safe. Please, just give me goddamn a wall!’ Mythic pointed his hoof to the magic beam about to hit the ground. He closed his eyes and prayed. ‘If this works I live, if not I die, work magic!’ He could feel it coming closer, it was just about to hit. He waited in suspense, but then there was nothing. All he hear was a loud thud and the sound of what sounded like water passing him, as though being blocked by a window. Mythic peeked open his eye to see what had happened. He saw that the attack had been blocked by a runic circle and the energy from the attack was parting as it hit.

The attack started to lighten up but Mythic’s shield started to crack from the pressure. Mythic began to panic. ‘This thing isn't going to hold and longer, I might survive this though. If I could only get a chance to run then I can reach the Rune.’ He focused on his hind legs trying to determine the how far he could get. They barely moved so he tried to move his wing’s, they felt to heavy and he couldn't flap either one. He muttered a curse and judged the distance to the Rune. ‘If I push, I think I can make it. The second he stops I’ll make a run for it, man he likes over killing things.’ The attack lasted another moment and then faded as the remaining energy hit, the shield it crack and sent out a sound similar to braking glass. ‘GO’

Mythic leaped of his back and ran towards the Rune in the center of the platform. He made it about five steps before he felt a bone in his right hind leg brake. The pain soared through him as he collapsed to the floor. That didn't stop him though; he began to move all his usable limbs toward the Rune before Talos noticed. But he failed and Talos flew from his position in the air and prepared to dive-bombed Mythic as he inched away. Mythic struggled to move as he turned his head to check for any sign of Talos when he saw the dark pegasus fly at high speed on a coalition course. Mythic halted his struggle in an attempt at producing another runic shield. This time it appeared on command, Mythic raised the shield to the rapidly approaching kamikaze. He hoped this one will hold on impact, if not he was done for. He could not take much more before he went unconscious or just died from the pain and shock to his body.

Talos had closed most of the gap between the two when Mythic barely heard a hum coming from behind him, followed by a flash of blue light. Mythic was stunned to see a dark blue pony with armor on. She had a sliver moon in the middle of a blue chest piece, a helmet and leggings. He saw that she had a horn coming out from the helmet and had wings that were tucked to her side. She was watching as Talos fly towards Mythic, he hadn't noticed her as he was fixed on Mythic and his rune shield. Mythic’s eyes were stuck on the pony that stood not too far from him. He then snapped out of his trance and turned his head back to Talos, who was about to crash into the shield. Just before impact a second runic circle was summoned to backup the first. It was different from the first, it was blue instead of purple and it was twice as large as well. Talos had no time to react and flew straight into it. Mythic's shield shattered with ease, but Talos came to a halt when he hit the second. The second held fast and showed no signs of damage as Talos fell to the floor in pain the impact caused.

“Well that wasn't a challenge at all, how disappointing.” The dark blue pony said in depression. She turned her attention to Mythic who was lying on the floor in surprise as Talos, who was full of energy one moment ago and now laid on the floor knocked out. “Now that the threat is taken care of, are you alright Mythic?”

Mythic was silent, he didn't know what to say, so he just said yes. “Yeah I’m fine, who are you though? Are you a friend of Twilights or something, if so can you help me up?”

“Of course, come we must leave now before he wakes up. And I’m Luna.” Luna engulfed Mythic with her magic and levitated him towards the teleportation Rune. As she walked, the Rune hummed and began to glow. The Runic lettering on the Rune began to rotate and accelerate clockwise. They were engulfed by a purple light, the scene around them disappeared and was replaced by a new one.

From what Mythic saw, he was just outside a small town; most of the buildings looked out of date to him. Some looked like they were built with 18th century designs, while some looked more modern. Before he could analyze the area any further, he heard some voices calling out his name. He tilted his head as much as he could and saw a rainbow streak rushing towards him. “Mythic! Ohmygosh ohmygosh you’re covered in bruises and blood!” Rainbow Dash was the first at the scene and held her hooves to her face in horror.

Mythic put on a false smile to try and deflate the situation. “It’s not that bad, I’m alive aren't I? But I must admit this cut on my side hurts like a Mofo, is there a hospital around here?”

Rainbow Dash examined the cut that Talos had given Mythic earlier; it was still bleeding some and looked deep. "Didn't you tell us you’d be okay? This is not okay!” By this time the rest of the group arrived, along with Spike and Celestia. Celestia cleared her throat ready to speak. “Ahem. I think we need to get him into intensive care before something worst happens. Luna bring him to the hospital and hurry!

"Right sister, let's go Mythic." Luna waited for a reply. Mythic said nothing, he was unconscious. If he wasn't held up by Luna's magic he would have fallen limp. "Oh my-" Luna shot off into the air flying towards the hospital. ' Hold on, can't have you dying on me.'

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