• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 8,743 Views, 380 Comments

Don't Step on a Rune. - Warpony

A human, Rune magic and enemies. This is the story of Mythic (Daniel) Rune, the human and the Mystic

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Mythic Unity (Revised)

“I was wrong, terribly terribly wrong!”

Daniel jumped to the left in order to dodge the incoming bulk of metal and force. Daniel and the monster had been fighting for about five minutes since he had received ‘Eclipse Blade’, the name he had given his new weapon. After the first successful attack he had made, the monster just would not let up. It gave barrage after barrage of swings. It never threw a punch, it would either reach out to grab him or swing it's arm in Daniel direction.

Daniel jumped on its arm and ran up to its face. He was about it thrust his blade into its head, but then he heard what he thought was a whimper. It sounded close but he had no idea where it could have come from. The only other thing around, other than him, was the monster. He looked around trying to spot anything, something that led to the sound. He quickly pulled his head back to the monster and back to the fight.

As he stared at the creature, he once again looked into its eyes. Its left eye turn blue and the right eye turned sickly green. They slowly started to glow with intensity; they seem capable to penetrate the very soul. It moved its arm, causing Daniel to fall off to the ground. On impact Daniel lifted his head in order to prevent any damage to his horn. He smacks the ground with his chin, making him grunt in pain.

It took him a few seconds to recover from his fall. He rubbed his chin in order to sooth the pain. He was covered in sweat, breathing in shallow breaths due to continues dodging and swinging. His ears perked up, hearing a low humming and a bright light came into view out of the corner of his eye. The giant had some sort of ball in the center of it’s chest. It swirled blue and green, growing slightly as time went on. Daniel stood stunned, he knew what to expect from this, but he hoped he was wrong; like on most occasions.

The monster roared. Letting out it’s battle-cry, resulted in an unleashing of the energy building up in it’s chest. Daniel stood in a defective stance, blade in front trying to block the beam like attack. The second the beam hit the blade Daniel flew back, crashing into a pillar, going through it, and over the side.

Time seemed to slow down. He saw stone debris fly over head along with any residual energy from the monsters attack. He began to panic; he came close to dyeing about two times today, this might just be it. He wished he could fly away from here, just run away and be free from this place.

Daniel wanted to hit himself so hard at this point. He forgot about the wings he had, they were made of stone but it might work. 'If Icarus could do it with wax, why can’t I do it with stone? At this point, screw physics, I’m a badass!'

He tried to think about moving them; trying to move them as part of his own body and even flapped his arms he was so desperate. He continued to fall and just gave in. 'This isn't going to work. Man, why was I sent her again? Oh yeah…for no FUCKIN’ reason.' Just as he finished his thoughts, he looked up waiting for the end. Once more he stared to get a headache, much like the one he had before the fighting. 'So is this my ‘your-about-to-die’ alarm or something? A little late, DON”T YOU THINK!'

His headache calmed after about a half minute. He thought if he was about to die. ‘face it like a man.’ So he did a barrel roll and extended his arms and closed his eyes. When he did this the air stopped flowing into his face. Instead he felt it on top of his head, as though he was moving forward and not down.

Daniel picked his head up, he was flying. He turned his head and the wings were flapping. “Thank you! Takes me embracing death to get what I want, huh? Now, I just need to learn how to use this damn horn. If I’m correct…” He thought for a second, hovering over the empty void."If I’m correct they are said to use magic. Should be easy, I learned to fly.” He started to move forward once more and spotted something in the distance. He squinted and saw it was another platform, similar to the last one; except it was surrounded by six floating objects. They formed a circle around the platform. He noticed they were individually colored. Red, blue, pink, orange, purple and that lavender like purple. As he flew closer, he saw that they all were in the shape of bodies, but bodies of what he didn't know. “This can’t be worse than the last one.” He muttered to himself as he prepared for landing. As he closed the gap between the platform and himself, he just kept flying. He was not aware of how to slow down or stop at all. “This is going to hurt. [Sigh]” He landed head first on the ground, sliding across the whole platform like a rag-doll. As his skid slowed to a halt, he stood up and dusted himself off. Cracking his neck and swinging his arm’s, he loosened up his body from the recent ordeal. “Okay, what do we got here?”

He approached the center; looking over the area, he saw that it looked much like the last platform. It was made of stain glass, with the same color schemes and designs. The center was different though, it was not a swirl like pattern. It was a larger circle than the others and had a border of runic lettering. While It had a small seven sided gem in the middle. He stood in the center, studying the runic figures now around him. “So the runes I saw did have to do with my being here.”

Daniel looked up to the six glowing bodies that hovered there in the air. His eyes struggled to make out the exact form that lay inside the light around the figures. He thought his eyes were playing tricks, he thought he saw little horses. He shook his head in confusion and disbelief. 'No way, why would they be little horses? Wait a’second.' He looked at the glowing red figure and saw that it was a horse with wings, mouth agape he looked towards another one. He studied the purple glowing horse and saw a horn.

Holycrap, a pegasus and unicorn! That’s awesome, but why are they in the air? “Hey horsey, WAKE UP!”

Just then, Daniel’s horn sparked up and let out a burst of orange energy, forcing him to close his eyes due to the light it gave off. The light died instantly, allowing Daniel to open his eyes in aw. “That was me! But what did I do?”

Runic symbols appeared behind all of the floating horse and they were engulfed. “What did I just do?” The horses’ bodies were then plopped on the floor; it was like they were teleported a short distance.

Daniel heard tired groaning from the bodies. He walked over to the pegasus saw in front of him and keeled down to it. It was blue with a rainbow mane. 'Da’ hell is this? Never have I seen a blue horse, nor have I seen a horse with a mane like this. I know I said not to expect anything, but still.' It was then he turned to see a white unicorn next to the blue pegasus. It had a purple mane, and Daniel thought it looked like a marshmallow. He chuckled, string the unicorn awake.

“Uhh, my head” [Gasp] "Is my mane okay, I hope so, I’d hate for it to get all messy from the wind.” With her hoof, Rarity felt her mane, checking for any flaw. She then let out a sigh of relief as she placed her hoof down. [Sigh] “Not a single flaw in my luxurious mane. Hey Twilight, where are…” Rarity looked up and saw Daniel kneeling at her side, shocked to see an animal speak, and with an accent as well! "What in Equstria are you!?" Twilight, Twilight wakeup!"

“Calm down there little horse, no one is going to hurt you” Daniel tried to calm Rarity down, still having the mentality that she was just a talking horse. “And what is ‘Equestria’? Because if this is it” he gestured his arms in a way to show the empty void. “Then you need to rename this place, that’s too good a name.”

Rarity cleared her throat “There are a few things we need to get straight here…what is your name?”

“Daniel” He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Okay ‘Daniel’, first off I’m a pony, not what you call a horse. Also this is not Equestria. I don’t know where we are, do you?”

“Nope, I just got here; I don’t know how long I've been here. I just found you and your friend over there.” He pointed to who he assumed was Twilight. “A few minutes age, after I was beaten almost senseless by this monster. And then I...”

“What monster?” Rarity swiveled her head side-to-side looking for anything that looked hostile. “I don’t see any monster. Where did it go?”

Daniel thought how he was going to explain this. “Well, ‘it’ didn't go anywhere, it hit me and I began to fall off a platform, just like the one we are one. But I had these bad boys to help me out.” Daniel pointed to his back; the wings were still there and intact. “After a while of searching for a way out of this place I found you and your friends just suspended in the air. I got you down with some sort of magic, but I really am not sure how I did it.”

Rarity’s face was stuck on ‘what the hay are you talking about’ mode. She saw his wings and his horn, but didn't know what to say.

“So how did you get here?” Daniel asked.

“What deary?”

“How did you get here? If you tell me I’ll tell you.” Daniel was very curious as to why six little ponies would be in this hell hole.

“Well my friend over there would be the best to explain why.” Rarity pointed over to Twilight, who was now waking up from the comatose-like state. “But before any of that, help me with the others, would you?”

Daniel looked over the all of ponies and then back at Rarity. “Can do ma’am” He said this with a smile and then walked over to Pinkie pie and Fluttershy. Rarity went to wake Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. After a few minutes of struggling, the two got all the ponies up and about. They gave Daniel weird looks for a while but he didn't mind. He knew that he looked strange to them; he would probable give himself a few looks if he had a mirror. He gathered them together, but not before having Rainbow Dash gets in his face. She said something about being a spy; he quickly took care of the problem by messing with her.

“All questions will be answered at the end of this presentation” He gave a sly smile; he didn’t think it would work but it made her back off. "Okay Introductions."

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