• Published 14th Mar 2012
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Don't Step on a Rune. - Warpony

A human, Rune magic and enemies. This is the story of Mythic (Daniel) Rune, the human and the Mystic

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Chapter 29...Screw The Names

A/N: Before we begin, a fun fact. Diurnal, [di-urn-al], is the opposite of Nocturnal. Diurnal means daily or active during day and Nocturnal means nightly or active during the night.

The more you know!

"What now?" That was all Mythic could say and think about. He was just kissed by Luna and she just flew off, what the hell? He was too confused to make head or tails of this. She liked him too, but she just flew off. What in the bloody hell was that? "Maybe, maybe she was nervous? Yeah, yeah nervous." Mythic sat on the roof of the castle for a while, thinking it over in his mind. He occasionally touched his lips, Luna's taste and feel was still implanted on them. He would like his lips just to taste her again.

"Does this mean we are together now or what? Wait, I can't be going out! I have an enemy to fight and it is big, how could I have time to be going out? Well she will be helping me, but if we do go out I can't have her fighting. Right?" Mythic grabbed his head and started to hit it. "Damn-you. Why-didn't-you-think-this-through!?" He then yelled while still hitting himself. He gave up when the answer didn't land in his lap. "Buck it all, I'm going after her." He opened his wings and flew through the air into a nearby window, receiving a few looks from servants and guards. He smiled sheepishly and ran off to Luna's room.

He walked through the double doors and closed them behind him. Sitting on her bed was Luna, staring at Mythic. All she muttered was, "So...what now?"

Mythic sighed and and walked over to her with a quizzical look on his face. "I don't know Luna. I mean does that we are a couple? Because you know the girl stays after the kiss."

Luna rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment. "Yeah. I just got scared for a second."

"That is alright Luna. We understand each other's feelings now, that is good." Mythic jumped onto the bed and laid there with his eyes closed. Resting after a long day of activities. "I do have one concern though."

"What would that be Mythic?"

"Do we tell the others?"

Luna facehoofed realizing they would have to tell the others. Rainbow was living with Mythic at the moment, so she'd find out either way. Celestia wouldn't be too excited about it, so what do they do? But to hell with it. "I say we tell them at breakfast tomorrow. But it isn't a big deal, we just like each other and want to be a couple. It's not like we are going to be serious here."

Mythic opened his eyes and smiled at her. "Yup, you are a keeper. Sensibility, number one trait any male looks for. Not to mention you can kick some serious ass."

"That's right." Luna gave him a cocky smirk. "Now then," She crawled into the covers of her bed and tapped her hoof next to her. "I think we should get some sleep."

"Ms. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you?" Mythic said with a smile. Luna only giggled.

'Sir I think we hit the jackpot.'

'Damn straight, Brain!'

"Just get into bed. We are going back to PonyVille tomorrow, there is a trick I want to teach you before we go and I want see if you can get it before we leave. So hurry up." Luna shifted and closed here eyes.

"Sure thing, Luna." Mythic crawled over the sheets and slid underneath them. Once he was comfortable, he took Luna into his arms and closed his eyes. Even though they laid there in bed, neither could sleep. The event that happen only a half and hour before kept racing in both their minds. Eventually though, Mythic was the first to fall under the nights spell. Luna was too hyper to sleep. Yet the sand stallion eventually found his way to her in an hour or so. There they slept till dawn once more, and dawn came a camera.

Unknown Realm

Azath sat on his throne in the dark hall. His lessors sat in seats next to his, all but one taken. Zedramas was sitting in her seat with a rather angered look. "Where the hell is Mortem Rex? He was suppose to be back by now. What the hell is taking him so damn long?"

Azath sighed. "Patience my dear. He will come to us in good time, just like the Mythic boy. It is quite funny when you think about it, humans changing their names. Ha."

Zedramas chuckled. "It really is!" A black rune opened up in front of them and from it Mortem Rex stepped out of it. "Finally, what took you so long?"

"My apologizes everyone, but there seems to be an development. In Albion, the young Mystic arrived and he took the crystal that was containing the Well energy. We know he went back to the land of Equestria and hid it. It seems we also deciphered the writing on the alter. It said -strikes the eleventh, then-. That is all that was written."

"I see." Azath stood from his throne and cracked his neck. "I think it's time we started recruiting again."


Oh the mourning in Canterlot, so peaceful. The birds would sing while riding the smooth current of wind. The flowers blossom and embrace the Sun. The young would awaken with smiles at the bright mourning star. Today it was not so peaceful, for in Canterlot Castle our hero was disturbed but a hideous beast that threatens his very life!

Mythic was awaken by the sounds of flashes. He took his hoof off Luna's chest and rubbed his eyes, removing crust that had gathered during the night hours. With a groggy yawn, he opened his green eyes and was blinded by a light that was accompanied with the sound of a flash. In a moment of panic, he pushed Luna and shot straight up off the pillows. He held his eyes with his hooves in fear that his attacker would strike a second time.

Mythic was about to make the split decision to summon the Eclipse Blade. Before he did though, he heard a familiar voice giggle and say, "My dear Mythic, that face was so funny. You two do make a cute couple I must admit. I'm not even mad at you for sleeping with my sister. Well I am but I won't beat you on the spot." Mythic's eyes shot open and as the white blur and mixed colors faded he saw Celestia with a camera. The pure terror would drive an normal man or stallion mad!

"Celestia, what do you think you're doing? I almost cut your ass with Eclipse! What's up with the camera?" Mythic then proceeded to crack his neck and back. He had a previous problem with relaxing his muscles, so cracking a popping was all he could do.

The camera was enveloped in Celestia magic as she waved it back and forth, teasing Mythic. "Well I was coming in here to wake Luna up earlier than yesterday for breakfast, then I find you in her bed. I was ready to beat the everfree living hell out of you. You look so cute together though, so peaceful. Now get up, the others will be awaking any second now. Plus your train will be arriving in the station in about five hours. So come on."

Mythic looked at the Goddess of the Sun for about five seconds. He then threw his head back on the pillow. "No, this is a trap, this is a bucking trap. I have watched enough anime and T.V. to know what the hell a trap is. This is a trap."

Celestia puts her camera on the ground and looked at Mythic confused. "Anime? What the everfree is that?"

"Ugh! That's right. All you need to know is this. It is how I know to be badass, through the power of anime. Thank you Japan, American cartoons weren't enough for my childhood." Mythic took this moment to reflect in nostalgia before returning to Celestia. "So yeah, not getting off this bed." Mythic smiled and embarrassed the pillow, he became one with it's soul and the soul of the universe. And it told him to ignore Celestia, or was that his mind?

Celestia scratched her chin in thought, then the bell rang in her head. "Well I guess you don't want to know about a new spell to make yourself more 'badass'." Celestia air quoted before walking off to the door.

Mythic's ears pinged and he jumped up off the bed. "New spell? What does it do?"

"Oh um...it makes you...um," Celestia didn't really think he'd fall for it. With only a second left before Mythic would lose interest, she pulled the spell out of her flank. "It makes you stronger if you are diurnal?"

Mythic sighed and shook his head. He saw right through Celestia's fib. "Princess, please don't insult my intelligence. You hesitated too long. You kept my focus but lost my trust."

"True." Cleestia admitted. "Now that you are up, go to the dinning hall. I will wake up the Night Queen."

"Nope." Mythic put a hoof in Celestia's face. "It is my duty as a man-stallion, to wake up my other. Behold the power of man!" Mythic walked back to the bed, now on Luna's side.

He looked over the sleeping Princess and smiled. "D'aw." He loved the look of her messy blue mane. She didn't really explain how she does that. Changing it from starry to solid blue, but that was not the current issue. He nudged her side and cooed in her ear. "Luna, Luna come on get out of bed." Luna rolled over, facing away from Mythic who nudged her side again. "Come on babe, wake up. If you don't wake up than I'll eat all those doughnuts by myself~"

Like a rocket, Luna shot straight up. He eyes scanning the room for the source of such an evil threat. Once she had found Mythic, by her side she changed from threat to normal. "Oh, good mourning Mythic." Looking at Mythic with a smile, she heard someone clear their throat. Turning her head once more, Luna saw Celestia standing there with a sly smile. "Oh, mourning sister." Celestia's smile widened as she picked the camera up off the ground and shook it in her face. "What is that?"

Celestia giggled and turned to the door. "Nothing. Just something to keep around." The Princess opened and walked through the door. Before closing it, she turned back and whispered in the loudest of voices. "And Mythic was fondling you in your sleep." She then slammed the door.

"What?" Mythic said confused. "I didn't fondle Luna in her sleep."

"Mythic, is this true?" Luna asked, her hair draped over her face.

"No, it is not. I would not do that to you." Mythic crossed his hooves with a stiff upper lip. 'Not yet anyway.' A devilish smile crossed his face. Just when Mythic thought he was clearing his name, Celestia came back in. She had a photo in her magic and flew it over to Luna. She then bursts out laughing and closes the door once more. "What the hell was that all about?"

Luna examines the photo and hisses at Mythic,"Mythic, why would you lie to me?"

"What? I didn't lie to you, Luna." Luna then gives the photo to Mythic. He takes the picture and looks at it. It is him, holding Luna with a devilish smile. His eyes are open and his hoof is under the sheets, it seems like they are rubbing Luna's flank and licking her ear.

Arousing, the soft-core magazines would love this.

"What the buck is this shit! I did not do that. This has to be magic photoshoped or something because that is not me!" Mythic tore the photo, the crime against his being and threw it to the floor. He snapped his head to Luna to plea again but now he saw her face. Oh that face, once so beautiful now looked ready to bite his face off.

"Just what the hell was that?! What the hell did you do?!"

"I did nothing!"

"Did we not agree we are not going to be serious? And there you were licking and rubbing me." Luna pulled back her anger and blushed, but still looked mad. "Please don't do that."

"Luna, I will say this once more. It, was not, me!" Mythic emphasis on the me. "I am going to breakfast are you coming?" Luna pouted, but nodded all the same. "Good, now come on." 'Celestia is either a troll or a bitch. The next move will determine it.

At The Same Time Elsewhere

"Jika, look! I am going backwards!" Bonsia called out to her sister in the hall. During the past day, the two worked hard at using their new pony bodies. Bonsia was showing off her new display of hoof work by walking backwards.

Jika laughed at Bonsia's performance. She decided she wanted to try as well and was succeeding. "Me too! This is awesome once you get use to it."

The two sisters laughed, Bonsia's more childish than Jika's. They continued down the hall and turn a corner. As they kept walking backwards, Bonsia knocks into a vase. She gasps and quickly turns around, a moment before the vase is about to hit the ground. "Oh no!" Bonsia envelopes the vase in a field of magic, fixing the vase and pulling into the correct position.

"Bonsia! How did you do that?" Jika astonished her sister was able to do magic.

"Do what, the magic?"

"Yes the damn magic! You can control it? I am still having difficulty with that."

"Oh well you see...."

Yay! Flashback

Yesterday Afternoon, Library/ Magic Study

Bonsia had just finished explaining her worries to Twilight as they sat in the magic library. "...and that is why I want to get it done as fast as possible."

Twilight nodded her head, showing that she understood Bonsia. "I see, the quicker you can control your magic the quicker you can learn new magic. Seems simple enough, but why so urgent? I already said I'd help you back in Albion."

"I know. I just, well... Seeing you all fight those monsters made me think. If I can get it down packed, than I can be like my sister or even you!"

Twilight blushed due to the admiration Bonsia gave her. "Really, like me?"

"Yeah, you were so cool out there and I just hid behind a tree."

"Oh please stop it."

"No I won't!" Bonsia slammed her hoof on the small table they sat at. "I can only use small mediocre magic with out nearly fainting and I don't know if I can even use it in this form!" A single tear dropped down her face.

Twilight stops blushing and looks at Bonsia somberly. "Well then, we need to get started." Twilight reached over to Bonsia and pulled her face up. She then smiled. "All we need to do is find the reason you can't control it. The reason I couldn't control mine was because, well its hard to explain. Really what happened."

Bonsia looked to Twilight with interest. "What happened?"

Twilight sighed. "Well it all goes back to when I was a filly." Yay! Another flashback! "I was at the entrance examine for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. I was suppose to hatch a dragon egg, which no pony ever really did but none the less they made me try. After many attempts at this I finally gave up, which by the way you should never do. That was when, miles away, Rainbow Dash executed her first sonic rainboom. The shock wave carried all the way to Canterlot, that's when all my magically power was shown for the first time. I last control, but regained it shortly."

"Yes, but how?"

Twilight rested her face on her hooves and smirked. "Princess Celestia is what happened. She came into the room and just stopped me. Till this day I don't fully understand why I stopped, but I am glad I did. After that I became her star pupil."

"That is so wonderful." Bonsia said. "That isn't what I am looking for though."

Twilight facehoofed with a sigh. "Alright then, lets try a simple spell." Darting her head around, Twilight found a book on the table. "Try and lift up that book."

Bonsia stared at the object in question. "Just pick it up with my magic?" Twilight nodded and Bonsia shrugged. Bonsia focused in the book, following the practices they taught back home. She first thought of the object and what she needed it to do. Then she started to try and channel the flow of magic, the hardest part for her. She would feel as though it was trying to mentally drowned her. The way Bonsia thought about it was quite simple. If she needed only a small amount of water in a bucket, a normal user would get that amount. She on the other hand got more than what she needed. She had worked a way around that though. Just use the water you have before you fill it up.

Over the years this has been useful, but the more she used this method the less it worked. As though magic itself had a mind all its own and was adapting to her methods. These were not common though, like her own use of magic. None the less she managed to at least shake the book. Twilight cheered Bonsia on. "Come on Bonsia, I see you are moving it. Just a little more."

Bonsia kept it up, focusing the magic on the book. A jolt of electricity shot through her. She didn't quite know what it was, but it caused the book to jump up and it the ceiling. Twilight flinched and backed away for a moment. "Whoa there Bonsia. That was a little too much."

Bonsia fell flat on the table and huffed hot air. "See what I mean?"

"Yes I see what you mean, but what did you feel?"


"When you use magic, you can feel it flow through you. Come on, lets try it once more."

Present Time

"Then we kept at it for a few more hours. Just me and her for about six hours. I was final able to practice simple levitation. That vase was small, but any bigger and it would have fallen."

Jika listened and smiled at Bonsia. "Bonsia my dear sister I am proud of you."

Bonsia smiled. "Thanks Jika, what did you do all day?"

"I slept and relaxed. I'm not here to do anything except take my leave and watch over you."

"Are you sure that is it?"

"Yes, now come on. Breakfast should begin soon."

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