• Published 29th Mar 2012
  • 1,789 Views, 49 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue - tigrean

This story takes place in the Fallout Equestria world and centers around Mineko and her travels.

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Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue Ch 8

Ch. 8

Audition and the Future

(Can’t change the past, always live in the present, but plan for the future)

After the spa date, all three of us headed back to Shadous’ apartment as we walked back I broke the silence and said, “Wow, I think the best part of that spa date was when they took care of my mane. Hurt like a buck but it feels better now. I don’t get it though, Tempest your mane was perfectly fine and I haven’t seen you brush, what is your secret.” I lifted one of my hooves and quickly felt the new French braid the spa did for my mane.

“Well it just seems to happen naturally,” Tempest replied. “We pegasi are designed to fly, so the way our fur, tail, and mane are designed is to help us with that. Our hair has shimmer to it because we have to fly through the air but the air also has water in it, not a lot mind you, and the chemicals we produce makes it harder for the water to build up and collect in our fur. This in turn helps us remain light enough to continue to stay in the air.”

“So wut ya tellin me is that ya pegasi don’t get wet?” Butter Cup asked.

“No not exactly Butter Cup,” Tempest continues, “we can only protect ourselves from light amounts of water so let’s say there is a mist I fly through, well my fur will not retain that little amount of water so when I come out you will see the droplets on my fur but once you wipe them off the fur will be dry underneath. If I did the same in a downpour of rain I would be soaked because my chemicals can’t protect me from that much water. That is why, before the war, the pegasi had special flight suits for times that we might have to fly through very inclement weather for long period s of time.”

“Ah see so ya have like a wax that protects ya from getting too wet?” Butter Cup asked.

“Well maybe not a wax.” Tempest replied, “But the same concept though my body produces an oil that does that.”

“Interesting, I have always wondered about the physiology of a pegasus but never was concerned about it; because I figure I wouldn’t meet one in my lifetime.” I laughed, “Thank for enlightening me Tempest.”

We finally reached the apartment as Tempest broke the silence, “Well we have some time before we need to meet Shadous’ for dinner so I figured we could relax a bit and try to figure out what to do next after my wing is healed.”

“Ok,” as I rested on a cushion I found, “First I need to talk to DJ Pon3, maybe he might have some intel on where Mars might be.”

“Sounds good but are you sure you need to chase her down?” Tempest asked.

“Tempest, what are you saying,” I started to breath faster, “Don’t you know she murdered thousands maybe even tens of thousands of ponies. You think she should be free where’s the justice in that.”

“Calm down Mineko,” Tempest replied, “Getting emotional will not help, hear me out.”

I seethed, “Fine, I will hear you out but after you are done I want you to hear me out.” I tried to calm myself but it was hard. What she was saying seemed like I should give up, but I couldn’t and I wouldn’t, justice must be served. Then Raven’s voice came into my head, ‘are you sure it is justice or is it vengeance, you need to figure that out first before you face her again.’

“Well then, think of this we are in a town a very well-defended town very much like Bomber Town. We could get a residency here I could move my store here or even open another branch of my store here. Butter cup would be safe and wouldn’t have to fear the possibility of losing you, her only family.”

I looked towards Butter Cup who was asleep on the couch. I guess she didn’t sleep well last night with me being in the hospital and her not able to stay with me.

Tempest continued, “You go out there you risk just collapsing and dying just because of what happened to you. Not to mention all the other dangers out there. We stay here we would be safe; you could raise Butter Cup and give her the childhood she needs. What do you say this would be a great deal for all of us?”

“So what you are saying is,” I replied, “I should give up my quest.” I gritted my teeth.

“Yes,” she replied, “why shouldn’t you? You have no leads and you are sick with taint, which will kill you under the right conditions. You also have a daughter you have to think about as well. What about her future? Do you really want her out there worried that maybe her last day would be a minute away? All I’m saying is this is a chance of a lifetime and we could stay here and not worry for the rest of our days.”

I rose up and went towards a window, my anger was raging. “How could she say that?!” I thought. “I, I can’t forgive her for what she did. Justice must be served,” I replied

“It is not your job, you are not a marshal. You have to take care of Butter Cup, “Tempest said as she walked towards me.

“Who will if I don’t,” I turned towards Tempest, my voice slowly raised in volume. “She burned my town, killed the guards and their families including the fillies, the colts, and all the elderly and discarded the bodies into a building that was burning.” I continued to yell with tears in my eyes, “She deserves to be brought to justice you think she should get away with it. She killed ponies that didn’t even have a cutie mark; they didn’t even have a chance to find their talents or even live!” I was sobbing now I notice Butter Cup stirred and I try to control my voice, “She killed the pony I loved right in front of my eyes and was smiling as she did. So again I ask you Tempest, if I don’t do anything about it, who will?” I continued, “If you don’t want to go any further than this that’s fine. This was my quest to begin with I intend to complete it or die trying,” I turned back towards the window and started to try to get my sobbing to stop. It was hard I kept seeing the ghost in my mind of my town burning, the dead lifeless eyes of the foals staring at me, it was hard. ‘Hush now quiet now, everything will be ok,’ the canary pegasus in my head started comforting me the best she could. She had a very beautiful voice, and the first part was almost like song. With her help my tears slowly stopped.

“Ok,” Tempest said, she put her fore leg across my back, “I will be there with you and help you any way I can. So what is the plan?”

“I don’t know,” I replied, “I need to talk to DJ Pon3 first maybe he might have a clue on where Mars might be.” As I thought about that I decided to tune my pipbuck to his frequency.

“…and it’s time for another DJ Pon3 pony survival tip. Today I want to talk to you about two of the biggest threats you might stumble across in the Equestrian Wasteland. No, not radigators, bloodwings or even hellhounds. No, children, today I want to talk to you about their mothers. That’s right, pull up a chair, cuz it’s time for DJ Pon3 to talk to you about the dangers of radiation and taint…”

I just learned about this today, at least the taint part, from Doctor Helpinghoof, and I shivered.

“…Magical radiation, as we all know, is a side effect of powerful and wicked magics released violently on Equestria. Naturally, the biggest and worst zones of radiation are found in places like the Fillydelphia Crater, the Manehattan city center… pretty much everywhere the megaspells hit except for Cloudsdayle and Canterlot (both of which should be avoided for other reasons). But even a recently exploded skywagon can be radioactive. Fortunately, so long as you always carry your radiation detectors, kids, these places can be avoided. The more insidious threat of radiation is that it bleeds into food and water. Always drink purified water whenever you can. Make sure you carry several canteens whenever you travel, and fill them at every safe water supply. Keep a healthy supply of RadAway…”

“Well,” Tempest interrupted my thoughts while I was listening to the DJ, “We should get ready for dinner Shadous is going to meet us and we don’t want to be late.”

“Alright,” I said, “I will wake up Butter Cup.” I walked towards the sofa that Butter Cup was laying on while I continued to listen to the broadcast.

“…Taint, on the other hoof, is a zebra of very different stripes. Nopony knows exactly what the taint is or where it comes from, but we know its mutative effects on monsters and the fatally malignant repercussions on ponies. Remember, folks: taint don’t care what you’re wearing. No protective suit keeps it out. And there’s no cure. Only way to safely tell if a place is tainted is by reputation. Discover one by any other means, it’s probably too late …”

“Butter Cup,” I gently shook her while the broadcast continued. She slowly stirred.

“And in the news, one of the smaller settlements in the Manehattan Ruins, Gutterville, has gone silent. If anypony is traveling through that way, please pop a head in and see what’s going on. Then let your ol’ pal DJ Pon3 know.”

“Huh, wut,” Butter cup replied with a yawn.

“It’s time to get ready for dinner,” I replied while the radio continued with the news.

“Now, I know what all of you are actually wondering: what about that Equestrian heroine from Stable Two? What’s she up to?”

“Oh, OK,” She yawned again, and slowly started to get off the couch.

“Well, I’ve got incredible news: the Stable Dweller loves you! That’s right, all of you! And you know how I know?”

“Wait,” Butter Cup replied, “Am ah goin’ ta afta wear them clothes agin’.” She gave a sour face.

“…because she sent a little toaster repairpony to me with a special delivery. Starting tomorrow, there will be some new songs added to our broadcast. So keep yourselves tuned in, faithful listeners, because you don’t want to be the last pony around to have heard the discs I’ll be spinnin’ for you tomorrow! And now, once again, it’s Sapphire Shores singing that the sun can’t hide forever.”

“Yes,” I replied, “Please for me?”

“Ugh,” she replied, “Fine but ah hate all this fru fru stuff I don’t wanna afta do it all the time.”

“You won’t have to do it again,” I replied. “Just for the first day here, ok”

“Ok, ya promise,” she asked.

“I promise.”

* * *

We finally met Shadous for dinner and it seemed like a decent restaurant though I really can’t remember, all I remember was it had something to do with shadow like the first one we ate at. When we entered it was almost designed like the Wood Inn back in Bomber Town though the ponies here were more hoity toity than the adventurer like mix at Bomber Town. The bar itself was on the back wall with a very strong earth stallion as the bar tender, behind displayed on the wall was a nice combat shotgun and a large battle ax. We sat down at a table Shadous had reserved, “Hi there, sorry we are a little late,” I said.

“It’s not a problem,” he replied, “Looking at the way you are all dressed tells me that you are blending in. I was worried this might be a little of a culture shock.”

“It was quite easy. I mean after all we are not barbarians Shadous,” Tempest laughed.

“Seriously I was born in a well-established trading settlement, how can you think I may not know anything about society,” I growled.

“Mineko,” Tempest replied, “He was joking.”

“Easy there,” he replied, “I’ve seen many ponies that were changed because of the Wasteland. A lot of them wouldn’t stand one day in here without going crazy.”

“Ah guess but ah really hate wearin these clothes, do ah afta wear these all tha time?” Butter Cup asked.

“Why are you wearing them then,” he replied, “Most fillies and colts don’t wear any except to school here.”

“What!” She exclaimed, “Ya mean ah didn’t have to wear these, but Tempest said that all the fillies were wearing this.”

“Yeah, only when going to school,” he replied, “you have on a school uniform.”

“Huh,” Tempest replied, “I was wondering why the filly clothes were all the same.” She started giggling.

“What! Ya mean ya had no idea that this wuz a uniform, how could it not be obvious,” Butter Cup continue while I saw Tempest trying to hold back a smile. “Ah mean come on…” she then looked at Tempest, “wait, ya knew didn’t ya?”

“May…be,” Tempest replied and then busted out laughing.

“THAT’S it!!” She replied, “Ah am takin them off right now.” She started to shuffle to pull the outfit off.

“But you are so adorable in them,” Tempest retorted.

A charcoal colored earth pony with a black and midnight blue mane, and tail walked up to our table, and said, “Shadous sooo good to see you again, so I guess the death trap known as the wasteland still hasn’t taken you yet. How disappointing… it would be horrible not to see your smiling face if it should happen.” She laughed and looked at Butter Cup beginning to wiggle out of the clothing. “My dear filly the little filly’s room is that way,” She pointed to her left, “Unless you really want to put on a show for my patrons, I know they would enjoy it.” I could see Butter Cup get so flustered then she raced off to the bathroom. “sooo, Shadous, who are the beautiful mares you are with this day?” I finally got a better look at her she, she was gorgeous. She had the deepest blue eyes I have ever seen and the dress she wore reflected them in color, and don’t get me started on her plot she was defiantly not a flabby mare. She had a very athletic body and she was so well toned I couldn’t imagine what she could do. On top of that she said I was beautiful I defiantly wanted to get to know her better now.

“Well,” He replied, “Tasha, the pegasus to my right is Tempest, the mare across from me is Mineko, and the young filly that ran off is Butter Cup. Mineko, Tempest.” He continued pointing the dark mare, “This is Tasha Shadow, the owner of the Shadow Inn and Tavern, Shadow nightclub, and the High Shadow Café.”

“It’s a pleasure Miss Shadow,” Tempest replied.

I quickly shook my head and finally replied, “Ummm hi there.” Then I thought “Oh that was smooth Mineko.” Meanwhile Raven and the white Unicorn laughed in my head.

Tasha looked at me, “My, what a direct little pony you are,” she smirked, “I kind of like the little ruggedness you have there.” She then move closer and her voice went a little breathless, “perhaps you and I should get to know each other better.”

I felt my face burning so hot that I fell like it was in an oven, and I was speechless. I started to try to talk but I felt my words just tumble and get all jumbled up, then finally Shadous said, “Tasha stop that! Though it is hilarious we all know you are not like that so stop teasing her.”

“Oh come now Shadous,” Tasha replied, “just because I don’t usually find the fairer sex attractive doesn’t mean I’m not open minded about the possibilities there.” I felt my face go even hotter after that comment, I didn’t even think it possible could. This Tasha was even worse than Cynthia when it came to hitting my buttons. I swear at that time I just thought every pony was out to make me feel uncomfortable. Though I didn’t mind the possibility of me and her but still so embarrassing.

“Tasha,” Shadous emphasized, “Stop teasing her…now.”

“Oh fine,” she gave him a pouty face, “you always have to ruin my fun, don’t you.” She turned to me with a grin, “I’m sorry but you just looked so funny when I was hitting on you, I couldn’t resist.”

I went from being awkward to being angry in less than a millisecond. I wanted to scream at her but then Raven and the canary one helped me calm down. I finally found my voice and asked, “How did you know I found mares more attractive than stallions?” I then thought “honestly am I that transparent.”

“Elementary my dear Mineko, you are here with the most handsome and as well as the most eligible stallion, and yet you pay no mind to him,” she replied. “Even your pegasus friend pays more attention to him then you. Also I notice how you were looking at me and well I am the most eligible mare in this town as well so I knew what your looks meant, because I get them all the time from stallions.”

“I see,” I deadpanned.

“Also,” she continued, “I have a very good understanding of body language as well and I am very observant, so I was able to read you like an open book.” She laughed.

“Enough, Tasha,” Shadous replied, “I think you have had your fun, for now. Why don’t you bother some of your other patrons?”

“Aww, Shadous you are horrible, sending me away like that.” She pouted, “I thought we had something, and you had to go destroy such a poor innocent lady’s heart like this.” She looks at his face, coughs, her tone changed, “fine I’m leaving but please enjoy your meal and just know that I am flattered that you chose my establishment for your dinner.” She goes walking off proudly. Butter Cup returns and we finish our dinner, then we go back to Shadous’ apartment to get some sleep, I figured I would visit the DJ tomorrow morning.

* * *

As morning came I slowly woke up from my slumber, Butter Cup was sleeping next to me on the couch and Tempest was on a mat at the foot of the couch. I carefully rose so I didn’t wake Butter Cup up and slowly tried to step over Tempest. As soon as I place one of my hooves down by her face she quickly attempted to trip me with her forelegs. I almost fell but I quickly spun to land on all four of my hooves, “What the hay, Tempest,” I exclaimed quietly, luckily I didn’t make any loud noises after that maneuver.

Tempest was on all her hooves with her wings spread fully, facing towards me. “Oh sorry,” she whispered, “it is just a force of habit that I have. Why are you up so early?” She slowly let her wings relax.

“Ummm, I couldn’t sleep any more so I figured I would try to go see the DJ now,” I replied.

“This early Mineko?” she replied, “The stores aren’t even open yet.”

I walked towards the bathroom to get cleaned up, “I figure I would try to catch him before he got on the air.” I started to get cleaned up after I closed the door. After a few Minutes I came out and Tempest was sitting at the table with a couple of cups and what looked like a pot of coffee. She poured some in both cups and offered me one. “Thanks,” I replied.

“I think I will be taking your armor in for repairs if possible, if not I will try to find some that will fit you,” she replied.

“Cool,” I took a sip of my coffee, “after I finish I will head up to see the DJ, hopefully I will be able to.” I finished my coffee and headed out of the apartment. I quickly walked to the elevator to head up to the pent house, luckily the elevator was on its way back so I pressed the button and waited. The elevator opened up and there I saw a Steel Ranger, a rusty colored pegasus, and a charcoal unicorn that for an instant I thought was Raven. “Raven?” I asked out loud, then I caught a glimpse of her cutie mark and her multi-colored mane and tail. I quickly covered my mouth with my hooves and scattered to hide. I saw her quickly looked at me and then continued walking on shaking her head. Once she was out of sight, I grabbed the elevator before it closed. Once it opened at the penthouse I stepped out and saw a wide open hall with a lot of books and a very nice fountain that had a sculpture of Celestia in the middle of it. I stared in awe at the extravagance and walked towards it. To my right I saw two ponies talking then after a moment the smaller one started heading this way she was a light grey almost similar to my coat but had dirty yellow mane and tail, she was wearing some sort of workers cover hauls and had a pipbuck as a cutie mark, she looked at me.

“Homage were you expecting any pony today?” She asked, “Especially this early in the morning.” I did not like the look that she was giving me, I was in my fight or flight mode right now and I was leaning towards the flight since I didn’t have any of my weapons.

“No, DJ Pon3 was not expecting anypony today,” the taller one walked toward me, “Little Pip you should go ahead and get some sleep, besides it looks like she is shaking with fear.”

“Well you want me to escort her out of here,” Little Pip asked.

“No, I will take care of it you just go on and get some sleep I will see you later today,” She winks at her. With that Little Pip continues to the elevator and heads out of the penthouse. Homage looks at me, “now as for you, how did you get up here, normally the elevator needs permission from me to come to this floor.”

“Ummm I got in after the other three got off the elevator, I just thought it was normal for that to happen.” I tried to give her one of my more innocent smiles.

“Hmm,” she thought, “you seem familiar have we met before?”

I had to think of something fast, the white pony in my head told me ‘darling just be suave, dignified, and sure of yourself and you will be fine.’ I spoke up “Umm, yes I have been living here for quite some and I was hoping to get an audience with DJ Pon3.” The white one goes ‘that’s it darling you are doing great, keep it up’ I smiled to myself slightly.

“Really,” she replied, “and why are you seeking an audience with DJ Pon3?”

‘Just tell the truth sugarcube’ the orange one said in my head. “Well,” I replied, “I was hoping to audition with him,” the orange pony face hoofed. “I’m a singer,” I continued as Homage’s face lit up slightly, “and I was hoping that he would be willing to hear a few songs that I have so he can add something new to the radio.”

“If you were here for a while why haven’t you tried before now?” she asked.

“Because I’ve been a little nervous, I mean after all there have not been any good singers for quite some time, well since before the bombs dropped,” I tried to give her the best courteous smile I could, and I thought “I am so dead right now.” All the ponies in my head face hoofed except for the canary one she just did her best to hide behind her pink mane.

“Hmmm,” Homage contemplated, “ok I will bite, let me talk with DJpon3 and I will see if he is willing to listen to you. Why don’t you come back in two days and we will see what happens.” She courteously escorted me to the elevator, “make sure you are ready to sing then. Oh and his time is important so make sure you have enough to make the time worthwhile, at least three minimum.”

“Oh, of course, not a problem,” I said as the door to the elevator closed. I fell back on my haunches and whined, “Oh by the goddesses what have I got myself into. Luna or Celestia just strike me down now and put me out of my misery.” The elevator stopped at the first floor and I stepped out and then ran all the way back to the apartment. I needed to come up with at least three songs fast in two days and I had no idea who could even write music. I thought “Oh I am so bucked right now.”

* * *

I finally made it back to the apartment. I ran in and slammed the door huffing, Butter Cup look up and Shadous walked out of his room, “I really hate it when some pony slams my door.” He looked at me, “Ok, why are you huffing and shaking like that?”

“Oh I am so bucked,” I replied, “I have two days to come up with three songs. I can write the song but I don’t know a thing about how to write music, I’m soo screwed!” I started to hyperventilate.

“So how did ya git yerself in a predicament like that?” Butter Cup added.

“I should have said the truth but I just couldn’t,” I replied, “I was such a foal.”

Shadous responded, “Well you could go back and fix it and tell the truth. I heard the DJ here is quite reasonable.”

I stepped away from the door, “I wish it was that easy when I said I was a singer,” I sighed, “Homage, his receptionist, her face lit up with so much hope I couldn’t back out of it, if I do I would feel like an ass.”

“Are ya sure that is a good idea, ah mean ya really not a singer, are ya?” Butter Cup asked.

I replied, “Before I got my Cutie Mark I wanted to be a singer so I would sing all the time. I was quite good at it to but then I got this.” I turned to Butter Cup and showed her my cutie mark.

“All it is, is a big blue diamond with a dark blue core. It could just mean ya talent isn’t skin deep, kind of like a diamond in the rough.” She replied.

I laughed, “That is sweet of you Butter Cup.” I walked to her and nuzzled her for a brief moment, “but I did research, this is a blade caster’s mark from a unique house that would use diamond fragments for their magic blades.”

“But ya don’t know fer sure right, Mineko. Ah mean ya have no Idea if a pony of the house ya said ever had this mark. An on top of that what if he or she did other things besides blade casting. Maybe one would be she had a talent fer singing.” Butter Cup replied.

I gave her a sad smile, “You know you may have a point there but unless I could meet her or him for sure I will never know. Unfortunately he/she was alive thousands of years ago.”

“I’ll tell you what,” Shadous interrupted, “You write the songs and I will read them and with your help I will write the music for them.”

“Huh, you can write music,” I stared at him with shock and awe.

“Yes I am a ma…” He coughs, “..a pony of many talents.”

“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, yes, yes.” I bounced up and down all around him repeating the same word, then Tempest walk in and I got very embarrassed.

“Well it seems I missed a lot,” she inquired, “can some pony let me in on the secret.”

I stopped, coughed, “yes.” I then explained what had happened to Tempest.

* * *

The next couple of days I wrote songs and with Shadous’ helped, I had my debut songs. I went back to the elevator with the tape Shadous help make for the music and I had all my lyrics on a three pieces of paper. I pressed the button on the elevator and waited it to come down and open. Once I reached the top floor I was greeted by Homage.

“So are you ready?” She asked.

I nervously nodded.

“No you’re not,” she replied, “you are a nervous mess. With your current state you won’t sing well.” She was deep in thought for a second, “I’ll tell you what we have some time, why don’t you sit on the patio and relax, I will bring you a drink to calm your nerves, switch on your pipbuck and tune into DJ Pon3. I will be back in a few minutes.”

I did what Homage recommended and tuned into the station.

….music ends “Gooood morning wasteland it’s DJ Pon3 with the news. Remember when I mentioned the hero of Bomber Town, the Paladin of the Waste, it seems that he or she has disappeared, if any of you ponies out there see him or her give this friendly DJ a call. The last time I heard the party was in the Manehatten area. If you are hearing this Paladin just know we appreciate what you were doing and keep up the good work. I know it is hard trying to do what is right in the wasteland but don’t give up. Every pony you help one more that is not taken by the wasteland so keep doing what you are doing. Well this is DJ Pon3 signing for all you listeners out there I will be back after I get some more songs for you it seems that yet another singer has come seeking out this DJ and we will be having even more new songs coming, now here is the next set starting with some Velvet Remedy”

I was listening to the station and then Homage comes back with some tea in her telekinetic field. She then said, “Here you go, this is some Mint tea to sooth your nerves. I just realized something though I never got your name.”

I smelled the tea, it smelled like Mint, as the aroma hit me I started to calm down a bit, I took a sip of the mint tea and said, “Oh, right, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Mineko.”

“Well I am pleased to meet you, I am Homage, as soon as you finish your tea and you feel ready we can record your songs.” She replied.

I nodded and asked, “Do you think I will be able to talk to him after we are done recording I have a few questions to ask him?”

“I’m not sure,” she replied, “but why would you like to speak to him after?”

“Ummm,” I replied, “it is kind of a private matter concerning some information that only he might have since he has eyes and ears all over the wasteland.”

“Well,” She said thoughtfully, “I can’t promise but we will see.”

“Ok,” I thought silently for a second, “Well after the songs I also may have some information on the Paladin of the Waste.” I saw her ears perk up when I said that and I finished my last sip. “I think I’m ready that tea really helped.”

“No problem,” She replied then escorted me to a door that had M.A.S.E.B.S. over it, “This is where we are going to record your songs.” She took me to the center and floated head phones up to me and took them and set them on top of my head so I can put them on at a moment’s notice. “DJ Pon3 is in the booth right now.” I looked at the dark window and I floated the tape out of my saddle bag and she grabbed it in her field and walked out of the studio.

After a few minutes I heard on the speaker DJ Pon3’s voice, “Alright Mineko, go ahead and put on the head phones as soon as I start the music you start singing your songs.”

“Ok,” I replied. I put the headphones on and I saw the sign over the door turned and said recording in progress. I heard the music and I started to sing the first song.

I'm waiting for the night drifting away
On the waves of my dreams to another day
I'm standing on a hill and beyond the clouds
The winds blowing still and catching my doubts
I'm hunting on the night the slave to my dream an illustrated scene descends in the sleep
We're playing for the fights emotional games
I'm turning off my eyes and hiding my shame

A neverending dream a dream of you I believe I received a sign of you
tonight I want to hide my feelings too
as you do and I want to be with you

A neverending dream a dream of you I believe I received a sign of you
tonight I want to hide my feelings too
as you do and I want to be with you

I'm waiting for the night drifting away on the waves of my dreams to another day
I'm standing on a hill and beyond the clouds the wind's blowing still and catching my doubts

I'm watching all the flowers dying away
inheated breath of life at the dawning day I'm waking up in spring and kissing your face the sweet imoving thing I feel your embrace

A neverending dream.......

A neverending dream a dream of you I believe I received a sign of you
tonight I want to hide my feelings too
as you do and I want to be with you
A neverending dream a dream of you I believe I received a sign of you
tonight I want to hide my feelings too
as you do and I want to be with you
A Neverending dream a dream of you
I believe I received a sign of you tonight I want to hide my feelings too as you do and I want to be with you

A neverending dream a dream of you I believe I received a sign of you
tonight I want to hide my feelings too
as you do and I want to be with you.

Then I moved on to my second one.

I still hear your voice, when you sleep next to me.
I still feel your touch in my dreams.
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive.

'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
'Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so...
I can't let you go.
Want you in my life...

Then finally my last one.

I see you comb your hair and gimme that grin.
It's making me spin now, spinnin' within.
Before I melt like snow, I say "Hello, how do you do (how do you do)?"

I love the way you undress now.
Baby, begin.
Do your caress, honey, my heart's in a mess.
I love your blue-eyed voice,
like Tiny Tim shines thru.
How do you do?

How do you do (do you do) the things that you do?
No one I know could ever keep up with you.
How do you do?
Did it ever make sense to you to say "Bye, bye, bye"?
How do you do (do you do) the things that you do?
No one I know could ever keep up with you.
How do you do?
Did it ever make sense to you to say "Bye, bye, bye"?

Well, here we are crackin' jokes in the corner of our mouths
and I feel like I'm laughing in a dream.
If I was young I could wait outside your school
'cause your face is like the cover of a magazine.

How do you do (do you do) the things that you do?
No one I know could ever keep up with you.
How do you do?
Did it ever make sense to you to say "Bye, bye, bye"?

How do you do?

I see you in that chair with the perfect skin.
Well, how have you been, baby, livin' in sin?
Hey, I gotta know, did you say "Hello, how do you do?

Well, here we are spending time in the louder part of town
and it feels like everything's surreal.
When I get old I will wait outside your house
'cause your hands have got the power meant to heal…

Once I completed my last song, I took the headphones and smiled it felt so good not to be fighting for my life for once. Then the DJ spoke over the speaker, “Well done Mineko I think these might become the next biggest thing to Velvet Remedy. I also heard from my assistant you might know where the Paladin of the Waste is?”

“I do,” I said in the mic. The orange pony in my head replied, ‘Tell the truth, the DJ deserves that much fer leading him on like ya did.’ I sighed, and replied to the DJ, “I am the Paladin of the Waste.” The silence drew on and I started becoming nervous after I admitted it. I continued, “I wanted to tell Homage sooner but when I said I could sing I saw the hope in her face and I couldn’t bring myself to tell why I really was here. I wanted to ask you if you knew where Mars is, I need to bring her to justice.”

“Well,” the DJ replied, “Thank you for admitting your secret to me I think it is time for us to talk face to face. I’ll meet you at the entrance of the studio, see you in a second.”

“Ok,” I replied as I left the studio and waited in the entrance parlor. As I waited I saw the equipment room open and out walks Homage. “Wait what huh,” as I stumbled through my words as my eyes were wide and my pupils were just pin pricks at least that is what it felt like.

“Well you told me your secret I might as well tell you mine, “Homage replied.

“But the DJ is a stallion you, you are a mare, I’m confused.” I replied.

She spoke again but now she sounded like DJ Pon3, “Well Mineko you have gift,” I saw her horn stop glowing. “Just like I do. The voice changing spell has been passed down through all the DJ Pon3s.”

“Wow, just wow,” I was speechless.

“Well,” Homage replied, “I don’t have much time I need to get back on the air. So let me answer your question real quick.” She walked me to a table and then pulled a scroll out from one of the book shelves. She unrolled the scroll and it was a map of old Equestria. “My last reports, which were about a month and half to two months ago, is that she had taken over the area here.” As she pointed at the map, “This used to be Gildedale before the war, other than the general location I can’t give you any more information, none of M.A.S.E.B.S. towers were built there. Though if you could find a ship to take you there that would be the easiest way to get there but there haven’t been any ships for a while here.”

“I see,” I replied, “Thanks again Homage.” I started to head out. I had a lot of planning to do.

“Hey wait,” she called out to me, “Here take this,” she handed the scroll to me, “also I know in about a month or so a ship will be coming here, so if you could hold tight till then. I’m sure they would be willing to negotiate with you for passage to Gildedale.”

“I can’t thank you enough Homage,” I replied. Then I headed out of the penthouse with a lot of things on my mind, but first Tempest’s wing needed to be healed before we could do any more and I had a promise I had to keep for Butter Cup. The filly will be exhausted after I fulfill my promise to train her how to protect herself. Yes it will be a long week or so for her.

(Footnote: Level up Granted perk: Quick Draw, +50% to equipping and holstering your weapons.)

Author's Note:

Well it is finally done Chapter 8 is here, yay! In the first few paragraphs I decided to use some science. This is only theory of mine about pegasus physiology i'm sure there are others out there, I do not mean to step on anypony's hooves.

The three songs I used are, A Neverending Dream, Everytime We Touch, and How Do You Do! by Cascada.

As well My little Pony is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I thank Kkat for creating Fallout Equestria. I also thank my Proofreaders my roommate and his girlfriend.