• Published 29th Mar 2012
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Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue - tigrean

This story takes place in the Fallout Equestria world and centers around Mineko and her travels.

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Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue Ch 5

Family and Friends
(This here's Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apple, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp... [deep breath] Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, aaaand Granny Smith.)

Beep, beep, beep, “well this seems like a familiar sound” I thought as I slowly opened my eyes; I looked around a somewhat familiar looking clinic but it was a little different this time. To my right I saw another bed with a young yellow coated filly with a brown mane and tail, “oh my god Butter Cup,” I exclaimed and quickly sat up, but then I got dizzy and fell back down, as the equipment attached to me clattered against each other noisily from my fast movement. Nurse Flora and Tempest darted in after the clatter.

“Are you alright, Mineko?” Tempest asked.

Nurse Flora glares at Tempest as Tempest shyly started to back out of room; she turned toward me and said, “You are starting to become a regular here, not that I mind, but really you shouldn’t be here that often; it is not healthy.”

She started to do a check up on me and finally I found my voice and said, “Why is Butter Cup here? Is she alright? Oh I hope she isn’t hurt.”

A small yawn came from the bed next to me, “Ah’m alright Mineko, ah wuz jus a little tired is all an ah fell asleep. Don’t worry none I didn’t get a scratch on me and ya saved me but then ya fainted.”

“Butter Cup actually saved your life Mineko,” Flora interjected.

“How, what happened?” then I realized I had a soft cast on my left forearm.

Flora responded, “first of all, when Tempest carried ya here you lost a lot of blood, and I didn’t have any of your type blood in stock; you were going to die if we didn’t get blood to ya soon. Tempest offered hers but it wasn’t right so Butter Cup then offered and just by sheer luck hers was compatible.” She shook her head, and continued, “You either have the devil’s luck, or Celestia and Luna are both watching you closely. I would hope it was the latter, because the devil’s luck costs too much in the end.” She then started to remove all of the tubes out of me and said, “Also your elbow was dislocated and you have a small micro fracture on your left forearm. I reset the elbow and I put a soft cast on your forearm. So try to not put too much strain on it for goodness sake. You’ll be able to remove the cast in about a week or two, but still limit strain on it for another four to five weeks, or it could break worse. Oh and what I mean about limiting strain is no more than walking on it, so no crazy shit, ya got that?”

“Yeah I got it but it seems that life doesn’t let me get away from the crazy shit,” I responded. I look towards the bed that Butter Cup was sitting up on and I slowly got out of my bed and walked to hers and said, “Thanks kid I owe you one,” and I give her a kiss on the forehead.

“Awe shucks we’re family after all an ah can’t let ya die if ah had the means ta save ya, y’all ah have left,” she said with a melancholy tone, “but now ah understand why ya want me to wait here for ya, though ah would rather be with ya but after seein what happened to ya I understand why ya want me safe. I would never forgive muhself for putting you in that situation again an ya die because of it.” She started to cry and squeezed me tight in a family embrace.

“It’s ok Butter Cup,” I replied, “we are all safe right now.”

“Well,” Flore said, “You guys go ahead an head ta the waitin room I need ta go get the sheriff, he wanted ta know when y’all were awake.” Then Flora walked out.

Butter Cup and I broke from our embrace and headed out the door to the waiting room. “I’m glad that you are alright Butter Cup, and also glad that you understand how much I worry about you.”

She replied, “Yeah ah know now and when ya saved me ah wuz a little scared of ya but ah also thought ah have one awesome big sister, which is the best way ah can describe ya.”

I laughed and look around and saw Tempest sitting in the room with a worried look. I turned to Butter Cup and took a seat and said, “Thanks for that, I think the Woods would be the best place for you and I think you will like it there.” As soon as I finished my words, the sheriff walked in along with and Flora taking up the rear. I was a little worried after seeing how serious he looked. After about minute of awkward silence the sheriff was the first to break it.

“I just want to say that we appreciate what you did for us m’lady, but you just stirred up a hornet’s nest,” he said.

“You do realize that if I didn’t do what I did they would have attacked sooner or later,” I replied, “and a lot more innocent ponies would have died.”

“Yes I am aware of that, but you do know that it was only a small force compared to the army they have.” He continued, “You wiped most of them out and destroyed a big stockpile of ammo, so there is a very likely chance they will retaliate, and we are only a small town.”

“So you defended yourself from their attack force before,” I replied, “why are you so worried now?”

“You are right, however the amount of casualties we had was astronomical,” he took a more somber tone, “visit our graveyard and count how many graves are there, about 90% of them happened when they attacked us.” He continued before I could interject, “so to protect the town I want you and your daughter leaving town by tomorrow morning, to my dismay, it is the only way I can see we could possible keep our town safe.”

“You do realize that even if you send me away they will still attack,” I replied.

“Yes but also if we prove that the thorn in their side is not here then they may leave us alone. If you stayed they would probably force their way into town and destroy everything and kill everypony just to try to find you, I can’t risk it,” he retorted.

“Can you just hear yourself, what you are saying doesn’t make any sense, on top of that do you really think you can reason with them,” my voice started to louder as my anger grew, “ON TOP OF THAT YOU ARE KICKING OUT A FILLY WITH NO FAMILY BESIDES ME, IT’S…” I paused to compose myself, “it’s not safe out there for her especially being with me, at least let her stay here where it’s safe I’ll leave.”

“No,” he replied, “too much of a risk for the town, that’s final, I’m sorry. Tomorrow morning you both will leave town.” He got up from where he was sitting and walked out of the clinic.

I was seething as the sheriff was left; I wanted to kill him for his stupidity. Tempest got up and put a hoof on my shoulder which instantly calmed me down and said, “I’m sorry,” in a soft tone, “but I will be going with you.”

“Wait what,” I replied, “why? You have a shop to run and you’ve settled in a nice safe town.”

“Well my assistant can handle the shop,” she replied. “I will not stay in a place that would throw a friend and especially a filly to the wolves in the name of safety. That is the main problem in the wasteland, no pony cares about other ponies any more, and thanks to you I see that now and I want to help you, you have the power to change the world and you are just one pony. It makes me feel that even though I am but one pony I have the power to change the world. So I will be leaving with you in the morning as well.” She then walked out.

I looked to Butter Cup with a sad face, “I’m sorry Butter Cup, I wanted you to be safe but it looks like it won’t happen anytime soon,” I started to cry.

“It’s alright, Mineko,” as she hugged me, “Ah am so glad that ya see me as family an ah love you fer it. Ah am sure we’ll be jus fine.” She slowly pulls away from the hug.

“Thanks,” I said, I went and got my saddle bags from Flora and I hand them to Butter Cup, “Here I picked up some extra stuff from the camp go through it and find what we can sell and what we need to keep, that way we can pay for the medical care and get supplies for our trip, cause I have no Idea when we will be in another town.” I give her a quick hug and a peck on the forehead.

“Ok no problem ah can do that,” she replied, “will ya be alright?”

“I’ll be fine,” I responded, “I just need to talk to the Woods so they know what is going on, and I will meet you back in the room when you are done, ok?”

“Ah am on it,” as she did a mock salute, and giggle, then she ran off to do the tasks she had. I then gathered the rest of my gear from the nurse and bid farewell to her, and walked out of the clinic.

* * *

I continued across town to the Wood’s inn and walked into the tavern. “Hey Mineko,” Alex said while he was working the bar, “can I get you anything?”

“Hiya Alex could use a good sandwich if you have one available,” I replied.

“Sure thing,” He continued, “Let me see what I have unfortunately we are out of the daisy ones, only get shipments of those once every six months from the society, and they usually go quick.” After a few minutes he returned with a wrapped hay sandwich. “Sorry I don’t have anything fresh for sandwiches but this is still good, they weren’t lying when they said it was sealed to remain fresh forever.”

“Err; um thanks I guess,” I laughed, “well guess a 200 year old sandwich is better than no sandwich at all.” I use my magic to open the package and I get a smell from the sandwich, it was such a unique smell like bruised vegetation, it smelled so good my mouth was watering. I quickly chowed down on it and it was so tasty like it was freshly made. I asked, “Are you sure it isn’t fresh cause it tastes great, you just made and wrapped it right,” I laughed again.

He smiled and giggled, “Nope told you they didn’t lie about remaining fresh forever.”

I finished my sandwich, and asked, “Is Cynthia around? I need to talk to her.”

“She’s upstairs, doesn’t work till night when we are busiest,” he replied.

“Ok, thanks.”

“No problem, is something bothering you?”

“No nothing,” I replied, “what makes you think there is,” I chuckled nervously.

“Needless to say I can tell,” He replied, “I have a lot of experience with people; on top of that I’m a bartender after all we get to know people quickly.”

“Nothing you can do to help, I just really need to talk to her about my problem,” I replied, “thank you though.”

“No problem but just remember you can always talk to me if you need,” he relied.

“Thanks,” I get up from the bar and head upstairs, and went to the room she first took me to and knocked on the door.

“Coming,” I heard from inside, as she open the door and saw me standing there and said, “Mineko, come on in. So did you find Butter Cup?” She asked as I started walking into the room.

“I did and she was almost raped by one of the soldiers at the camp,” I sighed as Cynthia offered me a seat on the couch, “she wanted to prove she could handle herself and so she went off on her own.”

“Oh my, well at least she is safe now,” she replied.

“Yes, and she agreed to stay here,” I started to tear up.

“Well that is good news right, so why are you starting cry?”

“Because, it doesn’t matter anymore after I got healed up the sheriff came by and said we both have to leave town by tomorrow morning,” I couldn’t hold back any more and I just cried. Cynthia sat next to me I wrapped my forehooves around her and cried into her shoulder. She wrapped hers around me in a very light embraced and just held me while I continued; “I decided to take out the camp that was outside of town because I know they wouldn’t stay there forever earlier today. It was so that I would know the town would be safe but after I finished he said it was to protect the town from the repercussions of my actions.” I cried for at least a minute before I could finally say more and I sniffled looked up at her beautiful face, “So I came by to tell you that Butter Cup won’t be staying here anymore cause we have to leave in the morning.”

“Shhh, it’s ok, I will talk to my husband later. What the sheriff is doing isn’t right but we won’t be able to change his decision before the morning but we will defiantly try to get him to let you back in town eventually.” Her horn glowed and she touched her horn to my horn, and then the glow dissipated and she said, “There I have a print of your magic so no matter where you are I can send one message to you using a message spell. That way when I get the sheriff to allow you back I can let you know.” She smiled, and it was such a beautiful smile.

‘You need this go ahead Mineko, I know you want her so bad. I don’t mind’ as Raven’s voice was in my mind, I ignored it. “Thank you so much Cynthia, you are the best.” I heard Raven’s voice again ‘stop ignoring your feelings; you need to do something besides fight all time. Kiss her like you want to and see what happens.’ I decided to go ahead and follow what my mind was thinking, and I kissed Cynthia deeply and passionately and started to rub her back with my hooves. At first she was a little startled but then she started to get more deeply involved with the kiss and rubbing my sides.

She started to push me down onto the couch as we continued to kiss, and I let her. My body was becoming so hot, she broke away from the kiss, and she asked, “are you sure you want this?”

She was so close I felt her breath tickling my nose; she was on top of me I felt our bodies touching so gently. I look at her with hungry eyes and answered “Yes, I need this, it has been so long since I felt like a pony, all I have been doing for the past year and a half is fight. Whether it is fighting Mars on a battlefield or fighting for my life in a hospital bed, I want this so bad.” She smiled and then continued to kiss me. She started to kiss me around my cheek and continued down to the side of my neck. I took in a deep breath, this is the most alive I have felt in such a long time. Her hoof started tracing my body from the center of the chest and slowly working down to my rear legs and my body shuddered. She then gently caressed my thigh right over my cutie mark, and slowly moved her kissing to the center of my neck. I took both my hooves stroked her mane, it was so silky and soft. Her hoof started to move from my thigh towards the center my legs, they just reacted and slowly parted to allow her hoof through and then I received surged of pleasure as she hit her mark.

This was only the beginning and I thought to myself: I hope this doesn’t qualify as what Flora would have called crazy shit, because it feels so good I don’t want it to stop right now.

* * *

Cynthia escorted me to the door where I collected my stuff gave her a kiss goodbye, she headed downstairs as I headed to my room. I figured I would drop my equipment off and go get something to eat cause I was starving. So I open up my room and I see Butter Cup lying on the bed looking over a list with a pencil in her mouth. She looked up, spit the pencil out, and smiled. “Mineko your back ah wuz getting a little worried,” she said as she darted from the bed and gave me a hug. She sniffed a couple of times and then said, “Ya smell funny.”

I dropped my stuff as my face turned many shades of red. I swear I hear Raven and the orange earth pony laugh hysterically in my head and I see the white one just scowl at them both. I do an awkward laugh and the replied, “yeah well, I guess I should clean up, yes I think that is exactly what I should do.”

“Ya actin mighty strange are ya sure ya all right,” she asked

“Why yes I am, hehe, ummm so I will get cleaned up and then we can go eat some dinner,” I replied as at a quick pace I head toward the bathroom to get cleaned up.

After a few minutes I got cleaned up and we headed down to the main room and sat at a table. Once we were seated comfortably Sapphire came to our table, “Hiya Mineko what can I get ya?”

“I’ll take some Ponywagon Porridge and some hard cider,” I replied.

“Ok,” she replied, “and you Butter Cup?”

“Ah’ll take the same but ah guess ah will take Sarsaparilla instead,” she replied disappointedly.

“Alrighty I will be back with your orders soon,” she said as she left the table to attend to other guests. The bar was bustling; many were talking about the recent firebomb that happened outside of town earlier this morning.

After a few minutes I hear a stallion at the bar say in a loud voice, “Hey Alan turn up the radio will ya DJ-PON 3 is coming on.”

After a few seconds the bar quieted down as the DJ’s voice rose to where you could hear it in the bar, “And now, my little ponies, it’s time for the news! Don’t know if any of you heard that explosion earlier this morning, but I sure did. It seems from a reliable source it came from a Mars Legion camp northwest of Manehattan outside of a small town called Bombertown. Yeah kids it seems that the army just took a mighty blow and from another reliable source, it was the Paladin of the Waste’s doing. The Mars Legion has been causing so much trouble up there it is about time that somepony stood up to them. So keep on fighting the good fight Paladin we all are grateful. Now for some news on the stable…..”

I was so embarrassed that I started feeling so much heat in my face and started slumping in my chair thank god no one noticed except for Butter Cup and Sapphire who brought the food. She placed on the table and left being nice not to bring up a conversation. Then I heard Raven’s voice ‘see Mineko you are doing right I’m so proud of you’, ‘but still the DJ blows it too far out proportion it makes me sound like a bucking hero, I’M NO HERO’ I replied to her in my head. I looked at Butter Cup and she had starry stare in her eye of pride. ‘I almost got her raped and killed, by Celestia I am no hero’ I added to my argument, ‘but she was not and that was all because of ya whether ya like it or not ya a hero at least to her’ the orange one interjected. I quickly shook my head to try to silence them; I was not in the mood to have that argument again. Then I started to eat my food, and after a second Butter Cup snapped out of her reverie and ate her food.

Once we completed with dinner we headed up to the room, I tucked Butter Cup into bed and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and wished her goodnight. Once that was done I again wasn’t feeling too tired so I decided to take out the second orb out of my box and brought with me to my side of the bed. I laid down trying not to disturb Butter Cup and the channeled my magic into the orb once again.


Of course my host was familiar as I was standing in the diner at Trading Post 22 next to a table with a bunch of gifts. There was music going with other ponies all around dancing, and having a good time, but my host was just looking around not paying any mind to the other ponies searching for some pony. Finally after a few minutes my host saw a silhouette of a pony standing at the entrance to the diner as the greyed out sun was behind it, she started to walk towards the pony and said, “Mineko, I was worried I couldn’t find you all day,” she gave me a hug. My host glanced at me as I had bandages wrapped around my ribs and band aids on my face. It was then that I realize I was at my host’s, Raven’s, cutie mark party, that was 5 and half years ago, and she was the last in our class to get it. “What happened to you Mineko you look like you went through a war?” She asked and she also noticed that my horn was glowing.

I laughed, “Don’t worry about me I had to go fetch your gift today, I’ll be fine. Sorry for being late though.”

“It’s ok,” as I levitated the gift to her as she took it in her magic and set it on the table with the rest, “but where were you all day?”

“Well I’m a little embarrassed, I woke up this morning and forgot that I didn’t have a gift for you so I decide to scavenge one for you, so I went to the Library 2 miles outside of town,” I replied.

My host gasped, “What! Mineko that was one of the libraries built by Luna’s school for the gifted, it’s dangerous there and also it is raider territory! You could have gotten killed, you only just earned your Cutie mark a few months ago,” she kept poking me in the chest emphasizing every word.

“Hey it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle,” I replied, “beside it was worth getting the best gift ever for my B.F.F, and because there was nothing here I could buy that was special enough for you. So I did the next best thing, I found one.”

“But still Mineko you could have died, I would rather you come without a gift than risk your life for me,” she replied. “Because if you died then you wouldn’t have been here at all,” she wrapped me in a hug and started crying, as I remember that her tears hit my neck. “Please don’t do this again, ok? I don’t know how I would handle it if my best friend was killed, ok?” She lifted from the hug and dried her tears and looked me with her eyes. I now understood how captivating my icy blue eyes could be. “Alright I promise,” I replied and I saw myself point at Raven’s left foreleg, “What’s that on your leg Raven?”

“Oh, this,” my host lifted it up where she could look at it. “It’s a PipBuck, my parents gave it to me when I got my cutie mark, they said that everyone in the stable gets one when they get their mark. My parents know that we are not in the stable but they maintained the tradition at least for our family.” I felt my host start to get warm in the face as I felt my breath on the back of the neck. I was standing very close to Raven, I was unaware at how much I affected her back then.

“So what can it do?” I asked.

“Well,” Raven replied, “It helps with inventory, can pick up radio signals, has a mapping system, can help with computer interfacing, keeps track of your health, has a heads up sparkle display, has spell-assisted targeting system S.A.T.S, which helps you target different parts of the enemy and slows down time, and last a tracking device.”

I whistled, “Damn now I wish I was part of a stable that is nice.”

“I can see if I can get you one, I mean after all my mother was the over mare.”

“No that is way too fancy for me, I wouldn’t know what to do with a thing like that,” I replied. “Come on lets have some fun; I mean after all you finally got your cutie mark.”

Raven smiled, “Sure, I truly love you Mineko, you have helped me a lot.”

“Of course, we are B.F.Fs right, and that’s what friends do,” as I smiled.

I immediately facehoofed in my mind after that comment because I never realized how Raven felt till way later, and now that she is my host I can feel for real that she loved me more than a friend at that party, I was so dense at that time.

The party went on and after a while she opened all her presents saving mine for last. She got to mine and opened it and gasped. She had in her magic field a thick black book with a crescent moon on the cover. “Do you realize what you have here Mineko?”

“Yeah it’s a book, a very different book nothing I have ever seen and I knew you liked books, so I took it to give to you,” I smiled nervously.

“Mineko this is a very special book written by Princess Luna herself, it is a collection of all the spells she knew when she was alive! Do you realize how many people would want to get their hoofs on this book?”

“Oh my gosh, I didn’t know,” I replied, “I just thought it would be a great present for you.”

“Mineko, I love it,” she nudged me with snout in the neck lovingly, “but it is dangerous, so it will be our little secret.”

“OK,” I replied.


The real world came tumbling back and all my emotions got jumbled up. ‘Raven was in love with me since that party and I never knew it’ I thought. I felt anxiety, disappointment, love and anger all at once, it was confusing. I decide to get up; I put away the orb, went to the bathroom, and splashed some cold water on my face. It was still in the middle of the night so I carefully crawled back into the bed trying to make sure not to wake Butter Cup and decided to get some shut eye for once.

I slowly started to open my eyes as the room was being filled with a grey light. I smacked my lips as I heard water running in the bathroom, I looked to my side and I noticed Butter Cup was gone. I got up in a start then I calmed myself by realizing she was in the bathroom cleaning up. I sighed with relief as she came out of the bathroom, “Hey, Mineko ya awake if ya want the bathroom all yours,” she replied.

“Ok thanks, could you go ahead and see about getting us a table and some breakfast downstairs while I clean up.” I replied, “Oh and Butter Cup make sure you have all your items we will be leaving after we eat.”


I then did a quick clean up and checked my hair, even though it was in a braid it was all messed up but I really don’t have time to re braid so I just let it be. I then put on my armor, my saddle bags, and quickly used my pipbuck to sort through my inventory. As my pipbuck was doing its sorting I was reading down what I had. Shot gun with 20 buckshot and 10 dragons breath, 10mm pistol with 150 rounds, assault rifle with 200 rounds, some porridge, 10 wrapped hay sandwiches, 10 healing potions, 5 med-x, 1 roll of bandages, 5 tins of PTMs, 5 bottles of sparkle cola, 3 bottles of sarsaparilla, a combat knife, 5 grenades and 500 bottle caps. After I looked at the inventory I then headed downstairs to eat breakfast before our long journey.

(Footnote: Level up, Granted Perk: Toughness, because of constantly being knocked to hell and back your body has become tougher, you are able to take more damaged before your body reacts.)