• Published 29th Mar 2012
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Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue - tigrean

This story takes place in the Fallout Equestria world and centers around Mineko and her travels.

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Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue Ch 4

Ch. 4

What I Fight For!

(I’ve got to fight for my friendships. For them! For me! For Equestria!)

I woke up in the morning in my bed at Trade Post 22, I heard my Father call, “Mineko, it’s time for breakfast.” I slowly open my eyes and I smacked my lips, ‘ugg I hate morning mouth’ I thought. “Wait where am I,” I thought out loud.

“You are at your home,” Raven said standing next me in my bed, “you need to wake up.”

“Raven!” I leaped out of my bed and wrapped my forelegs around her, “I had a horrible dream you were burned to death.” Though I don’t remember neck being so big compared to my forelegs, and I also I felt a little awkward. I finally released Raven from my embraced and I looked at myself, ‘oh god’ I thought and I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and screamed, “Ahhhh I’m a filly, nooooo!”

“Mineko! Are you alright,” I heard my father yelled, and I heard him quickly ran up the stairs. I stared at Raven where she stood in the doorway of the bathroom with a sad look on her face as my dad walked right through her with a look of concern in his face. My eyes grew wide with that sight.

“I’m sorry dad,” I replied, “I thought I saw a rad roach, sorry for worrying you.”

“Well get down stairs for breakfast,” he replied, “then after that we need to train.”

“But dad, I want to be a singer,” I complained.

He replied, “I know dear, but the wasteland is dangerous and even as a singer you will need to know how to protect yourself, and I think I can help you since I know you dislike guns.”

“Oh kay,” I wined, “I’ll be down in a minute.” I watched my dad walk away; he was a very handsome unicorn stallion for his age. He was very muscular, with a blue main and tail cropped nicely, his coat was solid black with two swords crossed on his flank as his cutie mark. Once he was gone I turned towards Raven and asked, “By Celestia what is happening, the last thing I remembered was getting shot and having difficulty breathing and now I’m a filly in my old house at post 22, plus how the hell are you here your dead?” ‘I must be going crazy’.

“This is in your mind but it is also what happened in the past,” Raven said.

“I remember the day but I don’t remember you being here,” I replied.

“But now I’m here with you in spirit, only you can see me Mineko.” Raven continue, “You must wake up there is a young filly who needs you and she is by the bed right now at the clinic, crying.”

“But what am I supposed to do,” I replied, “I can’t just will myself awake can I, and wait how do you know about Butter Cup, you were dead before I met her.”

“Magic is a very unique element I can’t explain it here and right now, but we need to get you back to reality,” she replied, “I think you should play this dream out and as long as you move forward you will awake, you stop moving forward and you will never get back to Butter Cup.”

“Ok, I guess I need to get breakfast then and see what my dad wants to teach me.” I replied and headed downstairs for breakfast. It smelled just the way I remembered how my mom cook and saw my mom finishing setting the table. She carried herself very regally; she had silk green mane that was long and flowing as well as her tail. Her coat was a pearly white and she had an air of sophistication and on her flank was a rose next to a revolver for her cutie mark. My mom has always been great with pistols while my dad was the opposite he was good with melee weapons, no wonder they made a good team. My mom taught me a lot about guns but I really didn’t like to use them so my dad started to train me in melee so when I was old enough I could survive with or without having a gun. Today he was going to teach a very important spell I wish I could remember it clearer.

I finished my breakfast and told my father, “Ok I’m done so what’s next?” I still saw Raven standing next to me still a little freak that everything passed through as if she was a ghost.

“Alright,” my father said, “follow me to the back; I set up a training dummy for us to work with.” As he walked outside to the back and I followed. Once we reached the back he pointed his horn at the dummy that was thirty feet away, “I want you to close the distance to that dummy before me, you ready for the race?”

“Me race you come on dad you are as old as dirt I could close distance minutes before you could,” I said and from the corner of my eye I saw Raven just smile.

He replied, with a grin, “Well then proove it!” He glared at me with intensity, “Ready, set go!”

So I took off as fast as I could and after a few seconds I witnessed a flash behind me. All the sudden I saw my dad at the dummy and I was only half way there and was already huffing while he just stood there unfazed. My mouth went wide and I tripped and fell face first into the ground, I think I caught Raven burst out laughing when I fell. I got myself back up and finished the distance and said, breathlessly, “How’d you do that dad that was amazing.”

My dad replied, “Blink, it is a spell I came up with. Ever since I was young I hated guns and I valued form more than function and what better art form is there in a world that is destroyed then swordplay. There was only one problem and that was trying to get into melee range when everypony else is using a gun. So to get my art to function properly I had to figure out how to close distance faster than a gun. First thing came to mind was teleportation but after research I found the only teleportation spells existed were ones that went great distances and all I need was to go about thirty feet at the most. So I had to rewrite a teleportation spell at the magical level to just do a small distance, so I called it blink.”

“Wow that was so awesome dad. I never thought you did research and was good with other magic than levitation.” I said with enthusiasm, “I want to learn that, because I’ve never been good with guns.”

“Alright my young padawan, I will teach you the blink spell.” My dad replied with a cheesy grin. The rest of the day I was training and learning how to do the blink spell. Raven was there throughout whole time supporting me and being there when I need support it was almost as if she was alive again. I almost didn’t want the day to end I was with my dad, mom and Raven, it was so great that we even skipped lunch. During the last half of the day my mom just watched my father and I train, I don’t remember any other times my dad was so happy we trained till the sun went down. I finally got the spell right as it reached twilight and then mom called us all in for dinner.

While I was eating dinner I was real quiet and I was getting a little upset and my mom noticed this and asked, “Mineko dear what is wrong, you seem disappointed, did you not enjoy the day with your father?”

“I did,” I replied, “and a day like this will only come once I don’t want it to end.”

“You are right that a day like this only comes once,” my father replied, “but we can have more days that are almost like this. This day is gone but you can’t just remain in the past Mineko you must move forward.”

“Besides,” my mother interjected, “we hope you never have to use the training we provided you but the world is a dangerous place we want you prepared. As far as I’m concerned I want you to chase your dreams to become a singer, so keep working towards that but just keep our training in your heart just in case you will need it.”

“Whether or not your special talent is combat oriented or singing, you are still our little girl,” My father continued, “just because your talent may be one thing and not another, doesn’t mean you can’t do the other talent you like. You can have more than one talent, and your cutie mark only represents the one you are best at.”

“Thanks dad that means much to me,” I replied.

“Now help your mother clean up and then it is off to bed for you,” my father said.

“Aaww, dad,” I gave my best pouty face to him and he ignored it, “fine,” I sighed. I helped with cleaning and then I went to my room and got ready for bed. I looked towards Raven, “so are you responsible for this and if so, how.”

Raven replied, “I am just acting as a guide for now, as for how, it is a secret,” she gave me wink, “in time you will learn that secret but for now just know that even though I’m dead I’m still with you in your heart and in spirit. I will always help you when you need it.”

“As will I darling,” A gorgeous white unicorn with blue hair and a three diamond cutie mark said as she appeared out from the wall near my bathroom. “I’ve already helped you once so you can surely expect it again when you need it.”

“Now, now we can’t go spoilin’ her, now can we.” As an orange earth pony with a yellow mane and a three apple cutie mark appeared out of the wall opposite of my bathroom, “now, sugarcube,” she looked towards me, “Ah reckon that we all will help ya when ya be needing it the most but fer now ya need to go to bed and come back ta the real world, now hurry it up will ya.” As both the white and orange ponies just faded away.

“Yes, you remembered what you needed to remember and it will help you in the near future,” Raven said, “for now it is all up to you I found the information in your head and I think it was well worth it. I also was glad that I could see and live in one of your fond memories of your family. Now soon your mother will tuck you in bed so you can sleep and now the rest is up to you. You can stay in this fantasy but then the filly that still counts on you will be forever scarred. So please Mineko come back us. Come back to me.”

“Please y’all are very strong, don’t give up,” As ravens voice changed into Butter Cup’s voice, “please ya is all the family ah have left, please Mineko don’t die, please….” As her voice faded away, and also Raven faded away.

My mother came up to my room, “So ready for bed dear.” As she walked up next to me and help me into bed. She pulled the covers over me up to my head and tucked sheet edges under the mattress, and kissed me on the forehead and started to walk away.

“Mom,” I said, “please don’t go.”

“What’s wrong dear, why are you crying?” she asked.

“I don’t…” I stumbled over my words, “I can’t seem to want to go to sleep.” I sniffed up my tears to make them stop.

She walk back to me and sat on the ground next to my bed and said, “Hush now, it’s ok,” she consoled me and nuzzled me. She started to sing quietly, “Hush now quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head…” My mother continued to sing as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

* * *

Beep, beep, beep, which was all I started to hear as I slowly started to open my eyes. I was on what felt like a hospital bed with an IV tube attached to my left foreleg. I also noticed some sort of pod a few feet away on the wall I looked at as the grey sun was starting to peer through a window behind me. As the haze cleared from my head I started to hear a soft sobbing behind me around my neck area. I carefully moved to lie on my stomach turned to look at the sobbing pony as I figured it was Butter Cup I nuzzled her and said quietly, “hey kid, did you stay here the whole time I was out?”

She slowly started to raise her head from the bed and when she saw me her face changed from sad to extremely happy, “Ya awake,” she gave me a real tight hug, and started hopping on all fours and ran out the room excitedly. “Y’all she’s awake Mineko is awake.”

After that all the sudden one by one ponies filed into my room. First it was Alex Wood, then his wife Cynthia, Butter Cup ran between the two and jumped on the bed and gave me another very tight hug , and last a very embarrassed and upset tannish-orange pegasus and slowly walked up to the bed and said, “I’m sorry that I almost killed you.”

Butter Cup look at her very defensively, “get away from her, ah think ya done enuf!”

“Easy now,” I said to Butter Cup, “she didn’t know me and I was kind of being sneaky and all she was trying to do is protect the town.” I look towards the pegasus, “Am I right to assume that? Cause I know if I was in your shoes I probably would have shot first as well.”

“Umm yes,” the pegasus replied, “if I have known you were the paladin of the waste, I would have not shot you. I’m glad that you are alive and I would like to make this up to you, I really didn’t mean to shoot you lethally.”

“Unhuh, well that was the past.” I replied, “The first thing you could do is answer my questions.” Butter Cup was still hugging me and continued to eye the pegasus cautiously. “First what is your name, second what is going on here, and third who was the pony you shot and why, and fourth how did you find out where Butter Cup was I never said anything that told you where she was at?”

“Ok, fair enough,” the pegasus replied, “my name is Tempest, I own Sky High weapons and ever since a week ago I have been also been doubling as a guard, because I have training as a sniper, I was from the enclave before I came down here as a Dashite. Second about a week ago an unknown military force attacked the city, led by a purple alicorn with a red, round cutie mark…”

“Wait,” I interrupted, “purple alicorn with a red cutie mark?!” My anger and rage started rising, “Mars attacked you, that bitch is still alive!” I saw from the corner of my eyes Alex’s and Cynthia’s eyes grew wide after I said the name and they looked at each other and nodded turned and looked back at us talking.

“Umm, yes,” she continued, “we were lucky that it failed due to the tactical genius of the sheriff and also most people around here know how to protect themselves and are quite good at it, so how do you know who she is?”

My left eye started twitching from the ager that was slowly coming forward I heard Raven’s soft voice in my head ‘Shhh Mineko it’s alright you knew you would find her eventually just don’t do anything rash.’ I replied “let’s just say I have a small history with her and leave it at that, please continue,” I calmly said and my eye slowly stopped twitching.

“Alright, third the pony was an infiltrator from the enemy ever since they lost the battle; they have been trying to blow up the town using the generator in the town center. Fourth just before you went unconscious you muttered inn so I first took you to the clinic here and nurse Flora saw your condition a quickly put you in the auto doc, and then I headed to the Inn and talk with Alan at the bar and he knew who Butter Cup was and what room she was in I quickly got her and brought her here. Then I had to go back on guard duty and she hasn’t left your side since, you have one dedicated daughter there.”

“What,” I replied with a look of surprise, “daughter, she is not my daugh…”

“Out of my way,” a female voice said, “let me get to my patient, so everypony, OUT! Go to the waiting room unless you are family which I doubt any of you are so git.” Everyone started leaving, and then I saw who the voice belonged to. She was a middle aged pink unicorn mare with very straight red-violet mane and tail, greying in some places, the years look they were not easy on her, but I could tell she was strong willed. She had a cutie mark that looked like a Valerian Flower. Just before Butter Cup left she stopped her and said, “you can stay you are immediate family, right?”

Butter cup looked at me and I nodded approvingly, and she turned to the nurse and said, “Yeap ah am, she’s my big sis.” Butter Cup was beaming after that and sat back down next to me.

“Alright, let me just examine you real quick, then hopefully give you a clean bill of health and get you on your way.” The nurse said.

“Ok,” I asked, “by the way how much will this cost me because I’m sure that it isn’t cheap?”

“Don’t worry about it,” she replied, “the woods are covering for you this time. But normally it is about 50000 caps for the auto doc, so don’t get shot up in the lungs again cause most likely you don’t have that much to throw around on a whim.”

I gulped, “So I was in pretty bad shape, one of my lungs was punctured and collapsed.”

“Yeap, the left one as a matter of fact, if Tempest didn’t wake me up and get me to put you in the auto doc I wouldn’t be talking to you now.” The nurse replied. “I’m impressed though, I figured you be out for another day.” As she started to conduct the exams she needed to do.

“Wait how long have I been out,” I cringed as a waited for the answer, ‘please tell me it isn’t like the last time over two months’ I thought.

“Eight hours,” she replied, “that’s why I’m checking you out real quick so I can free up the bed because most likely the army is going to attack again since their infiltrator probably hasn’t reported back to them yet. I just wish they would just leave us alone cause I know a lot ponies are going get shot up and a couple of town folks will probably die. Well at least I’ll be here to patch em up and send them back out wish doc cross was here though he was good at this better than me.”

“May I asked why he left?”

“We had a little disagreement on how to manage the clinic,” she replied, “If it was up to him he wouldn’t charge for treatment or charge very little but we would run out of supplies if we did it his way, I wanted to charge at least cost of supplies. He was a little naive but he was stable borne anyways all of those stable ponies tend to be that way.”

“Well I think that is a noble Idea,” I replied.

“Yeah, well he is dead now and I was unable to say I’m sorry before he passed away. We both were so stubborn that we couldn’t even compromise.” She continued, “I know you are the paladin of the wastes, so you were last with him, was he doing well.”

“First of all I’m no paladin, I have no idea why DJ Pon3 said that, and he was doing well. I believe he had a very fulfilling life unlike most ponies in the waste he died at an old age instead of very young.” I replied, while Butter Cup started to tear up. I nuzzled here comforted her while the nurse finished up her examination.

“Well you are good to go,” Flora said, “now clear out I need to get this bed ready for the next time I need it.” I sat up while she removed the IV and I started to walk out and she called out to me, “Also thanks for letting me know how Doc Cross was doing before he died, I can rest a little easier now.”

I looked back at her I swore I could see her eyes tearing but from the distance I wasn’t sure, “No problem, you should make some time and go see his grave, and you can tell him you are sorry at least in spirit, life in the waste is to short do be having regrets.”

“Thanks, Mineko, you truly have a good soul, I think that is why DJ Pon3 called you a paladin.”

“I doubt that, if I was better pony I could have saved him, could’ve saved the one pony I cared for, but instead I dragged her around the wastes and she got killed because of me.” I said, “So no DJ Pon3 is wrong about me, I’m no paladin, no hero, I’m just a pony.” I continued to walk out as I was greeted by all the ponies who visited me; I smiled at them all and then said, “Thank you.”

They all replied, “No problem.”

“Tempest can I see you after we leave the clinic?” I asked.

“Sure.” We all then left the waiting room.

* * *

Once we got out of the clinic the woods went back to their inn, I looked toward Tempest, nodded, and then said to Butter Cup, “Why don’t you head back to the inn, I’ll be there shortly.”

She replied, “But ya just got up, ah wanted to spend more time with ya before we left again.”

“I won’t be long I promise,” I continued, “I need to talk with Tempest.”

“What, why?” Butter Cup complained, “She shot ya almost killed ya, ah don’t like her or trust her.”

“Now Butter Cup,” I replied, “If she didn’t take me to clinic I would be dead.”

“If she didn’t shoot ya in the first place you wouldn’t have had to go to the clinic.” She argued.

I noticed from the corner of my eye I saw Tempest slowly lowering her head in embarrassment and trying to stay out of sight from Butter Cup, then I said, “Butter Cup now go to the inn I’ll be there shortly.”


“No buts now go.” I emphasized.

“Fine,” she replied disappointingly and looked at Tempest, Tempest then looked up, Butter Cup then said, “Ya better not shoot her again or I swear I will figure out a way to kill ya for it!” and before I could say another Butter Cup ran off almost crying.

I was astonished, “Butter Cup!” I yelled but she just continued to run towards the inn, “that filly is being so rude, I can’t believe her,” I muttered. I looked towards the tannish-orange pegasus with me and apologized to her, “I’m sorry for how she is acting what she said there was uncalled for. She lost her only family she knew a few days ago and I guess she adopted me as her surrogate family.”

“Oh, it’s not a problem,” Tempest replied, “I’m used to people threatening me or being scared of me. I do owe you big time since I was the one that almost killed you; I need to repay you for what I did. So from here on out I will protect you and Butter Cup the best I can, even though she hates me.”

I shook my head quickly, “wait, what, what did you just say.”

“I said,” she replied, “I’m going to protect you and Butter Cup as best as I can. I just want to make one thing straight though; my barn door does not swing that way.”

My mouth was wide open in shock, ‘did I hear her right’ I thought I also swear I could hear Raven laughing in my head as well. “Wait, I hardly know you, and you are quite good look… but I would never think…. wha huh!!”

“Well while the nurse was checking you I talked with Cynthia a bit and she mention that you are a filly-fooler and so if I was going to do what I planned to make sure you were aware of my preference for stallions.”

My face turned very bright red and I swore that Raven was rolling around laughing in my head and I think the other two were giggling as well. Cynthia did it to me again, made me feel so awkward, ‘man that mare just knows how to push my buttons’ I thought but quickly I gained my composure. “Umm that was not exactly how I wanted our talk to go, Tempest, I was going to ask you if you knew where the enemy base was?”

“Why do you want to know that?” She asked.

“Well,” I replied, “since you killed the Infiltrator I’m sure they are going to make a move on the town and I am after Mars. So if you knew where the base was I wanted to go and chat with them and also make sure that they understand that this town is not theirs to take.”

“That’s crazy,” she exclaimed, “you can’t go in there by yourself, which is suicide, why do you want to kill yourself.”

“It will not be suicide, I can take them. I know how they work I’ve been hunting them for months. The Woods are going to take care of Butter Cup so I can go after Mars. So that is why I want to send a message to leave this town alone by making it not worth the price they will have to pay to take it. So will you tell me where the base is or not?”

“Umm,” she looked at my determined look and then continued, “ok, I don’t know where the base is but I can fly and scout around but I will only do this under a couple of conditions. One you let me get a couple of hours of sleep and two I will be coming with you.”

“What, no,” I said, “I will not be responsible for another pony’s death because they are following me on my quest. A pony I cared about died and also a pony that help me died because I wasn’t good enough, so no I’ll find the camp on my own. It’s better that way.” I started to walk to the gate but Tempest all the sudden landed right in front of me and stopped me.

“Mineko,” Tempest said irritably, “Going alone is suicide and I can’t let you do that, you have a wonderful daughter. Besides I’m not taking no for an answer, I almost killed you so this is my way to make it up to you.”

“I already forgiven you so you no longer have an obligation, beside don’t you own the weapons store? You can’t just leave that behind.” I replied.

“My assistant runs it so it is in good hands,” she continued, “you may have forgiven me but Butter Cup hasn’t and I’m doing this more for her sake, I know what it is like to lose a mother and if I can keep you safe and bring you back to her then maybe I can prove to her how sorry I was about almost killing you.”

“That is not necessary, I’m leaving her here so she can grow up safe I will not be back at least not for a long time,” I sighed, “It’s best for the ponies I care for stay as far away from me as possible or they will be killed.”

She stood there and stared at me with this really cold stare like one a mother would give a child when she was displeased with it, and in an tone of unbridled authority, said, “Now you listen to me Mineko, I will not stand you doing this you are not just hurting yourself you are also hurting Butter Cup. She loves you like a mother, I’m not stupid, I know she is not your actual daughter but she still sees you as her mother. Now you listen to me and listen to me well, I’m not going to take no for an answer and I am going to help weather you like it or not.” She crouched down as if stalking me and started to prowl towards me. I started moving back nervously, “Now young lady you ARE going to go to the inn and going to spend a few hours with your daughter, so I can get a couple of hours of sleep and then scout for the base. Then once I find it I will come and get you and we will take care of the base TO-GETH-ER, do I MAKE myself clear.”

I gulped; she was scary, “Umm yes.” I said meekly.

“Do I make myself clear young lady?” She exclaimed.

“YES!” I said with as much enthusiasm I could muster.

“Good,” she continued, “now go spend time with your daughter; I will come get you after I’m done. Also if you do anything stupid like going there by yourself I will punish you.”

“Wait… whaa.. huh… what can you do to me, I almost died twice?” I asked.

She gave me a very frightening stare, “There are worst things out there than death for punishment and I know quite a few of them.”

“Ok, ok, I get the point I promise I will let you come along.” I gave in, she is scary, “I’m glad to have you aboard Tempest.” I offered my hoof for a hoof shake Tempest smiled and shook my hoof, after that I walked towards the inn to spend time with my daughter. ‘I kind of like that thought, I have a daughter’ then I heard Raven’s voice in my head say ‘so do I’. I continued to walk towards the inn.

* * *

I walk into the inn and I saw Alex working the bar I walked up to him and asked, “Where’s Butter Cup?”

“Oh she is in the back helping with cooking.” He replied, “She is quite a good cook. I wouldn’t be surprised if her talent was cooking.”

“Really,” I asked, “why has she been doing that?”

“Well,” he responded “when she couldn’t be with you at the clinic she worked for us for a couple of hours to make some bottle caps. I continually told her it was not needed but she insisted, you know how the earth ponies are. While she was cooking though we got nothing but praise for our food and on top of that she would use a quarter less of the supplies compared to our primary chief.”

“Well that is great,” I replied, “She will be staying with you guys for a while so that would be good for your business.”

“You do realize that she might take the fact that you want to leave her behind as you don’t love her, she might be heartbroken. You are her only family.” He stated.

“That is the number one reason why she has to stay here,” I replied, “I don’t think it is healthy for a filly to grow up traveling the wasteland following a pony that will be fighting and killing most of the time. That is the main reason why she needs to stay because I love her and want her to grow up happy and safe.”

“Hey, you don’t need to convince me, you need to convince her.” He rebutted, “but for now why don’t you get something to eat, I’m sure you are starving. Once you finished eating, Butter Cup should be done with the chore I had her doing and you guys can spend some quality time together before you have to go do what must be done.”

“Ok, I’ll do that, I’m starving.”

Alex got his wife to bring me some what looked like a thick stew and I ate. Butter Cup came out of the kitchen and ran up to me and gave me a hug. I finished my food while she sat next to me waiting and she asked, “So did ya like it, ah made muself. Something I wanted to test so was it good?”

“It was, what is in it and what are you calling it.” I asked.

“Well,” she replied, “ah’m callin it ponywagon porridge, It has some tofu, bunch carrots, some celery, a nice soy broth and thickened it up with some flower, and it stays well so ya can use it for multiple days and uses less of supplies as well.”

“It is good,” I replied, “I’m happy that you came up with it, I’m proud of you. You are such a smart filly.” I gave her a hug, “Well I was thinking we could spend some time together, if you want to, besides I need to talk to you about something.


I get up from my stool, “Well then let’s go for a walk and talk.” I said.

Alex interjected real quick, “Hey Butter Cup can you do me a favor while you are out, could you go to the general store and pick up some supplies for us, here is the purchase order.” He levitated a piece of paper towards Butter Cup.

“Sure, Mister Wood,” she replied, “ah be happy to help ya out.” She took the piece in her mouth ran up to our room and came back down with her saddle bags. “Alright lets go Mineko.” We walked out of the inn.

* * *

Butter Cup and I went walking towards the general store in an awkward silence. ‘How am I going to tell her that she will be staying here when I leave, without hurting her?’ Then I heard Raven’s voice in my head, ‘tell her the truth and the reasons why’. “Oh like how” I mutter under my breath.

“Like how what,” Butter Cup broke the silence, “Is something wrong, Mineko?”

“No,” I replied, “what gave you that idea.” I gave a forced grin.

“Well y’all been acting strange ever since you came back from your talk with that Tempest gal.” She replied, “did she shoot you again.”

“What,” I laughed, “Now Butter Cup, would I be standing here if that happened.”

“Ayeap,” she replied, “Ah’ve seen ya in worse shape and ya still ready to fight.” She did some mimic punches while walking.

I giggled, “I appreciate that you think so much of me but I’m no better than that pony over there,” as I pointed at a random pony, “or that one,” I point to another, “I’m no pony special.”

“But you’ve done so much fer me,” she replied, “Ya are a special pony. At least ta me”

I looked at her and thought ‘god that just made it harder for me to tell her’ I replied, “Thanks Butter Cup.’ We finally reached the general store, and thought, ‘I guess I will have to wait a little longer to talk to her’ Once we entered we were greeted by the proprietor and Brown stallion with an hour class as his cutie mark.

“Ah, great customers, how wonderful, yes, yes how can I help you.” He smiled and turned to us.

“Hiya ah got a purchase order from the Wood inn,” Butter Cup replied and pulled out the piece of paper out of her bag.

“Oh! Right you are,” He took the paper set it on the counter and read it, “Ah, good everything seems to be in order, I’ll be right back.” He went to the back and came pulling a cart, with the entire order, “Heref yoth goeth,” He tried to speak with his mouth still on the cart handle, we giggled, “whath soeth funnyth,” he replied.

“Umm, maybe it would be better if ya let go of the cart when you want to talk,” Butter Cup said giggling.

He spit the handle out, “Oh, right, right sorry, sometimes I forget about such small things.” He continued, “well here is the order lets go over it make sure I didn’t miss anything.” As the two of them started going down the list verifying everything was there. I was still trying to figure out how I could tell her what I needed too. Finally they were done Butter Cup packed as many supplies into her saddle bags as she could and then looked at me.

“Umm, Mineko could ya help out and take the rest that I can’t fit, for me please?” She asked.

“Sure,” I replied as I used my telekinesis as a blue glow came from my horn and then from the rest of the supplies as they lift up and fell in behind me hovering.

“Fascinating I can never get over what you unicorns can do with your horns,” the owner commented.

“Well thanks a lot,” Butter Cup said to the owner.

“Oh, right,” He replied after he seemed to get his thought process interrupted, “Oh, right, yes have a good day, thanks for coming.” We then left the store.

After we walked a few feet away I finally got my nerve up to speak, “Butter Cup I want you to live with the Woods for a time.”

What!” Butter Cup responded, “Why, are ya upset with me?”

“No, it’s just that I…” I replied, “I want you to be safe and it isn’t safe out there.”

“Ah’m a bother aren’t I,”

“No, I’m not saying that,” I pleaded, “I love you as a daughter and I want you to grow up safe.”

“Well ya don’t need worry ah can take care of muself,” she replied, “ah’m not a filly anymore.” She picked up her pace.

I tried to catch up but as I got close she went faster until we were not walking anymore, we were galloping. Once she reached the inn she went inside before I could say a word. “Ugh!, Butter Cup come back here we need to talk!” I yelled and I walked into the inn. I saw Alan working the bar while Alex was taking Butter Cup’s bags to the back, I dropped my load on the bar and asked “Where is she?”

Alan shrugged, “don’t know, she came in dropped her bag off and ran off crying. I didn’t get a chance to look where she went, I’m sorry.” He gave a frown.

“Great just great,” I started to cry and decided to go to our room cause I’m sure she will eventually show up there. Once I reached to my room I sat next to the bed and put my face in the mattress and continued to cry, until I heard a knock at the door.

I get up, dry my tears, and open the door and at the door was Cynthia, she asked “May I come in?”

I just nodded and stepped aside, then closed the door. She walked to the bed and sat on it then beckoned me over. I walked to her and she put her fore legs around me and pulls me close, and asked, “What’s wrong Mineko? I know you were crying.”

“I was not,” I replied.

She laughed, she had the most musical laugh, “The puffiness under your eyes says otherwise. Stop putting up a front and just cry. Even the strong cry, hell my husband cried and he is one of the strongest stallions I met, that’s why I married him. The point I’m trying to make dear is if you don’t cry, keep everything pent up inside, you will go crazy and not to mention what that stress does to your youthful image.” I giggled, “So just let it all go I’m here now, cry about past losts, cry about anything, but for goodness sake just cry you are a pony not robot.”

I thought about the death of Doc Cross, seeing my town burned down, I thought of how I saw Raven get burned to death in balefire, and last how upset Butter Cup was with me. All those things collided in my head I just started balling like I was a filly again, and Cynthia just remained quiet and held me close and was rocking with me in her hooves.

I don’t know how long I cried it seemed like forever, but finally I stopped. After I stopped Cynthia lifted my head and gave a real long passionate kiss, I couldn’t help but kiss her back once she broke away she asked, “do you feel better now?”

“Yes, a little,” I replied, “but I’m sure Butter Cup still thinks I hate her.”

“I’m sure she will eventually understand why you want her to stay with us,” Cynthia continued, “She sees you as her mother and because of that she wants to be with you.”

“I know but it is dangerous out there and I don’t think it would be a good place to raise a kid, hell even my parents found a place to settle down to raise me. I just can’t settle down yet my work is not done but I can’t take her with me. I love her so much that I want her safe, but why does it hurt us both, so much, doing the right thing?”

“There,” she replied, “you are her mother and you are doing what is best for your daughter. It is a mother’s responsibility to make sure their kids grow up right and safe. Take this from one who was a mother herself. Just a warning though sometimes your kid will do something unexpected, and when she does it is your responsibility to do what is best for her both physically and mentally. Butter Cup is a smart filly she will eventually understand the decisions you made, and no matter what, she loves you and will always love you.”

“I feel a lot better,” I replied, “Thanks again Cynthia, I guess a good cry did help.” We broke from our embrace.

“Not a problem,” she replied, “now I must get back to work now. My husband probably thinks we did more than just talked. Not that it would have been a bad thing doing that but I could tell you didn’t need it. I will see you later then.” She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left my room.

A few minutes later I heard another knock at the door I answered it, and standing at the door was Tempest fully geared up.

“I found the base,” she commented.

“Great,” I replied, “give me a couple of minutes to suit up and we’ll head out.” She nodded and I quickly gathered my gear and we headed out of the inn.

* * *

Tempest lead the way and we finally made it to the Mars camp. It wasn’t a big camp only maybe a thousand or so ponies and I couldn’t see much from the rock we were behind, “Damn what I would give for some binoculars right now.”

Tempest heard me and smiled, she then gave me her sniper rifle, “here use my scope.”

I thanked her and stared at the camp through the scope and I look right at a guard’s face, I flinched and stopped looking through the scope for a second and thought to myself ‘by Luna that is a very large magnification we are still at least a half a mile away.’ So I continued to use the scope I was looking for a specific part of the camp, the armory, and there it was. There was no way I could kill all the soldiers but I could take away all the supplies. Once that was done they would have to either wait for more or go back and get more. I believe the later would happen because if Mars wanted the city she would have already taken it or destroyed it by now. I looked to Tempest, gave back her rifle and asked, “Can you make a rough sketch of the camp from an aerial view in the dirt please?”

“Sure,” she replied. She looked on the ground and found a small piece of rusted metal and drew a rough sketch of the camp.

Once she was finished I looked at the sketch, and said, “Alright here is the plan….” I explained to her my plan, she nodded and we quickly worked our way to the side of the camp closest to the armory. I pointed to where I wanted her positioned. She quickly moved up to the cloud curtain and plucked a piece of the cloud and moved closer to the ground where she was supposed to be positioned, and then planted herself on the cloud. I waited two more minutes, thought ‘well here goes nothing,’ and then moved out.

I hugged the landscape as best I can slowly inching closer and closer to outskirts of the camp, as long as Tempest was doing her job I shouldn’t meet very much resistance until I reached the armory. I was about a hundred feet away from the armory sticking as close to the ground I could as I noticed a shadow over me ‘oh crap’ I thought as I looked up and saw one of the guards over me, he looked surprised I quickly brought knife out as his head exploded in blood and gore and his body fell right on top me.

“Roseblood?” I heard an unfamiliar Mare’s voice.

“by Celestia’s grace why is it never easy,” I mutter under my breath, “I hope tempest can shoot fast cause now I will have run the rest of the way.” I quickly levitated the body and threw it at the mare, and charged her with my dagger, I needed to end this fast so I went into S.A.T.S. First attack hit her in the gut, as I sliced diagonally down across her chest after the follow up for the second attack, the third attack I sliced up and hit her chin to cause her head to angle up exposing her throat and my final attack I sliced horizontally across her exposed throat as she gurgled and fell motionless onto the ground, and then time sped back up to normal. I quickly looked around to assess the situation and I notice one, two, three, four, five rifles pointed my direction. The first one to my right I saw its head explode, during that moment of confusion I ran as fast as I could towards the armory, to my left another one got shot, ‘I guess she is a pretty quick shot’ I thought. As I continued to run a third one trying to intercept me got shot but one was right in front of me. I charged at him with my dagger still out in my telekinetic envelope, and I leaped at him and with my foreleg I clotheslined him as his head went back I took my knife and slit his throat and just in case I hooked my foreleg and spun around using his neck as a pivot point. With my back legs I slammed into his spine with all my weight and I heard multiple bones cracking and breaking, as I was in the air I used the blink spell, I reappeared next to the tent and slid head first into the armory tent side as I came to a stop I saw the last one drop. I knew from this point on I would be having to do this solo cause most likely Tempest was in the process of moving to a different point so they couldn’t get her.

With my dagger I quickly cut myself free and dipped into the tent, I had maybe seconds before every single pony in the camp will be heading this way. So I quickly gathered whatever ammo I could find and carry and then I looked for any explosive and I hit jack pot they had a small cache of C-4. I took a brick and placed it on one of the crates of ammo that I didn’t try to open, grabbed the detonator, and with my dagger I cut a hole in the opposite side of the tent and ran.

As I was running to get to the distance I needed to detonate the explosive I heard a familiar scream from a tent I was running by. “Ya won’t get away with this,” the voice continues, “ya better let me go.” I stopped dead in my track that was Butter Cup’s voice.

“Oh after what you did to me I intend ta break ya now,” A gruff stallions voice, “I just love the feisty ones especially if they are virgins, hold her down real good guys it’s time she got broken in and after I’m done all of you will get your turns.”

“Noo, get away from me, let me go!” Butter Cup screams. With that my anger exploded I went towards the tent and in my mind I was ‘by Celestia and Luna as my witness they shall not have that innocent soul’ I felt something inside me just explode. I used my Blink spell and appeared in the middle of that tent. I looked quickly and counted five targets again, I used my telekinesis and threw the stallion off of Butter Cup and with my magic I touched my shards and they floated out of my bag and in an instant I formed my blade with ten of the fourteen I had.

I looked at the stallion and seethed, “bastard! You will not have this filly as long as I still breathe.” My blade shined brightly with the new found power, as I sliced the stallion in half with one sweep of my sword. I turned to the other four as they quickly started drawing their weapons. Butter Cup ran behind me as I faced off with the last four. The first one was a white earth pony who had a 9mm pistol squeezed off two shots one missed me as the other landed into my armor’s breast plate I barely budged from my stance and with my telekinesis my sent the four shards I had left into him two hit him in his body, one his neck and the other into his eye, he fell. The second a brown unicorn with sludge hammer came at me from the side and hit me with the hammer on my right shoulder, I slid across the tent from the hit. If it wasn’t for my armor my shoulder would have been broken as well had the breath knocked out of me. The third one decided to take the chance and used a submachine gun and shot at me , I quickly recovered as fast as I could as the bullets rattled my armor and a couple of the bullets found some of the armor’s vulnerabilities but nothing major. I used my blink spell and appeared behind the sledge hammer pony and took my blade and stabbed him in the back and severed his spinal cord and he fell. The submachine gun earth pony shot at me again I slipped into S.A.T.S, time slowed down and jumped at him unfortunately a few of his bullets hit me as I did my strikes, my first strike I did a diagonal slash from down to up across his chest, the second went from the base of the neck to his flank, the third attack I spun around stabbed him in the back of the neck and the last attack I just sliced upward and split his head like a log. Time sped up back to normal as I noticed I had some blood in my right eye and my whole body ached I felt I could barely stand, but I forced myself to stay up and I gave the last earth pony a stare of murder as he froze and then bolted out of the tent. With this reprieve I decided now was the time to hit the detonator as a big explosion happened right where the armory was and the concussion of the blast just threw both myself, Butter Cup and the tent about five feet away from where the concussion hit, if wasn’t for the tent breaking our fall we probably would have been dead or badly beaten. I quickly used my blade and cut us free from the tent and ran as fast as I could from the camp and directed Butter Cup to follow.

Finally, after a few minutes the sun was setting, I think I still saw the fire from the explosion. We must of at least ran three quarters of a mile before I decided we were far enough. I was feeling a little light headed but at least we got away. I barely could see anything from my right eye due to the blood but I turned to Butter Cup and asked “are you ok?

“Ah am fine but wut about you, ya not lookin to good.” She replied.

“Oh all be fin…” as I felt all my strength leave me and I fell onto my right side, ‘this is mighty nice place to rest’ I thought and it went black all I heard was a little voice in the distance.

“Mineko, come on, Mineko don’t do this ta me ah am sorry Minek….”

Footnote: Level up, Granted Perk: Intense training agility: due to your adventures/misadventures you naturally gained a point in agility, Quest Perk: Enhanced Blade Casting level 1: You rekindled your reason to fight and, due to the power surged you received you are able to manipulate 10 shards into a blade vice 8