• Published 29th Mar 2012
  • 1,787 Views, 49 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue - tigrean

This story takes place in the Fallout Equestria world and centers around Mineko and her travels.

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Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue Ch 3

Ch 3


(With a friend like this who needs enemies)

We finally are close Bombertown from what I could see it looks like the town was built up around an old crashed pegasus bomber cart. Prospector gives me back the case with the lock opened and said, “Here you go all done, and we are close to town.”

“Thanks again,’ I replied, “by the way what can you tell me about the town?”

“Well,” Prospector started, “The town has been around for about 7 years, it has all the necessities like a general store called Bob’s Bargains, he is a weird one though claims not to be a pony originally or a zebra. Then you got the Wood Brother’s Tavern and Inn, ran by a couple of twin unicorns used to be reapers from Hoovington. Then you got Sky-high Weapons, owned by a dashite came down about 2 years ago. Then you got Sheriff Brightblood, who runs the town, was one of those society ponies from Hoovington. The main reason the town grew was that in the center of town is one of those pegasi battle wagons with a working reactor so the founder knew a little bit about how to tap into that power and the whole town has electricity. When the town grew the founder just disappeared, though that was when the general store was founded too, hmmm interesting.”

“Well thanks for the info,” I replied, I slipped off the cart with Butter Cup and started to head to the entrance of town. Once we were inside the sheriff stood up from his chair near is office at the entrance and started walking toward us. He first greeted Prospector then turned toward Butter Cup and me.

“Good afternoon,” the sheriff said to us, “welcome to Bombertown, I am Sheriff Brightblood, what is your business here?”

“Well sheriff,” I replied, “just need a place to stay for the night and perhaps someone willing to adopt this filly that is with me, the wasteland is no place for her, she needs a good home since her last one was attacked and destroyed by raiders.” Buttercup looked at me with those sad eyes, not wanting to leave my side. I’ll have to try to explain to her how dangerous it would be if I tried to take her with me, ‘be pleasant’ as the white mare shot me an approving look in my head.

“As long as you cause no trouble you are welcomed to my town as long as you need to be,” he did a slight bow, smiled, “hopefully we can speak again, soon, as for now I must get back to work.” He walked back to his office. We then start off to the Inn for a good night sleep.

* * *

We entered the Wood Brother’s Tavern; the bar was a square in the middle of the room with decent benches all around the bar. Tables were scattered about the room and it was busy. A couple of the tables seem to be playing a card game. There were a couple of beautiful mares serving drinks to the customers, one was a green unicorn with a long sapphire blue mane a tail that shimmered with a cutie mark of what looked like a lake or pond, I felt my heart skip a beat. The other was an earth pony with sleek brown fur that glittered in the light with a short emerald green mane a tail that also shimmered with a cutie mark of a tree of some sort, my heart also skipped a beat with that pony as well. While they were working I found it very hard to just not stare of them, they made the room seem so much brighter and also made you forget all about the wasteland. ‘Careful, Mineko,’ I heard in my head and again the voice sounded like Raven, I must be going crazy. I shook my head and try to walk to the bar trying not to look at those mares, I also notice Butter Cup was having the same problem, hell even the patrons including the card players were having the same problem. I finally reached the bar after what it seemed was forever and I notice a couple of very handsome unicorn stallions working the both were white with a brown mane and tail cropped short though one had a nice moustache, they both seemed to have an aura of command. Hanging up behind the counter in a special area of the drink rack I saw two finely crafted swords and two sets blade caster armor. ‘What blade caster armor’ I thought, ‘impossible.’ I took a seat on one of the empty stools and I had Butter Cup take another next to me.

“What can I get you,” the one with the moustache asked, “You are new here as well I assume you might need a room.” One thing I noticed as well was he spoke with an English accent; his voice was smooth and practically made me melt.

“Ummm, yes,” I stumbled over my words, “I would like some hard cider and what do you have to eat?” I noticed he had the most beautiful brown eyes, you could look into them and just see the depth of his knowledge and that you could trust him beyond a shadow of a doubt.

He smiled, I melted, ‘MINEKO!’ I heard Raven’s voice again, ‘snap out of it!’ “Well we have different sandwiches,” he continued, “our most talked about ones are the daisy sandwiches but we unfortunately have a very limited supply so they are not cheap.”

“Ok I’ll have one of those then,” I replied.

He turned to Butter Cup, “and what can I get you my young filly?”

“Ah’ll ‘ave the same thing she’ll be ‘aving,” she replied.

He laughs, “unfortunately you are too young to have the hard cider young lady,” as he pointed to a sign that states “no alcohol for fillies or colts without their cutie marks.” “It’s my bar’s rules, I’ll get you some nice milk or would you like some sarsaparilla instead?”

“Awww come on my pappaw would let me have some on occasion, ah am old enough to take care of muself,” she replied.

I laughed, “Sorry darlin’ but the rules are the rules,” I said, as I nudged her forehead with my nose.

“Fine,” she sighed, “ah’ll take some sarsaparilla, you guys are no fun.”

With that comment I laugh and give a quick hug to Butter Cup. While the food was being prepared I heard a small radio playing a very beautiful song as it finished. The music died away, and a voice came over the radio. “This is DJ Pon3, and that was Sweetie Belle, singing about that one great truth of the wasteland: every pony has done something they regret. And now, my little ponies, it’s time for the news! Now you ponies remember when I told you ‘bout those two ponies who crawled themselves out of Stable Two? Well, I’ve been gettin’ reports that one of those little ponies took out the raider nest in the heart of Ponyville, and saved several pony captives -- including the beloved author of The Wasteland Survival Guide, Ditzy Doo! Hey kid, thanks! From all of us! And now for some more news it seems I finally confirmed that our beloved Doctor Cross was killed a couple days ago out by Bombertown by raiders attacking his clinic, it is unfortunate that this happened to such good pony but if any of you kids are out by there, visit his grave and show your respects to one of the best doctors that was out there in the wasteland. I’m sure that you kids are wondering how in the world does he have a grave well kids it seems that a paladin is out there because not only did the pony mark docs grave the pony also cleaned up the battle field as well and buried the raiders as well. And now the weather: cloudy everywhere, with a chance of rain, gunfire and bloody dismemberment...”

My eyes grew wide as in my mind. ‘How in the world does this guy, that I never met, know what happened two days ago?! My food finally came; I then asked the bartender, “Who is this DJ Pon3?”

“Well,” the bartender said, “he is the voice of the wasteland; there has always been a DJ Pon3 ever since the wasteland existed. I believe he works out of Tenpony Tower.”

“Really, I have a couple more questions,” I said, “Where did you get the suits of armor, and who are those fine mares serving the guests?”

He laughs, “You keep asking questions I will have to start charging you,” he continues, “well the one with the tree as a cutie mark is my wife Cynthia Wood; the other is my sister-in-law Sapphire Wood. As for the armor one is my personal set and the other is my brother’s.”

“I see, wood…” I said as I stared at the girls, then my eyes grew wide as I gaged a little of my drink that I just sipped and turned back to him, “Oh my god you’re one of the Wood brothers the owner of the tavern, why didn’t you say so, and she is your wife?!” I continue to stare at him with surprise in my eyes, Butter Cup giggled, “By Celestia you and your brother are some very lucky stallions.”

“Well first of all you never asked,” He replied snickering, “Alex Wood at your service and the other bar tender is my brother is Alan Wood,” the other waved. He stared at my reaction of shock and awe, “you know if Cynthia met you before me she would probably have been a good friend to you,” he winked, look toward where Cynthia was working, “Cynthia come here got a pony you might want to meet.”

“Be right there,” she replied, in her very beautiful and smooth voice, it made me just melt as I heard it. She strode right next to me after a minute. “So who do you want me to meet dear?”

“This filly here is the Paladin of the waste as DJ Pon3 calls her.” He stated matter of factly.

I was taking a drink as after he said that, I accidently spit the drink into his face and coughed, “how in the world did you guess that he was talking about me?”

Alex takes out a handkerchief and wipes his face laughing, “Well it is only elementary my dear filly. First of all I recognized young Butter Cup here, but wasn’t quite sure yet. So then I saw your face when the news came across about Doc Cross, after that I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, who you were, and because of that your food and drink tonight is on the house. I have high respect for someone that will take the time to bury and give the proper respect to the dead, not many will take the time to do what was needed because of how brutal the waste is.”

“Well,” Cynthia said, “It is always an honor to meet a Paladin especially one as cute as you.” She stared into my eyes with her gorgeous purple eyes, I was in a trance almost, and she continued, “I would love to talk to you in a more private situation darling, you must tell me all about yourself at that time, but for now I must get back to work.” She the whispered to me in my ear as she was leaving to go back to work, “I will be on break in about a half an hour we’ll talk then, darling.”

I could feel my cheek just turn bright red especially after her tail lightly smack me on my flank, Alex was just laughing it up, Butter Cup was giggling like crazy. I just wish I could crawl into a hole and disappeared I was so embarrassed; I swore the entire bar was staring at me. I need a room I thought, “Umm… Alex, I think I need a room,” I squeaked.

He composed himself, “No problem 100 bottle caps for the room for both of you.” I dropped 100 Bottle caps as he telekinetically handed me a key. I set the key on the counter and finished my sandwich and then I nudged Butter Cup.

“Are you finished,” I asked.

She composed herself, “Ayeap,” she replied still giggling slightly.

As I got up from the bar and took the key, Alex waved to me to come closer and he whispered, “By the way my wife’s barn door swings both ways, I’ll send her to get you when she goes on break.” He starts laughing again. I really felt cheeks burning in my head I swore both little ponies were rolling on the floor laughing and even worse I heard Raven’s laugh in my head, I must be going crazy. Still I really needed to find a hole to hide in or better yet a closet would be the best place to hide.

* * *

We finally reached our room as twilight was descending. I removed my armor and saddle bags and stretched ‘feels so good to finally get out of the armor’ I thought. I saw there was only one queen size bed in the room. “Butter Cup you can go ahead and take the bed,” I said.

“But ah’m not tired yet, Mineko,” she replied, “besides it big enuf fer the both of us.”

“I need to talk to Cynthia first before I go to bed, but it is time for fillies to get the sleep.”

“But ah don’t want to be by muself, especially I know you will be looking for a family fer me tomorrow and I want to be with ya at least for tonight.” She complained while she climbed into the bed.

“I promise I will be back as quickly as I can,” I said, “Here I’ll sing you a lullaby to help you sleep.”

“What,” she replied, “I too old for that, ah am not a little filly any mor’”

“Hush now,” I started to sing:

Hush now, quiet now

It’s time to lay your sleepy head

Hush now, quiet now

It’s time to go to bed.

Drifting off to sleep

Exciting day behind you

Drifting off to sleep

Let the joy of dreamland find you

Hush now, quiet now

Lay your sleepy head

Hush now, quiet now

It’s time to go to bed

As I finished the song I noticed Butter Cup was asleep. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and tucked her in bed better. There was a light knock at the door I went to answer it and standing there was Cynthia gave me a pleasant smile.

“You know my dear you have a very beautiful voice,” she said, “I just couldn’t interrupt your song to Butter Cup.”

“Uumm… thanks,” I blushed. “But how could you hear me?”

“Oh darling I have very good ears,” she replied, “I was going to ask you if we should go to your room or mine but I guess the young one here made the decision for us,” she laughed quietly. “Well follow me.”

I followed her and couldn’t help but watch her fine flank swaying as she walked, ‘was she purposely doing that teasing me or is this just the way she walked naturally’ I thought. The little ponies kept giggling and I hear Raven’s voice saying ‘good luck’ in my head. Shook my head ‘I must be going crazy I mean after all I was dead for two months effectively’.

Cynthia stops in front of a door at the end of the hall and said cutely, “We’re here.” She opened the door and invited me inn and turned on the light. “Welcome to my room, have a seat would you like something to drink?”

I looked around the room and said, “Sure what do you have.” While looking around the room I noticed that it was pretty large, Cynthia went to the kitchen and it was so clean nothing like my home town. I was in the family room where there was a nice reading chair, a big corner sofa and a love seat all in extremely good condition. I walked around the room and saw a really nice bedroom with a king size bed; I stuck my head into the room and saw a very nice bathroom in the far right corner of the room.

Cynthia calls from the kitchen, “We have some sparkle cola, apple cider, sarsaparilla, hard cider, vodka, brandy, and some rum.”

“Some sparkle cola would be nice,” I replied as I walked into the bedroom to explore the bathroom. I reached the bathroom and one thing was it was so clean and so large; the shower was big enough for two. ‘Oh how I wished Raven was here this would be our dream place’ I thought then in my head I hear Raven’s voice, “I’m here please don’t cry.” As I fought the tears from falling I walked out of the bathroom and I saw Cynthia standing in the doorway that lead from the family room to the bedroom.

“Well,” she said with a smirk, “I figured we would talk but if you want to get down to business I’d be happy to oblige.” She gave a very sexy smile as she started to walk towards me. I was in a trance, her purple eyes were looking at me and it was like I was the only one she wanted to be with, as she was walking and I couldn’t speak all I could do was watch her walk she was so beautiful words couldn’t describe her. It was just me and her, the environment didn’t exist at all the voices and little ponies in my head were gone. She reached me I could feel her breath on my right ear she whispered to me, “You are so cute, so where should we begin, with a kiss, or something more?” She then stuck her tongue in my ear and licked it so gently.

I felt my face heat up like a furnace, as I finally got my voice back, “No, talking, yeah talking would be good. I just couldn’t help myself I was just exploring, yeah that’s it exploring, heh heh force of habit.” I said uncomfortably, what I needed right now was a cold shower.

She laughed, “well your sparkle cola is getting warm lets go back to the family room.” As she turned, “come now we can talk,” she was still giggling. “You know you are even cuter when you get thrown into awkward situations like that, your reaction is priceless.”

I walked with her to the family room and she nodded to the love seat so I went to it and sat down on it. She levitated the cola to me; I took it and took a sip of it, oh the carroty goodness was better chilled. Cynthia had another drink in front of her as she sat next to me on the love seat. I felt my face heat up again and I asked, “Umm, so what now?” I asked after I set down the cola and nervously clopped my fore hooves together.

“Well, we talk,” she said with a grin, “first what is your name cause I’m sure I can’t call you paladin when we get intimate,” She laughed as she saw my eyes and face grow wide with that comment. “Yes, your reactions are priceless,” as she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I gained my composure, yet again for the millionth time tonight, and said, “Well my name is Mineko, and wait aren’t you MARRIED!?”

“Well, yes I am,” she replied, “but I love mares and stallions equally, and my husband lets me have lovers on occasion, as long as they are mares.” She smiled and got up and walked to a book case in the room and looks at a small painting, “My last lover got killed by Raiders while she was guarding a caravan going to Megamart near Hoofington. Funny thing it is my husband that always seems to find the ones that are interested in me.” She smiled and walked back to me, “my husband understands that I enjoy the company of mares and he gives me the time, but it is not as special as what he and I have. We had a beautiful daughter together until after the accident, and now we have no idea what happened to her. But you need not worry about that, it is your turn dear to tell me about,” she pauses and comes near my ear and whispered in it breathlessly, “you.” She then sat back down next to me.

‘By Celestia this mare is all over me, can’t believe how lucky I am.’ I thought to myself; I replied,”well where to start, ummm, I guess where I came from, I was born at Trading Post 22 and I lived there all my life. I was one of the first fillies to get my cutie mark in my class, and that was when I realized that my talent was blade casting. Unfortunately it was attacked a year ago while my best friend Raven and I were out scavenging, by Mars and her army. When we got back that night it was burning and all the kids were killed along with the elderly and the guards. After that day she and I traveled trying to hunt Mars down, after about 8 months we got her and we fought. Unfortunately Mars was too powerful and…and..”

“Shhh,” Cynthia interrupted, “it’s ok,” as she held me close. She smelled so good, nothing like wasteland smells I have been smelling, not sure how to describe it.

“I couldn’t save her,” I cried I couldn’t hold it back anymore I just balled in the hooves of Cynthia. “I couldn’t save her, my best and closest friend, I’m worthless. I try to protect and all I do is kill ponies!” I just continued to cry.

“It’s ok, it’s not your fault,” Cynthia comforted me, “Mineko you are a good pony, the wasteland has always been the culprit. Raven would not want you to stop trying to help ponies, you are more than just a killer, and you try to protect ponies from the bad ones. Look what you were doing with Butter Cup, she would not be alive without you there.” She raised my head from her chest and then gave me a deep passionate kiss.

‘Butter Cup’ I thought, ‘oh yeah.’ I just let the kiss continue as my tears started to slow down and once they were gone I broke from the kiss . “Cynthia I have a request, I need to stop Mars she is hurting good ponies, but I can’t go after her with a filly with me. Can you and your husband take care of her, please?’

“Mineko,, you hardly know us,” she replied, “How can you give us that much trust.”

“Well, first I know you guys know her because of what your husband mentioned. Second you mentioned that you had a daughter before an accident happened that made her disappear, so I know you will take good care of her. Third you and your husband are good ponies.” I replied.

Cynthia laughs, “Ok, Mineko, I’ll help you with that. How can I refused such a cute and adorable mare’s request.”

“Yay!” I bobbed up and down in her forelegs, like a little filly, “Thank you, thank you, Cynthia. You helped me in more ways than one tonight I should get going will be an early day tomorrow, I’m sorry to cut the night so short so I guess I’ll owe you one when I come back and I promise I’ll come back.” I start to get up and for once she had a surprised look in her face.

“Ok, Mineko,” she said, “I’ll hold you to that promise, you better not keep me waiting for too long,” she said in a sexy voice. She then escorts me to the door as I levitate the cola to follow me. “I’ll see you later.”

As I stepped out the door she held open for me, “Bye, Cynthia, I hope to see you again soon.” I continued to my room and went into it. Still saw Butter Cup sleeping soundly I went to her gave a simple kiss on the forehead, “I found a good place for you sweetie,” as I tucked her in a little better and I heard mumble “mama.” I smiled watch her a little longer and then I turned to the box with the memory orbs. “Well not that sleepy right now so why not,” I muttered to myself. I levitated one out a placed it in front of me on my half of the bed got in bed and channeled my magic into the orb as the real world faded out of existence.


As the world was refocused I found myself in the old Diner of Trading Post 22, my home, I was hearing dance music as some sort of party was going on, and my host seemed familiar to me. The way she walked, and I was sure it was a she, she was looking around searching for someone. Ponies were dancing around her I felt a weight on her back, she was carrying something heavy and almost as large as her length from head to tail. My host continued to walk around as finally I heard a voice, my voice.

“Raven, over here,” my voice said, “I’m so glad you could make it. Let me take care of the package.” As I levitated it off of Raven’s back and set it behind me. Finally I was able to get a good look at myself as my host watched me as I took care of the package, my main was done up in a French braid and had a purple ribbon in my mane and on my flank I saw my cutie mark, a diamond with a sapphire blue core. ‘By Luna I’m at my cutie mark party inside Raven that was 6 years ago.’ I turned look back at Raven with my icy blue eyes looking right into Raven’s, ‘my I am better looking than I give credit to myself’. I smiled at Raven, and asked, “Why were you late, and why were you carrying my present like an earth pony, your telekinesis has always been better than mine?”

My host smiled shyly and replied, “Well, my parents wanted me to finish with my healing spell practice before I came, and I over exerted myself because I wanted to get done faster to get here on time.” She looked down toward the floor, “I’m sorry.”

“Well I’m glad you still came, come on lets have some fun,” I said as I ushered her to the dance floor. We started to dance along with the other ponies. Many times other ponies cut in, as throughout the night we always seemed to be together. After dancing a bit Raven and I went and got some water, my host was very thirsty.

“So,” my host said, “what is it like to get your cutie mark, I still haven’t got mine yet, and on top of that how do you feel about it being a blade casting cutie mark?’ She paused, “I mean they are one of the rarest talents to have.”

“I honestly don’t feel any different than before I got my mark,” I replied, “and don’t worry I’m sure you will get yours soon and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a six pointed star,” I laughed, “you always have been good with magic.”

“Oh Mineko,” she replied, “that talent hasn’t been around for over 200 year and the last one to have that talent was the Ministry of Arcane Science mare, Twilight Sparkle. According to our history she had no known kids so her bloodline is gone. I mean at least you are directly related to the Ministry of Image mare.”

“Oh come on you believe that hooey,” I said, “I don’t believe my parents, none of the ministry mares had a relationships, except possibly Applejack, and that isn’t confirmed in the history books.”

“But you have that chest of diamonds with the three diamond mark on the lid,” she said. “That was her cutie mark after all.”

“Ha, my parents probably scavenged it and they came up with that story to make themselves seem important,” I replied, “I don’t believe anything they say when it comes to that. I think I would rather go back to dancing, come on Raven.” She dragged my host back out to the dance floor.

“Just because it isn’t confirmed or not in the history books doesn’t mean it couldn’t be true,” she said.

“Come on Raven that is fairy tale thinking,” I said, “the mares are gone and they had no kids, their bloodlines are history. Equestria is blown all to hell and those peaceful days are gone and they will never come back. I’m sorry Raven but reality stinks and can’t be fixed with one great and powerful spell that resets everything, there is no mares of the ministries, no princess Luna, and no princess Celestia, they are dead, gone, and their bloodlines no longer exist. We are on our own and that is the truth.”

My host’s eyes were blurry as I heard her cry and she turned and ran out of the diner.

“Wait Raven,” I heard my voice calling after her.

My host ran all around town and headed to the school. Once she reached the school she was staring at a painting on the side of the gym which she could barely see because of the light. Painted on the wall was a picture of Celestia on the left raising the sun and to the right was Luna raising the moon and the six mares of the ministry were together in the center. She stared at the painting and mutter to herself, “I don’t care how bad it is without hope all is lost, I believe that they are not gone their bloodline is still here.” She sniffles and wipe her tears away from her eyes, don’t know how long she was there but I heard clopping from behind her.

“I’m sorry, Raven,” I said behind her, “ that was wrong of me, I was a little stressed, ever since I got my cutie mark I was forced to practiced blade casting all day before my party, I was hoping I could be a singer but that dream ended after my mark appeared.” I gave her a hug.

“It’s ok Mineko, I shouldn’t have forced my beliefs on you, that was wrong of me.” She replied.

“Aw Raven you never know maybe you are right, but right now we need to focus on the here and now not the future or the past,” I said, “come on the party is over and I still haven’t opened your present yet, and I would like you there when I did,” I smiled.

I escorted her back to the diner and we went to the present she gave me and I opened it. Inside there was an odd looking piece barding along with a unique looking robe, “What is this?”

“It’s blade caster armor and robes,” she replied with a wide smile, “I found the information in a book of mine and I asked the blacksmith if he could make it and spent the whole day on it. It is amazing how good the earth ponies are at their chosen crafts. The robe was made by the tailor, I was able to watch him use his magic to create it, it was amazing.”

“Thank you Raven,” I gave her another hug.


The real world came back as I lifted my head away from the memory orb I then levitated the pearl back into the case and decided to look out the window to see how long I was in the orb. I quickly checked on Butter Cup then went to the only window in the room which gave a splendid view of the town center and the wrecked pegasi battle wagon. It was still night time probably early morning. While I was staring out the window I saw a shadowy figure stalking towards the wreck, and just before he reached it I heard 2 muffled gun shots as one hit him in the chest and the other hit him in the head. ‘Oh my god’ I thought as I quickly strapped my saddle bags on and I ran out the room. I needed to investigate what happened, as I ran out the inn I decided to stop and fished out the stealth buck I had and I held my 10mm pistol in my telekinetic barrier, I plugged in the stealth buck and my whole body and gun turned invisible. I carefully but quickly worked my way to the fallen pony, due to the stealth buck’s time limit, wasn’t sure how long but hopefully was long enough.

Once I reached the body I saw he was shot in the body and then the head, the wounds looked like they were done by some sort of high caliber rifle. Well I tried to gauge where the shot came from and based on how the body fell there was only one place it could of came from and that was the tower that was on the west side of town, thank Celestia the town wasn’t huge. I quickly made my way to the tower and activated my EFS. As I approached the tower all I had on my EFS was one yellow bar so I decided to start to climb the tower so I could find out what happened and who shot the poor pony. About half way up I accidentally kicked an empty can as it clattered down the ramp, ‘oh Luna, horned fucked me’ I thought, and I froze. I looked up as I thought I saw a head peer down towards area I was at but then it went back into the tower. I gave a big sigh of relief as I continued to climb up the tower, I was trying to keep my right side as close to the superstructure of the tower as best as I could. I checked my EFS again and the bar was gone I started to panic, I was three quarters the way up the tower. During my panic I didn’t realize that my stealth buck wore off as I heard three gun shots from the air to my left as I felt a sharp burning sensation in my left flank and left side and I managed to move just right as another bullet past my neck and hit the superstructure. I felt my whole body slam into the tower and I was bleeding bad, I also lost the field around my gun as it clanged down the tower to the ground, mental note: do not go out without armor next time. My assailant landed in front of me and she was a beautiful pegasus mare, I had just enough of the city light to make her out she had a very sleek and long red mane and very graceful looking tail, her coat was a tannish orange coat, and on her flank was a branded cloud with a single lightning bolt that obscured her original cutie mark, and she had a 9mm pistol pointed right at my head from her mouth grip. ‘Oh Luna fuck me with your horn this is it I’m dead,’ I tried to get up but the wounds were worse than I thought I couldn’t move and I barely could breath, I think the shot in my side might of punctured my lung and if that was the case I would be dead in minutes without medical attention.

The pegasus walked towards me, she put away her gun and then asked me, “Who are you, you are defiantly not one of them?” Her voice was quiet, smooth and authoritative.

“Them,” I tried to speak, my voice was horse and I was still having problem breathing. “I was just visiting and I saw a pony get shot wanted to know what was happening,” I coughed and the world was getting duller, “please help Butter Cup,” I said as I coughed and the world was going black.

“Hey stay with me,” I heard her say, “Hey come on…” as the voice trailed off and I felt like I was being lifted, man I was tired, and I felt nothing after that.

Footnote: Level up, granted perk: Egghead: Gain an additional 2 skill points every level.