• Published 29th Mar 2012
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Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue - tigrean

This story takes place in the Fallout Equestria world and centers around Mineko and her travels.

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Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue Ch 1

Chapter 1


(Life isn’t about looking at the cards you were dealt, it’s about playing them to the best of your ability)

The world was black, “Mineko wake up,” a distant voice sounds, “Raven is that you?” The distant voice sounds again, “Mineko you need to wake up.” Confused, I think “Huh, wha…” The distant voice again, “WAKE UP!”

My eyes snap open as I take a deep breath, I panic, I’m strapped down on a gurney, and I thrash around as I’m blinded with a bright light. From my peripheral vision I could see a small pony running into another room shouting something can’t make it out. I continue to thrash trying to say something but it doesn’t come out. I see an elderly pony hurrying in as he stands on his hind legs with his fore legs across my side he says in a genial voice, “It’s ah’right y’all safe now, ya needin to calm down, ya eyes will adjust soon enuf.”

Finally I feel my voice coming back and my vision starts clearing. I am able to get a better look at the elderly earth pony with his light brown, probably the most vibrant brown in his youth, and white mane and tail. Behind him a young earthfilly with a yellow coat, a brown mane and tail, was shyly looking at me from behind him, with curiosity in her eyes. “Where am I, who are you, and what is going on?’ I ask, as I stop thrashing about.

The elderly pony smiles and he moves off my chest, “Mah name is Doc Cross, this litt’l filly is mah granddaughter Butter Cup, ya in mah ranch house, y’all wuz in ah coma for about 2 months. Ah fixed ya up the best ah could ya came to me in pretty bad shape. Butter Cup here read to ya every night before she went ta bed, wuz reading to ya before ya got up just now.”

I listened to him as I slowly started to comprehend all he was saying I asked, “How did I get here the last time I remember being awake was in the wasteland?”

“Well that’ll come in time first of all, ah need to run some test on ya first then ah’ll answer yer questions.” Doc Cross continues, “First of all ah need to get them straps off of ya and remove the nutrients bag.” He sets about his tasks while Butter Cup just watches him and me. “Ah’right that should do, now slowly just sit up.” I quickly try to sit up but then I got very dizzy and fell back on the gurney. “No’un ever listens to Doc do they, I said slowly.” I sigh and I try again this time I slowly come to a sitting position, “Ah’right that’s good now let’s get ya on yer hooves now.” While he said that he helps me off the gurney. I try to put pressure on my legs I just fall right on the floor, oh god it’s cold. Doc Cross stifles a laugh as he sees my reaction to the floor. “Easy now there,” as he helps me up, “just lean on me, we’ll get you walking in na time at ‘tall.” My legs felt so stiff like I never used them, it was so hard to even get them moving. Come to think about didn’t he said it has been two months. Then the sudden realty hit me, I almost fell again. “Easy there, we don want ya falling again,” Doc interjects. Oh fuck me with Celestia’s forehooves, the thought passes through my mind, I’ve been out two whole months! “Not to worry there ah promise this won’t take long and then ah’ll answer all yer questions,” Doc says misinterpreting the face he saw. “Al’right just step up to this here machine and we can get a good readin of yer basic physical health.” Doc said. As I slowly headed to the machine with his help it was starting to get easier to walk, I look around and finally got a better look at this house, it seems that it was once an old ranch house rebuilt and the family room was converted into a clinic. The sitting/dining room was adjacent to the clinic as the device was out in the hall. Once I reached out to the hall I saw To my right the door that lead out of the house to the wasteland, to my left I saw three more doors on the wall I faced, my guess would be that two of them led bedrooms and one led to a bathroom. “Al’right,” Doc said taking me away from my thoughts,” All ya needin to do is stand on your back legs an then place yer forelegs in th’ holes,” he instructed me. I did what he said, it kind of makes me feel weird never seen a device like this. “Good now all ya have to do is when ya feel pressure pushing up your legs ya push back, this machine’ will also take ya blood pressure as well,” Doc instructs and continues with the explanation, “Ya will then feel pressure on ya back legs pushing up ya need to push back there as well, so y’all ready?” Doc asks I nod, “Well then ‘ere we go.”

The Machine starts it test as I notice Butter Cup with a concerned look nip at her grandfather’s side to get his attention and asks, “Will the pretty unicorn be al’right pappaw?”

Doc turns to his granddaughter and said, “She’ll be just fine why don’cha go start setting up some snacks for us an’ then off to bed with ya, now scoot.” She smiles and then heads to the sitting room as I hear sounds of clanking glass and cabinets opening. Once she is done she comes back to Doc and gives him a quick kiss and said, “G’night pappaw.” as she goes into the first door on the left in the hallway and shuts the door.

Finally the machine finished the tests and Doc takes a look at the results, “Ayep it seems that ya ’ave recovered well physically, now it is time for the mental tests.” He helps me out of the machine and takes me into the clinic and did a visual test using one of those eye test posters. He then took me into the reading room sat me down and asked for my name and asked various psychological questions. I answered all of them truthfully, finally after the last one he pours me some water and offer’s me some apple slices. I looked at the plate greedily as my mouth watered, I was famished. With my telekinesis I lifted about eight slices and ate them one at a time while they hovered near me. Doc then broke the silence, “Well the tests are done y’all are as healthy as ya coul’d be fer being in a coma fer two months,” I was on my fourth slice at this time, “now as ah promised ah will answer any questions you got.”

I finished my fifth slice of apple started on my sixth as I ask, “How did I get here, and umm where is here?” I finished my sixth slice going to my seventh.

Doc sits up straighter and takes a sip of his water, “Well ya see ya were brought ‘ere by a stallion, couldn’t get a good look at ‘im but ah do remember that ‘e had no weapons besides what looked like zebra weapons no firearms,” Takes a sip of his water and eats a slice as I’m finishing up my eighth slice, “I tried to tell ‘im ah wuz closed for the night ‘til ah saw yer condition, then ‘e help me get ya in the gurney and just left, never took off ‘is cloak and didn’t speak a word while ‘e was ‘ere. As for where ya ar’, ya in Doc’s clinic I’m about a day away from Bomber City which is west ’o ‘ere,” I lifted three more slices of apple and finishes up my water, he continues, “Been ‘ere for about 7 years and ‘aven’t been attacked yet.” As an afterthought he knocks on the wood table.

As I ate one of my apple slices, I ask Doc, “So that filly of yours, what is her story?” I paused, and continue, “She is not your granddaughter is she?”

Doc looks at his water then looks up at me, “Ya right she isn’t, ‘bout 5 years ago she was found in mah yard, was malnourished and in pretty bah shape. Ah fixed ‘er up an she been with me ever since. Ah’ve been the only pony she knew till ya came.” He paused, “Ya very perceptive for youn’ one how’d ya figure it out?”

I ate another slice of apple and I explain, “First of all I notice that her features did not match some of your features, also the lay of her coat was different than yours as well,” I paused and ate my last slice and I continue, “You made a nice oasis in this screwed up wasteland and I know she loves you with all her heart even if you are not blood related. I hope you have a quiet life from here on out but I do still worry for you. The wasteland is bitter and eventually, even though I hope not, raiders may find this place and destroy this place.”

He looks at me and chuckles, “missy been here for 7 years and I have few tricks up mah sleeve, ya haven’t lived as long as I have in the wastes without learning haw ta protect ya self.” He pauses, “Well ah’m plumb tuckered out and ya needin ta go to bed as well, ya need rest, Doc’s orders.” With that said he starts to clean up, I help him and after that was done he showed me to one of the beds in the clinic and I slowly climb into bed as he heads to the hall towards his room. As I slowly start to fall asleep as I’m thinking on what all happened in this hell of a wasteland.

* * *

Mars was standing in between her and Raven. Both Raven and I were hurting, bleeding profusely as many wounds were all over their bodies and Mars seemed untouched. “We are not amused your efforts are worthless all you are, are a couple of unicorn how do you expect to stand up against an alicorn a goddess.” Mars does a dark laugh, “For your folly I will show you what happens to ponies who defy a goddess.” Mars’ horn glows as I all the sudden couldn’t move or talk. Raven turns to run as Mars turns on her and an energy beam shot from her horn and hits Raven as all the sudden Raven freezes an her skin starts to boil and slowly starts to burn off as then she explodes in blood, guts and brains. Mars was no longer there I was standing in a puddle of Raven’s blood and then I heard her voice, “Mineko why did you kill me?” “I didn’t kill you mars did” I cried. “Mineko I believed in you why did you kill me?” Raven’s voice said. As I hear Mars’ distance laugh and she said, “THIS IS YOUR FAULT YOU KILLED YOUR FRIEND!!” as she continues to laugh, I Screamed “No YOU KILLED her, YOU MONSTER.” Mars continues to laugh as it slowly disappears, I then screamed, “RAVEN.” As I wake up in a cold sweet.

At first I was disoriented then I realized I was at the clinic and I started to take deep breaths as I look around as I see a shy Butter Cup looking around the entrance frame from the hall where her bedroom was. It was early in the morning the sun just broke the horizon. I look at the shy filly and tried to give my best smile even though it was just bravado and she slowly walked to me and asked me, “Did ya ‘ave a bad dream?” as she slowly puts her forehooves around my neck in an innocent hug and says, “Mah pappaw always sed if you see someone ‘ave a ba’ dream ya just give the pony a hug and helps get rid of the ba’ dream.”

I just give a surprised look at the filly and I slowly give her a hug back, “Your pappaw is a very wise pony.” As I stifle my tears. I thought, “The wasteland is a cruel mistress and to think this particular filly is so innocent I hope the wasteland doesn’t ever sink her teeth into this pony”

Butter Cup releases me from her hug, “Well ah gotta make breakfast I hope ya feel better now,” she said as she heads to the kitchen in the other room, while she was walking towards the room she turned and said, “when ah had bad dreams my pappaw would do th’ same fo’ me and it made me feel better too.” I heard her start taking out pots, pans, and various other utensils.

As she was working my thoughts started going into a dark place. Mars was right, Raven’s death was my fault if I wasn’t so dead set with my vengeance against Mars for what she did to my town Raven would still be alive. Without Raven what is left for me I’m no hero I’m a murderer. I start to cry a little but hardly any tears came out, I think the wasteland not only stole my friend from me but my tears as well. Doc comes out from the hallway and with a cough takes me out of my reverie.

“I got som’ thangs for ya the mysterious pony gave to me,” Doc said as he takes me to the sitting room, “He sed to me once ya got up to give them to ya ah think ya ready for them.” He walks to a footlocker pulls a key out, unlocks it, and opens it to show me the contents. Inside the locker I saw my blade casting robe and armor, my saddle bags. I take my stuff out as underneath, I gasped, and I saw Raven’s pipbuck and a strange metal container that I remember her having with her always. I pick the pipbuck up amazed that it still looked like it was in working condition. “Damn,” I thought, ”When Stable-Tec made an Item they made it to last.” I set it aside. I then picked up the metal box it was locked unfortunately so I set that aside as well. I stared at my friend’s pipbuck in awe, Doc notices the stare, ”ahem,” Doc continues, “I wuz once in a stable myself ah could attach it to yer foreleg with no problem.”

I gave Doc a look of surprise and just nodded to him. “I guess,” I thought, “if Raven wasn’t with me then I could at least have a part of her with me.” Doc started to work right away attaching the device to my right foreleg. From the kitchen Butter Cup yells, “Soup’s on.”

Doc and I cringe as I turn to Butter Cup and said, “We are just in the next room.”

She gives an awkward smile, “Sorry force o’ habit.” We finished up with the pipbuck we sat down to eat. Butter Cup made some eggs and some fried apple slices that were very tasty with cinnamon flavor, along with a side of milk. I was amazed at how well she cooked. While we were finishing breakfast we heard a group of explosions coming from the south side of the ranch. Doc looks up and said to Butter Cup, “Go to the cellar until the all clear signal.”

“Got it pappaw,” she answers, as she runs to the cellar.

Doc looks at me and said, “Get on yer armor I want ya to cover me.”

“What’s going on Doc?” I asked.

“That wuz one o’ the traps I set fer raiders and the like,” he pauses, “If it wa a social call it they would’ve gone the normal route.” After he said that he quickly ran to his room and grabbed an old army helmet, put it on, and a pump action shotgun. I quickly donned my robe and armor and verified that my gems were in the associated pouches. Once I checked I started to head out the door following Doc as I heard, just as I reached the door, swoosh. I look towards the noise and to my horror I see an incoming missile. “Oh for Celestia’s sake, the raiders had a missile launcher, SHIT!!” I thought, as I dove for Doc to get him out of the blast. I look behind me as I see most of the clinic room go up in smoke. I look towards where the raiders shot as a I see the one that had the launcher just kick off the battle saddle and draw a knife in his mouth and grins, I also see about 4 more of them with him he quickly sticks his forehoof towards our direction as out of the 4 there were 2 unicorns and 2 earth ponies as well as him seemed to be an earth pony as well.. They all seemed to pull out various weapons and started to take up positions to attack. Before I could gauge the weapons I see Doc takes the shotgun in the mouth grip as it pumps and fires a shot at the leader. The leader dodges as part of the buckshot hit an earth mare that was just near as she falls on her forelegs as the right one sustained an injury. I then activate my magic as I try to bring out my gems to form a blade as it just fizzles, “What?!” I thought as one of the Unicorn bucks aimed and shot at me while I was not focused with his hunting rifle, in a telekinetic field, as the bullet hit me in my left shoulder, luckily my barding absorb most of the force. I heard two more shots from Doc as the mare that was injured, her neck explodes from the buckshot hitting her. Doc yells, “Yeehaw take that ya raider bitch.” As he said that another raider popped up from her cover as she had an assault rifle, in a telekinetic field, she shot at Doc. I’ve never expected how nimble the old coot was he quickly dodge the shots and ducked behind his fence. Finally I snapped out of the shock and summoned 3 of my diamonds and telekinetically sent them at the unicorn with the assault rifle, one hit her in the eye, another in the neck and the last hits her in the left shoulder and I ran towards her as she collapsed. The buck that shot at me first decided to take this chance and shot at me and this time I wasn’t so lucky the hit me right in my right flank dead center in my cutie mark. The burn from the bullet was unbearable and I stumbled sliding across the ground and I felt my chest burning, I stopped about 5 feet from the unicorn with the assault rifle, which was dead. As I collected my thoughts I heard a couple of shotgun blasts and then a click. I look up and saw Doc looking at his gun and it look jammed, the buck looked at this and took his chance and he charged him with the knife.

“NO!” I screamed as I forced myself up as I saw the buck ram into Doc very hard as the both stumbled back about 3 feet. I decided to charge the buck I point my horn towards him as I ran as fast as I could ignoring the pain that was surging through my right hind leg. Boom I rammed him in his left side as my horn pierced through his left shoulder and caused a minor wound across the back of his neck, I then quickly moved my head in an upward direction as I hear the bucks flesh and muscle tear from his shoulder, and my horn was covered in blood and gore.

The buck stumbled about 3 feet after the attack as he looked at me his yellow eyes burning with rage and hate as he said, “You bitch, I will rape you till you bleed and then eat your corpse and piss in your skull, get her guys.” Just then I noticed that the 2 other ponies, no I won’t call them that, the two other monsters in pony form were almost on top of me, both of them giggling as they lick their lips coming towards me. I did the only thing I could I used my telekinesis and reached out to the assault rifle and grabbed it, I do hope it still has some bullets, and I activated S.A.T.S on the pipbuck. Time slowed to a crawl as my heads up sparkle lit up all the parts on the unicorn that shot me with the hunting rifle. I targeted the head and then switch to the earth mare and targeted the head there and I fired. The assault rifle Let loose with a slow resounding three round burst in the first bucks head right behind the ears as he slowly fell to the ground as the second three round burst went through the left ear and exited out the right side of the neck, time sped up to normal as all the blood and gore sprayed all over my coat, armor and face. I look towards the small house as I see that it was all up in flames. The leader buck look up at me and I looked down at him, I had the assault rifle next to my head pointing him, with a look of horror as he tried to get up but fell back down do to his wound, he pleads with me, “Hey I was only kidding I swear, I didn’t mean it honestly, please don’t kill me.”

“What about all the others you killed, did they begged for their life before you killed them!” with a determined look I pointed the rifle at his temple and released the last three round burst into his head as blood and brains scattered on the earth under his head, “The wasteland is not forgiving and neither am I!” I drop the gun and run to the side of Doc. He was coughing up blood as I see where the knife stab him in the right lung and it cut through a major artery as well, he didn’t have long to live, my eyes started filling with tears.

He shakes his head slightly to get me to come closer, “Ah know it’s bad,” he coughs, ”ah know ah got only a few minutes left, and one thing ah just realized I never got yer name.” He coughs.

I reply “Shh, don’t talk maybe I can find something to help you, ”I continue, “my name is Mineko.”

He laughs and coughs, “Naw Ah’m a doctor,” He coughs, “these ‘re grievous wounds and my house is burning down.” He coughs again, “Ya need to get Butter Cup and take her someplace safe and willing ta take care ‘o her, take her to Bombertown.” He coughs and whispers what the all clear signal was as he just stops breathing. I couldn’t hold back any further as I put my forehooves around his neck and balled. I thought “By Luna why are all the caregivers dying I should die I can’t do what they can all I can do is kill,” and I continued to cry

* * *

Once the fire burned out from the house I gave the all clear signal to Butter Cup as she climbs out of the cellar and looks around shock and horror. By now I stopped crying and I wrapped my forelegs around Butter Cup giving her a hug and I said solemnly to her, “I’m sorry but your pappaw is dead,” she looks up to my face, “I’m so sorry, I couldn’t save him.” She busts out crying as I hold her close to my chest. I let her cry a little longer and comforted her by saying, “it’s alright I’m here for you, just let it all out.” I finally heard her stifled her cry and started sniffling and I let her go.

“So what do ah do now,” she asked.

“Well,” I answered, “first of all I’ll need your help to burry your grandpa and all the rest of the dead ponies, and then I will take you to Bombertown and find someone that can take care of you.”

“Wha’ about y’all, what ‘ill ya do once you get to town,” she asked, “couldn’t y’all take care of I trust ya more?”

I looked at her and replied, sadly, “you don’t want me to take care of you, I’m not a care giver all I can do is kill.” I started using my telekinesis to gather all the bodies, I piled all the raiders together and kept Doc separate. We then buried Doc first, marked his grave, and then we buried all the raiders in an unmarked grave. I tallied all the items that I found off the bodies and it seems we had 1 shotgun with 12 shells, a 10mm pistol with 20 shots, 1 assault rifle with 30 shots, a combat knife, and 1 hunting rifle with 20 shots, some bandages and 100 bottle caps. Meanwhile Butter Cup was salvaging what she could from her old house for food and medical supplies. She manage to get enough food and water to last us a week and found 4 healing potions, 1 super healing potions, 1 box Party Time Mintals, 2 doses of Med-x, 1 dose of rad-X and 3 doses of rad away. After we gathered and packed away our supplies I did one last look around the house and saw a little statuette of a very beautiful white unicorn with a blue mane and tail, and for her cutie mark it was three blue colored diamonds, similar to the shape of my gems for my blade casting. I decided to pick it up and I felt a rush of magical energy rush over me and I look at the bottom of the statue and saw “Be Pleasant” engraved on the bottom, I rapped it up in some cloth and put in my bag. I went to Butter Cup as she was saying her last goodbyes to her grandfather’s grave and we started heading west towards Bombertown.

Footnote: Level up, granted perk: Cherchez La Filly: In combat you do +10% damage to opponents and sometimes access to unique dialog options with ponies of the same sex