• Published 29th Mar 2012
  • 1,789 Views, 49 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue - tigrean

This story takes place in the Fallout Equestria world and centers around Mineko and her travels.

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Fallout Equestria: Mineko's Virtue Ch 6

Ch. 6
Mysterious Stranger
(Guess I owe you for a second time)

After breakfast Butter Cup, Tempest, and I left the city as ordered. Tempest then asked, “So where to now boss,” with a smile.

“Well,” I replied, “we are going to follow the road east till we reach a couple of road signs and the head north from there to take a look at a ruined Fluttershy Clinic, after that we head south towards Manehattan to Ten Pony Tower. I need to talk to that DJ.”

“That sounds all fine and good,” Tempest replied, “but it is usually very hard to get into the tower from what I heard.”

“I’ll deal with that once we reach that bridge. Right now we need to get to that clinic and see if we can scavenge some medical supplies.” I replied.

So we started to head east it was going to be at least a day and a half before we even reached the clinic. Tempest flew ahead to scout the path as Butter Cup and I stuck together walking. Luckily close to the end of the day we reached the old Ironshod building and there I decided would be a good place to make camp. Luckly the night was uneventful though it started to rain sometime during the course of the evening. When we woke up in the morning it was still raining. We ate breakfast and headed out into the downpour.

After about a half a day we reached the signs and the rain was still continuing, “alright, we head north from here we should hopefully be there by nightfall,” I said. “This rain is not helping with travel time.”

Tempest nodded and replied, “I’ll go ahead and see if we are close, if not I do recommend we stop and find some shelter for the night, this rain will only get worse. I’ll be back in a jiff.”

“Mineko,” Butter Cup asked, “why do ya want ta talk ta DJ Pon3?”

“Well two reasons,” I replied, “first I want to talk to him about all the exaggerations and second he might know where Mars is.”

“Why do ya think he’ll know?”

“Well, he has to know something or how is it that he always knows what happened with me only hours after,” I replied.

“Ah git it now,” she replied, “That makes sense.” After that Tempest returned.

“I think we can make it to the clinic by the end of the day,” Tempest said. “We can take cover under the emergency drop off. I don’t recommend we try to explore it at night.”

“Sounds like a good plan,” I replied. We continued towards the clinic right around twilight, or what could be considered twilight, we reached the area by the emergency entrance to make camp. Unfortunately I was unable to get a good look at the building that evening, so I figured I would look at it in the morning. As we were getting settled down for dinner; I swore out of the corner of my eye I saw a pony shadow, so I decided to walk towards where I saw the shadow and there was nothing there.

“Is something wrong,” asked Tempest.

I replied, “No guess not I thought I saw something. It was probably nothing lets get some dinner.”

“OK,” Tempest said, “but I will take first watch you have second just in case.”

As the night fell it started to get colder we started a fire, and Butter Cup cooked up some of the porridge we had. After we ate Tempest pulled out a survival blanket and said, “Here you go. I have to douse the fire, so you two need to get comfy and I will wake you up when it is your turn Mineko, ok?”

“No problem.” So I got close to Butter Cup so we could share our body heat, and Tempest covered us with the blanket. She put out the fire and then stepped out into the rain and flew up, probably posting herself on the top of the overhang of the clinic that was above us.

“So ah guess ah have watch after ya right?” Butter Cup asked.

“Nope,” I replied, “you are still too young and besides you need your sleep. I want to keep you safe ok.” I nuzzled her lightly.

“Ah am not a filly anymore ah can help ya out with watches.”

“I’ll tell you what,” I replied, “I will start teaching you how to protect yourself after we explore the clinic. Once I feel you can handle the job I will let you start taking some watches, but for now just get some sleep.”

“You promise?”

“Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye,” I replied, and then I thought “where did that come from?”

“That came from me darling,” I heard the white unicorn’s voice in my head. I quickly shook my head ‘I swear I’m going crazy. I’ve got three ponies in my head and I’m sure that is some sort of crazy.’ I slowly drifted off to sleep.

* * *

I was nudged awake by Tempest, “Mineko it’s your turn now.”

“It is, ok,” I replied. I stretched and slid out of the blanket carefully so I wouldn’t wake up Butter Cup. Tempest laid on top of the blanket where I was didn’t even try to go under the blanket so I asked, “Won’t you be cold?”

Tempest just smiled gracefully, “Mineko, I’m a pegasus, how high do you think we could fly?”

“I don’t know, you are the first Pegasus I met.”

“We can fly pretty high, and though there is no good sun down here as you get higher the temperature gets colder even when there is good sun.” She continued, “So we pegasi can stand the cold better than most ponies, so to answer your question, no I won’t be cold.”

“Oh ok, I feel kind of dumb now,” I replied.

“Don’t be,” she yawned, and settled down on the blanket. Butter Cup shivered a bit so Tempest draped one of her wings protectively over her. “You know Mineko, you are so lucky to have a pony that cares about you like Butter Cup does. When I came down here I no longer had a family. See you in the morning.” She yawned again and laid her head down to sleep.

“Yeah,” I replied. After what Tempest said there, I was curious I will have to ask about it in the morning.

I decided to take up a guard about 10 feet south of camp and watched the wasteland, so far it seemed quiet. Then I saw a dark spot to the south just all the sudden move and disappeared. I quickly took out my 10mm pistol and activated my heads up sparkle and I looked to my left then right and all of the sudden a yellow blip popped up just to the right flank of me, before I could turn towards it a hoof smacked me on my horn hard as the pistol dropped as I lost my concentration, before I could do anything else a strange curved sword was at my neck and another hoof was across my mouth.

“Listen here,” A deep dark sounding voice said, “you have no business here it is dangerous. I recommend that in the morning you pack up and leave the opposite way you came in and head toward Manehatten. If you stay and get in my way I can’t guarantee your safety, so heed my words carefully.” He then released my mouth and the sword disappeared.

I quickly turned around and was about to say something and he was gone, just disappeared like a ghost. Well at least after that weird encounter the night was quiet and I just realized the rain stopped sometime while I was asleep earlier.

As morning came I walked back to the camp and Tempest asked, “Did anything interesting happen during your watch?”

I was about to talk about the encounter that I had, but decided against it. If I told her then Tempest would go into hunting mode, so I replied, “Nope nothing interesting happened, I guess what I saw before we made camp was just me being jumpy,” I chuckled nervously.

“Are you sure?” As she gave that stare like a mother would a child that she knew you were not telling the truth.

I felt a little sweet on my brow, “Yeap nothing.” I started to nervously back away from her.

“SOOUUPS ON EVERY PONY,” Butter Cup yelled. Tempest turned around and started heading to the pot.

I gave a sigh of relief, and said to myself, “Saved yet again by Butter Cup.” I then headed to the pot for breakfast.

After we ate we started to check the perimeter of the building, and I was able to get a better look at it as well. It was three stories with a landing pad on the roof. The building itself was shaped like an L. Another thing on the roof I saw a Sparkle Cola billboard with a faded picture of a yellow Pegasus holding the bottle and smiling daintily. The building itself seemed a decient condition and of course over the main entrance was the three pink butterfly sign that marked all Fluttershy Clinics. Once we finished going around the building we determined the easiest way in was through the emergency entrance. After a couple of minutes checking our equipment we entered the clinic.

* * *

We filed in carefully through the emergency entrance, I had my 10mm out, Tempest had her .44 peacekeeper revolver modified for double action in her mouth grip, and Butter Cup stayed close behind me. We looked around and saw that it was setup as a standard emergency room, of course it was a mess. The odd thing is that the lighting was flashing on and off causing our eyes to play tricks on us. Off in the distance down a hallway to my left I heard a hissing and scratching noise but then it was gone in a second.

“Whath the helf wasth thath?” Tempest asked.

“Not sure,” as I headed towards the hall, “whatever it was, it’s gone now,” I replied as I put away my gun.

“This place seems very freaky,” Butter Cup said. “Ah really don’t like it when tha lights are flashin like this, it’s creepy.”

“I’m just amazed the lights are still working and it seems the computer is operating as well.” I replied. So I sat down in the chair near the computer and started to flip through the entries, luckily the computer was not encrypted. Tempest holstered her pistol and sat down next to me and we looked at the computer.

“It seems this was just a secretary’s or a front desk computer, with record of who visited and what ailed them.” Tempest announced. The all the sudden there was a zap…boom that echoed right above us, and in an instant tempest had her pistol out.

I literally jump right out of my seat when I heard that, “Ok that was sudden. It came from upstairs so let’s go check it out. Also keep an eye out for medicine we can salvage.” I then pulled out my 10 mm and I formed my blade and we started to cautiously look for a way to get the next floor. “Butter Cup you stay close to us and also if you see any items we can use go ahead and grab them K.”

“Ya got it,” she replied. So we started to go through the first floor as we worked our way to the center of the building. On the Way Butter Cup would stop us every few feet as she saw like a closet and looked for salvage, luckily due to her size she was able to fit in many places that normal scavengers my size couldn’t get into. Unfortunately about 20 feet from the dead center of the building it was collapsed and debris was blocking us from going any further.

“Welf thith ith a dead end I thinth there was a staircath abouth ten feeth bacth.” Tempest said.

“Alright lets go to that staircase and see what is up on the second floor but keep you weapons ready just in case,” I replied. Tempest just gave a look like, no kidding, and I just smiled nervously with a slight chuckle. We then headed to the staircase and worked our way up to the next level. The staircase wasn’t very well lit and once we reached the end of the first flight of stair I tripped over something soft. I quickly adjusted the intensity of my magic aura around my weapons to create a little more light and I looked down at where I tripped. The first thing I saw was a mouth as a big as two of my hooves with rows of very sharp teeth. “AHHHHH,” I screamed and jumped back almost falling down the stairs we just climbed.

Tempest looked down and said, “Dragon!”

“A what?” and I looked again at the thing, it had a reptilian shaped and looked like it was stabbed in the throat which was what killed it.

Tempest put away her gun and continued, “It is a dragon but it is only a hatchling. The pegasus enclave has had to deal with dragons for centuries. But this dragon looks weird compared to what I was taught about, but if there is one then there will be more we need to be incredible cautious.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Ah am not likin this Mineko can we please leave the clinic, not that ah am afraid or nothin of that sort,” Butter Cup added as she drew closer to me.

“Well,” Tempest said, “hatchlings are not usually by themselves, so either there are more of them or their mother is here as well. I recommend that we get done and get out of here quickly.” To emphasize her word she drew her pistol again and double checked the load.

We continued up the next flight of stairs, and we entered the next floor I saw a sign that read 250-299, radiology, and pharmacy with an arrow pointing left, and 200-249, and administration with an arrow pointing right. After looking at the sign I decide we should head to the administration offices. As we continued down the hallway the lights were flashing like downstairs. While heading down the hallway we manage to cross over another dead hatchling this time there were massive burns all over the body with a burn right under what look like a small arrow, and it seemed to be the center where all the other burns came from.

“Weird I have never seen a weapon that could do that.” I commented.

“Ah really don’t like this ah think we should not be here,” Butter Cup said.

“Obviouslith we arnth alone,” Tempest added. “and you saw nothinth last nighth?” She looked at me.

“Honestly I really saw nothing,” I smiled nervously I thought to myself ‘I’m not lying really I didn’t see anything and I imagined the ponies in my head just sigh and shake their head no’ and then the orange one said ‘Sugarcube ah though ah was bad at lyin’ I then said out loud “I am not lying, I didn’t see anything.”

“Arith then I believe you Minekoth,” Tempest replied, “but I now knowth we arnth alone.”

“Oh great as I feared she is going into hunting mode,” I thought to myself. “Well let’s just get to the offices and see if there is anything else salvageable that might be on record, also continue looking for more medical stuff Butter Cup as we are walking I don’t think many scavengers came upstairs.” I said.

We continued to move to the offices, and once we reached the offices I started to look for a computer that was working and required a password. Once I found one I sat down and set my gun on the desk and put my blade pieces away in my robe. “Ok here goes nothing,” and I started hacking and after about 30 minutes I unfortunately had to back out eight times already. It just seemed like I was not figuring out the pattern so I quickly shuffled through my inventory and I saw Party Time Mentals and I paused.

“Hey Mineko is something wrong?” Butter Cup asked.

“No, nothing is wrong,” I said to Butter Cup. I looked around as I saw Tempest watching an imaginary perimeter she created in her head. I thought to myself “I just need a little boost and I could get it.” I then heard Raven’s voice ‘Don’t do it Mineko you know how dangerous the stallion is and he is probably in the clinic, you should listen to your daughter and leave.’ I shook my head no and then thought “it is only for one more time and that’s it there is something special here I just know it.” So I pulled out the Mentals and I took one. Once I finished swallowing it I felt like the cloudiness just lifted away and I looked at the computer again and all the sudden it seemed so easy I recognized the pattern right away. I quickly went through the command lines and got into the computer, and as I was typing I also heard some scratching near the walls of the 30 feet by 50 feet room which didn’t sound good so I had to hurry. I then said, “I’m in,” to the rest of the party.

“Yay! Ah knew ya could do it, Mineko,” Butter Cup exclaimed.

“Yeap,” I replied. I then look at the menu on the computer.
1) Mail (4 messages)
2) Finance Reports
3) Open Floor Safe

Huh I looked on the floor under the chair and laughed there was a floor safe right under my nose or under my butt As I started laughing even more to myself and it ended up becoming loud enough for others to hear.

“What are ya laughin about Mineko?” Butter Cup.

“Well there is a safe under my butt, and I didn’t even notice.“ I smiled at her, “So I thought wow I’m literally possibly sitting on a fortune, as the old cliché goes.”

“Hmmm, Ah guess it could be a little funny if ya put it that way, but can we hurry up this place is given me the willies, not that Ah’m afraid, it just gives me the willies.” Butter Cup replied.

“I’m almost done just a few more minutes,” I said. So first I decided to open the floor safe, so I pick option three. I heard a click as the safe lock opened. So I opened the safe and looked in and there was a Laser pistol in decent condition, ten E-clips, 50 bits, and a little statuette of a yellow pegasus. I carefully picked up all the items in my magic field and put them all in my saddle bags except the statuette; I decided to take a closer look at the statuette and I saw pink butterflies as a cutie mark I also saw an inscription on the bottom, and it said Be Kind. “Fluttershy” I thought, “so I don’t think this is a coincidence I have three statuettes of the ministry mares, Applejack, and Rarity are my other two, amazing I didn’t even think about that.” I also felt the energy coming from the statuette it was engulfing me and it felt nice, so I looked for a piece cloth and wrapped the statuette and put it with the rest of the ones I had. Then I went back to the computer and decided to select number one on the menu, I also heard the scratching coming closer I really have to hurry, “Why hasn’t anyone else hearing it yet.”

04/20/17 Dear miss Cloud Kicker, Cloudsdale was hit and all pegasi alive are to report back to the Enclave for stable assignments immediately.


01/05/17 Hey CK just wanted to mail you to see how things are going, ever since the war started 16 years ago the weather patrols were forced to do tours of duty in the front lines luckily RD has been helping me by somehow keeping my rotation from coming up but unfortunately she can’t avoid it for me anymore so I will be going to the front lines in three days, so just in case I don’t make it back I just wanted to let you know you have been and always shall be my BFF.


12/15/14 Hey Cloud Kicker I know I shouldn’t ask you to do this but Sparkler just got back from one of her sessions for Post War Stress Syndrome and whatever they did it helped, but she seemed different almost like she forgot what happened to poor Dinky. Can you please send me some more information on P.W.S.S please I want to know what they did to my poor Sparkler.


06/25/14 Dear Cloud Kicker

I believe that Ditzy Doo mixed up our packages again I received the medicines that were supposed to be delivered to the clinic you work at and I believe you received our shipment of stealth bucks. If you could please help sort this out so we can remedy the situation as quickly as possible.

T. Sparkle
Minister of M.o.A.S.

After that last entry I logged out and I heard off in the distance multiple set of growls then a hissing, I turned to Butter Cup and said, “Hide under the desk and don’t come out till I get you.”

“Huh wut are ya talkin about,” Butter Cup asked confused.

“NOW!,” I screamed as I heard a BANG coming from Tempest’s pistol. I quickly grabbed the 10mm and I turned and shot one of the hatchlings as it was pouncing on me. I looked and made sure that Butter Cup hid under the desk as I told her. I saw that she did so I quickly formed my blade, and went the direction towards were the hatchling came from as I quickly slashed one that I noticed right in front of me as it fell to the ground.

Bang..bang “We’re surrounded,” Tempest exclaimed. Bang as she shot on that was pouncing on me from my left side.

“I know we need to get their attention and lead them away from Butter Cup. Time to make a path, we need to head back towards the center and after we get through this we need to stop at a couple of rooms.” I explained to Tempest. I started moving towards the exit, and another one tried to pounce and I used my blade and stabbed it through the heart as then I saw two more and they started breathing in a deep breath. I quickly activated my S.A.T.S as time slowed down and I saw the stream of some sort of a liquid spewing from their mouths. Before I realized it I was unable to dodge the one from my left as the stream hit me on my right flank and I heard a sizzling coming from there, but I reached the left one and I stabbed it in the throat and quickly recovered and then I did a downward stroke and the right one’s head came right off. After that I turned around quickly time was still slowed and I ducked as one tried to pounce on me while I was dealing with the other two; I ducked after I turned, sliced along the belly of it while it was in the air, and as soon as it fell to the ground I stabbed it in the neck, then time sped back up to normal. I quickly reassessed the situation and I noticed that Tempest was almost over ran so I quickly used my blink spell to appear next to her and I shot the one that was about to bite her in the flank with my pistol. “I think we have their attention we need to drag them away from here so we need to move.”

“Okth,” Tempest replied, “let’s go’th.” as she continued to shoot while backing towards the exit. I turn towards the door, but as I turned one of them pounced and bit me in my shoulder.

I screamed in pain as I quickly took my blade and stabbed it through the neck. Once it died it fell off luckily my armor protected me from most of the damage but I again hear slight sizzling from the bite, but I couldn’t worry about it then, so I continued to fight. As we retreated through the door I counted three left and they were forcing us back towards the center of the building by using whatever they were spitting, and not directly attacking us like at first. Bang Tempest shot and hit one in the head as it collapsed, and then we heard a big ROAR!!!

The roar came from the center of the building. We quickly turned around as right above my head I saw two lightning bolts fly over me and the hit the last two hatchlings each landing with a resounding thunder clap. The through the debris a green liquid was streaming right at me I was a goner if it hit, but Tempest grabbed me with fore hooves and quickly took to the air unfortunately it wasn’t soon enough. As she tried to dodge the liquid it hit her left wing tip she screamed in agony and dropped her pistol, she lost control, and we crashed tumbling over each other as we slammed into the right wall of the hallway; I lost my grip on the weapons I had with my magic and the blade fell apart into its separate pieces and scatter across the hallway. After a few seconds all the sudden a big dragon crashed through the remaining debris and skidded to a stop across the hallway shook its head and roared. As it pivoted toward us we were frozen with fear or at least I was, Tempest seemed in so much pain. I finally got a good look at the dragon and it scales weren’t simmering and it almost looked like it was rotting away, it no longer had any glint of intelligence it just looked like it was running on instinct alone like a beast. Its claws were as big as me and reared up as best as it could in the cramped space and was about to finish us off as all the I saw flash of light behind it and to the right that was followed by the sound of thunder and it roared in pain. It turned and then used its breath weapon aiming for the ceiling as the green liquid melted it and made itself an opening to the sky and took off I then looked towards what attack her just a second ago and I saw a very dark blue pony with a cloak that had the hood down; he had a shoulder length mane that was black with a dark blue streak that was the same color as his body. He, at least he looked like a stallion, had a cross bow attached to his right foreleg and on it was a strange looking arrow with a rope attached to it and he fired. The arrow launched but as it left the crossbow it changed into a lightning bolt but the rope remained intact. The bolt hit the dragon and thunder followed after the impact. He jumped as the rope became taught and went flying into the air through the hole being pulled by the dragon.

Well while I had some time to recoup I finally was able to see how bad Tempest was. Her left wing tip was blackened and it looked like it was still burning a little. She was taking long shallow breaths but was still conscious so I quickly went into my inventory and retrieved some of the roll of healing bandages and wrapped up her wing as best as I could and I looked at my flank to make sure my cutie mark was still there since that was where I got hit. Thank goodness the single diamond with the blue center was still there, but I’m pretty sure my armor had it though. I’ll either have to get it repaired or try to find another set, but the cloak was still good thank goodness.

Right after I did my quick check and wrapping of the wing about five feet down the hall the dragon crashed through the roof on the floor and slid almost to the office entrance. I saw the Blue pony on its back and I quickly ran to him. He was standing in a reverent pose and as he was moving towards where the head connects to the neck on his rear legs, he had two swords strapped to his forelegs and I heard him say, “*Qe lotoc jaka myvish ihk dout loerchik ui svern vur wux nomag ssifisv, dout sepa geou qe mrith IO.” The dragon gave a pitiful roar, as he stabbed one of his into the back of the neck as the dragon gave one last muffled roar and died.

He then jumped off the back of the dragon, put his swords away, and I said “Umm thank you.”

“Did I not tell you to head to Manehatten?” he glared at me.

“Umm you said not to get in your way, and we didn’t.” I replied.

“Heh, it doesn’t matter anymore my job here is done, your friend will lose her wing if we don’t treat it soon so I will take you to Manehatten and the doctor there can help but then I’m done with you.”

“O…K, fine then but we need to stop at a couple of rooms on our way out please?” I asked

“Look it doesn’t matter to me the longer you wait on getting her wing treated the more likely chance she can lose it, so your choice I have nothing but time.” He replied.

“Ok,” I said, and I walked over to Tempest, “Can you walk?”

“Yes, I’m OK now, our wings are very sensitive but fairly strong.” She replied

I helped her up, and I summoned the pieces of my blade back to me. I put them away, and we quickly retrieved our guns, then I said to the group “I’ll be right back I’m going to get Butter Cup.” I went to the office and got her and when she finally got out from under the desk she gave me a big hug. We returned to the group and we started heading back down to the first floor and headed out. I decided as tempting as it was Tempest’s wing was more important than stealth buck and P.W.S.S. information.

When we reached a safe distance I saw the stallion pull out a radio transmitter from his saddle bag and press the button. We heard multiple explosions; the ground trembled, as the Fluttershy Clinic collapsed giving a massive grave to the dragon and her hatchlings.

(*Be happy now sister for your pain is over and you may rest, your soul will be with IO)
(Footnote: Level up, Granted Perk: Enhanced Bladecasting Lvl. 2, you may now control 12 shards to form your blade and your blade does more damage)